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Taming the Tango Champion

Page 2

by Cait O'Sullivan

  Wide shoulders encased in a white silk shirt, opened at the neck. The sleeves rolled to his biceps enhanced the muscles defined beneath the sheer material. Black, fine wool trousers hugged a tapered waist, and while the light silk of his shirt did nothing to disguise the six-pack, the thin fabric of his trousers showcased the powerful thighs honed by years of breaking horses.

  Shivers raced up and down her body and she fought against leaning closer to him.

  The first time she met him, she’d been in a heap at his feet, having just fallen off a horse on his ranch. Her weakened legs now threatened to put her in the same position once more. Swallowing hard, she summoned her courage and raised her chin.

  Glacier eyes met hers as her vision narrowed to just him. The gold flecks hadn’t been imagined, but the temper crackling from the steady green gaze made her jump, spilling champagne. The last time she’d looked into his eyes, they had held nothing but passion. She had been the most beautiful girl in the world. That memory slipped away shyly under a new contemptuous glare. Matthias de Romero was in town.

  Chapter 2

  Her sight slowly expanded to take in everyone else around her. A thickened silence had fallen over the group, each member watching them with interest. Background noise returned but she still couldn’t move.

  Daniel frowned. “I take it you two know each other?”

  Ava gulped and slowly nodded, only to stop when Matthias held up his left hand. A hand devoid of a wedding ring. Of course, taking into account the man he was, he may not deem it necessary to inform the world of his marital state.

  “No.” Matthias’s voice was strong in his denial.


  As much as she didn’t want to, she stared at him, and a tiny pool of desire increased in volume by the second. It was similar to muscle memory, except it was desire memory. Two minutes in the same room with him had caused her stomach to flip and her mind to recall in vivid detail the skillful maneuvering of her body. A sharp ache to be in the circle of his arms, held against his chest, threatened to overwhelm her.

  “Matthias de Romero, at your service.” Matthias bent over her shaking hand and brushed his lips carelessly across it. With encroaching dread, Ava felt a flush reaching her face so all could bear witness to her fluster. The deep timbre of his voice, and the wonderful, sexy way he rolled his Rs targeted the pit of her tummy. “Ava Whittaker.”

  Time to make a sharp exit, lick her newly opened wounds in private and regroup. This was the father of her child.

  Felicity appeared with a drink for Matthias, and Ava turned, relief at an apparent exit flooding her. “Where can I get some water, please?”

  Felicity glanced around at the milling crowd. “I’ll get it for you. Would you like still or sparkling?”

  “No need, if you tell me where, I’ll get it myself.”

  “I’ll take you.” His low voice reverberated through her, setting her nerves jangling.

  Her heart picked up a double pace at the thought of being alone with him. She shook her head, wishing the curls could cover her rapidly heating face. If she could only cool down—but who was she kidding? She could never cool it with him around. The past two years faded into the distance, her heroic efforts to haul herself out of love turned to dust.

  “Don’t worry.” She hoped her outspread hand would deter him.

  “I insist.” Matthias put a hand under her elbow and directed her away from the all-agog spectators. The air around them was deprived of oxygen and, chest heaving, she jerked her arm away, hoping no-one would pick up on her body language.

  “Wh-what do you think you are doing?” Ava struggled to keep her voice level. “I’m not on the back of some horse now, you know, thus giving you the authority to boss me around.”

  He ignored her, stalking beside her in his arrogant way. People glanced at them advancing and separated sharply to let them through. Something hewn into his face told folk it was best not to mess with him.

  The long table halted their flight and she turned her back to it, searching for the nearest exit. Try as she might, she couldn’t meet his eyes. A blanket of fog descended her brain, shutting it down.

  Matthias planted himself firmly in her space, and folded his arms.

  “The last time I saw you, you enjoyed me telling you what to do.” She flinched when he grazed one hand down her cheek. The glittering depths in his eyes redoubled the tremors in her limbs and she cast about behind her for the comforting solidity of the table.

  “Speechless? Yes I remember that about you too. Quiet one moment, hot the next. Well, nothing you want to say? His words, cold as snowflakes scattering onto her hot face, caused chill bumps to race across her flesh. She exhaled through pursed lips.

  “What do you expect me to say?” Ava made a hopeless attempt at sounding insouciant, but the shake in her voice belied her.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” The temper snapping through his voice made her wince. “Maybe something about why you ran out on me?”

  A waiter approached with a laden tray of champagne held high, only to neatly sidestep them, aware of the cracking atmosphere between her and Matthias. Ava swallowed with trouble through a closed throat, and raised her chin. Darn him for making her feel like a school-girl. She was a mother.

  Yes, to his child.

  She gathered her courage and wrapped herself in it, attempting to blanket out the disturbing emotions that gleefully swept through her.

  “Why did you deny knowing me?” She made a helpless attempt to redirect the conversation.

  Matthias made an expansive waving gesture. “Don’t avoid my question. You left. Why?” His eyes refused to let her break their connection.

  Ava gave one last try. “You mean to say you came all this way to find that out?” She huffed her exasperation, hoping it sounded real. She turned her shoulder away from him, seeking strength despite a wild, fluttering heart. Matthias grasped under her arm and pulled her to face him.

  “I haven’t come all this way for you to turn your back on me.” The words were ground out from between tight teeth.

  Ava wrenched herself from the heat that was Matthias, wrapped her arms around herself and raised her eyes to his. Even though she had enshrouded herself in courage, the resulting spark from the collision shot straight through her heart. The tremors died away, and calm in the form of exhaustion stole over her.

  “What is it, Matthias? What is it you want?” Her brain re-engaged. Bella. Should she tell him about Bella? He was her father, and a small bright beacon of hope lit within her—perhaps they could be a family—yet quickly flickered out No. He should be married by now, anyway. More likely, he would want to take her baby back to Argentina to his glorious ranch. Much as she hated to admit it, the perfect place for a child to grow.

  Leaving Ava alone in London.

  Matthias watched her and a slight frown creased his forehead. “Why did you leave?” His voice dropped, almost caressing in its tone, and she longed to throw herself into his arms. But a yawning cavern opened within Ava. She had to buy herself some time to figure out what to do. For now, protecting Bella was paramount. She straightened her backbone. “You were good, Matthias, I’ll give you that.” Ava shrugged, ignoring the traitorous voice whispering the best, and threw herself headlong into the crevice, with a prayer of forgiveness for the lie. “But I had to get home, to my boyfriend. I missed him too much to stay away any longer, you see.”

  * * * *

  A wild horse kicked him in the stomach. Ava’s sparkling blue eyes deepened to cerulean, and she appeared curiously disconnected as she spoke. Boyfriend? He stared, trying to see what she was really thinking.

  She appeared shaken but that only seemed to mask a deeper emotion. One, if he didn’t know any better, which seemed like guilt. But why? Was she lying? She chewed on her lower lip, looking anywhere but at him. Obviously, his arrival had shaken her. He still had the power to affect her.

  He forced an un-amused laugh and stepped an inch closer. Satisfaction crept int
o his heart when her pupils flared with a look akin to desire and she tried to move back. Yet the table behind her only allowed her to lean away from him, exposing her long white neck. Her opal—the one that had previously been on a leather strap and accompanied her around the world—now hung on a fine silver necklace.

  Welcoming the distraction, he took the stone in his fingers. Ava’s breasts rose and fell rapidly with every breath, her fragrance of vanilla and anise setting flares to his desire. Breasts an inch away from his hand. He stroked the opal’s smooth surface with his thumb as if it were her peachy skin.

  Dammit, she was irresistible. The desire to crush her lips under his made him ache, wanting to consume the very essence of her. “You’ve changed the leather strap it used to hang on.” His face mere inches from hers, he lowered his lips to her ear. “It’s bella.” His blood thickened and slowed. His heartbeat thumped loudly, stirring his desire with a low, inexorable beat.

  In a sweeping movement, Ava’s hand came up to grab the opal back and the graze of her hand jolted his memory, summoning images of the magic she could wreak with her long, cool fingers. “Don’t touch it.” Her tone was sharp and she clutched her gem. Something had switched her into fighting mode. “Yes, I changed the leather strap, because my boyfriend, the one I went back to and live happily with now, bought the chain to welcome me home.” She stopped, her moist mouth tremulous, and bit hard on her bottom lip. “And speaking of relationships, aren’t you married? To the girl I saw at your ranch the night of the barbecue?”

  He opened his mouth to deny it, then shut it again. How did she know that? Not that it was true—close, but not quite.

  The crowd thinned and Matthias heard Daniel calling, advancing fast.

  “Beatriz, you mean?” He drawled the words, playing for time.

  Ava nodded, a jerky action, her hand still closed around her opal.

  “Funny you remember her.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Here you are, Matt, Ava.” Daniel stood in front of them.

  Matthias threw an impatient glance at the other man.

  “Please, Daniel, call me Matthias.”

  Daniel nodded. “Sure, Matthias. There are some other contestants I’d like you to meet. Are you finished here?” He smiled questioningly at Ava.

  “We are definitely finished here.” She treated Matthias to a glare, the coldness of the Arctic in her clear-blue gaze. “Daniel, it was lovely meeting you, I must run.” She kissed Daniel on the cheek.

  And she was gone.

  He breathed deeply in an attempt to clear his mind from the fog-induced near coma that her presence had wrought. Upon seeing her, his desire raged out of control. If anything, she was sexier than ever, having matured into a beautiful woman. Blond tresses piled on her head, loose curls framing her pretty face and in a sundress to emphasize her hourglass figure, she emanated professional and successful vibes throughout the entire room. No one else could stand beside her without losing color. A memory of him manhandling her to ensure her good seat on Polly besieged him. What he wouldn’t give for a valid opportunity to touch her again.

  Although the girl he had met on his ranch had intrigued him, the woman she had become made his head spin. His entire body had reached out to hers, wanting there to be no space between their two physical beings. From the outcomes he had considered, this was the worst. He hadn’t counted on old feelings returning to the fore in such a hurry. She had left him, dammit, and he was no pushover. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. It was answers he wanted, no more.

  Aware of Daniel waiting, he turned his attention to him. “Sorry Daniel, what did you say?”

  “I’d like to introduce Luca, who will be Ava’s partner.”

  Matthias studied the younger, strong, tall and possibly Italian man across the room. Jealousy struck a jarring cord. “Is there anyone else?”


  “Who else is left to be paired?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. They are a perfect foil for each other. Luca’s dark appearance with Ava’s English rose coloring? They’ll be fantastic together. Plus, the producers have spent hours poring over everyone’s files, checking statistics. They are a perfect match.”

  Matthias nodded reluctantly. He should back off, but the effect of being beside her, touching her, smelling her after years of her starring in his dreams, had thrown him. Now, resentment stirred toward her new dance partner. Already? What would happen when he saw them dancing together? Especially if they made it to the Argentine Tango—his dance, a smoky, sexy tango, an all-consuming foreplay making the audience believe the inevitable would unfold.

  He envisaged watching, sweat beading on his brow, leaping over the judges’ desk and— He stopped, couldn’t bring the image any closer. Music and dance lived in his very bones and he didn’t want to think about the effect Ava dancing with someone else would have on him. Him, who then would have to deliver an in-depth critique on how she had moved.

  His throat dried up simply thinking about it.

  She hadn’t answered his question. Two years of torment rose up to torture him and he couldn’t stand not knowing any longer.

  Go get her.

  “Come and meet the other dancers.” Daniel’s low baritone broke into his thoughts.

  “Five minutes, Daniel.” He held up a hand and headed for the door. Where had she gone?

  * * * *

  Ava came out of the bathroom to hear a voice behind her.

  “Is everything okay?” Concern showed in Felicity’s eyes.

  Get a grip, don’t show the white knuckles.

  “Oh sure. I just have to be somewhere else right now.”

  A flock of crows slowly closed in around her heart. She had tried to call Caroline already but her phone kept diverting to voice mail.

  Come on, Caroline, you can’t be that sick. Pick up, please pick up.

  On the second effort, she left a message. Get me out of this, now! She had to trust in Caroline. She would do her job, and tomorrow this would fade to a nightmare.

  Felicity leaned into her with a conspiratorial air. “If you’re worried about dancing with the lovely Luca, don’t be.”

  A bit lightheaded, Ava frowned. “How do you mean? Is he good?”

  “I’m not talking about his ability, just his sexual preferences. He prefers men. Sometimes you need to get up close and personal in your dances so I thought I’d let you know.”

  Ava’s attention flipped to the arrangement of lilies by the door, their heady aroma doing nothing to help her daze. “Sure. Great. Lovely. Now I must get going. Thanks, Felicity.”

  Caroline would call on her way home and she could soon forget about this little foray into the real world. Real? Scratch that. Surreal. Give her time with Isabella any day rather than this. Her heart filled her chest with pain when she thought about her baby—what would happen if Matthias saw her? She was in the park next door, after all.

  Ice hardened her veins. She yanked her phone from her bag to tell her mum to stay in the park until she went to meet them, cursing when there was no reply.

  Clattering footsteps echoed through the hall as she hurried to the door, her mind ticking off the many likenesses to Bella. Eyes, hair, inner strength. And Bella already showcased a proud personality, wailing loudly if she didn’t get things her own way.

  If Matthias saw her, he would know she was his daughter. No question about it. Not only were they the image of each other, any fool could do the math and figure out when Ava got pregnant. Even her name. How could Ava have been so silly to call her daughter Isabella? Bella had been Matthias’s name for her.

  She pushed the slow moving heavy door with an impatient shoulder and emerged into the sunlight, blinking. A quick scan of the street revealed it empty of her daughter and she started down the steps. But the sound of Bella’s laughter twisted her gut and horror struck as she saw her mum and daughter materialize from around the corner. Careless of her new dancing shoes, Ava raced down the steps, mute with dr
ead. There was nothing she could say anyway, although her mind screamed run at them.

  And Bella did. Right toward her, arms spread, her mother behind pushing the empty stroller.

  Forcing herself to calm down, Ava swung her into her arms, using the cuddle as a means to tuck Bella’s head into her neck.

  Her mum’s face clouded with worry.

  “What’s happened darling?”

  Ava swallowed and lowered Bella into her stroller.

  Act normal.

  “I’ll tell you later. Let’s get out of here.”

  She didn’t dare look behind as they hurried down the street to the Tube. Didn’t want to know if anyone saw them.

  * * * *

  Matthias stood at the top of the steps, hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun. Had he just imagined what happened? He swore, replaying in his mind what he’d just seen.

  Ava ran down the steps to a black-haired child, who had flung her arms around her neck with more than common familiarity.

  She has a daughter.

  He returned to the reception, his mind whirling. After several blank looks his way, he gave in and quit trying to converse whilst his brain constantly flashed up the image he’d seen on the street. He needed solitude to think and headed back to his rented apartment to pour himself a whiskey.

  The sunset at its finest, he drummed his fingers on the wood of the balcony, seeing London’s skyline reflected in the choppy Thames. Ever since he had seen Ava with the little girl, he hadn’t been able to pull his mind from the various scenarios it delighted in portraying:

  Ava has a child who happens to take after me in coloring. Easy enough to understand. Perhaps her boyfriend happens to be Latino. Perhaps.

  Or, and slightly more troubling to him, the child is mine.

  Rationale scattered at this point before the red mist descended on his brain. Surely she didn’t, surely she couldn’t have had his baby without telling him.

  His mind wandered back to the days she had spent at his home. By the time she had arrived, heatstroke and exhaustion had worn her down to the point she stayed for the weekend at the ranch instead of the hostel. Matthias had kept an eye out, telling himself it was because she was ill, rather than because he wanted to see more of the beautiful but fragile English chica. The remarkable pale gold hair spread over the pillow, the long dark lashes shuttering corn flower blue eyes. He had left freshly sliced mangoes and pineapple and had replenished the water by the bed.


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