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Taming the Tango Champion

Page 13

by Cait O'Sullivan

  Ava stepped into the hushed interior of the limousine. The door closed behind her with a quiet click and when Matthias shut his, the outside world receded. Glitz, glamour, the frenetic show, all disappeared behind them while the car weaved through the late Blackpool traffic. Ava sat back, putting her handbag on her lap and gripped it. Did repeating relax, it’ll be fine over and over actually help her relax or make her more on edge? As she breathed, she inhaled him, the warm amber scent she adored.

  A sense of destiny nearly had her on her knees when she saw Matthias appear through the revolving doors. Not that she wanted to, but she wouldn’t have been able to say no. Didn’t think she could ever say no to him.

  Her heart was still shattered after the emotional display his presence had wrung from her body. She felt like a bird taking flight with his eyes upon her. Would she be grounded for life after she told him how she felt?

  Matthias placed a full champagne flute in her hand with his left hand. A hand devoid of any rings let alone a wedding band. What was the story? Still, this was the night she told him everything about how she felt.

  “Firstly, I want to drink to your success tonight.” He sat back, legs stretched in front of him, and raised his glass to chime against hers.

  “Thanks. Vidal is brilliant. He and Penelope spent hours with us. Now, where are we going?” Ava wouldn’t let herself be distracted with champagne, delicious though the cool fizz was.

  “To a little place I know.”

  Ava stared, waiting. In the low light of the limousine, she could see his eyes deepening to black.

  “Trust me, bella.” He picked up her hand and brought it to his mouth, dropping a kiss in her palm. Dark eyes intent upon hers turned coal black while the imprint of his lips seared a brand through her skin, setting tendrils of fire up her arm. “Please, try and relax and enjoy the journey. It will take about an hour, sit back.”

  Ava glared, reaching up to play with her opal necklace. How could she relax?

  She wanted to talk about their daughter and how much Matthias wanted to be a part of Bella’s life. Who was the boy she had seen on his Skype? And finally, what the hell was Beatriz doing calling him? One thing she knew for sure, clarity, when it came, would be very welcome.

  He seemed to be deliberately trying to keep her on the edge—which wasn’t too difficult. Something had changed within him. Where before he had been quick to frown, now only a smile came. Pins and needles rushed through her blood, scattering rationale to the wind. She had seen similar once before—when he returned from his dip in the lake in the mountains.

  No time like the present.

  She cleared her throat, ignoring the uncomfortable pounding of her heart. “Um, Matthias?” She pressed her opal to her lips for strength and kept her eyes downcast on her red ballet pumps.

  “Bella, later. For now, relax.”

  His close presence was nigh on claustrophobic and her brain struggled to operate. Perhaps a car wasn’t the best place to talk about other children, partners. Too confined, and no escape should she want out of the conversation.

  For now, maybe he was right. Let the low soothing light, the gentle sounds of Einaudi’s “Divenire” in the background and the Champagne do their job. What harm was there in enjoying his company for the time being?

  She took a gulp from her drink and enjoyed the taste slipping down her throat.

  “Okay. For now.”

  Uncrossing her legs, she laid her head against the leather interior and stared into the inky night. Dark countryside rushed past the window. She was happy not to talk; it would only lead toward the truth.

  The road narrowed to a wide single lane, and high hedgerows afforded little or no views across the landscape. A full moon sailed forth, throwing white light upon the hills before them, the slowly receding red glow of Blackpool in the rear car mirror. Thick oak trees overhung the lane, at times rocking wildly in the night breeze, scattering heavy drops of rain upon the car.

  Their driver geared down and slowed to take a right through large wrought iron gates. Tires crunched on gravel as they swung in an arc to arrive at the low-lying hotel. The warm lights of The Windermere Retreat shone from above the ivy-clad door through the damp night. Ever since the clocks had gone back the week before, winter approached fast.

  A hotel. What were they doing in a hotel? More to the point, what would they be doing in a hotel? She turned to him.

  He was watching her with an implacable expression, the one eye she could see blinking slowly. Dark hair hung over the other, and a half smile played on his full lips.

  “What are we doing at a hotel?”

  He leaned into her and placed a finger under her chin, eyes glittering dangerously. He came closer and Ava’s heart quickened. He was going to kiss her. Lips brushed ever so lightly on hers, then he spoke quietly against her mouth.

  “Enjoying each other.”

  Breath forced its way out of her in a gasp and she blinked quickly. How dare he? Yet desire flooded through her, and her tummy knotted with an answering tug between her legs. What she had to tell him and desire both ratcheted her nerves, the mix shaking her within, a shaking only he could still.

  Suddenly conscious she was leaning toward him, Ava straightened, refusing panic a hold. She pursed her lips. “Okay mister. One question before you get me in there.” She had to know, and know right now.

  Matthias quirked an eyebrow, and waited.

  “Have you a son, and if you have, who’s the mother—are you married to her or in a long term relationship?” Blurted out, she cursed herself for sounding too much like she cared but now the words were out there, she couldn’t recall them. His brows arched with incredulity before his lips curved in a smile. Holding eye contact with her, he spoke, “Ava, do you really think I would be here with you if I were in a relationship?” A flower started to unfold within her.

  “Who’s the boy I saw on your laptop with that woman, Beatriz?”

  His verdant eyes smiled, similar to light falling across his face, highlighting the gold flecks within.

  “Victor, he’s not my son but he’s a great kid. He has lessons on the ranch.”

  Ava’s limbs threatened to melt as tension left her shoulders, the faint nagging pressure in her head finally lifting, leaving her freer than ever before.

  He doesn’t have a partner or a son. Could my love have a chance?

  “But…” She didn’t know what to say but Matthias didn’t give her a chance, reaching over and placing a finger on her lips.

  “Shall we go in?”

  Spoken low, the simple words stirred her desire. Unable to trust her voice, she nodded.

  He stepped out his side of the car to come around and help her out. For a few seconds when her senses weren’t under assault, she had a moment of clarity, and hope.

  He was single. She loved him. Could it really be that simple?

  They walked through the heavy oak door into a quiet reception, lit by soft yellow corner lamps. After casting a glance at her, Matthias placed a hand in the small of her back and led her into a snug bar with a roaring fire. The only other people there were a couple in a window seat and one guest at the bar being served by a tall, young black man.

  Their driver brought Ava’s bag through. When she had left London—was it really only this morning?—she had packed an overnight bag in case there was no transportation back to London after the show.

  Matthias pulled her in, his long body taut against hers and lowered his head to just above her bare shoulder.

  “What will you drink?” The words whispered by her ear sent delicious shivers thrilling through her.

  “We need to talk, Matthias.” Could they do it? Be in a relationship? Would it work?

  “And we will, bella, soon.”

  He ran a hand up the back of her arm over her shoulder to cup her face. Ava’s eyes closed instinctively and she felt his warm breath on her lips before a brief, hard kiss planted on her parted lips wiped thought of talk from her mind. The o
nly image in her rapidly closing down mind was of him, naked, bare skin scorching hers… Her breasts pressed against his broad muscled chest. Think. A drink might help.

  “White wine please. Actually, um, no…I think I’ll have a brandy instead, please.” She wanted fire in her belly tonight. He nodded, releasing her.

  “Find a seat. I’ll bring them over.”

  Ava blinked, glad someone was taking charge. If it were up to her, she would’ve simply stood there watching Matthias at the bar, powerful shoulders bunched as he leaned on it, strong capable hand reaching into his jean’s back pocket to get his wallet. Throwing caution to the wind, she slid her hand over his and plucked the wallet out herself. Returning her hand to the empty pocket, she ran it over his firm buttock, feeling quivers dance up and down her spine. She heard Matthias blow out a deep breath before he caught her hand in his and squeezed it.

  “Sit…for now.” He nodded toward the tables.

  Trembling knees took her to the armchairs by the fire, glowing embers, occasionally spitting as a gassy piece of coal surrendered to the flame. A tall lamp stood in the alcove, bathing her in a warm glow. She crossed her legs and allowed her foot to swing side to side. Without a doubt, he wanted her. Enjoy the moment and talk later.

  She picked up her necklace and pressed it onto her lips, idly wondering whether her opal picked up the taste of his. Okay this was getting her nowhere. She rummaged in her bag for a mirror to check her hair. Wild and sexy, just the way Julian had created for the show. Perhaps she should live up to it.

  “You look good.” Matthias set her glass on the table.

  Ava dropped her mirror on the floor. Fortunately, it didn’t break. “I was only checking on Julian’s handiwork.” She grasped her brandy balloon and sipped, the heat of the alcohol doing something to unravel the knots in her stomach.

  “Talented man.” Matthias pulled the opposite armchair beside hers and settled, splayed knees toward hers. He gave a sigh and laid his head against the side rest of the chair, his face close enough so his smell mixed with the peat fire to catapult her back to their night in the wild. Images of them writhing in front of the fire flickered in her head, an answering heat between her legs.

  “It’s the smell, isn’t it?” Matthias carried on watching the fire.


  “Of the fire—isn’t it the smell which really warms?”

  “Mmm.” Although all she could now smell was him, spicy and intoxicating. She inhaled deeply through her nose, closing her eyes briefly.

  He shifted forward in his seat until their knees were a hair’s breadth from touching. “Does it bring back good memories?” He raised his glass, pinning her gaze to his with intensity, making her breath quiver when she exhaled.

  She’d been brim full of happiness, having had the most wonderful adventure of her life. Twelve months of travelling were behind her, topped off by the awesome camping trip with a man who made her very heart dance simply by quirking an eyebrow. What she was going to do tomorrow was unimportant. Ava had learned to live in the present, and being in the Andes with Matthias de Romero was the sexiest thing she had ever done. As for now? She tore her eyes from Matthias and squeezed her legs tight to ignore the ache between them.

  “How was Argentina?”

  “It was very good, thank you. I took delivery of the horses I had sorted out from here and it was good to finally be able to see them first hand.” He spoke about meaningless things but a flame from the fire lit his face and reflected in his dark pupils, mesmerizing her. She could dive right into him, right now.

  “So, um.” Her voice shook and she took a gulp of brandy, welcoming the flare of her taste buds. She picked up her opal, as though to remove it from the line of fire and threw back her brandy. To hell with talking.

  * * * *

  Matthias watched Ava in dark amusement, seeing how she played with her opal necklace. Right now, he didn’t want to hear anything, except perhaps his name. Combined with an oh, God, yes. Yet, thoughts of what he was going to do afterward intruded. Could he really leave her lying there? He shoved the thought aside—of course he could—he was Matthias de Romero, a proud man.

  “Shall I tell you what I want to do to you?”

  A blush spread to her cheeks and she lifted her thick blond—wildly sexy in his opinion—hair to ventilate her neck.

  He dropped to one knee in front of her and placed his hands on each armrest, effectively creating a barrier from the rest of the world. Running a hand lightly over her thigh, his body tightened in response to the desire flaring in her eyes. Slowly, her gazed dropped, and the corner of her lower lip disappeared as her teeth tugged on it.

  He had to have her.

  He stood and pulled her to him urgently. She licked her lips languidly, staring at his with half-shut eyes, tresses of hair framing her face. He ground her name out before slamming his mouth on hers, lips moving restlessly, tongue parting hers.

  His entire body spun, not just his head. Soft lips moved beneath his, allowing his tongue access to hers and from deep in her throat, he felt her moan.

  Nearly the undoing of him, he pulled back to soak her in.

  “Come.” He held out a hand. Ava blinked, her eyes opaque, and slipped her soft hand into his.

  Chapter 14

  Matthias didn’t register the reception or the lift. The only spark of awareness was when he pinned Ava against the back of the lift to kiss her, exploring her mouth and neck. She writhed with him, pressing herself against him, soft breasts squashed against his chest. The lift pinged to a halt. Taking Ava’s hand, Matthias backed through the door.

  He searched his pockets for the room card with one hand, not letting her go.

  “I’ll do it.” Her voice was husky as she reached into his front pocket, a pocket with little room because of his straining flesh. She ran a finger along the hard ridges encased there and swallowed deeply, navy-blue eyes watching him.

  A growl issued from his throat and he grasped her hand to pull her into their room. He kicked the door shut behind them and, pressing his body against her soft curves, walked her to the king-sized bed and threw her onto it.

  He yanked at his clothes, desperate to be free from the confining material. Ava lay sprawled on the pale gold bedspread, watching him intensely. Hair fanned out behind her, hooded eyes failing to hide her sultry delight, rosebud lips swollen from the pressure of his lips. Following his inner thoughts, Ava slowly licked her lips, white teeth gently tugging at the bottom lip as she stared at him with huge pupils. He reined back his desire; he wanted to drink his fill of her creamy, welcoming body.

  Under the heavy weight of her dark expression, he took off his shirt with impatient fingers, then pulled her cashmere top off, revealing her rounded breasts clad in a skimpy white bra, a bra that pushed her soft flesh up and together, her necklace nestled deep within her cleavage. Impatient to return, he stepped out of his trousers, kicking them away, breath catching in his throat when she did the same. Long creamy legs were exposed, her mound clad in white silky material. God she is amazing. His breath shuddered in his chest as she prowled on all fours toward him on the bed. She raised herself up. “Let me.”

  He moved closer. Her hot breath scorched his lower stomach as she reached behind him to hook his shorts down. A surge of blood stiffened him to an agonizing sensitivity. Cool fingers danced on his back, and when she lowered her lips to engulf him in warm wetness and suck tightly, it was all he could do not to push himself hard into her sweet mouth. Allowing himself to revel in her, he only lasted a short time before he knew he had to withdraw.

  He backed her down against the covers, his erection throbbing, and lay beside her to rip her panties off. Hearing her quick intake, he pushed her legs apart and trailed light kisses up her smooth inner thigh, flicking his tongue out as he came closer to that magic place between her legs. Her hips rose to give him better access, and he blew lightly on her hot center, delighting in the low groans. Her hips circled and pushed toward him. M
atthias took mercy on her and ran a finger over her cleft, and had to stop himself taking her right then when he heard her gasp, felt her shake beneath him. Shivers ran down his back when his fingers met her velvety, moist smoothness. He lowered his mouth, inhaling her musky scent and tongued her hard nub while his fingers found her very being. Ava gave a strangled gasp as she writhed around his hand and mouth, raising her hips further. Nudging her back he plunged his tongue where his fingers had been, feeling Ava tense and tighten her muscles to move fluidly against him, rocking softly, moaning sweetly. He tongued her furiously, and rubbed the palm of his hand against her nub, feeling a tidal wave of desire gathering. She moved faster, until with a slow sensuous circle, she exploded hard against his mouth, a low shuddering gasp escaping her.

  He grinned against her flesh and nudged against her sensitized area, then slid along her body to bury his face against her breasts, glorying in their softness. Pinching a nipple softly, he leaned to see her face. Eyes heavy, she stretched and reached a hand to grip his hard flesh firmly.

  “Now,” she whispered, and moved her legs to wrap them around his, angling herself until her wet core pushed on his straining flesh.

  A deep groan and he reared up on his forearms. Throwing everything else to the wind, he plunged into her to his hilt, feeling her tight muscles embrace him and squeeze. With an immense effort, he forced himself to hold on and pulled back to the tip, then paused. Ava squirmed and shook around him, an edge of desperation to her movements until he could stop no longer. White light shut his brain down and he dove in and out of her, breath escaping him in a long shuddering outburst. All his senses were in his cock right now and he was invincible. Wildness coursed through him at Ava’s excited moans and he welcomed her bucking and her utter refusal to let him go as her inner muscles held on to him for dear life.

  In her to the maximum, she refused to let him withdraw, clinging to him with arms, legs, nails. The only place he could go was deeper still. So he did, responding to the mute plea of her body to ride her ruthlessly. With each deeper thrust, he felt Ava’s storm gather and he threw himself into it, tipping her further each time until she tensed tight around him, and he felt her falling endlessly, legs opening wider to accommodate the racks of passion leaving no atom untumbled. With that he threw himself into the chasm of his desire and joined her as wave after wave of pure potent passion exploded with her.


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