Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

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Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2) Page 8

by Layla Stevens

  “I should so record this because you may never cook another meal again.”

  “Ha-Ha, very funny. I am trying here.”

  “It smells good in here—smells like a bakery.”

  “All I can say is I am trying and if it doesn’t turn out, there’s always Chinese.”

  “I am really proud of you. I have never seen you in the kitchen, and I find it really sexy.”

  He comes over and wipes some flour off my nose and gently kisses my forehead. “I will let you butter my buns later.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Yes it is.”

  “What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?”

  “Oh wow, as a man I know I am supposed to say football but I love the food. So don’t mess up my favorite part.”

  “It’s not like I didn’t have enough pressure. Thanks for adding to it, Asshat! Anyways how is work? Sign any one new lately?”

  “I am working on signing this new and up-coming author, but I can’t discuss anything. She is pretty kick ass, though. I am excited.”

  “Yay! I hope you sign her! How is your mom?”

  “She is good. I think they are in Europe right now. Wyatt invited her for Thanksgiving, but she said they were not going to be here. I know what the answer to this will be, but I’m going to ask anyway. Have you talked to Seth?”

  “No I have not. He has called me several times and sent me lots of texts messages, but as far as me actually listening to him, the answer is no. As far as I am concerned, he can go fuck himself.”

  “Kay, isn’t that a little harsh? He is your father. Don’t you think you should hear him out?”

  “Garrett, you are walking on very thin ice. I have nothing to say to him. One day maybe I will forgive him, but that day is not going to be today.”

  “Okay, I won’t bring it up again. I was just asking love.”

  “Yes I know and thank you, but right now he’s a sore subject for me.”

  “I get it. I don’t agree with you, but I get it.”

  “Garrett, you hated your father. He beat you, your brother, and mom. So you mean to tell me if he was alive that you would have something to do with him?”

  “You talk about your faith all the time Kay. How is it you can have faith in some things but not others? I am an adult now, so yes I would try to have a relationship with my father. Remember babe, tomorrow is not promised to anyone.”

  “I am done with this conversation. I have food to prepare so if you are going to keep giving me shit, please leave the kitchen.”

  I watch him get up and leave. I turn and face the window by the sink, and I can’t help but break down.

  I take off my apron and throw it on the granite counter. I grab my keys and walk out the door. I have no destination in mind, but I know I have to get out of the house. I get in the beast and just start driving. I drive for a few minutes, and I end up at Seattle’s Great Wheel.

  I have never been here, but it looks like a great place to just sit and think. There is a park bench right out front, and I walk over and take a seat. I watch the kids—their little faces light up when seeing the great wheel for the first time. I watch the lovers strolling along, hand-in-hand and an older couple who look like they have weathered many storms together. They are sitting so close that they look like one. She lovingly looks up at her partner, and he gently kisses her cheek. I watch as they get up and dance. There is no music around, but they are in perfect harmony. I notice that he never lets her hand go. He holds her like she is his reason for breathing. You can tell that he loves her unconditionally.

  I sit there for a few more minutes and I see a man and a little girl. She can’t be more than five or six. She has on a white flowered dress and has her hair in braids. He has on slacks and nice dress shirt. She is crying and it looks like she hurt her knee. He has bent down and picked her up. He walks over to a table and sits her down. He gets down on one knee and examines her knee. He gives it a kiss, and she stops crying. Just like that...one little kiss and she was over her pain. Is it really that simple? Can a father’s love really be like that?

  I know what I have to do. I have to forgive him—Garrett was right. My faith needs to be overall, not just one sided.

  I get back in the beast and head home. I look at the clock, and I have been gone for a few hours. I left without my phone, so I am sure there will be an APB out for me.

  I get home and there is no one there. So I go straight to bed. It has been a long day and I am exhausted.


  Thanksgiving Day is finally here, and I find myself up before everyone else. I had the turkey in the oven before five that morning, and I have all the sides made and the table set. The only thing I’m waiting on is the turkey to be finished. Everyone else is in the living room watching football, and I can hear them yelling about a play.

  I love hearing them laugh.

  I look over and Rodney is walking into the kitchen for another beer.

  “Hey Kayla, how are you today?”

  “I am good and you?”

  “I am starving. That bird needs to hurry up. I think my stomach is touching my back.”

  I look at him and laugh because he doesn’t look like he has ever missed a meal.

  “Kayla, don’t let this belly fool you. It’s hard work keeping this shape.”

  “You’re such a mess, but I see why my mom is crushing on you. You’re one of the good guys.”

  “Can I tell you a secret?”

  “Well sure Rodney.”

  “I’m kind of crushing on her as well.”

  “I knew it. I can see the way you look at her.”

  We are interrupted when the oven timer goes off. The turkey is done!

  Rodney’s eyes light up, “Let me get that out of the oven for you.”

  “Fingers crossed it is done because if it is not, we will be eating Chinese.”

  “Oh God I hope not. My mouth is watering just from smelling this bird in the oven.”

  Rodney takes the turkey out of the oven, and I put it on the platter.

  “Rodney will you do the honors of cutting the turkey?”

  “I’d be honored. Of course that means I get to taste it first, right?”

  “Sure, that way if it’s not good, you can tell me.”

  “It will be fine. Look at this Kayla, this is a beautiful bird.”

  I yell for everyone to come and eat.

  We gather around the table and I say a prayer.

  O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Thank you for our health, our work and our play. Please send help to those who are hungry, alone, sick and suffering war and violence. Open our hearts to your love. We ask your blessing through Christ your son. Amen.

  Dinner was a hit. Everyone has a belly full of food and we are sitting around enjoying each other’s company when Rodney’s phone rings.

  “Excuse me, it’s the station.”

  We make small talk for a few minutes and when Rodney walks back in, I can see something is wrong.

  Patrice walks up to him and grabs his hand, “Honey, what is wrong?”

  “It’s Elijah. He was released from the hospital.”


  The Plan

  “There's a terrible price to pay for stress in your life - it really takes a hit on your heart.”

  ~Leeza Gibbons

  My world stops when I hear Elijah has been released. I go into complete panic mode.

  “Kayla, I will make sure there are extra cops patrolling this area.”

  “It won’t make a difference. He will make me pay. He is going to be worse now after his brother dying. Edwin was actually less evil than Elijah. At least Edwin had half a heart. Elijah is outright cold and he doesn’t care about going to jail. Can’t you see it doesn’t scare him?

  “I promise, you will be safe.”

  “Rodney, no offense, but you can’t promise that, so please don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “Well, I can do my best, but for now, no more outings on your own.”

  “I’m sorry, but there is no way in hell I’m going to stay locked inside. It doesn’t matter where I am or if I’m alone or in a crowd. He wants me and he’ll make it happen. He is a snake and will strike when and where he wants.

  “Is there anything we can do, Rodney?” Patrice asks.

  “All I can offer is make sure you watch your surroundings. Patrice, I don’t think he knows anything about you, but please keep your eyes open. VI, Wyatt, and Garrett, you know he already has it out for y’all. So my advice is to stay home. Don’t go out shopping for Black Friday.”

  “I’m sorry Rodney, but I will not miss shopping because of him. I have plans tomorrow, and he can kiss my ass.”

  “Kayla, what plans do you have?” Garrett asks.

  “I’m buying all your Christmas gifts, and none of you are coming with me. I will take VI’s Taser.”

  “Kayla, did you not just hear what Rodney said?”

  “Yeah I heard Mom, but I have plans. I will check in every hour. Don’t worry. I will be fine. I am tired of living in fear. I looked over my shoulder for seven long years, and I refuse to do it any longer. This is not open for discussion.”

  I walk out of the dining room because I am done. I head down the hallway and go to my room. I walk across the floor to the double doors and out to my patio taking a seat on the dark chocolate chaise lounge. This is my thinking spot. I have to come up with a plan to deal with Elijah because if he isn’t dealt with, this nightmare will keep repeating—kind of like the movie Groundhog’s Day.

  My thoughts are interrupted by VI.

  “Kay, I see the wheels in your head turning. You are practically smoking out of your ears. So tell me your plan because I know you are forming one. If I need to be an alibi I will.”

  “VI, you know me too well, but I will not let you or anyone be an accessory to my crime or crimes.”

  “Kayla, I am not asking. You either tell me, or you don’t get to leave without me. I am not playing. You remember what happened last time you didn’t let me in on your plan.”

  “Well, last time there was no plan. You ma’am went in there half-cocked. I just refused to wait on back up.”

  “Do you want me to go and get Wyatt and Garrett, or Rodney for that matter? Because I will.”

  I pull her arm back and tell her, “No, I don’t want that, but I seriously don’t have a plan—just an idea.”

  “Okay, so spill it sis. I am not playing.”

  “Okay, so I am going to make a call to Damon. He has told me he can come and teach someone a lesson.”

  “Okay so make the call now. I want to hear what your plan is.”

  “Dang you are pushy.”

  “No, I am being protective.”

  I grab my phone from my bra, and I dial his number

  “Yo, this is Damon.”

  “Damon, this is Birmingham.”

  “Birmingham, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, but this is not a social call. I need your help.”

  “Okay, but I’m telling you I’m not selling you anything ever again.”

  “No, this has nothing to do with that.”

  “Okay, so tell me what it is you need.”

  “The last time we talked, you said you would come and teach someone a lesson for me. I need to call in that favor now.”

  “Okay, when do you need this done?”

  “I need it done like now. I’ll pay for your flight out here and pay you whatever you ask for when it’s done.”

  “Okay, when you say done, do you mean like done-done?”

  “No. Here’s my plan. I need your goons to beat up someone and torture him for six hours.”

  “Okay, I can do that. Give me an hour to get to the airport. I will be traveling with two men.”

  “Okay, three first class flights are being booked right now.”

  VI nods her head and get on the computer.

  “Will you need transportation and lodging while you’re here?”

  “No Birmingham, I can handle all that.”

  “Okay deal, but I have one more favor and I know you said no, but can you get a rig when you get here?”

  “Do I want to know what for?”

  “No, you don’t. The less I tell you, the better off you are.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know when I land.”

  “Thank you Damon, for everything. Oh, and I’m sorry about the other day.”

  “No worries. I just hope I got them there in time.”

  “Yes, you did, but barely.”

  The phone disconnects, and I know our conversation is over.

  “Are you sure about this, Kay?”

  “Yes, I am ready for this shit to be over, but I do need your help with one more thing.”

  “Okay, name it and I’ll do what I can.”

  I need you to go shopping for me because I can’t come back with no presents. I want you to take my card and buy for everyone. We also need a Christmas tree and decorations. I want you to meet me at Northgate Mall in the food court at four pm.”

  “Is there something you’re not telling me, Kay?”

  I smile at her, and she knows I am hiding something.

  “I told you I won’t tell you everything because I don’t want you to know how evil I really am. Now go get some sleep and be ready to leave at five am.”

  “Holy hell! Are you out of your fucking mind? That’s before the chickens even get up.”

  “Well, I can leave you here.”

  “No, no that isn’t necessary. I’ll be ready. We will need to stop by Starbucks first thing.”

  “I can handle that.”

  My phone rings, and I see its Damon.

  “Hello Damon.”

  “Hey Birmingham. We are headed to the airport.”

  “Okay, your tickets are there. Talk to you soon.”

  “For sure.”

  The call ends again.

  “Go to bed VI. I love your face.”

  “I love yours too.”

  She gets up and leaves the patio. I follow and walk over to my closet and pick out my clothes. I choose a pair of old jeans, a tank top, and an old sweater. I grab my tennis shoes, jacket, and my black knock off purse. I lay them on the chair by the vanity.

  Garrett walks in and sees that I have clothes laid out.

  “You’re serious? You’re really going shopping?”

  “Yes Garrett, I am. VI is going with me, so calm down. We’re leaving at five in the morning.”

  “I can’t believe that you are going to do this. He has already hurt both of you once.”

  “Garrett, I can’t live my life in fear any longer. I’ve lived that life and I am over it.”

  “Kayla, you’re insane. Why go out looking for trouble?”

  “Would it be better that he come here and hurt me in my own house? I don’t think so, Garrett. I am over my fear of him. He can’t hurt me anymore.”

  “How do you figure? He can kill you, and you know as well as I do, he will do it if he has the chance.”

  “I’m not going to stay cooped up. I’m sorry, but this is not open for discussion.”

  “You’re hiding something. You’re too calm.”

  “I am hiding nothing, Garrett. I am going shopping. I have a home to decorate for Christmas. Tomorrow is the biggest shopping day of the year. I have not missed a Black Friday sale since I was sixteen, and I will not miss this one.”

  “I don’t understand you. I don’t see your logic.”

  “I’m asking you to have faith in me. It will all work out.”

  “I can see that I’m not going to win this battle.”

  I tap him on the shoulder and tell him, “No babe, you’re not. Let’s go to bed. I’m tired, and I have to get up in a few hours because
I have a dent to put in my credit card.”

  “Okay, let’s go to bed.”

  We get into bed, and I lay on my side with Garrett behind me. I can feel his erection forming, so I stick my ass out further and hear him hiss.

  “Babe, you are making things rise up down there.”

  “Who? Me? Never. I’m an angel.”

  “A naughty angel in the nicest way possible.”

  “Babe, fuck me, please?”

  Without hesitation, he was inside me.

  I roll us over and am on top of him. He is holding my hips and grabs my breast.

  “You’re so sexy.”

  I glance down at him and his eyes are rolling back in his head. I know it won’t be long now before his release so I do a hoola-hoop motion a couple of times and that’s all it takes. He is saying my name as he climaxes. It isn’t long before I find my release.

  I collapse on his chest and listen to his heavy breathing while he runs his hands down my spine, sending chills down my body.

  He whispers, “I know you’re hiding something babe, but I am going to trust you.”

  I act like I don’t hear him and calm my breathing. It doesn’t take long before I’m asleep.


  Time for a Lesson

  “The best road to progress is freedom's road.”

  ~John F. Kennedy

  I can’t say I ever really fell asleep. It was more like I dozed on and off throughout the night. Garrett on the other hand was sleeping—his snoring was his giveaway but I can’t say I mind because he looks so peaceful when he sleeps.

  I get up at four-thirty and get dressed. I walk over to the patio doors and check the weather. I open it, and can feel the cool rush past my legs and the rain pelts off the patio. This is perfect. The weather will wash away all evidence. I glance around and see a black vehicle parked down the street from my house. I know who it is, but I’m going to act like I don’t see him. In order for this plan to work, I need to act normal.

  I quietly leave the room and go wake up VI. Just as I raise my fist to knock on the door, it opens. I stifle a scream and put my hand over my mouth and on my heart.

  “You bitch! You scared the shit out of me.”


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