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Black White and Shades of Greyy

Page 13

by ElissaBeth Frear

  Assigned to keep an eye on the good Officer Roland, Donny Porter followed the woebegone fellow to the Navy Headquarters building. He had changed into something a bit easier to blend in with the streets and had essentially gone unnoticed by the one he followed.

  Pausing outside the office of naval affairs Roland White was almost sick to his stomach. He knew that giving away military secrets of any sort was grounds for severe disciplinary action and possibly dismissal or worse. The fact he had been so undone by strong drink and a beautiful woman added to his shame.

  After his eyes adjusted to the darkly lit room Roland found a chair and sat down knowing that if he didn’t sit he would pass out from anxiety. A smirk on the secretary’s face was interpreted as mocking but when the door of the small office belonging to the Navy liaison officer opened things began to spin violently out of control.

  “Mr. Roland White, do come in. We’ve been expecting you.” The voice behind the desk echoed through the hall.

  With knees weak and wobbly Roland tried to collect himself as best he could before walking to the office to face his fate.

  Chapter 95

  Outside the building Donny Porter heard the summons and was unnerved at the intonations. He didn’t see the facial expression but the almost laughing lilt in the booming voice spoke of one with a sinister plan well played. Around the building he ran until he found the window where the meeting was taking place. Staying to the shadows as best he could for the middle of the day he listened eagerly to what wickedness the Navy had in store.

  Still feeling ill and hoping he would not be set in front of a firing squad White made his way inside and happily took the seat that was offered. The silence seemed to last for an eternity until his Captain entered and greeted the Liaison officer with a friendly handshake. Both of the men looked at Roland and tried to conceal their amusement.

  “I think we should inform him, Jack.” Liaison Officer Joel Tinbrook said with a grin.

  “Well I must say I hate to see one of my crew looking so green. Either his little night with the Siren didn’t go very well, or it went much better than he figured and now he thinks he’s in a world of hurt. It would be best to fill him in I think.”

  “Mr. Roland White, you have been a part of a plot to bring the scurvy pirates to justice once and for all.” Tinbrook stated with a nod. He was perched at the edge of his desk with his arms folded across his chest and feet crossed like he was speaking to a wayward child.

  “We knew that “Vharcan” was in harbor and that the crew would be hunting for some unsuspecting Officer to try to seduce. I had no doubt their wily captain would try to play her female charms against one of the many who are stationed here.

  You were stationed to walk the grounds because I figured either you or Horatio would be the best ones to be found first. I am confident you did not speak of anything more than what you knew first hand. I know this because what I told you was specifically planted to get those salty pirates to a destination of my choosing.

  We will be in wait for them and will bring the whole lot to justice. You, sir, played your part famously! So relax Roland, there’s even a promotion in it for you! In fact you will be given the rank of Petty Officer effective immediately.” Joel completed with a huge grin plastered across his face almost giddy at his own wit.

  He gave Roland a hand shake and salute before turning to speak to Jack Bishop with further details.

  After the announcement had sunk in a bit Roland again felt weak kneed and light headed, the room began to spin and he feared he would either be sick all over the lovely carpet or unceremoniously pass out landing in a heap on the floor. He sat still and stunned trying to remember to breathe while the subtlety of the plot sank into his rattled brain.

  Chapter 96

  Outside the window Donny Porter was also stunned at the announcement. Quietly he raced from his hiding place and skirted around the back alley ways taking a long rout to his room. Nothing in the town was certain except the fact that the Navy was tricky and not to be taken lightly. He had to send word to his captain immediately!

  Attaching the small bamboo carrying case to the leg of his pigeon he inserted the one word message and sent the bird off to find its mate. He could only hope the pigeon would arrive in time.

  Greyy found Kerrs on the outside edge of Port Bistrot sailing fast towards New Hope. They traveled together for several hours taking inventory of crew and ammunitions before meeting on the “Terror of the Seas” to discuss the plans. The waters in the Northern shores were a bit more exciting and prone to violent storms with no notice. The two vessels made their way slow and steady keeping within view of the shores and taking advantage of the fair weather.

  The seas were calm and the winds steady allowing the crews of both ships opportunity to ready for potential battle and the desired outcome of great bounty. Greyylene, still with an uneasy feeling deep in her gut, sat at the forecastle deck watching the waves and the sky dance at the steady drone of the tide against the hull.

  It was her general practice when her mind was in turmoil to find a secluded place and this was generally one of the few available. She knew, without a doubt, that the information was true, but her concern was if it was complete. Before the good officer had passed out a look in his eye gave her a moment of hesitation. There was more to his report than what he told her, of that she was certain.

  Two days and the sense of uneasy dread did not dissipate, and the arrival of a small pigeon from Mr. Porter solidified the feeling of something horribly wrong. The note attached to the leg of the small bird bore a single word that sent a cold chill down her spine. “AMBUSH” was scrawled across the parchment in bold letters and an urgent slant.

  Releasing the bird to find its way back to Porter she informed Kerrs of the new threat. They were far too committed to the current course to change direction or purpose. Quietly but with great urgency Greyy walked her deck whispering new orders stirring a mass of focused frenzy in her wake. She knew the approaching battle would indeed be something exciting and she was not going to be caught completely unaware, or so it was the goal.

  Chapter 97

  Sailing past the harbor of New Hope just outside the town boundaries and covered by a small peninsula the ships made ready to invade the Navy outpost. Scouts from each ship were sent to the town and each returned with the same report. There was indeed a Navy stash of gold and treasures, but there was also a heavy show of guards. The bounty would be hard won, but the Pirate crews were determined to make their names in this town.

  Still with the warning in the back of her mind, Greyylene moved forward staying to the shadows. Her special skills in remaining well hidden would be useful should things go terribly wrong. She and her raiding party edged through the light forest on the outskirts of town watching for anything that may indicate dirty play. Thinking as a criminal was not something that had been second nature to her way of living, but she quickly adapted to the life for the sake of survival.

  Quietly the parties most familiar with ship battles were eager to test their land legs in a test of wit and stamina. Without the benefit of the rhythm of waves on wood they had to find a new flow to allow their feet and attacks to sing in harmony with one another. Greyy was one of the few more familiar with land hunts than sea battles, but even she was in needed to keep her head clear and focused.

  With woods surrounding the small town on all sides it was easy to see why this town was raided often. It was given to easy attacks with few look out locations and no way to defend itself with natural barriers. Even with a military presence the town was a target too ripe to pass.

  They snuck into the unsuspecting town from every direction. The orders were clear, kill anything with a Navy uniform even a damn chicken if need be. First blood was shed when Kerrs came upon a sailor flirting with a local tavern wench. Her scream stifled by Kerrs’ kiss as the Navy sailor was left in a heap of bleeding ick at her feet. Moving quickly through each building the Pirat
es picked off Navy sailors and officers one by one until the word got out and the alarm was sounded.

  Chapter 98

  Finally a battle worthy of pirate lore and legend broke the still of the lazy town. The ring and echo of blades singing and gunshots pounding like bass drums announced the threat causing townies to flee. Screams and grunts mixed with the clash of blades and accented the low whistle of arrows from high places. Never satisfied to stay in one place or to allow a battle to run away the Pirates weaved and dodged and chased the enemy up and down the streets as the tide of the seas they commanded. Utter chaos and yet such fluid movements made the scene look as much like a dance as a battle.

  From somewhere Kegan the Mad, from Greyy’s ship, and Bud Hollow from Kerrs’ found gun powder kegs and were thrilled at the chance to use the Navy supply without fear of rationing.

  Remembering the order to kill anything in Navy reds, including a chicken, the two crewmen found a jolly joke in rigging a tall red rooster with small vials of gun powder, one of which was set to leave a trail behind his wild path. Spooking the bird into an insane chase of panic and pandemonium they set it on a course straight to the building that housed offices of the Navy presence.

  The fowl ran in the door, around feet and legs of soldiers and sailors, back under some bar maid pretending to be unconcerned of the surrounding uproar, before fleeing further into the building. Waiting for the perfect moment Kegan set the gun powder trail ablaze and the two watched from the safety of a nearby building as the sparks sizzled a trail to mass destruction. The last thing that was heard was the hilarious laughter as the chicken exploded sending feathers, guards, and office papers flying.

  “Look, Chickens do fly!” roared Kegan from behind a wall.

  Far too proud of themselves the two mischievous pirates were almost discovered as they sat enjoying the aftermath of their brutality to the rooster. They were both doubled over laughing watching feathers, papers and pieces of furniture fly and flutter in the breeze, that they almost missed the guards approaching from behind. Tears still in their eyes they leapt from the hiding place wielding their blades and letting out savage war hollers sounding more like a small army than only two individuals.

  They raced towards the middle of the square where many of the other Pirate crewmates were heavy in combat with vastly unprepared guards of the town. The distraction of the crews was perfectly set for the small raiding party to sneak in and begin unloading the valuable loot. Bags and chests of gold and other valuables found their way out to new homes with the profiteers.

  Just as quickly as the fighting had begun it was over. When the last bag and chest was liberated signal flairs arced in the sky and the final battle cry was heard. The sailors were far too eager for their portions to dilly dally any further with these sub par guardians. Giving a mocking salute Kerrs pulled out of the harbor first with Greyy’s ship not far behind him.

  Chapter 99

  Well on the way to meet back at Port Redgrave, the island hideaway Kerrs had personally founded, “Terror of the Seas” outpaced “Vharcan” promising to reach the Port first. The pirates were fairly certain that the Navy did not know of its existence and consequently of its where about. Kerrs was confident after the battles of the day they would remain ignorant. Both Captains gave orders to take the split loot below decks to be divvied back on the Island.

  Smiling and laughing as they worked the crew of “Vharcan” heady from the adventure and confident of their getaway barely noticed the figure sitting in the corner under the wheelhouse. When Greyylene set foot on deck she knew immediately who was there, it was if she could feel his presence. Ignoring the irritating rudeness she continued her task to ready the ship to sail before addressing their passenger.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “Permission to come aboard, Captain.” came the soft reply from Sir Gilead.

  He chuckled to himself as he sat and watched the crew scurry around like ants stowing cargo, trimming sails and securing ropes and other riggings.

  “Did you see that chicken?” he asked half to himself and half to whomever was near. The ensuing laughter was irritating to the Captain who wanted to be rid of the Healer sooner than later.

  “Honestly, Captain, your crewmen did a proper job at entertaining as well as distracting in the day’s battle. I would daresay that the Navy will be anxious for a rematch.

  I realize my presence is a bit unexpected, but I assure you I mean no harm and will be well out of your way. I was just in need of safe passage to some island or other and I was certain you would not mind if I joined you.” Sir Gil said with a charming smile settling back in the corner.

  Spirits soaring and eager to exchange battle tales, the crew hurried to store the booty in the cargo hold and return to duty stations. The only member of the “Vharcan” that was not happy was their Captain. Her discomfort still weighed heavy hanging over her like a dark fog. She knew the battles in the town were far too easy, and the message from Mr. Porter did nothing to ease her mind.

  On a whim she sent note to Kerrs’ ship that she would break off their course and head South then East to the rendezvous point at their Island. It would take an extra day, but she wanted to stop at the other island chain in which to store their bounty before anyone else got wise to their actions.

  Chapter 100

  One day after she changed her direction a call came from the crow’s nest. Another vessel flying the Royal colors had been spotted off their port side. Well aware that this was most likely the ambush she had been warned; Greyylene quickly studied her maps and charted a new course to an island outcrop due south of their current setting.

  Her plan was to ditch the treasure in the hiding spot, mark it on the maps and return later. With the wind at their backs the smaller “Vharcan” quickly lost sight of the other craft, but set full sails to their destination hoping for a place to find cover before the other vessel caught them. It wouldn’t be far from Port Redgrave and saving half the bounty would be greater than losing it all to the authorities.

  Looming in the distance was a dark stone outcropping. The tall mountain ridge commanded the horizon with an ominous darkness. The seas grew angry as the trespassers continued towards their mark. Even the sky, that had been clear, ushered in rolling thunder heads the closer they got to the cliffs. The waves began to take on a testy atmosphere and tossed the boat about like a toy in a child’s bath water. Having been threatened with capsizing they decided to give in to the watery tantrum and change directions into the winds.

  Greyy found a small cave opening at one of the smaller outcroppings when they were forced off course by the turbulent weather. The cave was tall enough to accommodate the “Vharcan” in the current tidal state, but threatened to trap them in a rising current. The risk was far too great not to unload the treasures. It was inevitable that the Royal vessel that had given chase would soon catch up and they would be boarded and searched. With that in mind the crew quickly unloaded the cargo and marked the cave walls with their stamp in case any others ventured too close.

  Retreating from the cave in just enough time to watch the mouth fill with water and disappear beneath the waves Greyy and the crew moved closer to the main island. Around a small bend they came face to face with one who would soon become her personal nemesis, Horatio Washburn Lieutenant aboard the “Avenger” of the Royal Navy.

  The only thing that kept the two ships from colliding was a wave that broke between the two vessels. The sound of groaning wood and sailors from both ships yelling mingled in with the harsh pounding waves and the hollow echo of wind blowing through the narrow passages in the rock face. Turning the wheel hard causing the “Vharcan” to careen dangerously close to capsizing they missed the larger vessel by barely a sails breath. Listing hard to starboard they caught a wind and were away before both ships became fish food.

  Chapter 101

  The Naval vessel “Avenger” was a good bit larger than the
“Vharcan” but also slower. Captained by Jack Bishop with his newly appointed Lieutenant named Horatio Washburn she was on a probationary mission to prove a plan that had been devised by the young Lieutenant. Hoping to find the home island to the Pirates the dark archipelago listed on the maps made for a perfect spot to begin a search. The ill-tempered seas and the sharp cliffs were not enough to deter the ambitious Officer from pursuing the idea to find his prey.

  The crew on the “Vharcan” looked to be vastly inferior, at least in dress. Her crew was without the snappy uniforms and boots of the other Navy ship, in fact her crew was more often than not barely clothed and always barefoot. Long hair with adornments of beads, shells and some coins was the more common look on board compared to the short cropped hair or neatly tucked pony tails of the other.

  Coming face to face with the enemy authority tugged at the corners of the pirate lips. They itched to show these Navy dogs how to sail. It was commonly believed that the crew of the Pirates was vastly superior in their sailing ability and command of the ocean than any other crew riding the waves. Regardless of the ship or the captain the Pirates were some of the best sailors found.

  Quiet commands across the deck of “Vharcan” showed the new Lieutenant that the spunky little vessel was full of piss and vinegar, and not to be taken lightly. Arming the blunder buss with anything they could find, too and including cutlery, Kegan took aim and was ready to clear their decks. Greyy with her fire arrows was also ready to make her presence felt when a thundering roar shook the seas and the crews of both ships hit the decks.

  A cold shiver ran down Greyylene’s spine when she saw where the noise had originated. High on the cliff stood a tall lone figure of a female. Her long white hair tossed wildly on the wind and her robes unfurled like a sail. Reaching for the spyglass Greyy peered at what was the single most frightening sight she had to date. The image was of an ageless woman with piercing black eyes and thick veined lines running across her milk white skin. Her thick ruby red lips were mouthing words that took a moment to carry down to the waters below.


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