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Black White and Shades of Greyy

Page 7

by ElissaBeth Frear

  Greyy tapped Kegan on the shoulder to choose him as “judge”. He would start them and determine which arrow hit closest to the center mark. The contestant’s arrows were marked by color to make sure a fair outcome was announced before they took their places.

  “A count o t’ree.” announced Kegan “One, T’o, T’ree! GO!” he yelled.

  The deck exploded in cheers as Henry and Greyy ran as fast as they could to the main sail. Greyy’s heavy boots made a thundering pound as she raced forward in blatant contrast to Henry’s bare feet that barely made a sound. When they reached the ropes they were even, stride for stride. It was the ropes that proved the ultimate enemy in the race.

  Greyy’s boots proved to be an asset as the thick heel caught between the lines holding fast as she climbed like a monkey in a tree. Once she reached the yard arm her back foot twisted into the lines while her front foot braced on the rope giving her balance. She notched the arrow and let it fly in one fluid motion hitting the target square in the middle.

  Henry had a more difficult time on the ropes because they were moist with sea spray and his feet slid across them tangling his legs in the lines. He struggled up as quickly as his long gangly legs would carry him. When he finally got up the ropes he tried to copy his Captain’s stance failing miserably. Instead of bracing with his front foot his leg slid through flipping him upside down spilling his quiver of arrows. He had saved one arrow and was trying desperately to notch it in his bow when a movement off the side caught his eye.

  “Hey! W’atsDat!” he hollered still hanging upside down in the ropes.

  “No good gett’n out o this challenge like dat!” Greyy said looking out the way Henry pointed.

  "Ah bloody hell." She muttered notching another arrow.

  The twisting writhing trail of the sea serpent was announced by a pod of dolphins. As the creatures drew closer to the ship's hull the excitement on deck rose to a fever pitch.

  Normally the playful beasts would frolic in the white ribbons released in the wake of the ship, but these were erratic and in a panic.

  "Steady as she goes, boys. These know something more than they be willin to state. Let the devil show its face afore we begitt'n all in a lather." Greyy stated with a cam conviction.

  “Snake in de Lake, Capt’n!” came the call from the crow’s nest.

  “Battle Stations!” The order rang out across the ship just as the slithering form broke the crest of a wave.

  Henry was still dangling in the lines by his ankles when the head of the great beast broke the surface. The arrow notched for the competition he let it fly. Gliding through the air like a bird of prey the arrow was true to its course and embedded in the eye of the great serpent. This action infuriated the snake but earned Henry a new nick name, Bullseye.

  Singing blades and whistling arrows continued to rip at the great serpent’s thick hide until finally it was laying in a bloody mess in the middle of the deck. Pulling the rest of the body aboard it was portioned and separated into rations that would see the crew through for several weeks of meals. Generally a very fishy tasting beast but by adding a few herbs and spices, and an orange or lemon when it was available, along with other assorted ingredients it was almost edible.

  As for Henry “Bullseye” Frost, he lost the challenge with the Captain but earned the admiration of the crew with his unorthodox shot. As he returned to duties and assisting in the cleanup of the deck the promise of a rematch was set. The next time he would wear proper shoes so as not to be beat by some Old Girl! The last statement garnered a hearty belly laugh from the entire crew, including the “Old Girl” Captain.

  Chapter 50

  Cranky gray and stormy winter skies gave way to vibrant blue of spring. Ocean currents calmed and angry winds melted into soft salt breezes. The sea birds and deep sea creatures began to frolic and play inviting those on board of the "Wailing Siren" to join in the celebration of fresh life.

  After a productive trip to the Plucked Duck Tavern and Provisioner the crew reassembled to make way back to sea. Supplies were being loaded; Bullseye and Greyy were plotting the next “salvage” and the sails were snapping under the direction of the wind.

  The lilting tunes rumbling from the deep voices of the crew filled the air causing by passers to glance with curiosity at the Pirates as if they were an exhibit at a side show. Not often were public displays of joy seen without the aid of a lot of ale.

  The snap of wind in sails and the lapping of waves against the hull brought a smile to Greyy's lips that she had no intention of hiding. Salty sea foam washed over her face and hair, the playful dips and sway of the deck competed with the flourish of activity manning each station as they left port for open water. Sunlight glistened off the white peaks of the waves that broke at the bow to regroup in its wake. The faded vessel was carried on a regal pillow of crystal blue green highlighted with silvery white. The "Wailing Siren" made way to deep waters following the sun and a Navigator as relentless in pursuit of curiosity as the Captain.

  As the sun set over the vast watery wilderness it kissed the few clouds with fiery lips setting them ablaze in deep purples, reds and orange before the last dip into the horizon. The velvety deep blue sky littered with stars guided the crew along their chosen path, as the full moon rose looming like a crown jewel in the night sky. Speaking to the ocean the silver orb whispered secrets as if to a lover. Clear sky promised that the next few evenings would be most spectacular.

  Chapter 51

  Two days following the sextant coordinates the Pirate vessel had made its way to waters that were full of spawning fish and lively activity for sea creatures of all sorts. Most of the crew was becoming annoyed at having to move slowly through the churning waters.

  Patience not being a strong ally to most sailors, the heady excitement of only three days past was quickly turning sour. The full moon glowing across the deck seemed only to add to the irritation rather than soothe it.

  “One more day and I know we would either need to find our quarry or I’ll be sailing alone on the top of an empty barrel.” Greyylene muttered to herself.

  Even in the beauty of the nights sky moods and tempers grew progressively ominous. Impatient cutthroats went from hard working crew to an angry mob in the blink of an eye. They were immune to female charms or beauty when all that was in their hearts was plunder and loot. The treasure was their sweetheart and notoriety their satisfaction.

  “Me be t’inkin’, Capt’n, maybe we be need’n a new crew. One not so likely to keel haul me arsee’re I turn me back.” said Bullseye as he tip toed around some of the sleeping ruffians.

  Chuckling at his observations she was compelled to agree.

  “It is a sad lot that can only muster two days before turning ugly and threatening mutiny on its captain.” She muttered.

  Chapter 52

  The sun once again marking another night survived on a hostile ship rose without fanfare or celebration. There was no other choice than to carry on a steady pace through the thick churning waters. The spawns had come upon them so quickly they were surrounded before there was any clue of the hazard.

  Another dipping sunset ushered in a fresh swath of blazing stars to fill the sky. Low and close a shooting star tore across the bow of the ship sending sailors into a quiet panic. Heavenly displays of power and light often brought seasoned sailors to their knees begging for forgiveness from multitudes of ridiculous sins. This instance was no exception.

  “Told you to have better respect for your captain.” Greyylene quipped.

  Almost on cue the moon rose for the third night in a row full and bright. An eerie calm settled over the crew as a shadow began to move across its edge. Those who were close to hear her comment marveled at such an intricate act of celestial support. The night winds became dead and the sea paused its rolling current.

  The crew set about their night jobs cautiously watching as the show in the heavens became more spectacular. The shadow that crept close to the mo
on continued a crawl across its face masking it in a masquerade of quiet reds and charcoal gray. Intensely beautiful with severe doom looming large the dark shadow covered the whole orb. A moment after the silhouette reached the center it lingered before releasing the silver ring of electric elegance completely surrounding the surface. Strained gasps and awed silence emanated from the main deck as the crew watched in stunned silence.

  The grand display of lunar splendor made for an intensely uneasy rest for the crew. The dark omens from both a shooting star and an eclipse had the seasoned sailors quaking in their cots. Many were convinced that the ship and its crew was doomed or cursed. As Pirates they knew their actions held consequences but this celestial revelation was deeply disturbing.

  Chapter 53

  Not only was the “Wailing Siren” a Pirate vessel but it was also known as a “salvage” ship. Any opportunity to repossess treasure was looked on with favor by the crew. They were well on the way to a suspected treasure when all the night drama had unfolded causing some to question their choice in occupation.

  As the new day dawned spirits began to ease, but the heavy anticipation of the previous night had given cause for suspicion and doubt in the current course.

  The heavy sense of dread passed quickly when the call to the Captain rang out, they had come to the mark on the map. The wreck they were investigating was rumored to be from the Emperor’s taxes. Dropping a lead line it was discovered that the wreck was not too far below them. Sending Mumbo Jumbo, the best free diver on board, over the rails reported that the treasure was a storehouse of unspeakable wealth.

  Each time he dove there was something more valuable that teased at what other bounty lie beneath the surface. Finally Mumbo found the big prize and hooked the line to a heavy laden chest. Both securely on deck the loot was sorted and given to the Kegan the Mad, who was acting quartermaster, to divvy amongst the crew. Several thousand pieces of gold along with gems, jewelry, silver place settings, goblets and other finery once belonging to nobles from across the land filled the hold of their new owners.

  Each man clearly marked their take of the treasure. The joy of finding the loot they had sought did well to diminish the sense of dread from the night before. Regardless of their success many decided that this would be their last time aboard the “Wailing Siren”. There was no argument that the Captain was good, but the evil vexing moon was too much to handle. The celestial event was unmistakable and would not be soon forgotten, by any of them.

  Chapter 54

  The clear moonlit sky ushered in a somber sense of dread that was accented by the blazing streak across the inky darkness. The Elf couple knew the night would be memorable but to what extent had not been foretold. Breaking camp they hurried to their next destination with an overwhelming sense of being watched.

  A soft snow fall had lightly covered the path they followed leaving footprints behind them. This was unsettling at best and without the proper concealment their “stalker” may catch up to them. They decided rather than to conceal their tracks they would misdirect whoever was following them.

  High in the trees a Dark Elf gazed down in amusement at his quarry. The couple was clearly spooked and not thinking as clearly as they should. His plan was coming full circle and soon he would gain his bounty. He was well aware of their tactic; he had seen them do it before. The woods they traveled were well known to him, but not to his prey which gave him the upper hand. The game of cat and mouse was closing quickly.

  Chapter 55

  Another traveler stood gazing at the celestial light show with a sense of dread and awe. Sir Gilead whispered a soft prayer into the night sky trying desperately to calm the restless feeling he had in his heart. The amulet he wore was radiating a soft dark gray echoing his mood.

  He was tracking the Elf couple for the sake of the Captain he could not get out of his mind. He knew his assignment, but could not shake the uneasy feeling that this night was to become a turning point for them all.

  The couple came to a split in the small path, walked a few yards one way without covering their tracks then cut through the brush to pick up the other side. The plan was to lose the one who was following them; they knew it was someone untrained in field survival. As for the town they would enter, it made little difference to them where they went. Their vengeance was exacted regardless of what the population held.

  The Dark Elf leapt from tree top to tree top silently following his quarry. His agile body flew through the dark sky as effortlessly as a bird on the wing. When they got to the fork in the road, he knew which way they would go. It was a matter of picking up their trail when they cut back through. Sitting high in the bare branches he waited until they broke through the brush, and with a sinister smile he continued the chase.

  Sir Gil followed the set of footprints carefully through the forest path. He knew his skills in tracking were sorely lacking, but he would keep up as best as possible. The footsteps he followed seemed more in a hurry and less careful. When he reached the split in the road the footsteps took one path leaving the other empty. Common sense told him to follow the tracks, but a nagging feeling said to go the other way. Ignoring his feeling he followed Common Sense until the footprints stopped in the middle of the road. The amulet chilled to a dark crimson. He knew at that moment he had made a grave error.

  Chapter 56

  The couple raced down a small hill to the outskirts of a harbor town just as the sky again began to change its demeanor. The moon took a sinister red hue as a shadow crept across its face. The omen that was read clearly in the night sky spurred them into frenzy. Time was short and they needed to act.

  The first house they approached was empty as if abandoned in haste. The second was a large estate with servant quarters off the back side. It was as if they were being driven by an outside force to conclude the vicious attack. Too much was at stake, in their minds, to not carry out their act of vengeance. Through a window they slid quietly, but not unseen. Their victim, a young girl, watched as they approached. There was no fear in her eyes as she quietly sat watching the couple’s movements.

  “We forgive you.” The girl whispered as the blade was plunged deep into her heart.

  Her blood covered their hands and the final breath from the child filled the air with a deep chill as her body slumped into the arms of the tormented mother. Retreating through the window they entered the vacant eyes of the girl haunted their minds.

  Unnerved by her declaration the couple fell out of the window as the shadow that hid the moon released the silver ring. Their tasks complete in this town they hoped to find refuge in the forest, but already their presence was discovered as a low moan turned into a heart wrenching scream.

  Running headlong through the streets in the shadow of the waning eclipse they raced toward the edge of town. The darkness covering the moon seemed to chase them slowly creeping across the surface in order to cover them in its malicious oily darkness. As they reached the edge of town the great celestial orb was revealed and shone like a spot light as if announcing their presence and exposing their deeds.

  Tears streamed down their blood stained faces as the overwhelming sorrow and regret overtook them. Sincere remorse flooded over them like the Great Falls from their old life. The memories of family and the joy they had shared with their girls danced through their memories as if taunting them. It had become clear they would never again have that sweet life, but just once more it would be good to see their eldest daughter.

  Chapter 57

  After the intensity of the eclipse and firestorm from the heavens as well as the treasure pulled from the depths it was apparent a night ashore was required. Shore leave would be a welcome chance to meet new people, drink horrible brews and stir up Pirate hostilities before disappearing again to the waves.

  Several of the “Wailing Siren” along with the Captain meandered into a small pub along the docks. A horrible little hole in the wall whose water smelled worse than the ale and the ale was stale and flat
. It was decided the reason the lights were so dim was to hide the filthy mugs holding the inferior beverages and less than appealing bar maids. Common belief was a few of their “women” really were not women at all, but men dressed in women’s clothing. Back room acts provided in this pub were so disgusting as to be unthinkable for fear of the mental image firmly embedded in one’s mind.

  Choosing a reasonably clean table at the far back corner Greyy and a few of her crew took seats and quietly watched the surroundings. The small space was particularly full of rugged looking hellions and a grungy bunch of cut throats.

  There was one piece to the picture laid out before them that seemed a bit off center; that was the boots of those by the bar and on either side of the door. They were wearing cloaks and robes used by the thieves in surrounding towns, but the footwear was far too advanced for common criminals and outcasts.

  Chapter 58

  Realization that things were amiss came just as a cloaked pair of thugs tried to enter quietly and without fanfare. Obviously they were expected by the rush of activity that followed them. The moment they were fully inside the door was closed and bolted. Those who guarded the door ripped away the long hoods of the couple as they threw their own cloaks aside revealing Empirical Guard uniforms.

  It was an ambush! The local Guards had been notified of the presence of the notorious outlaw couple that had been ravaging towns for more than three years.

  The movement from the Guards caused a chain reaction that caused the entire tavern to erupt. Quick as a cat on hot coals blades, guns, and bows were drawn and set. None knew who spilled the first blood, but in short order there were bodies and shouts flying everywhere. Guards focused on the one specific pair, all the other outlaws in the building focused on any Guard they could find.

  Regardless of who was ultimately the center of attention all that frequented the pub were wanted for something. None would go quietly or without a fight, and the recent celestial events were just the catalyst needed to set the powder keg of raw emotion into violence.


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