Black White and Shades of Greyy

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Black White and Shades of Greyy Page 21

by ElissaBeth Frear

  “Gentlemen, what the hell have I done?” he exclaimed with a smirk. “I swear this desk stuff is more hazardous than dealing with those damn pirates. Look I have paper cuts on almost every finger!”

  Roland and Horatio could do nothing more than laugh at the “unfortunate circumstances” of their former captain.

  Chapter 147

  Settling on the arm of one of the grand chairs by the desk Roland reached into his vest pocket and pulled out more papers. The script was quite beautiful but obviously not in their common language and none of them could make out what it said. It had been found in the personal affects belonging to some fellow found in Port Bistrot. The poor fool had been found spouting off subversive jesting and rants in a local pub and since his motives were shady at best he had been tossed in a cell to sort out his mind. Instead of talking to the interrogators he insisted on pen and paper. The scrawling script was found by the guard as the man was attempting to pass the note off to another local hoodlum.

  “I know this just adds to your pile of work, Sir, but I think it may be important to figure out what this thing says. Or it could just be some elaborate trap that pesky pirate woman has set.”

  “Ugh! I had almost forgotten about her. Thanks a whole lot for bringing her back up.” he said turning towards a window muttering about the woman pirate and some other less than gentlemanly actions towards her. Ever since the Monk had made his announcement of her involvement and assistance in taking over the Cradle Rock menace his mind sat unruly and irritated where she was concerned.

  “Oh wow, those are some nice ships there!” Roland exclaimed trying to change the subject back to more pleasant topics.

  Turning back to the desk to glance over the plans for the new fleet James was happy to show off the new diagrams for the shipyard.

  “With all the pirate troubles we had, the whole fleet needs remade. Even the flagship lies at the bottom of the ocean. There are drawings for three sloops, two carracks, and at least one frigate. I think I’m going to put in a request to let my ship be the frigate first. We’re also using different lumber. I’m hoping that the timber found in the North Country will be less prone to splintering and have a better strength. Even the tailors are working overtime to make the sheets for these beasts.” James said with a growing smile. “I am not going to be taken by surprise by those dirty scoundrels again!

  Oh and I guess I should let you both know I will no longer be the captain of “Avenger”. I would actually like Horatio to take her. Roland, I would like you to stay with me and become my First Mate on whatever new ship they make mine.” The new Fleet Admiral said with a smirk.

  The conversation was yet again interrupted by a light rapping at the door as the secretary escorted a tall dark figure into the office.

  “This … gentleman… says he requires an audience with the New Fleet Admiral.” was all he said before turning on his heels and leaving.

  Chapter 148

  Washburn and Roland came to their feet poised to protect Bishop from any situation that would threaten, hoping there would be none. They eyed the stranger up and down for a moment taking in his full stance and making note of those weapons or other threats seen and concealed. He was a tall figure, slender in build with an easy grace when he walked. His long fingers and slender hands were wrapped in a soft leather glove decorated in elegant etchings and designs. When he pulled the hood from his face it revealed a face the color of midnight and hair white as a lily in full bloom. His eyes were fierce lavender with traces of a misty blue and his full lips curled into a scowl pretending to be a smile.

  His voice deep and smooth as a glass of bourbon the stranger spoke slow and deliberate with a sweeping bow and a wide flair of his cloak.

  “I am Claddontor of the House…” his voice trailed off a bit before continuing. “I have come to be a solution to your problem.” with that he settled relaxed and confident in the nearest chair not waiting for an invitation merely sitting in silence for the others to gain their senses.

  Rolling his eyes slightly at the arrogance of this stranger Bishop broke the silence.

  “And which problem would that be? You are a master craftsman and can build boats?” he said with a smirk.

  “No, sir, I know where to find the elusive Greyylene.” was the retort.

  “Go on.”

  “I have it on very good authority that she has sailed to the southern waters to find her own way on the seas and be away from Kerrs and his irresponsible crew. They have made a rather nasty mess with this Cradle Rock swill. The infection spreads quickly and she has no interest in being anywhere near it.”

  “So how is this going to help me?”

  “She has not yet brought disfavor to herself or her crew, at least where Kerrs is concerned. Not to mention she is the only boat on the seas that can do anything it wants without consequence.”

  Intrigued the men listened more to the stranger’s tale.

  “You see, Admiral, her cursed ship can’t ever go down! Did you not wonder how she happened to make it out of the battle unscathed while most of the other ships, including pirate vessels were in need of extensive repairs? It is the curse on her and her crew that keeps them alive and somewhat safe on these most dangerous seas. Many have tried to sink or kill her, some more obvious than others. But none have the ability or the know how in which to break the curse.”

  “Oh and You do?” Washburn said his arms crossed less than impressed with the information given.

  “Oh no no, you miss the point entirely.”

  “Well get to the point.” James snapped losing patience.

  Claddontor paused a moment to clear the irritation from his face and his voice.

  “You see I was on her ship as part of the crew, if you will remember me. I was the thief that helped you discover the Savage Ale she acquired originally. In exchange for regaining access to her crew I will direct her to you. I will even tie her up in a bow if that is what you prefer, but I must have access to her crew.” he said. After making his request the stranger settled back in the chair arms loosely folded across his chest legs stretched out before them and waited for a response.

  All three men were taken aback by the revelation of their former informant. His information had been sound but his devious undertones had given them all cause for caution. Now the attitude of Claddontor bordered on contempt.

  Washburn watched for a moment, his ire stirring hotter. He was inclined to make some rather testy comments but chose to remain quiet instead.

  “You are dismissed. If I require your services I will send word. Leave your information with the little man outside.” Bishop said with a nod and with that he turned his back on the stranger.

  “You will regret ever turning your back on me, sir.” Claddontor whispered to himself.

  Chapter 149

  After the room was silent again Roland set a steady gaze on the Admiral. It was obvious that something weighed heavy on his mind, but Roland was unwilling to break the silence in order to find out. He would simply wait until the information settled in Bishop’s mind then it would be offered freely and without the need of prying.

  “Gentlemen, didn’t that seem a bit Too convenient? He just meanders in out of nowhere wanting access to the one Pirate in the whole damn fleet that I really want floating at the bottom of the sea. And more than that, he brings up something so outrageous that it’s almost believable.

  Then there’s that Monk fellow with his warning and the statement that it’s her help that keeps things in check. All that and Bernard appears all of a sudden too. This is all a little bit too tidy. Someone is up to something, and I need to figure out what it all means Before things get real ugly. I see that the Cradle Rock is indeed a real threat, but what does it all have to do with this Claddon… whatever his name is?”

  Standing slow and deliberate Washburn paused at the desk and leaned in a little as if to tell a secret.

  “Sir, one thing at a time. Isn’t that always what
you say?”

  “Oh and don’t forget about the Pirate Regatta.” Roland said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Damn! I did forget.” he said with a note of irritation calling for the secretary to come.

  “Send a currier immediately to the Navy headquarters to take the fastest ship that is ready to sail to join the Pirate Regatta. It doesn’t need to be finished, just sea worthy and fast. I will rendezvous at Port Bistrot in two days. Go Now!” he ordered watching the little man scurry off to carry out the directions.

  “Oh Horatio and Roland, congratulations on your promotions I know you will do a fine job in your new roles. The ships will need men with clear heads, I am confident you both will do fine.”

  “Roland, you do realize that by becoming my First Officer you have essentially taken command of the new ship. I do not see myself spending much time on board.”

  Chapter 150

  The annual Pirate Regatta was an event that turned the somewhat quiet town of WayFair into a hot spring of criminal activity. The ships that collected at the Way Farer Inn reached out across the Empire to all the Pirate clans. Kerr’s pirate clan was generally the host of the event, given that none of the others were clever enough to organize such an occasion without causing undo attention from authorities.

  One by one the ships were moored and secured against other pirate looters, or those from town trying to prove their weight with the ruffians. Each crew knew that position would be important for starting so all tried to grab the best spot as well as one that was safe from vandals. In this case arriving early was not necessarily an asset.

  Greyylene and her crew were one of the last to pull into port and they lingered as long as possible before going ashore so as not to present themselves too much at the Inn. She knew that her presence was going to be sought from her clan, but she was unwilling to interact if there was no need. Her last encounters were less than favorable.

  In the back of her mind she wondered if Buddy even remembered his altercation with her and the crew or if the Cradle Rock had made him so mad he had forgotten altogether. She hoped he had forgotten, but she prepared for the chance he remembered everything. As a precaution she secured the ship with extra sentries hoping she wouldn’t need to tie them to the boat to make sure they stayed aboard.

  “Kegan, Bullseye, you’re with Me.” she stated then pointed to a few others to patrol the harbor for suspicious activity.

  Bullseye, promoted to boatswain, was a crack shot sailor that had an easy manner mixed with a deep passion for the sea and the job at hand. His long legs and thick arms made him fast climbing ropes and tying off riggings. He sported a scruff most of the time, unless he was heading into town to “woo the wenches”, and his bald head he mostly kept covered to hide tribal markings he acquired one night in a rather primitive outpost. Greyy thought they were endearing, but he was always embarrassed by the foolishness in which he got them.

  Everything he did he went full bore without hesitation or question. In battle he was one of the fiercest fighters on deck, and in a pub he could drink most any man under the table. He and Kegan would often tag team potential marks for quick coins and solidifying their reputation as mean drunks.

  Of all the men in the crew these two had earned the Captain’s trust and confidence. They were two who would watch each other’s backs, knew how to read a situation and above all worked in sync with Greyylene. The three of them moved together almost as one fluid entity with the ability to read the other’s movements and thoughts almost as fast as they were decided.

  Striding along the center of the street in a formation that cleared the way with awe and fear, the three Pirates made their way to the Inn. Once at the door they paused just a moment to gather a collective breath and staying nerves before entering. Inside they filled the door with their presence, the lithe female captain, the hulking Kegan and the lean Bullseye all with the no nonsense attitude of those fitting the title of cutthroat.

  Chapter 151

  Kerrs caught the eye of Captain Greyy and with a long pipe secured between his teeth he gave a nod. Taking a stand on the bar at the back center of the room, a bottle of rum in one hand, he reached with his other hand to take the pipe from his lips. Quick stomp of his boot brought the assembled to order, or at least the pirate equivalent of order.

  “This here be the gathering of the Pirate Regatta!” he began surrounded by whoops and hollers from other captains.

  “This here race be a fairly simple one. All the ships are assembled at the Wayfarer’s Inn to run a course set with marker buoys going north up the coast crossing deep waters towards Port Bistrot then ending at Port Redgrave. The three day event will encourage most forms of cheating, save crossing directly to Port Redgrave via Minerva’s Cradle. There will be station points and check in points at ports for crews to acquire a specific booty for their vessel.

  The crew that comes back with the most booty, preferably their own, wins. Stowaways will be considered spies and dealt with appropriately, unless the ship they’re on is the winner, then the spy is toasted as a wile sea dog. Jumping into the middle of the race will dock points from loot not taken. And any who are captured by the authorities answer for themselves. We start at high tide.” he concluded raising his bottle and taking a long drag from the pipe releasing a puff of smoke for emphasis.

  Greyy turned to her crew nodding to leave when a heavy hand grasped her shoulder wheeling her around with such force it almost took her off her feet. Kegan and Bullseye moved in so fast barely anyone noticed there was a problem. They had their weapons drawn low so as not to draw undo attention to their actions but were more than capable of dispatching the offender should there be any further movement to harm their Captain.

  “Woooah boys, j’st be me.” came the voice of Buddy. His hand was covered in a leather glove, most likely hiding the obvious affects of the Cradle Rock. “J’stwish’n Capt’n here luck on this regatta.” he said with an obvious slur in his speech.

  “Thank you, Buddy.” she said as she turned to go, not wishing any more confrontations or altercations.

  Slipping out of the crowded Inn was easy enough, but their presence did not go unnoticed. Cutthroats and assassins from across the Empire gathered during this “Pirate Festival” to find jobs and marks. It was becoming evident that Greyy and her crew had attracted some attention from somewhere. The shaded eyes from working spies followed from all around the room.

  “It’s best we make our way back to the “Vharcan” quickly, too many eyes are interested in our movements.” she whispered to Kegan.

  “High tide will be in less than three hours. We need to ready the ship to sail at dusk.” with that she led the others back to the harbor.

  Chapter 152

  Stepping aboard quietly her first task was to take note of the activity aboard, reading each crewman’s face for any sign of distress. Once the gangplank was secured she barked out orders. Retrieving the navigational maps from her quarters she came back on deck to show the crew the intended rout they would sail. Her main concern in this regatta was the sense of impending trouble she felt looming over her and the crew.

  “I set to vote what we will do at the encounters we will face. It feels like we’re walking into some sort of ambush somewhere along the way, and we’re all in or we’re all sunk. Kegan, you talk with the crew and get the general feel, I will be at the helm. Get me when you’re done.” Greyy said turning to stand at the wheel while the crew discussed the plan of action to be taken for the race.

  A few moments went by with the Captain at the prow watching the waves on the horizon ebb and flow and lapping at the hull when Kegan and the helmsman approached to give word of what the crew had decided. It was by popular vote and the decision was unanimous.

  “We meet any and all head on, Capt’n, like we always do.” were the simple words from Kegan, seconded by a stout nod from the helmsman.

  “Very well then, ready the ship to sail. Make sure we are amply prepared f
or battle. I suspect we’ll see a few.” She said before turning back to the wheel.

  “Oh, and make sure to stow the Ale in good hiding spots, you know we will be boarded and I don’t want anyone finding it, well at least not without a good effort. They will have to earn the find!” she commanded with a smirk and a wink.

  As the hour grew near for the Regatta to begin the fleet of ships moved into position. Many of the crews tried to jockey for first row, but experienced crews knew that it was best to be near the end and watch how others handled themselves on the open waters. The “Vharcan” pulled up near the back and stayed near the outside edge of the pack. Becoming trapped in the mass of boats and sails had been known to be the end of the race before it ever began for some.

  The tide rose as the sun set across the horizon and the eager teams stood ready on decks. The sound of a most pathetic blast from an ill trained trumpeter signaled the start. As fast as each crew was able in a thundering display of skill and agility empty masts snapped with full sails. Boats that were too slow in their start became obstacles as hull against hull pushed others out of the way in order to gain the best advantage.

  Colors and sheets were cast to the wind as the last rays of the sun set the sky ablaze with vibrant reds and yellows. The deep purple hues mixed with the reds and blues applauded the beginning of a grand display of underhanded mischievous behavior and pure cutthroat savagery. With the sound of the horn and the mighty display of sails another Pirate Regatta was underway.

  Chapter 153

  Greyy and her crew moved forward on the wind and waves as they passed several crews floating in the water bobbing helpless hoping not to be washed under by other passing vessels. Casualties early in the race meant more chances for collecting loot later. Under manned ships would often ‘recruit’ from crews in the water thus giving a higher chance of completing the race.


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