Black White and Shades of Greyy

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Black White and Shades of Greyy Page 20

by ElissaBeth Frear

  The lavish finery of banners, carpets and candelabras that lined the meeting hall with an elegant grace demanded respect. At the end of the long aisle was the platform that held the thrones of the Emperor and Empress. A loud trumpet blast announced to the assembled that Emperor Prescott and Empress Beatrice were ready to be presented.

  Entering the platform together, her hand resting gracefully on his the royal couple emerged from the side chambers. They were dressed in vibrant happy colors fitting the warm season. His tunic was a champagne color with gold embroidery accented with white lace cuffs, white pants with a satin stripe down each leg gave his long legs the appearance of added length and his feet were shod with crisp brown shoes buckled with a gold brooch in the shape of a dragons head. The cape that flowed off his shoulders went to his knees and bore the Empirical Crest.

  The Empress walking tall and serene next to her husband had her hair braided and looped high atop her head pinned with glistening silver filigree combs and pearls draped loosely falling down her back. Her gown was a crisp sky blue satin lined with white lace petticoats and ruffles. Her deep sweeping neckline gently hugged at her curves showing off her womanly charms enough to be proper. A thick chain of pearls accented with a pendant of the Royal Crest hung at her throat giving her neck added length. She wore lace fingerless gloves elongating her fingers and gently covering her hands. Her deep sapphire wedding ring glistened in the sunlight sending tiny flecks of color dancing around the antechamber.

  Once they were seated in their respective thrones the Emperor nodded to the herald to continue with the day’s matter of state. The herald dressed in an almost mirror image of the Guard uniform colors of lush crimson and deep purple trimmed in gold announced with a booming voice the presence of Captain James Bishop, Lieutenant Horatio Washburn and Lieutenant Roland White of the Sandarian Navy answering the summons to appear before his Majesties.

  Standing slowly from his throne Emperor Prescott took a step forward to address the assembled.

  “The events of the recent past have brought a bag of mixed blessings to this palace. Where the battle between the navy and the pirate force, lead by the former Army Commander Horace Flintlock, did indeed win the day it is with a heavy heart I announce that there was an expensive price to be paid. Many of the fleet was lost or taken and the flagship named for my lovely Empress was sunk outright. This showed a distinct lack of forethought and planning on the part of the leadership, specifically that of Commander Flintlock.

  I am aware that the reports from various Navy Captains have not yet reached my desk, because I did not request them. Regardless of this lack of further evidence it is blatantly obvious that putting one more familiar with desktops and paper cuts in charge of the sailing military was a grave mistake, and one I fully intend on rectifying.

  Let it be here by known and understood that the rank of Commander has been removed from Horace Flintlock. Horace Flintlock has hereby been discharged from his post and pay garnered from his years in military service has been revoked. He is most fortunate that I am a generous man and did not have the price of rebuilding the flagship garnered from his civilian pay as well. It is furthermore decreed that Mister Horace Flintlock either recover the Bell to “The Beatrice” or pay to have it recast.”

  With a nod from the Emperor the Royal Chamberlain stepped to the center of the floor and pounded the caduceus sending an echo from the silver tipped wooden staff against marble reverberating through the hall. As it sounded a hushed pause settled over the assembled.

  Continuing on with his declarations the Emperor again straightened to his full height waiting for the calm to settle across the throne room.

  “It is with great pride that I announce the favors shown to other members of a rather prominent family of this realm. This family has shown themselves to be honorable defenders of the Crown and the peace and prosperity we strive to maintain. Each of the members who have shown cause to cross my path has proven valor and bravery beyond what is asked. Their continuing virtue and justice towards upholding the laws of this land are legendary. And on good authority I have been made aware of yet another outstanding achievement towards one of its members.

  “Horatio Washburn, step forward and be recognized.” The Emperor waited a moment.

  “Bernard Washburn, step forward and be recognized.”

  A charged pause of excitement attended Washburn as he approached the platform. Kneeling before his Emperor it was difficult to control the proud expression beaming from his face.

  “Captain James Bishop, step forward and be recognized.”

  “Roland White, step forward and be recognized.”

  “Rise, Horatio Washburn, Bernard Washburn, James Bishop, Roland White and receive your honors. All these men have performed duties beyond what they were asked or required in the heat of battle and against great odds. They have shown a capacity for leadership that has surpassed others of their perspective ranks and file. Even in the face of obvious idiocy they held true to the core of what the Empire upholds. It is with great joy that I bestow on these two the honors of the Horn of Valor.”

  “Horatio Washburn, you are hereby to be addressed as Lieutenant Commander.

  “Bernard Washburn, you will hereby be addressed as the General.”

  “Captain James Bishop, you will hereby be addressed as Fleet Captain.”

  “Roland White, you will hereby be addressed as Lieutenant Commander.”

  The Emperor turned to each man watching as the medal was pinned to their uniform. With a nod and a smile he dismissed the officers and turned again to the assembled.

  There were more speeches and a recounting of the battles and accomplishments of each man, but none who were honored heard any of it. They were so lost in the moment and the surprise of the promotions that the rest of the day slipped by in a blur.

  Chapter 144

  As the sun arced its way across the sky oblivious to the lives of those who walk the path of the earth, a course was set that would change the very essence of those who bear witness of its passing.

  Silent in his room preparing for the evening prayer Sir Gilead took a moment to pause in front of an open window at the Inn where he rested. A whisper of air blew across the holy man’s neck and he paused to gaze at the sunset before turning his back to the sky and knelt at his bed.

  “Oh my Father, holy and just. You are the One to who all honor and praise must reside. You are the opening scene of the morning, and the closing applause of each day. By you alone do the worlds turn and take course in the heavens. The trees wave in awe of your glory and the birds rejoice at your breeze at their wing. The flowers radiate a glow that only you can provide. Even the rivers rush to feel your finger. The clouds paint the sky with pictures for your pleasure. And I am a mere man who seeks to do your desire.”

  Greyylene allowed for festivities after a good day on the ocean tracking loot and plotting a course for the upcoming regatta to reward her crew. A whisper of air crossed her neck as she paused to gaze at the sunset.

  Grand festivities after the announcements and promotions with lively music and dance took Washburn and Roland to a ballroom in the Palace. A whisper of air crossed the newly appointed Lieutenant Commander’s neck as he paused to gaze at the sunset.

  “Lay my head in your arms to rest. Protect me from the harms that lie in wait for me. Show me the power of your divinity and love.”

  Stepping lightly across the deck meandering towards the bow she watched as the sun set and the stars began their waking dance. The waves lapped at the horizon hoping for a chance to touch the heavens that tease just out of reach. A sliver of silver as the last light of the sun ducked behind the end of the earth gave a sweeping bow to end the day.

  As Greyy gazed to the heavens a soft smile began to cross her lips. A silver streak across the sky froze the moment as the omen of ill winds ripped the dark velvet of the heavens. Others of the crew were halted in their duties as they peered at the eerie glow. .

  “Back to it, boys, it’s nothing more than a star on fire sending a greeting to the waters.” She said annoyed at her own rising panic.

  “But, Capt’n, it be ‘n ebil omen o bad t’intay come.” The response from a deckhand who had forgotten his station and blurted out what most of the others felt.

  “I tell ye once and once only, this is not a cause for panic! Next one who says different will see MY Bad Omen on your hide! Is That Clear!” She commanded.

  With a collective nod and release of a breath the crew resumed their activities with a bit less exuberance than before.

  The dance was lively and joyous the food rich and plentiful but the veranda beckoned a moment of quiet. Stepping out to the railing the First Lieutenant leaned his hands on the smooth marble gazing to the sky watching as the last rays of the sun disappear behind the skyline of the city.

  Almost out of nowhere a bright streak of silver began a path across the sky. Washburn had seen one or two of these in his lifetime, and they never had much good to come with them. This one seemed a bit different though; it had a bit of a blue hue to its tail.

  He stood watching the sky with his arms folded across his chest when Roland White joined him.

  “Well, Roland, what do you make of that?” Washburn said nodding to the sky.

  “Ooh now That’s a sight I don’t mind seeing.” Roland said with a beaming smile. “I’ve always liked how they cut the heavens like a big pie!”

  “Figures you would use a comet to equate food, you are so predictable.” Said the First Lieutenant rolling his eyes and a shaking his head.

  “Shelter this weary traveler from the wiles of those who would do me harm.”

  A soft glow of the full moon caressed the light cloud cover with a shimmering haze hiding the fear of the comet in a shape of blanketed protection. Most of the men aboard “Vharcan” barely look up again the rest of the night, but the Captain took full notice of the anthem over head. Shifting winds brought together clouds that reached across the expanse of sky in the form of a wing. There were detailed sections that gave witness to feathers and structure pulling together giving one grand breath before fading back into the darkness. She rested against the rails watching as the moment lingered over her ship and crew like a soft blanket.

  Washburn was always a man more comfortable with the solitude of silence. The grand parties were nice for a while, but they got oppressive quickly. He stood gazing at the night sky desperate to find the escape in silence he required. Watching the full moon take center stage being ushered in by a series of cloud formations with edges touched in silver and in the shape of a wing he took in a deep breath feeling the cleansing air course through his lungs.

  “Redeem that which is useful, tear away that which is not, let me become the one you wish for me to be.”

  The clouds dissipated as the sound of rolling thunder echoed across the water, and as they moved forward a series of flashes arched from the water to the heavens in an angry sear. The booming roar sent ripples of sound across the bow. A reminder of the epic power of nature and the frailty of Man the light show continued to dance its fierce war chant closer and closer to the bobbing vessel. The crew stood and watched as the sudden storm raced towards them bringing to life the omen that had announced its coming.

  “At ease, men.”Greyylene whispered to the storm.

  His eyes closed as he released the deep breath at the same time a sudden clap of thunder applauded the night making him jump. Roland was also taken off guard by the abrupt change in the attitude of Nature. A cut of lightning surged through the air leaving the smell of a fresh burnt match lingering in the mists. The rolling echo of thunder boiled across the land reverberating across the crisp marble floor.

  “Well, Roland, somewhere someone is being taught a lesson in how not to mess with Nature.” Washburn said moving back from the railing a step.

  “I am your humble servant, through the good and the bad; I will do as you command. Whatever we find will be worth the discovery. Take us away!”

  She closed her eyes and leaned into the storm with her very essence knowing that the fresh clean air would fill her lungs with vigor. The sweet breeze that followed filled the sails with a crisp snap as they were brought to full use. Spreading her arms wide to embrace the winds she felt as a bird in flight.

  “Home, boys, we’re heading home.” she said with a smile. “Whatever we find will be worth the discovery. Take us away!” She said turning her back on the crew to let the winds and the waves surround her in tranquility.

  As quickly as the thunder dissipated came the soft refreshing breeze of a summer storm. The air was clean and crisp with a lingering edge of excitement and energy. The teasing wind tugged at Horatio’s hair threatening to muss his tightly bound pony tail.

  Looking over at Roland with a renewed determination he stood with his hands on his hips and said. “Whatever we find will be worth the discovery. Take us away!” Then walked back into the party with a wave of his hand leaving Roland a bit confused as to what that comment meant.

  Chapter 145

  The newly appointed Fleet Admiral James Bishop had been reassigned to an office at the Castle Elisand. He was still heady from the previous day. All the pomp and fan fair was far outside of his realm of imagination and he felt as if he were in an elaborate dream. He made his way down the lofty marble corridor to his office. He expected to be tucked in a corner somewhere with a stool and a side table for a desk. As he rounded a corner he discovered that not only was there more than a dark corner but he also had a secretary.

  He was welcomed by his assistant, a stiff looking weasel of a man who was undoubtedly more geared for exacting propriety than leniency. As Bishop approached the man stood to escort him to his new office.

  Opening the door with not so much as a squeak of the hinges revealed a space that screamed of high rank and success. The smooth marble floor covered with a thick carpet made from a local tapestry Master muffled footsteps, if one was willing to tread at all on the gorgeous piece of art adorning the floor. The desk that sat center stage in the room was made from a thick mahogany and polished to a mirror like sheen. Even the silver ink well was new and filled with the soft indigo snail ink found in only the rarest reaches of the Empire. The tapestry that hung on the wall behind the desk showed an ornate map of the known worlds done in rich colors and intricate details not normally found in wall hangings. The lighting came not only from two grand cathedral arched windows but also glowing sconces formed in wrought iron and twisted into elaborate coils with vines that wrapped around torches. The windows held drapes of thick sapphire and emerald velvets, the colors of the Sandarian Navy, and edged with gold tassels.

  “So I suppose you have my day planned out for me?” Bishop asked his new Secretary.

  “But of course, sir. You have several appointments and a ship to inspect.”

  “We best get to it then.” He said as he walked to the desk to settle into the new surroundings.

  Bishop took a seat behind the desk and explored the surroundings with his eyes. The space was fit enough for the Emperor, but the nagging thought that haunted him threatening to invade his boyish exuberance was how long it would take for him to get something messy.

  Fleet Admiral James Bishop was a practical man, not normally given to elaborate displays of power. He would rather get the job done well himself than wait for someone else to do things for him. He didn’t mind getting dirty; in fact more than one uniform had been destroyed or soiled beyond recognition during his career. He was certain that getting something out of place would take very little time or effort at all.

  Chapter 146

  Finally recovered from the shock of his surroundings Bishop took a deep breath and laid the pile of papers on His desk, making a low moan at how quickly he had fulfilled his own prophecy of making a mess. Strolling to the window for a moment of calm before the parade of citizens would intrude on his peace he admired the view of the city in its early
morning freshness. One more glance around the spacious office and he turned his demeanor to the “Fleet Admiral Face” so as not to allow any others to see his eagerness in the new role. A light rap at the door announced the day was officially begun.

  His secretary appointed to keep books, appointments and act as currier for notes and messages scurried in like a near sighted field mouse squinting as he twisted his head so as not to run into things. A short man of indeterminate age adorned in the official colors and uniform of the Navy, but looking as if he’d never even seen the water of a well much less the sea, shuffled in announcing the first appointment of the day. His sniveling whine of a voice made James cringe visibly.

  The beautiful new desk now had become turmoil of rough waters over flowing with paperwork. The first day on the job as the new Fleet Admiral of the Navy and already the reports were piling higher than Bishop was tall. Unrest in remote parts of the Empire, commissioning and decommissioning the ships from the recent battle, plans for a revised fleet, and the new threat from the Pirates were all screaming for his immediate attention.

  By the time high tea was called in the Castle it was very apparent that the Fleet Admiral was in need of rescuing. Lieutenant Commander Horatio Washburn and Lieutenant Commander Roland White strode up the hall as if on cue. Their approach was unannounced and completely took the little secretary fellow off guard, and they were past him and in the door before he had a chance to clear his desk. The sight of their former Captain was so out of the ordinary that both Washburn and White stood in the doorway and released a full belly laugh at the sight of the Salty Sea Dog trapped behind a desk like a caged animal.

  “Oh, Captain, all this high finery and you still get stuck like a rat in a trap. Nice desk, what I can see of it!” Roland teased.

  Interrupting with a huff and a counter step in front of Roland the secretary wheezed and stuck out his hand as if to stop the towering Lieutenants from entry. Before anything could be said Bishop waved him off allowing the two men to have the afternoon appointments, and to shut the door there would be no need to disturb them. Slightly irritated the little man complied and backed out of the room closing the doors as he left.


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