Einstein's Clocks and Poincare's Maps
Page 39
French Revolution
functions, theory of
Galileo Galilei
Galison, Peter
General Review of Railroads
General Time Convention of Railroad Officials (1883)
Geneva, Switzerland, clock coordination in
algebra vs.
as group
in Polytechnique curriculum
as practical convention
Georgia, Sherman’s march through
in Franco-Prussian War
multiple time standards in
national unity of
patent criteria in
time coordination in
Giedymin, Jerzy
Gilain, Christian
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Godin, Louis
Gonnessiat, François
Gooday, Graham
Goroff, Daniel
Gould, Benjamin
Gouzy, M.
Grammar of Science (Pearson)
Gray, Jeremy
Great Britain:
colonies of
decimalization resisted in
electrical clock-coordination in
physics in
radio-time system adopted in
telegraph cable manufactured in
undersea-cable system of
Great Eastern
Great Pyramid
Green, Francis
Greenwich Observatory:
bomb detonated at
on Paris longitude discrepancies
as prime meridian
radio-time receivers at
time zero placed at
U.S. telegraph-cable link established with
Grossmann, Marcel
Gruenbaum, A.
Guyou, Captain
gyromagnetic compasses
Habicht, Conrad
Habicht, Paul
Haller, Friedrich
Harriet Tubman–Sarah Connor Brigade
Harrison, John
Hartford, Conn., New York time used in
Harvard College Observatory
Headrick, Daniel R.
Heilbron, J. L.
Heinzmann, Gerhard
Heisenberg, Werner
Helmholtz, Hermann
Hermite, Charles
Hertz, Heinrich
Hipp, Mathias
Hirsch, Adolph
history, categories of
Holton, Gerald
homoclinic points
Howse, Derek
Hughes, Thomas
Hugo, Victor
Hume, David
idealism, empiricism vs.
Illy, J.
industrial production, international conventions in
information sciences, rapid development of
intercontinental ballistic missiles
International Bureau of Weights and Measures
International Congress of Arts and Science
International Congress on Chronometry
International Geodetic Association
International Geodetic Conference
intuition, mathematical
Ireland, international cable links with
Janssen, Jules
Janssen, Michel
Jeanroy, Eugène
Jerusalem, as prime meridian location
Jordan, Camille
Joyce, James
Juif (master miner)
Jürgen, Renn
K (kilogram)
Kaiser, David
Kant, Immanuel
Kaufmann, Walter
Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord
Kern, Stephen
kilogram, prototype of
Klein, Felix
Kleiner, Alfred
Kornprobst, Sebastian
Kronecker, Leopold
Kropotkin, Peter
Lacombe, M.
La Condamine, Charles-Marie
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis
Lallemand, Charles
Lämmel, Rudolf
Landes, David S.
Laplace, Pierre-Simone de
latitude, natural prime of
latitude measurements
Laub, Jakob
Laue, Max von
Law of Nations
Le Clerc, F.
Lefaivre, Albert
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Le Roy, Edouard
Le Verrier, Urbain
Lie, Sophus
clocks coordinated with signals of
constant speed of
critical opalescence of
metrological standards based on wavelength of
as waves in ether
Lindemann, F.
Lindemann, L.
Lobaschewski, Nikolay Ivanovich
Locke, John
Loewy, M.
length of meridial arcs of
practical applications of
zero point of, see prime meridian
longitude, determination of:
astronomical observations in
clock synchronization and
electromapping efforts on
moon movements used in
of Paris vs. Greenwich
radio-time precision in
telegraph transmission time in
Long Range Aid to Navigation (LORAN), system
Lorentz, Hendrik A.
contraction hypothesis of
Einstein’s admiration of
local time posited by
relativity concepts of
M (meter)
Mach, Ernst
magnetism, etheric theories on
Magny mining disaster
electric telegraph cables used in
French-English rivalries in
GPS technology in
international conventions on
sea-going clocks used in
signal transmission-time correction in
of spacetime
U.S. beauty of
Marchand, Captain
Mariç, Mileva
Mascart, Eleuthère
conservation of
energy vs.
master clocks
conventionalism in
differential equations in
logicists vs. intuitionists in
in Polytechnique curriculum
of three-body problem
topology in
Maurain, Captain
Maxwell, James Clerk
Maxwell’s equations
measurement, technology of “Measure of Time, The” (Poincaré)
on electro-coordination of clocks
German publication of
on Newtonian laws
on simultaneity as convention
experimental vs. theoretical
in Polytechnique curriculum
relativity principle and
Meissner, Ernst
Memoirs of a Revolutionist (Kropotkin)
Mercator, Gerard
Messerli, Jakob
meter, prototype of
metric system:
decimal character of
French design of
geodesic origin of
internationalization of
political symbolism of
spreading adoption of
Mexico, in telegraphic network
Michelson, Albert
midnight, date change at
railroads in rapid deployment of
signal technology of
surveys used by
, John Stuart
Miller, Arthur I.
Minkowski, Hermann
mirror galvanometers
Mittag-Leffler, Gösta
Moltke, Helmuth Carl Bernhard von
momentum, position vs.
money, decimalization of
Monge, Gaspard
longitude determination based on
Morley, Edward Williams
Mouchez, Ernest
Myers, Greg
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
National Archives (France), standard meters preserved in
Naval Observatory, U.S.
longitude determination in
radio time signals used in
NAVSTAR GPS satellites
Navy, U.S.:
global electromapping efforts of
guidance systems developed by
radio clock synchronization of
Neptune, discovery of
Newfoundland, telegraph lines to
New Methods of Celestial Mechanics (Poincaré)
Newton, Sir Isaac
on planetary motion
second phase of physics derived from
on shape of earth
on time as absolute
New York, N.Y.:
Albany’s longitude vs.
Greenwich time adopted by
regional railroad time keyed to
Nile River, colonial rivalries on
Nobel Prize
Noblemaire, M.
numbers, theory of
Nye, Mary Jo
longitude mappers’ construction of
prime meridian positioned at
railroad time vs.
time systems operated by
U.S.-European links of
see also specific observatories
Olesko, Kathryn
Olympia Academy
“On the Dynamics of the Electron” (Poincaré)
“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” (Einstein)
“On the Part Played by Polytechnicians in the Scientific Work of the XIX Century” (Poincaré)
Oscar II, King of Sweden
Ottoman Empire, start of day in
Pais, Abraham
Paris, France:
anarchist actions in
1870 siege of
electric clock-coordination system in
longitude of
pneumatic clock-coordination system in
Paris Observatory:
electric clock-coordination at
electric-time-based cartography tied back to
longitude discrepancies on
as prime meridian location
Paris Telegraphic Conference (1890)
Pasteur, Louis
criteria in granting of
presentation style of
Swiss office of
Paty, Michel
Pautot, Auguste
Pearson, Karl
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil
Perret, David
Perrier, General F.
Perroz, Emile
Peru, electromapping of
Pestre, Dominique
Petitdidier, M.
Phelps, S. L.
Philadelphia, Pa., railroad lines on time system of
of conventionalism
influence of relativity theory on
of positivism
Phragmén, Edvard
physicists, theoretical
conventional basis of
etheric theories in
format of articles on
impact of relativity theory on; see also relativity, special theory of
measuring units in
quantum discontinuity in
simultaneity in
Piaget, Jean
Picasso, Pablo
Picon, Antoine
Planck, Max
planetary motion
pneumatic clocks
Poincaré, Aline
Poincaré, Henri
on celestial mechanics
on clock coordination
conventionalist approach of
on conventionality of time
Cornu admired by
on day’s starting time
death of
on decimalization
Dreyfus prosecution critiqued by
education of
Einstein’s meeting with
electrotechnology journal co-edited by
engineering background of
French cartographic efforts urged by
German translations of works of
on global time coordination committee
happiness curve plotted by
on inertia of energy
intellectual achievements of
light-signal synchronization of
on longitude determination
on Lorentz’s etheric theories
metaphorical style of
as mines inspector
modernism of
on moral truth vs. scientific truth
national security concerns of
at Paris Bureau of Longitude
on Paris-Greenwich longitudinal difference
on philosophy of science
politics of
on prime meridian debate
on progress of physics
on Quito mapping expedition
on radio time system
relativity principle used by
scientific milieu of
on simultaneity
social/intellectual circle of
spacetime considered by
stroboscopic maps created by
teaching career of
telegraph transmission time noted by
three-body problem addressed by
visual-intuitive approach of
work process of
Pollock, Jackson
position, momentum vs.
Post Office, U.S.
prime meridian:
clocks set to time at
as global convention
at Greenwich
international conference on
potential locations of
practical motives vs. philosophical concerns on
Principe, Gavrilo
projective geometry
Proust, Marcel
Pujazón, Cecilion
Pyenson, Lewis
Pyramid, Great
quantum physics
Quine, Willard Van Orman
Quito, Ecuador, French mapping expedition to
military use of
time transmitted by
crashes due to clock inaccuracies of
German military strength linked to
international conventions used by
observatory time signals vs.
rise in clock coordination for
telegraph transmission of, time used by
time zones adopted by
reductive materialism
Reichenbach, Hans
relativity, general theory of
relativity, special theory of:
clock synchronization and
constant velocity of light used in
Einstein’s 1905 paper on
experimental consequences included in
four-dimensional spacetime and
mechanics of falling bodies as precursor to
nineteenth-century physical science and
physics principles affected by
positivist philosophical roots of
satellite technology adjustments according to
scientific acceptance of
Rhode Island Card Board Company
Richelieu, Cardinal
Riemann, Bernhard
Rockwell International
Rodgers, John
Rollet, Laurent
Rome, Italy, international geodesic conference in
Russia, time unified in
Rutherfurd, Lewis M.
Rynasiewicz, Robert
safety lamps, in mines
Saint-Louis, Senegal, time-synchronized mapping project in
Sampson, Commander
San Fernando Observatory
Sarrauton, Henri de
satellites, clocks coordinated by
Schaffer, Simon
Schlick, Moritz
Schlieffen, Alfred von
Schliemann, Heinrich
Schmidgen, Henning
of complexity
conventionalist philosophy in
education in
experiment in
induction vs. deduction in
principles vs. conventions in
theory vs. application in
see also mathematics; physics
Science and Hypothesis (Poincaré)n
Science of Mechanics, The (Macht)
Secret Agent, The (Conrad)
Seignac-Lesseps, Governor
Senegal, time-synchronized mapping project in
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Shinn, Terry
shooting the moon
Signal Service, U.S.
as convention
observation as proof of
see also clock coordination; time
Smyth, Piazzi
solar eclipses
solar system, chaos vs. stability of
Solovine, Maurice
Solvay Conference (1911)
South America, longitudinal mapping of
spacetime, four-dimensional
Spacetime Physics (Taylor and Wheeler)
Stachel, John
Staley, Richard
Stark, Johannes
State Department, U.S.
statistical dynamics
Stephens, Carlene E.
Strachey, General
Study of the Various Quantities of Mathematics, A (Calinon)
Sweden, Greenwich time standard used in
clock synchronization in
patent office in
Tannery, Jules
Taylor, Edwin
tectonic plates
in American method of clock synchronization
British undersea-cable network of
cable construction in
clock synchronization through
global mapmaking enabled with
international conventions on
mirror galvanometers used for signal enhancement in
North American cable systems of
transmission time in
undersea cable installation in
wireless; see also radio
Teske, Charles
theoretical physics
three-body problem
convenient choices in measure of
decimalization of
synchronization of, see clock coordination; simultaneity
time, absolute:
critiques of
Newtonian concept of
time machine
time zones
railroad adoption of