Second Chance at Love

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Second Chance at Love Page 15

by Rhonda Laurel

  As promised, he kept the kids in touch with Rachel’s parents. He wanted the kids to know their other family, and it was important to be in their lives. Over the phone, Chloe had slipped and revealed he’d been on a date the previous night. He didn’t know what he’d expected from Rachel’s mom. Maybe some outrage and some sad commentary about forgetting her daughter. But what he got instead was encouraging words that it was time to move on with his life.

  Traffic was light as he drove through the town. As soon as they arrived at the gallery, the coordinator needed to speak with Peyton, so he reluctantly let her go. While he waited, he ambled around the gallery, looking at all the featured artwork and eyeing the crowd. He’d expected the staff to turn up, but he was also thrilled to see some Harper’s Grove residents. The artwork displayed was spectacular. Peyton had picked some lovely pieces from her collection, including a breathtaking photo of the view from Marco’s veranda at the winery.

  It was quite a turnout at the gallery, but he was shocked to see Austin mingling with the crowd. Peyton still wasn’t back at his side, so it was good to see a familiar face. Alex waved to him from across the room and made his way over.

  “Austin. It’s good to see you.” He shook his head. “Surprised but happy none the less.”

  “Yeah, I usually stay away from these fancy-pants events, but I thought I’d come out and support Peyton. She has a few photos of the ranch on display.” He pointed at the wall that displayed Peyton’s photography.

  “She does know how to capture a moment.” She’s captured my heart too. He’d wanted to blurt that out that since she’d opened the door looking stunning in that dress.

  “That she does. How are things between you two?”

  “We’re good.”

  Austin had casually asked about their relationship at the last poker game too. Alex liked that someone was looking out for her. Last week, they’d run into him while they were out dining; he was there eating alone at the bar. Alex had asked him to join them, but Austin declined, saying only a fool would infringe what was clearly a cozy romantic evening. Austin seemed to be committed to doing the single thing. Peyton said he was still licking some wounds from a failed relationship but didn’t go into any more detail than that.

  “Glad to hear it. I’ve never seen her so happy. She’s a good friend.” Austin looked him in the eye.

  “I will take good care of her heart,” Alex assured him.

  “I know you will.” Austin looked over his shoulder. “You coming to poker night?”

  “You know it. I want to give you a chance to win your money back.”

  “Tell Grayson it’s his night to bring the food and none of that fancy stuff. I want nachos and pork rinds, not the latest vegan cooking fad.”

  Alex clutched his heart. “You are a cardiologist’s nightmare.”

  “If I’m eating right, then I’m doing something wrong.” Austin laughed.

  Alex looked around the room and found Peyton. She did look spectacularly beautiful in the warm glow of the recessed lighting. He intended to take their relationship to the next level tonight.

  Peyton mingled with the guests, hoping she’d eventually make her way over to the room where Alex was standing. He’d gotten better at socializing, no longer trying to fade into the backdrop. She’d seen him make small talk with a few colleagues, and now he was talking to Austin. She thought it was nice that the two of them had struck up a friendship. Austin was a good guy. He was handsome, charming, and unapologetically Texan. He strutted around town in his cowboy hats and boots, refusing to succumb to the latest fashion trends. The women in town ate his rebel cowboy persona up with a spoon. He was a hot commodity, but no one had landed him in the entire time he’d lived there.

  He did seem like the evasive, hard-to-pin down cowboy type, but truth was, beneath that gorgeous façade, he was a gentle soul. She’d seen that gentleness when she’d spent time photographing the ranch for the brochures.

  She took a deep breath when she saw someone studying her photographs. She was a bit surprised at the pricing, but the person in charge of the showing assured her that her work merited the hefty price tags next to them, claiming she’d captured life in Harper’s Grove with a unique precision that the residents would gladly pay the price on the tag.

  Being here with Alex was definitely a bright spot in her day, especially after such a busy week. She’d rather concentrate on Alex and how much joy he brought to her life than fret over what people thought of her photography. He’d sent her a huge bouquet of flowers just yesterday, and it was so sweet that she cried. She’d never been romanced in that way before. He was caring and sent little trinkets to let her know he was thinking of her. She’d never felt this safe in a relationship. She used to kid him about how pristinely he dressed, but now she saw that he liked to look good because it made him feel good and commanded the respect of the people around him. He made her feel like she was the only woman in the world wherever they went.

  He also made an effort to show her that her feelings mattered, especially when it came to sex. He told her over dinner one night that he didn’t want a hasty, premature roll in the hay. He wanted their coming together in an intimate way to mean something for both of them. Because it would be the gateway to expanding their budding relationship. It was guaranteed to be explosive, but she liked that she could take her time exploring her feelings until the right moment came.

  And she had a feeling tonight might be the night. It was something about the look in his eyes when she’d opened the door. He looked sexy and elegant, but he also looked like he’d resolved something within himself. The word love had been on her lips the past couple of weeks. Perhaps it had been on his mind too.

  She found herself getting anxious again until she felt a large hand on the small of her back. It was Alex.

  “I think things are going well.” She put her hand on her stomach, trying to still the nervous flutters there.

  “I counted three sold tags so far.”

  “I hear your girlfriend, Mrs. Prendergast, has been talking me up.” She bit back a smile.

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m never going to live that down.”

  She searched the room for Mrs. Prendergast, who was holding court by the buffet table.

  Alex laced his fingers with hers. “Let’s go say hello.”

  Peyton tightened her grip on Alex’s hand as they waded through the crowd. Mrs. Prendergast beamed at them as they walked up.

  “You are causing quite a buzz, young lady.”

  “It’s an honor just to have my work hanging up there with some of the big names.”

  “You’re going to be one of those big names someday. I can feel it in my bones.”

  “I appreciate you expanding this event for local talent.”

  “It was the least I could do. This hospital should be ashamed. You’ve donated your work countless times, and you instruct the recovering patients. It hasn’t gone unnoticed. Aleksandr is one of your biggest supporters. He strong-armed his boss into making sure local talent was included.”

  “He did?”

  “He’s just like my Mikhail. Full of fire when protecting his woman.” She patted his cheek. “I would expect nothing less, Aleksandr.” She winked at Peyton. “Don’t let this one get away. Men like him are a rare breed. Now come.” She linked arms with Peyton. “There’s an art critic here who is dying to speak with you.”

  Peyton looked back at Alex as the woman led her over to the critic. He winked at her, smiled, and gave her a thumbs-up.

  * * *

  After the gallery opening, they were quiet as Alex drove them through the dark streets, headed home. Alex should have been exhausted by the time the gallery opening was over, but instead he felt invigorated. He’d mingled, been as charming as he could be, and was by Peyton’s side the whole night. She’d sold a total of ten photos and one painting, and she’d even drummed up some business for her commercial photography business. Everyone was impressed with her work on Austin’
s ranch brochure prints. It looked like the uptick in her business would keep her busy for some time to come. He knew she worried about the position at the elementary school being temporary, but he was hopeful she’d hear something about that toward the end of the year.

  He pulled into the driveway, cut the engine, and escorted Peyton into the house. He’d done it a million times before, but tonight felt different. He was nervous. He hadn’t tried to make a move on a woman in ages, but he reminded himself again that romance and intimacy were simple when the intention was right. And he intended on taking his relationship to new heights tonight.

  She glanced at her watch. “Do you have time for a quick glass of wine?”

  He moved closer to her and caressed her arms. “Aubrey’s watching the kids all night. I have plenty of time.”

  “OK.” She smiled. “I know you’ve been here several times, but I never really gave you the extended tour.”

  “Sure.” He removed his suit jacket.

  “I’ll get the wine.”

  Peyton grabbed onto Alex’s hand as they walked through the house rambling on about Skyler’s decorative taste. It was a fabulous house, but he was really only interested in her. He could tell she was nervous. She was talking faster than usual, and when he touched her wrist, he could tell her pulse was racing. He gave her hand a good squeeze, and she calmed down a bit. A little while later, they stopped at the door to the room she used as her studio. It was the only door in the house that had been closed besides the closets. They stood outside the door, but she didn’t seem to want to open it.

  “Something wrong?” he asked gently.

  “It’s silly, but no one’s ever been in this room before. Not since I turned it into my studio, I mean…”

  “We don’t have to go in.”

  “No.” She smiled at him. “I want you to see how I work.”

  As soon as she opened the door and they stepped inside, it was as if someone had transported them to a museum workshop. He’d been behind the scenes of artist’s rooms before, since his mom had worked for a few museums while he was growing up.

  This was just as he’d imagined, and totally Peyton. The workshop was an electric atmosphere of creation and innovation. There were photographs and paintings on the wall. She had a table filled with paints, pencils, and four easels with canvases on them. Each of the three canvases was in a various state of creation, but he couldn’t see the big one on the other side of the room. An old-fashioned pitcher filled with water and a basin next to it sat on a table beside a row of dry paintbrushes. Paint-splattered drop cloths covered the floors and sketches hung off a clothesline above his head. And most notably, a white chaise lounge sat in the corner with toss pillows and a pastel blanket on it.

  “So this is where all the magic happens,” he said, wonder in his voice.

  “Yes.” She put her wineglass down and began furiously covering the big canvas. “This isn’t finished yet.”

  “What’s in there?” He pointed to a door with a light above it.

  “Dark room.”

  “Really? I thought everything was digital these days.”

  “A lot of things are. Heavens knows the cameras are plenty sophisticated now. Digital cameras have taken a lot of the mystique out of photography. My aunt told me the true test of a photographer was doing it the old-fashioned way. So, I accepted the challenge and found out I liked it. I don’t do it often, but when I do, it’s fulfilling and the photo just feels different to the eye. I know a prominent New York photographer who only develops his black and white shots of Central Park. It’s like you’re in that moment.”

  “Now everybody with a smartphone or a digital camera thinks it’s all about simply point and clicking,” he said, shaking his head. “Not paying attention to the light, to composition and form. Rachel used to call me the last Luddite on the planet.” He laughed, then winced. He didn’t mean to say her name, but it just slipped out.

  “Alex.” She touched his arm, looking into his eyes. “It’s OK that you talk about her. I understand.”

  He didn’t want to talk about Rachel right now. It was just occurring to him that every time they were getting closer, he’d bring up Rachel’s name or start thinking about her somehow. Perhaps it was his subconscious putting the brakes on him going forward, but it had to stop. He wanted to move on. He wanted to make room for Peyton in his life. His heart and body longed for her.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?” He put his wineglass down on her supplies table and put his arms around her waist.

  “Yes. But compliments never get old.”

  “Peyton,” he whispered.

  “Yes?” she whispered back.

  Alex covered her mouth with his and gripped her tighter. He parted her mouth with his tongue and explored further, playfully meeting her tongue with his. He caressed her back as his hand slid down the curve of her spine to her ass. The softness of her lips rivaled the softness of her body. He wasn’t sure if Peyton got the point he was trying to make until she began undo his tie and back him toward the chaise. They fell on it together, and she lay on top of him.

  They continued exploring each other, neither wanting to break the kiss. Peyton unbuttoned his shirt and kicked off her heels, while he got rid of the tie. He searched for the zipper on her dress as she finished unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled down the material of her dress and caressed her breasts, pushing aside her lacy black bra and taking her nipple into his mouth.

  It took all his self-control to stop himself, taking her chin gently and looking deep into her eyes.

  “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Her big, soulful eyes stared into his as she slowly nodded, biting at her lip and waiting for him to go on.

  “I haven’t been with anyone since Rachel.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened. “Oh.”

  “But I’m prepared. I have protection.”

  “Me too,” she stammered. “I mean it’s been a while for me too. But I am on the pill.”

  “Good,” Alex growled, standing and removed his dress shirt. If he didn’t have her naked and his hands back on her body in the next few seconds, he thought he might just need a doctor himself.

  Peyton watched in awe as Alex removed his clothes. She knew he had a toned body, but she was definitely impressed by his muscle definition. As good as he looked overall, that was nothing compared to the big bulge in his boxers. He hadn’t made love to anyone since his wife died. It was sweet that he’d waited that long, and it was also exciting. He could have been with plenty of women, but he wanted to be intimate with her. Thank goodness she’d gone to her yoga class this morning. She lifted up when Alex tugged on her dress, leaving her feeling exposed, dressed only in her panties and bra.

  The chaise lounge wasn’t the queen-size bed she slept on in her bedroom, but she wasn’t complaining. Alex covered her body with his, and with one deft movement, liberated her from her bra. Waves of pleasure rocked through her as he sucked on her nipples and his hand slipped beneath her panties and caressed her. He released her nipple and continued to trail kisses down her stomach. Her breath hitched when he gripped the waistband of her panties and began to pull them down with his teeth. He rose up and slid them down the rest of the way with his hands. He stepped back and removed his boxers and confirmed for her what she suspected. He was definitely well-endowed.

  He took her foot and kissed each of her pink polished toes. Then he kissed her leg and worked his way up her thigh until his mouth rested on her vagina. She grabbed hold of his head as he delved inside her with precise, sensual movements of his tongue, giving her a prelude to what he was about to do her with his thick girth. What seemed like an eternity later, he laved and sucked until she came with a guttural groan that didn’t sound like herself. She lay there panting, trying to catch her breath, while he fished the condoms out of the wallet in his pants pocket. He sheathed himself quickly and parted her legs once again, then he got on his knees and remained that way for
a moment.

  “Peyton,” Alex rasped as he searched her eyes. “Ty tak krasiva.”

  “Ty zastavlyayesh' menya chuvstvovat' sebya krasivoy.” She reached up and caressed his cheek, rough with five o’clock shadow. Yeah. He did make her feel beautiful.

  Peyton braced herself as Alex gave her a sly smile and sank into her again and again. There should have been soft candles, satin pillows strewn about on the floor, and hell, a string quartet playing in the corner. All of those things would have been fantastic, but right now nothing could be better than the sound of their bodies passionately meshing together.

  He was strong yet gentle in his technique, and she could tell that even though he was forceful he was holding back. With each caress, he uttered something in Russian which made it all the hotter. He was penetrating and demanding, and her body responded involuntarily, so she gave into it. Each time he deepened their connection, she felt as if they were the only people left in the world. This was what it was like to be loved by a real man. Each one before him paled in comparison to the raw male specimen putting everything he had into satisfying her.

  When he sank into her that final time and hit her G-spot again, she could hear him wrestling with his control. He uttered more words in Russian, but she was too distracted by the sensations to translate what they meant. They both screamed out together, and Alex fired into her one last time and collapsed on her. They stayed that way for a while before moving to the bedroom and making love three more times. She knew eventually he’d have to go so he’d be home before the kids awoke. But right now she wanted to enjoy the afterglow.


  Peyton juggled her bag and the vase of flowers as she dug into the pocket of her jean overalls for her key. She had thirty minutes to get the room ready for her art class at the hospital. She was especially excited about this class because it would be the last one Flora attended. She’d made tremendous strides in her physical therapy, and she was given the OK to return home on Monday.


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