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Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Layla Stevens

  All of a sudden his head dips between my legs and he starts licking and sucking on my swollen clit. I feel one, then two fingers slowly slip inside of me massaging the front wall of my pussy. It drives me insane. I grab his hair and pull him in even more, wrapping my legs around his shoulders. As I begin to climax I call out his names, and he doesn't stop until I cum.

  I glance down at him and he’s looking up at me, licking his lips, “You’re the best dessert I could ever fucking have.”

  He then crawls back up my body and plunges his tongue into my mouth. I can taste my juices on his tongue and it excites me. I feel the head of his cock at the entrance of my core, and then he enters me slowly. I moan loudly, making him stop for a second. I want to enjoy this moment, I pull him closer so that he is now all the way inside me. We have a rhythm all our own, and I see fireworks in my head. This man knows how to make my body scream and quiver. We slow dance with each other, a dance only unique to us.

  “God I have missed this,” I whisper.

  He says “You have no idea. Your body was made for me. We fit perfectly together.”

  We take it slow and make love to each other before we both collapse. Slow kisses from him send chills all over my body.

  Garrett is on the side of me and pulls me into his arms, kissing my neck. Then he turns my head so my ear is right next to his mouth and he whispers “You're safe with me.”

  I turn my head with sleepy eyes, give him a kiss, and all I can say is I love you. I hear him say I love you too, and then I must drift to sleep—the first restful sleep I've gotten since I've woken up. He is like a security blanket that I can wrap my soul in.

  The next day I wake up in my bed, wrapped in Garrett’s arms. He must've carried me up to bed at some point during the night. I don’t even remember falling asleep. But after a night of love making, and just getting out of the hospital I was exhausted.

  I know today is Edwin's funeral, and if I'm not there to see the evil monster go into the ground, never to come out of it again, then I will never truly have closure. I have to see it to believe it.

  I know that I am not welcome, but I have to start to come up with a plan. When I try getting out of the bed Garrett wraps his arms tight around me and asks, “Where are you going baby?”

  I give him a quick kiss and tell him I need to take a quick shower but today is the funeral and I have to be there.

  Garrett jumps to his feet and screams “Are you fucking kidding me? You are not going to that funeral.”

  I look him dead in the eyes and tell him if I don't go I will never have closure.

  “Babe, you know you are not welcome there.”

  I give him a small smile and tell him I have a plan and that I need him to be there by my side.

  He walks over to me, kisses me quickly and says “I'm not leaving your side, no matter what your crazy ass wants to do. I will be right there with you.” He takes my hand as we go into the shower and emerge quickly, dressing in black. I am wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a charcoal sweater, and thigh-high boots. I grab a black jacket and get dressed to look the part of a person in mourning—not that I'm in mourning, but I don't want to stand out. I look the part of a grieving family member. I throw some water-proof mascara on my eyes and some simple pink gloss on my lips.

  Before long we head to Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Seattle. Garrett and I are keeping a safe distance and bringing flowers to an unknown grave. We act as though we are just there to pay our respects to that person. I look at the graves of so many people along the way. There are some celebrities buried here such as Martial-arts film star Bruce Lee and his son, Brandon Lee.

  So not to draw attention to ourselves, we watch the services and I am shocked to see Jason Woodrow there. I’m even more shocked to witness a confrontation and words are exchanged between him and Seth. I whisper to Garrett, “Look, Raegan’s dad is here.” I can tell this is going to be good.

  I can hear Jason's raised voice saying, “If I would've raised those boys, my son would still be alive, but no, you had to raise them and let one get killed and the other be put in a medically induced coma. It’s because you can't control them and their actions,” then goes on to say “Millie never told me I was a father. I would have taken care of them had I known.”

  Seth voice raises and tells him “Those are my sons! Get the fuck off of my son's grave, or I will have you forcibly removed. I have raised him since birth.” That's when Jason swings a right hook at Seth, who takes a step back and jabs Jason in the nose with an uppercut, knocking him to the ground.

  After getting on top of Jason, Seth starts to pound him. There is blood on both of them, torn shirts and bruised egos.

  Jason is able to roll them over and take control of the fight, beating Seth. Jason punches him in the ribs and then goes to Seth’s face which is bloody. Both men are winded.

  Both men are saying that was my son. Eventually, some of the onlookers break up the fight that is sure to be on the ten o'clock news. With all the media surrounding this funeral, I’m sure they captured everything on camera. Millie is screaming at both of them, causing more of a problem.

  Soon though, everyone leaves the cemetery and it is quiet. I am in tears. I am so angry and upset that I drag Garrett to the grave. I fall to my knees and start pounding my fist into the fresh dirt. I am taking all my anger out on the ground. Dirt is flying everywhere. I spit on the dirt, only to hit it again with my fist. I start cussing out Edwin for everything he's done to me, calling him a fucking bastard and I’m screaming how much I hated him. “You fucking prick, I hate you! I am glad you are dead! I hope you are enjoying Hell!”

  I then feel Garrett’s arms wrap around me and he tells me, “Baby let's go!”

  I say hell no, and I stand up, grab him, and kiss him with everything I have. I tell him I need him—here and now, hard and rough.

  He looks at me dumbfounded, but he grabs and kisses me and says, “If you need me baby, you got me.”

  I try to unbutton his jeans. But he stops my hands.

  “No, not here. We are not going to have sex on this grave Kayla. I know that you are hurt and you have every right to be, but you are not going to sink to his level.”

  “Garrett, please take away all the pain.” I slap my fist onto his chest.

  “Kayla you can hit me all you want if that will make you fill better. I will be your punching bag.”

  I try again to get into his pants. He throws me over his shoulder. I’m kicking and screaming at him to put me down.

  “I will not put you down, I am going to take you home, where you can calm down.”

  “Why are you such an asshole?” I scream.

  We get to the truck and he literally throws me in the truck and slams the door. I am stunned because I have never seen him like this.

  “Kayla, normally I don’t say much, I accept that you have issues with them, but to try to have sex on a dead man’s grave? You need to get yourself together!”

  “Don’t you dare tell me I need to get myself together, you have no fucking clue how he hurt me!”

  “Kayla, you are acting like a child. Yes he hurt you, but the man is dead. You watched him get put into the damn ground. Do you really think it’s okay to have sex there?”

  “I just wanted him to know that he has no power over me any longer.” “Do you know how to take your power back Kayla?” “No, I don’t Garrett.” I say crying. “You have faith in yourself. You hold the power, not them. Take your power back. Show the world that you are better because of your past. Don’t be a statistic.”

  I never thought Edwin’s death would make me feel like this. I am so pissed at him. I have wanted him dead for years, but I am also torn. He was always the lesser of the two evils. When his brother was harsh and cold, he was caring and warm. I know it sounds crazy to think like that of someone who hurt you, but I always thought Elijah was the leader and Edwin just followed. He did what he was told to do.

  Though I am still in tears, I can't belie
ve I was so enraged at the gravesite that I did that to Garrett, but the entire way home he tells me not to worry about it. He’s there for whatever I need, whenever I need it.

  Today, I needed him more than I need anything else. He took every hit I gave him today.


  A Night Out

  “If things seem under control, you are just not going fast enough.”

  ~Mario Andretti

  While we are driving, I decide I do not want to go home so I tell Garrett to take me to the club. I am tired of sitting at home and it has been less than twenty four hours since I was released from the hospital. After telling Garrett, I call VI and tell her and Wyatt need to meet us there.

  VI says “Great! They have an awesome band playing called Jaded. Besides, we can all use the night out and a good time after everything that's happened”

  I hang up with VI, and Garrett turns the beast in the direction of the club. He grabs my hand and says, “Babe, are you sure you want to go back to the club?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I know what happened last time we were there, but I need to get out of the house before I lose my damn mind.”

  “Okay babe, I was just making sure. I know you hate sitting around and not doing anything but you need to rest.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know I do but give me tonight please. Let me just enjoy a night out, and I swear on my pink Coach purse I will lay low tomorrow.”

  “Wow! Swearing on a pink Coach purse. You must mean business because that’s like a Bible for you.”

  “Why yes dear it is. That is why I swore on it instead of the Bible. If I swear on a Bible, I might go to hell, but if I swear on my purse, you know I mean business.”

  “Touche’ babe, touché.”

  It doesn’t take us long to get to the club. When we pull in, I see Wyatt’s crotch rocket parked right up front and VI’s car around the side. That lets me know they are here already. Before Garrett can even shut off my SUV, I am out and headed for the door.

  Once outside the door, we find VI and Wyatt waiting for us at the V.I.P. entrance.

  We make our way inside and I’m surprised. The band is kick ass.

  Garrett and I are on the dance floor bumping and grinding to the music. He’s covering me in kisses, not giving a fuck who sees. Quite frankly, I don’t either. I look around and suddenly see the bitch Reagan walk up. Garrett must see it too because he takes my hand and leads me back to the table where VI and Wyatt are waiting with our drinks. Unfortunately, she follows us.

  I sit on Garrett’s lap, and Reagan becomes enraged. She is ranting that I stole her man, and she has come to claim what is hers.

  I get up in her face and tell her if she doesn’t get out of my face I’m going to knock her for a fucking loop. I’m so not in the mood to play her games. I watch her turn around, thinking she was leaving, however the bitch grabs a drink from the table and has the balls to throw it into my face. Before I can react, VI snaps and spins out of control.

  She screams, “I whooped your skanky ass in school, and I will do it again. Reagan didn’t you get the memo, you are old news. He doesn’t want you. He has moved on to greener pastures. So bye Felicia!”

  She grabs Reagan by the hair and slams her head onto the table. She then pushes her onto the ground, straddles her waist, and pounds on her face. Reagan tries to block the blows, and VI moves to her ribs. VI hits her over and over. Finally VI gets up, grabs Reagan by the hair, and pulls her to her feet, dragging her out of the club. There is a crowd gathering and VI doesn’t want witnesses.

  I follow to make sure she doesn't completely lose all self-control. When I walk into the night air, I see her throw Reagan into her car. Yes, the little red car I saw that I thought was one of the bastards had traded their truck for. The one I saw when I was headed to the boat house to save VI.

  Of course this enrages me even more, but I hear VI say, “If you ever come near Kayla or Garrett again, I swear to God I will make your life a living hell. After what you allowed to be done to me, you're lucky I don't shoot you here and now on the spot!”

  “Garrett, will be my man again, you wait. He will grow tired of the used up wanna-be.”

  VI reaches into her purse and pulls out a Taser. Hell, I didn’t know she even had one. Before I can react, VI is touching Reagan with it. She starts burning the bitch’s chest screaming, “How the fuck do you like it you cunt? You stood there and watched them do this to me now it's your turn to live with scars. How does it feel bitch?” I have never seen VI like this.

  VI then turns and walks away. She spots me at the corner of the building and makes her way toward me. She breaks down and cries, “That bitch saw what they did to me and did nothing to stop them.”

  “Kayla, all she was after was getting Garrett away from you. She didn't care what they did to me or you.”

  “She's lucky I don't shoot her here on the spot.”

  I hold her in my arms and tell her, “She will get hers when the time is right, but right now is not the time. We need to pull ourselves together.”

  I give her a moment to compose herself. I see the fucking trick and I walk over to the car. I spit in the bitch’s face and pull her by the hair to look at me. When I see her face, I punch her five times and tell her if she ever lays a finger on my best friend again or let anything happen to her or even attempt to come near my man, she hasn't seen who the real threat is yet.

  “I'm the bitch not to be fucked with!” I slam her head on the steering wheel, knocking her out. I turn around and walk back to VI.

  I am thankful that no one is in the parking lot to see what has happened. I know where the cameras are and I hope that none of them are situated to spot that bitch’s car or record what has been done, but if so, we will deal with it when the time comes.

  “Come on gutterslut, let’s go get our men and work off some steam on the dance floor. I need a damn drink.”

  She looks down at her hands and sees the blood, and I pull her into the club and make a beeline to the employee lounge and immediately lock the door.

  “Come on babe, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  She looks up at me and wipes her face, and for the first time I actually see her tear soaked face. Her mascara is running down her face. And I see what looks like a fat lip. I grab the first aid kit and start to clean her up. She is trembling, and crying.

  “Kay, I am so sorry. It’s always drama with her and I was fed up. I could not take it anymore.”

  “Shhhhh, you have nothing to be sorry for. She had it coming. And when did you get a damn Taser? I knew about your gun because, well hell, I have shot that, but a Taser too?”

  “Kayla, I bought it after my last run in with her. I knew that I’d see her ass again and I wanted to make sure she would feel the same pain I felt. I am not playing anymore. She better hope and pray that I don’t see her in a dark place around town, because I swear to everything holy, I will kill her.”

  “Geez, Vi, tell me how you really feel.”

  “Anyway, enough about her, I don’t want to hear her name for the remainder of the night. Let’s go find those Winter men. I’m sure they are freaking the fuck out.”

  “We have been gone for a while now. So, speaking of the Winter men, are you and Wyatt like together, you know, have you guys made it Facebook official yet? Because you know unless it’s online you are not official.”

  “No gutterslut, we have not given it a label or title. We’re having fun, and he is sooooo much fun!”

  “Okay, no labels, I got you. Does he know you’re in love with him?”

  “Wait! Who said anything about love?” VI asks.

  “You didn’t have to say it VI. I know you. You’re my sister from another mister. You can try hiding it from Wyatt, but you can’t hide it from me no matter how hard you try.

  “Kay, yes, I love him, but I am not going to be the first to say those words. I don’t have to worry about him saying that because Ariel broke his heart, and he has made it clear that there wil
l never be anything serious.”

  “I don’t know about that. I see the way he looks at you. I saw the look on his face when you were in trouble. He loves you too. Wyatt may not be ready to admit it, but he loves your ass despite your reluctance to admit it to the world. Okay, I see the look you are giving me. Enough with the heavy talk. Let’s go dance and have fun, but know a good man like him won’t remain single forever.”

  “Kayla, I love you to the moon and back, but if you open your big mouth to Wyatt, I swear I will sneak in your house and destroy all your shoes, and then pour bleach on everything you own that is pink.”

  VI is laughing so hard, I think she may fall down. I hold my hands up to surrender. When my shoes and signature color are threatened, I know when to surrender despite VI’s joking.

  “That is what I thought you ass. I mean it—keep your trap shut.”

  I raise my hands and do the scouts honor, and she hits my shoulder and we both start laughing.

  “Damn. Did you guys fall in the bathroom or something? Is everything okay? After Reagan showing up here, I want to make sure you are fine.” A strong, familiar voice whispers in my ear. I turn around and see Garrett’s sexy face.

  “I am fine. She does not worry me. It was only girl talk, and then someone in there needed a tampon, so I went out to the beast and got her one.

  I see VI look at me and I know she will have my back. Though I am not worried, I don’t think he would care that his ex is sitting in the parking lot with a broken nose and now has some wicked scars.

  After we get back in the club, VI takes Wyatt by the hand and drags him into the VIP lounge. The next thing we hear are her screams. Flashbacks of the first night I was here came into mind, how I had watched Wyatt and VI. Suddenly, I was turned on. I grabbed Garrett and lead him into Wyatt’s office.

  “Babe, where are we going? I thought we were going to the dance floor.”

  “No. I have other plans for us at this moment.” I rub his cock through his jeans as I drag him into the office. Slamming the door behind us, I push him against it and lock the knob.


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