New Sensations

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New Sensations Page 8

by Lee, Lenise

  “Yes, ma’am, I suppose I will.”

  Her ocean blue eyes darted over toward my direction as if she had just taken notice of me standing there.

  “And who is this cute little girl?”

  Her wide and toothy smile put me somewhat at ease. Other than Jackson, it was the only friendly face that I had seen thus far while inside these walls.

  “Auntie Bea, this is my lady, Janay Parker.”

  His aunt gave Jackson a wide grin and then brought her attention back to me.

  “Nice to meet you, Ms. Beatrice,” I said as I extended my hand.

  “Oh, phooey with the handshakin’. If you’re my nephew’s lady, then you’re practically family. Come here, girl, and give Auntie Bea a hug!”

  Before I could object – not as if I were intendng to – her thick creamy arms hauled me into her plentiful bosom and squeezed me tight. Next up was the smooch on the cheek. I was so overwhelmed by her sentiment that I had no other choice but to wrap my arms as far around her roundness as I could manage and return her enthusiastic hug.

  As quickly as the action started, it ceased. Auntie Bea pulled back and scrunched up her circular face. At first, I thought maybe I had done something wrong – didn’t hug quite hard enough, perhaps? A second look and I saw that the twinkle in those shrewd blue eyes was on to a new revelation. She turned her head sharply to the left and then equally as fast back over to the right.

  “Well? What the hell is everybody starin’ at? Can’t we take care of some personal family business here? Get back to your plates!”

  Without delay, all the diners went back to their food and to their conversations as though there had never been a dramatic pause hanging in the room. I loved Auntie Bea already.

  “Oh goodness, girl,” she lifted both of my arms and looked me over, “you need some meat on your bones. You’re practically fadin’ away.”

  That was a comment that I knew without a hint of doubt my mother would never utter to me, at least, not in this lifetime.

  “We need to get some down home food in you fast. Ritchie!”

  When she turned her head to holler back into the kitchen, I snuck a look up at Jackson. My eyes were wide with laughter and he mouthed I told you so with an equal amount of amusement on his face.

  “Ritchie get out here and meet Jackson’s girl!” She paused for reflection. “And bring two big bowls of that turkey soup and a plateful of those mashed potatas with you when you come.”

  I usually tried to avoid carbs and too much heavy meats – it helped to keep my weight down – but my stomach was begging me for a taste of anything. Whatever Aunt Bea was serving, I was going to accept with much delight.

  “Janay, come on in here and take a seat, sweetie,” she pulled me by the hand toward one of the rear booths. “Jackson, be a sweetheart and go get us some cold drinks from the kitchen and help out your uncle while your back there.”

  She pulled me away from Jackson with such vigor that I had no choice but to release his hand. I looked back while Aunt Bea drew me forward and Jackson watched for my reaction. I calmed the tension on his face my waving to him that I was fine and giving him a hearty smile.

  Without having to turn around, Auntie Bea didn’t miss a beat.

  “Of course she’s fine, Jackson. Now, go on and do like I asked.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw him turn away and disappear behind the flapping double doors.

  Aunt Beatrice led us back to the last booth and flopped down on one side while she motioned for me to take a seat across from her.

  “Go on, child, make yourself at home.”

  I worked my way onto the thick red cushion of the seat and then folded my hands in front of me and waited.

  Aunt Bea laughed loud and slapped her hands down on the tabletop.

  “Relax, little one, this isn’t a test. If our Jackson came through that door,” she shot a finger back toward the direction from which we had just come from, “and introduced you to me,” fat thumbs pointed back at her hefty bosom, “then I already know you’re a good woman. Jackson is a great judge of character, just like his daddy…may the Good Lord rest his soul,” she said and nodded her head briefly when she spoke the last few words.

  Jackson’s father was deceased, just like my dad. He hadn’t mentioned that to me. Then again, why would he? We had only met last night and he probably thought it wasn’t any of my concern.

  “Thank you for the warm welcome, Msss–,” the older woman’s raised brow dared me to say the words and this was one challenge I wasn’t going to accept, “Aunt Bea.”

  She smiled again. She was satisfied with me making use of that more familiar and more personal name.

  She leaned in a little and put her heavy elbows on the table.

  “I’m certain you’re not a local, so what part of this great nation are you visitin’ us from?”

  “The East Coast, ma’am.”

  “Ahhh…city gal?”

  “Yes,” I nodded with a grin. Were my origins that obvious?

  “Looky here, our little Jackson went and snagged himself a big city lady.”

  She laughed again and the sound was contagious so I joined in too.

  “I already know some of this trip is personal,” she winked and I blushed, “but are you here on business as well?”

  “Yes, I’m attending a business conference in the next town over.”

  “How nice. How long you stayin’ for?”

  “Just until the end of this week.”

  “Oh, really?” Her brows went up again and she leaned in even closer and, to my shock and awe, lowered her voice a notch. “Does Jackson know that?”

  A feeling of shame ran over me. This whirlwind of excitment that he and I had become caught up in had given me little opportunity to let him know about the details of my schedule for this week.

  “No, ma’am…not yet.”

  “I see.” I could see her rolling the thought around in her head. “Well, sweetie, don’t you think you had better let him know soon?”

  Her inquisitive glance made me shrink back some.

  “I want to. I will. It’s just he and I…we got caught up in this…whatever this is that’s sweeping over he and I.”

  I bit my lip, a little too hard maybe, and flinched at the sting.

  She placed a chubby hand over my own and then patted gently.

  “I understand. Our Jackson is a passionate fella. He knows what he wants and he goes and gets it, no matter what the obstacle in between. He’s always been stubborn and brave all at once.”

  Aunt Beatrice leaned against the cushioned high back of the booth and exhaled a deep breath.

  “He’s been goin’ through a bit of a rough patch since his daddy passed on. We were all startin’ to get a little concerned for him.” She cut her eyes back over to me and offered a knowing smile. “I think his time with you will be well spent. I already see a big improvement, even since he was last here on Saturday. You just make sure you don’t wait too long to give him the news about your upcoming departure.”

  “I will tell him tonight, I promise.”

  “And you make sure you let him down easy. If you don’t, just know that I’m gettin’ pretty darn good at using that internet thing. I hear you can find addresses and numbers and all kinds of interest facts about people.”

  I took the hint and nodded that I understood.

  “I’ll do my best not to hurt him.”

  “You sure will. I know you will.”

  She broke the tension with another round of hearty laughter and then gently patted my hand again.

  “Until then, you’re family and we take care of our own.”

  I was completely convinced of the truth in that statement.

  “You sure are a tiny little gal, aren’t you?”

  A light male voice coming from behind caused me to turn around with sharp twist of my body. The toothy grin of a man who may have been in his early fifties or slightly older or younger, depending on the angle th
at you viewed him from, was staring back at me.

  “Ritchie, what the hell took you so long? The poor girl is sittin’ here starvin’ half to death.”

  “Oh, hush up, woman,” Uncle Ritchie said and tossed his hands at his wife.

  If Auntie Bea was short and wide then Uncle Ritchie was the complete opposite. His giant height barely fit under the low ceiling and his wispy frame left him looking like he was the one who was in the greatest need of a nice banquet meal or several, not me.

  “Janay, this is my senile husband of forty years, Richard Pratt. Ritchie, this here is Jackson’s girl, Janay,” the woman said as she smiled and angled a fat finger at me.

  “Woman, didn’t I tell you to hush? I know who the little gal is. Jackson told me all about her and he was right…she’s cute as a button.” Uncle Ritchie offered the compliment with glee in his voice.

  “Well, Ritchie, if you know so much, how come you forgot the food I asked you to bring out?” Aunt Beatrice asked him plainly with a smug face.

  “Woman, I didn’t forget, nephew is – was – right behind me.”

  The tall man looked around and was in complete confusion at Jackson’s absence.

  “Ah, there he is. He’s comin’ now.”

  Aunt Bea and I peered around Uncle Richard, which didn’t take too much effort to accomplish because the man had partially disappeared when he turned to the side. We both spied Jackson at the same time, struggling with an oversized tray, crammed with several bowls, plates, glasses, a pitcher of tea, and eating utensils. We jumped up at the same time while Jackson did his best to balance the tray and work his way around chairs, tables, feet, elbows, and back to our booth.

  “Ritchie, what in the Sam hell is wrong with you?”

  “What?” Uncle Ritchie questioned back with genuine bewilderment on this face.

  “It’s okay, Aunt Bea, I’ll go help him out.”

  “Thank you, dear. You’re a sweet girl.”

  As I moved from the table and toward Jackson to grab some of the items from the top of the tray, I heard Auntie Bea giving Uncle Ritchie a plentiful earful regarding his lack of manners and common sense. Uncle Ritchie, however, was smart enough to keep his lips shut tight while he took his reprimand from his adoring wife. I cannot even begin to imagine the type of pouncing he might have had to endure should he have dared to interrupt her exhaustive scolding. I felt a hint of sympathy and a stab of hilarity running through my gut simultaneously.

  Jackson was right. I was getting a big and relaxing laugh while enjoying his aunt and uncle’s company. Even so, I continued counting down the minutes until I finally had some more personal time with him. The slippery spot between my legs was anxious for that chance to arrive relatively soon. A week was suddenly becoming all too brief. I wondered if any expanse of time would ever be enough for me when it came to being in Jackson’s presence.


  When our riotous meal was all concluded, I actually did feel right at home with the Pratts, as if I were truly a member of their family.

  It was a contented and easy state of mind, one that I could easily get use to if I wasn’t careful. There was nothing so nourishing to the soul as love – love of self, love of family, and the love of a good man – and I was blessed to have had a chance to have all three at once and under one roof.

  By the time Jackson signaled that it was time for us to make our way back up the road, the long faces showed up and then there were big hugs all around. Even some of the patrons who made Auntie Bee’s Kitchen their afternoon hang out spot were in line to give endearing goodbyes. I truly hoped and prayed that I would get another chance at meeting all of their pleasant and honest faces again. The time I spent with people who were one step away from being complete strangers was the first time in far too long since I had felt at peace and at home.

  “Jackson, you make sure bring her back soon, sweetie! Bye Janay, love you sweetie!”

  Aunt Bea called cheerfully and loudly after us as Jackson’s truck backed out of the lot and he maneuvered the beast back toward the direction of Crystals Springs. I waved again and Jackson tooted his horn as the dust picked up and the cozy family restaurant disappeared into the rearview mirror.

  “Your aunt and uncle are a handful,” I laughed as I mused over their hyperactive behavior.

  The pair was a perfect match and I couldn’t picture either of them living a single peaceful day with anyone but each other.

  “Yup, they sure are. They can be a tad on the rowdy side, but they always mean well and both of them are full of love for everyone they cross paths with.”

  “Yes, I can tell.”

  I spied the time on the dashboard and it was already well past five. The sessions for today had already been concluded for over an hour.

  “It’s too late to go back to the hotel, you can just drop me back at the B&B.”

  Jackson focused on the illuminated time centered in his console.

  “Janay, I am so sorry. We were havin’ such a nice time, I completely forgot that I had to bring you back for your class.”

  “Jackson, for once, I’m not even worried about missing an appointment. I had a better afternoon spending time with you than being held up in a dull seminar. I’m glad I missed the sessions and it was worth it.”

  I placed a hand on his shoulder and then tucked a wayward piece of light brown hair back around his ear. He turned his head enough to keep his eyes planted on the dimming road and still be able to lay a soft kiss on the palm of my hand.

  “Thank you. I’ll do better next time. I promise.”

  By the time we reached my temporary residence, night had quietly slipped over the valley and the decorative white lights strung up outside of the quaint establishment were twinkling bright. Jackson walked with me to front entrance of the building and then turned me back toward him. His big arms were stationed on my hips and the large antique-style lamp hanging up over the entryway behind him was casting a shadow over his handsome face. Without reservation, I ran my hand over his features and then traced a path with my index figure around the edge of his strong jaw line. Blue eyes gazed attentively at brown ones. We finally had another fleeting moment to stand face to face, away from peering and nosey glares, and to take in the peaceful awe of one another’s presence.

  “What are you doin’ tonight, pretty lady?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess not too much.”

  I glanced over into the parking lot and was shocked to see the rental car was parked there. Rita had decided to hang out “at home”, which was a rare occasion.

  “Will you come see me at the bar later tonight?”

  “You sure do hang out there a lot,” I was joking and serious all at once.

  Jackson offered me a half grin and then leaned in and captured my lips. It had been far too long since our lips had touched. I savored the flavor of his tongue and enjoyed the impression of his mouth taking control of mine.

  “I have my reasons,” he said when he leaned away, leaving me with swollen lips longing to be caressed again. “One of which is waiting for my lady to pay me a visit.”

  His natural charm was irresistible and made it hard for me to flat out refuse his invite.

  “I have to get up early tomorrow, but I’ll see what I can do for a handsome man like you.”

  “Lady, that’s all I’ll ever ask of you,” he spoke in a seductive tone as he pulled the back of my hand up to his lips, “If you make a little time for me, I’ll give you my world.”

  It was my turn to make the first move. One more kiss was what I craved before we parted for the moment. I clasped my arms around his neck and drew him low so that I could kiss my man hard and deep, shoving my tongue to the back of his mouth, soaking in his taste on my lips and searing his essence into my memory.

  After Jackson and I parted – a dozen kisses later – I made my way up to the room that Rita and I shared. When I walked in, she was splayed across the bed in her fuchsia nightgown and stabbing at the buttons on her phone while
she texted to some unknown person. From the vexed look on her face, as she focused with furious intent on her thumb typing, whatever she was hammering out to send electronically back across the globe did not seem like it was of a positive nature.

  “Hey,” I said in her direction as I moved to start taking off my day clothes.

  “Hey,” she echoed back without peering up from her task at hand.

  “What are you doing? I thought you would have made your way to a new night spot by now.”

  “Hmph…now you care what I’m doing.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  Rita tossed the slim black phone to the side and gave me a sharp look.

  “Janay, you have been gone for hours. You didn’t even bother to call and tell me where you were after you disappeared into some random guy’s truck.”

  “Some random guy, huh? Sure seemed to me like you were doing your best to give my guy an eyeful earlier today.”

  “What?” She cocked her head to the side.

  “So, you’re telling me that you did not take one ounce of offense when Jackson didn’t go for falling to his knees when you batted your lashes?”

  “No…I didn’t.”

  Was that confused look because my comment had hit home or because Rita honestly had no idea about the accusation I had just made?

  “What has gotten into you? Every since we arrived here, you have been acting…strange.”

  My eyes bugged out with disbelief.

  “You are calling me strange? Why is that, Rita? Because I’m not following you around anymore like a pet poodle? Because a hot guy wanted my attention this time and not yours? Or is it because I’m not afraid to say ‘no’ to you anymore or tell you what’s honestly on mind, even when it’s something that you don’t want to hear?”

  She sat cross-legged on the bed, head turned toward the wall, and silent.

  “Well? Which is it?”

  “None,” she spat out.

  “Then explain why we’re having this conversation right now?”

  She pulled a handful of her long hair from around her back and started to braid it over her shoulder and down the front of her chest.


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