New Sensations

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New Sensations Page 7

by Lee, Lenise

  “Sí, claro,” Alberto nodded vigorously, “Of course you do.”

  I gave him a puzzled look. These seminars were considered to be part of our required CEU’s. We all needed at least twenty continuing education units, roughly five days worth of training, each year to maintain our certified professional licenses.

  “Alberto, I need all of these workshops to fulfill my requirements.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing, doll,” he winked and angled his head toward silent Rita, “We will cover you. One of us will make sure to sign your name in whatever workshop we stop in. Won’t we, Rita darling?” He tapped her side lightly with the tip of his elbow and snapped her out of her moping.

  “I guess so, since I’m finally allowed to speak now,” she pouted and pushed her hair back over shoulders.

  No one bothered to jump on to that downhill wagon.

  “Well, Janay,” Jackson pulled me a little closer to his side, “Looks like your friends here have you all covered. There’s no reason for you to refuse my offer. What’ll it be, sweet lady?”

  The phrase “all eyes on me” would have been highly appropriate for this exact moment. I could almost hear each person’s inhalations as they all waited on my response.

  “Sure, why not? Sounds fun.”

  I smiled as the pulse at my temple strummed double time. I had never once thought of skipping a class in all my years of school, and even up through graduate classes, and now here I was, a grown woman, getting her coworkers to forge documents of attendance on my behalf. Rita was right, I wasn’t acting at all like my normal self. The newfound friendship of the sexiest man in a pair of fitted jeans had somehow rearranged my internal wiring. It was an exhilarating feeling to take a turn on the wild side. Of course skipping a dull afternoon of seminars wasn’t exactly on the same level of danger as BASE jumping, then again, hot sex in a bar could be considered equally as thrilling as that – if not more so.

  “I promise to bring her back before your classes are done for the afternoon,” Jackson yelled over his shoulder as my feet were lifted straight up from the step I stood on and then set back down near the truck door in one smooth motion.

  “See you later, dear…have fun!” Alberto exclaimed to me.

  I was still trying to regain my balance after that quick ride down the stairs and had a little trouble turning to wave at my two companions. Rita stood stone faced and with her bottom lip still poked out. I was surely going to get an earful later.

  “Thanks again, I won’t be gone too long,” I sounded off, attempting to push away the guilt of what they were doing on behalf while I ran off into the Montana planes with Jackson.

  “Oh, stop worrying, dear. Have some fun for us too.”

  Although I wasn’t close enough to see the actual gesture, I heard the wink in Alberto’s voice and I giggled at what I was sure he was trying to imply was going to happen.

  After I said my good-byes, Jackson opened the wide door for me and I wondered if I were going to have to make a giant leap to make it up that first step. Hopefully, if I did so, I would land in the passenger’s seat and not straight out the other side of the truck or get hopelessly tangled in between.

  “Up we go.”

  Ever on cue, Jackson scooped my legs up from the ground with ease and placed me into the plush cushioned seat. He even snapped my seatbelt around me before closing the door.

  There was no changing my mind once his big body slid in behind the leather steering wheel. He took off his hat, tossed it over the back seat, and turned over the ignition. The engine roared to life as Jackson set the beast into gear and we headed into destinations unknown together.


  The question was unavoidable and had to be asked. Right now was as good a time as any.

  “How did you know where to find me?”

  I had to speak up as we sped down the freeway. My window was halfway down and a warm breeze was flowing like natural air conditioning through the open glass.

  Jackson was driving with his right hand casually anchored to the wheel. His window was all the way down and his left arm was propped in the doorframe with his hand clutching the edge of the exterior roof.

  I was enjoying how this scene was playing out. Me riding down the open road sitting beside a man I was eager to know so much more about – other than the fact that he was the best lover I had ever experienced. Oceans of hunter green grass surrounded us for miles on both side and the snow capped mountain range opened up majestically before us. I didn’t have a care in the world and whatever troubles might come up, I was sure Jackson would be right there to smooth them over. It was a refreshing and liberating feeling. So much so that the tight band that was holding my hair bun in place was starting to nag at me. One quick motion and I pulled my wavy strands free and allowed my hair to blow in the oncoming wind. The sensation of the breeze felt wonderful as it gently caressed my scalp.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

  I hadn’t seen him take his eyes off of the road, so he must have been watching me from the side of his wily eyes. I liked the feeling of him needing to watch me at all times. It made a naughty sense of mischief creep up into my chest and my nipples pebbled just a tiny bit beneath my shirt.

  “You didn’t answer my question, mister,” I said with a smirk and went back to watching the painted scene fly by.

  Jackson laughed low.

  “Janay, didn’t you know that a man always knows where to find his lady?”

  “Ha,” I laughed generously, “that answer isn’t good enough. Try again.”

  “I love it when you get sassy,” he grinned and I saw those lovely dimples make an appearance.

  “I’m waiittingg,” I purposefully dragged out my words to emphasize my point.

  “Okay, you got me. I bribed politicians near and far to coax the information outta’ them.”

  Jackson made a light slap of the steering wheel as he mused at his own wit. He continued speaking after he had enjoyed good minute of his own humor.

  “Truth be told, Janay, Crystal Springs is a small town and a new face is easy to spot. I figured if you and your gal friend had made your way that far back and found the lounge, then you must be stayin’ in town and not in the city. If you were stayin’ in town, there’s only one place to lay your head if you’re not already a permanent resident. I know the people who own the boarding house and they helped me to figure out where your meeting was gonna’ be.”

  He glanced a shimmering blue eye over at me and I teased him by looking away.

  “Was that response sufficient enough for you, drill sergeant?”

  I gave him a mock salute from the crown of my head and a sharp nod.

  My follow-up question was also unavoidable.

  “Why Jackson?”

  My words were whispered and melded in with the wind that flowed through the space of the interior cab.

  The pick-up slowed a bit from the roaring sixty-five we were doing as Jackson shifted his position so that he could control the wheel with his left hand and reach over to tenderly sweep the back of his right hand down my cheek. He chanced a quick look in my direction and then focused on the road again.

  “Baby, don’t you know already?”

  I sucked in my bottom lip at the hoarse sweetness of his tone.

  “Tell me,” I spoke low and rubbed my cheek slowly against his open palm.

  “Janay, when you left me so fast last night, I thought that I lost my breath after you disappeared.”

  He paused and contemplated his next words. I watched his rigid Adam’s apple bob up and then back down and I wanted so badly to place my lips there and sweep them along the lengths of his stubbled neck.

  “Janay, I think you took a piece of my heart with you when you went out that door. I had to search you out so that I might get the chance to claim a piece of yours.”

  I kissed the tips of his fingers. With that confession, he already had claimed more than a just piece of heart and my body. I was ashamed that I wasn
’t brave enough to tell him the same. Instead, I stroked my face along his hand once more and then went back to silently staring out of the window.

  Jackson didn’t force the conversation. He left the subject at this particular spot for the time being and I was greatful to him for that. I just wasn’t ready or willing to bear my soul. I needed more time to sort through these burgeoning emotions. I was leaving in a little over four days, so was there any real point in laying my heart out on the table?

  “May I ask where you’re visitin’ us from?”

  The change of subject was welcome.

  “Jersey…New Jersey. Timber Falls.”

  “Never heard of it,” his grin was back.

  “Neither have a lot of people, but it’s there, south of New York City. You know,” I cut an eye to him, “I could say the same about your hometown.”


  “Have you lived here all of your life?”

  “Yeah…mostly,” his voice faded a little and his eyes went blank, “I left for awhile to go to college to get my associates. Business Administration. I was away for about two years.”

  “That’s not that long to be away from home.”

  “Hm. You’d be surprised how much life can change in such a short amount of time.”

  He was silent after that.

  It would be my guess that there was a story behind that statement and his sudden shift in mood but it wasn’t my place to dig any further. He had been polite enough to leave a subject that I was touchy about at rest and I decided to do the same for him.

  I couldn’t resist another glance over at his handsome face and well-toned body. My eyes glided from his thick arm and swept up and over the features of his face. Behind a thin layer of course light brown hair, there was an angelic baby face hiding there. The wheels in my mind started turning over again as I contemplated his age. I needed to know how much of a baby he really was.

  “Would you mind if I asked how old you were are?”

  “It depends, pretty lady,” he tossed me cool grin.

  “What does it depend on, handsome man?”

  I loved how his face lit up while a long laugh resonated from his wide chest.

  “It depends on whether or not you’re gonna’ mind the answer.”

  Uh-oh. Now, I was worried. Anything under twenty-one and I would have to tell him to turn this ride around and point it back in the opposite direction.

  “That look on your face is making me a bit more hesitant to tell you. But, I believe in being as honest as possible – always. I will be twenty-five come this summer.”

  I released a loud sigh of relief. He wasn’t as young I had feared, yet he was still a little over three years my junior. This was my first time going out with a guy who was younger than me and having that knowledge on hand wasn’t quite as disturbing as I had always imagined that it would be. Come to think of it, this was the first time I had any relationship with a white man that was other than strictly friends only. That, too, didn’t feel as awkward as I had thought it would seem.

  “Don’t you want to know my age?”

  When Jackson didn’t ask the question, I posed it for him.

  “No, Janay, I don’t.”

  Stunned, I asked him why not.

  “Because it truly doesn’t matter to me how old or young you are. That number won’t take away from any of the reasons why I want to get to know you.”

  “What are the reasons?” My voice was soft, I was almost afraid to hear the response.

  “Well,” his words were low and careful, Jackson was taking his time while he sorted through his thoughts, “I don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that you’re more than smart. You’re intelligent and wise. You ponder things and think them through first. I like that – a lot – ‘cause that’s how I am. You’re quiet by nature but I can see there’s a wild child lurking around behind those hypnotic brown eyes of yours.”

  I covered my mouth to keep the laughter at bay.

  “You like to laugh, but you don’t get enough chances to really let your playfulness out. You’re not spontaneous by nature but you love a good challenge and taking up a good cause.”

  He paused to run a finger down my cheek and under my chin.

  “Most of all, you remind me of someone dear to me and I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  There was no way he could be referring to who it sounded like he was. There were only two types of her’s that a man was usually referring to – a mother or an ex-girlfriend. I sincerely hoped that Jackson wasn’t spending time with me only because I recalled memories of an old flame. Still, I just couldn’t believe that he wanted me to meet his mother so soon. To his credit, I doubted that a man would take a woman home to see his momma if all he had been interested in was getting a little action. Could Jacskon really be sincere in his tender feelings for me?

  A moan rumbled up from my midsection. The low grumble followed by a sharp hunger pain was actually a nice breakaway to a new subject.

  “Sounds like my baby’s getting’ hungry.”

  The blush in my cheeks heated up.

  “Yeah, she sure is. Where are you taking me anyway?”

  We had been driving for nearly an hour and had passed Crystal Springs Lounge awhile back and were still seemingly driving toward more and more of empty country range.

  “I am takin’ you to the best eatin’ establishment this side of the Midwest.”

  At this point, my stomach was in such an uproar that I would have settled for cold fries and a greasy burger. I needed something to fill my empty gut and I needed it sooner rather than later.

  “Okay, and where is this wonderful place? I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.”

  “Fair enough. You should be seeing the outline comin’ up over the horizon in about ten seconds.”

  Like clockwork, Jackson’s timing was accurate to the tee.

  The shape of a red-bricked rectangle popped up in the near distance and grew in height as we meandered closer to its location on the right hand side of the road.

  He pulled the big truck up onto the grassy lot and parked at the end of a small row of several other cars. A large white sign that read Auntie Bee’s Kitchen greeted us. To add to the effect, a honeybee was painted in the background of the sign and the awnings and trimmings of the front windows were all a golden yellow.

  Jackson took the key out of the ignition and placed his key ring in the holder under the armrest.

  “You’re leaving your keys inside the truck?”

  He shook his head as he closed his door and walked over to my side.

  “You really are a city gal aren’t you?”

  He chuckled while opening my door and helping me down to the ground.

  I looked up at him and squinted my eyes tight.

  “Thanks for the laugh at my expense.”

  “Oh, come on now. I think you know I would never laugh at you…only with you.”

  I nudged his solid arm lightly with my knuckles.

  “You’re the only one who’s laughing right now.”

  “No need to worry, you’re gonna’ be grabbin’ at your side, keelin’ over with laughter, about five minutes after we walk through that door.”

  When my face remained unchanging, Jackson pulled me to him and placed a secure arm around my shoulders. He leaned down and kissed the side of my brow tenderly.

  “Forgive me?” he crooned against my skin, his warm lips relaxing my frown away.

  How could any woman refuse an apology like that?

  “Yes,” I offered with a small, sneaky smile.

  “Good…not let’s go eat!”

  He intertwined out fingers, his light tan against my mocha brown, and guided me through the screen door.

  The instant that Jackson and I walked through the door, out of the bright mid afternoon sun and into the dim light of the small country restaurant with the low ceiling, all the clang and commotion seemed to grind to a sudden halt.

  A st
ab of apprehension ran through me and Jackson squeezed my hand for support. I was always nervous when I met people for the first time and this instance was not proving to be any different.

  Several diners sitting at various booths looked up from meals and stared with curious and bewildered expressions in our direction. A handful of people at the short counter to our right turned halfway on wide cushioned stools to take a long look at the newcomers. I couldn’t quite tell if I was getting all the attention focused on me because I was new face or because I was the only face with color.

  Another handful of timeless seconds ticked slowly away before the swinging doors that led back to the kitchen area burst forward. A small statured and pudgy woman, dressed in a classic white approned waitress uniform came stomping out. She had the most unusual up-do I had ever seen. Not quite a fifty’s bee hive and not exactly an eighty’s up-tease, more like some creative melding of both, and absolutely perfect her Auntie Bea’s animated personality.

  “Why the hell is it so quiet out here?”

  She took a neck jerking survey of the space and then locked round and wide eyes onto the man who was holding me tight by his side.

  “Jackson!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, despite the fact that her restaurant wasn’t bigger than the size of a modest rancher home.

  Stubby legs moved with stealth as she made her way to where we stood fixed in place near the doorway.

  “Oh, come here, honey, and give your Auntie a big hug and kiss! It seems like I haven’t seen you in ages!”

  She reached up, through her wabbly arms around his neck and pulled Jackson down to her height. Once she had him in a vice grip, she planted a big smooch on his cheek and then ran fast fingers through his long brown hair. All the while, Jackson never released his hand from mine.

  “Aunt Beatrice, it’s only been since Saturday,” Jackson grinned hard while he combed his hair back behind his ears again.

  “Three days is a lifetime, sweetie. When you get to be my age, you’ll learn that lesson well.”


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