Second Chance at Love

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Second Chance at Love Page 16

by Rhonda Laurel

  Jeff Cranford was coming down the hall. “Peyton, let me get that for you.”

  “Thanks Dr. Cranford.”

  “You know I’ve told you a thousand times to call me Jeff.”

  “You have.” She turned the key and the door opened. “But every time I look at you, the words Dr. Cranford comes out.”

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “For your residency with the snooty painter’s workshop in Maine. I hear only the best and brightest with the most potential can get in there.”

  “Where did you hear that?”

  “The newsletter.”

  Peyton scrambled outside the room and went to the rack of newspapers they kept in the hall near the nurses’ station. There she was, on the front page of the newsletter, the photo of her was one the hospital had on file. How the hell did the news get out? She didn’t tell anyone. Wait a minute. She’d told Eunice, the woman in the hospital flower shop. She was part of the newsletter team. But she’d told her about it in passing, frankly because she wanted to tell someone. Eunice had shared with her that her short story she’d published had won some award so Peyton thought it was OK to reveal her news too. She distinctly remembered telling Eunice it wasn’t etched in stone, she was just illustrating how her luck had turned around. The gallery opening had been a hit. She’d been having the time of her life in her temp teaching position. And just when she’d given up on love, she’d run into Alex.

  She and Eunice always traded random chitchat, although now this was not random. It was plastered on the front page of the hospital newsletter, and she hadn’t told Alex yet. A giant pit formed in her stomach. He was doing rounds this morning, checking in on a patient he’d performed the triple bypass on earlier in the week. She had to catch him. Peyton power walked more than she ever had in her life and within a few minutes she was at his office. She tapped on the door and then entered, but it was too late.

  He had the newsletter in his hand.

  He didn’t want it to be true, but the moment he saw her eyes when she burst into his office, he knew it was. She had never bothered to tell him about the fact that she might be leaving him.

  “Alex,” she said, her eyes wide, almost frightened.

  “I was just reading about your exciting new opportunity. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was waiting for the right time.” She bit her lip.

  “But you felt comfortable enough to be featured in the hospital newsletter?” He threw it down on his desk.

  “It wasn’t an official announcement, just some watercooler talk with Eunice. She wasn’t supposed to print anything. She never even asked if she could.”

  “OK. Say Eunice was premature and printed it. You still opted to share with a relative stranger over me.”

  “I was afraid to tell you.”


  She went over to him. “Because we’d been having such a good time. But now that it’s out there, let me tell you about it. I applied for this months ago, before I met you. I was having an awful block, and the artists that lecture and instruct are really good.”

  “You still should have told me.”

  “I know. I know. But honestly I didn’t think I’d get in.”

  “Why wouldn’t you? Your work is wonderful.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “That means a lot to me. But this is an incredible opportunity… It’s only six months. I know things are fairly new with us, but it’s not a big deal. I won’t be gone long. I’ll be right back.”

  Alex took a deep breath. It was like someone had sucked all the air out of the room. He’d heard that before, and what followed was the most devastating time in his life. Rachel had said the same thing before he’d lost her. It wasn’t the same kind of loss, but it was a loss just the same. The ice around his heart had begun to thaw because he cared for Peyton, and it was dangerously close to becoming something more serious. He couldn’t do that to himself again. His heart wasn’t strong enough.

  “I can’t do this.”

  She went very still, frowning. “What are you saying?”

  “I don’t want to do a long distance relationship. It won’t work for me.”

  “What about what works for me? Don’t I get a say in this?”

  “I think it was pretty selfish of you to get involved with me and not plan on sticking around,” he blurted out. “Now I have to explain this to the kids.”

  “I don’t consider what we shared as some casual dalliance. I thought long and hard about what it meant to be with you and the kids before all this started. I thought it was worth a shot.”

  “I did too.”

  “I never figured you for a chicken. I think you’re just scared to take a chance on us because you can’t control the outcome.”

  “Don’t you know how hard this is for me?” He took her face into his hands and looked into her eyes. “I—”

  The words love you wouldn’t come out. He loved everything about her, and yet he hated himself for the things he was saying to her. For his inability to tell her he loved her.

  Peyton backed away, a disappointed look flashing across her face. “News flash, Alex, life is full of unexpected things that just happen. Love, life, death, it happens and sometimes it doesn’t work out the way we want and it’s nobody’s fault. I thought you were beginning to understand that.”

  He couldn’t answer. He tried to find the words and they wouldn’t come. When he could only give her silence, she turned around and walked out the door, closing it gently, but she might as well have slammed it. The finality of the latch clicking closed was like a blow to his heart.

  Alex slumped down in his chair and put his head in his hands. What was wrong with him? Six months wasn’t that long, but it was interminable when he felt like a teen-aged boy with his first crush. He couldn’t stop thinking about the night they’d made love. He wanted to see her all the time. Knowing she was out there, a stone’s throw away, was comforting to him. He knew she was safe in this sleepy idyllic town. Nothing ever happened, and he liked it that way.

  Now he’d just lost the best thing to happen to him in a long time.


  Peyton tapped her fingers on the reception desk of the gallery, waiting for the manager to return with her check. It had been a couple of weeks since the opening, and once she got paid, she would be on her way to Maine. She’d begun packing her things, grateful to have something to do. She hadn’t been sleeping well since her argument with Alex. He was being totally unreasonable, giving her an ultimatum about their relationship. She’d only be gone for six months, and they would be able to keep in constant contact. Why couldn’t he understand this was important to her? Why didn’t he believe in her?

  “Ms. Colfax, so nice to see my shining star of the opening.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Shining star?

  “You had the most sales of the evening. You, my dear, are on the verge of an expansive art career.”

  “I thought I sold some photos and a painting.” She opened the envelope. She nearly choked when she saw the amount.

  He opened the ledger and scanned it. “No, you sold over two dozen photos and two paintings.”

  “Can I see the invoices?”

  She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the plethora of invoices for her work. Mrs. Prendergast had bought a few, as well as Austin. Apparently her friend Skyler made a purchase over the phone. And Alex had bought two of her Napa Valley vineyard photos. They were the shots she’d taken on the veranda as the sun was beginning to set. He’d leaned in to kiss her when Marco’s mom interrupted. It was one of several sweet moments they’d had together that day. She felt like his heart had been calling out to hers.

  “I can’t believe it.”

  “Can I tell you a little secret?” The manager put his glasses on top of his head and moved closer to her. “You have a secret weapon in Mrs. Prendergast. Her friends have been coming in here for the last two we
eks buying up your work. You should be getting another check soon.”

  “Wow.” There was nothing like wealthy word of mouth.

  “And that handsome heart doctor. He came in yesterday and bought another for his office. I had someone deliver it this morning. It was another Napa photo. I asked if he loved the area. You know, the rolling hills and rustic scenery. He said no, he loved the photographer.” He winked.

  Peyton fought back the tears that threatened to gush from her eyes. He’d told a total stranger that he loved her. She’d been feeling the same thing too and was sure telling each other would be the next step…before they’d gotten into that argument. He’d even bought another photograph, even though they weren’t speaking. Why was she going to Maine when she had everything she wanted right here?

  She left the gallery in a haze and did her best to concentrate on the road as she drove home. He loved her. As soon as she walked in the door, her cell phone rang.

  She looked at the display. It was the principal of the elementary school calling. “Hi, Mrs. Abernathy.”

  “Hi, Peyton. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I know I have to do my exit interview with you. I was going to make an appointment for the end of the week.”

  “There’s been a change.” The principal cleared her throat. “How would you like to return next year?”


  “Mrs. Meyers won’t be back. She’s decided to teach at a school near her family while she continues to recover. I thought you’d be the perfect choice. The kids love you, and you have a fresh voice that the school has been in need of for a while. I’d still like you to shadow with Carrie for a while longer, but I have no doubt you’ll be on your own after the winter break.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Please say yes. It would be quite a faux pas on my part to let the hot new artist who’s making waves to leave our employ.”

  “Yes,” she stammered and shook her head in wonder.

  “Thanks, dear. So I’ll go ahead and cancel that exit interview and e-mail you the schedule for the upcoming school year. We have workshops that require us to start a few weeks early before the little darlings start school. I hope that won’t mess up your summer plans.”

  “I’ll make adjustments.”

  She wasn’t going to take the residency, she knew that now. She loved her life in Harper’s Grove. She’d grown so much since she’d come to live here. She had friends and plenty of freelance projects to keep her gainfully employed. And she was honing her craft on her own terms.

  But most of all, she loved Alex and the kids.

  * * *

  Alex looked out the patio door to see how Derek was making out with the grill. He, Charisma, and Lex had showed up two days ago as a spontaneous surprise, but Alex was pretty sure they were checking up on him. When he called and told his brother that Peyton was leaving, he was frustrated and distraught, and for the first time he didn’t try to hide his feelings. They’d talked for hours that night about love and loss. Derek calmed him down and told him that everything he was feeling was natural. He’d been out of the dating game for a while and he’d found a great woman. Unfortunately, she had plans that involved her career. Alex couldn’t blame her for wanting to study with someone accomplished who could give her insight on honing her craft. Hell, he’d just moved his family from Portland for a new career opportunity. It was unfair that he’d been forced into the role of hypocrite because he liked the way his life was going. He had a woman he loved. He enjoyed his job. The kids were happy and didn’t mind having someone new in their lives. Everything should’ve been perfect.

  Except it wasn’t. Not without Peyton.

  Since he had his family there for a few days, it seemed like a perfect time for a barbecue. Being with family, eating good food might just lift his spirits some. He’d also invited Grayson, Austin, Marco, and Aubrey. Her brother Riley was in town visiting with his girlfriend Parker, so he told her to bring them too. Aubrey had been invaluable these past months, and she felt like family too. Theo had called to check in and once he found out Aubrey would be there, he said he’d be there.

  Alex stared at his phone. He wanted to call Peyton because he missed her something terrible. He remembered their lovemaking every night before he drifted off to sleep. He was about to select her number and call her, but the patio door opened, and he quickly put his phone away. It was Derek coming in with Alexis. As soon as his niece saw him, she reached out for him.

  “Privet, moya prekrasnaya printsessa.” Alex took her into his arms and kissed her cheek. “You are looking more like your beautiful mother every day.”

  “I think so too. Charisma says she doesn’t see it, but I do.” Derek opened the fridge and retrieved a bottle of water.

  “Have you been giving her proper Russian lessons?”

  “Yes.” Derek smiled. “I read her bedtime stores in both languages to wire her brain to be bilingual.”

  “I have another book for you to take home. It’s something I used to read to the kids.”

  “Cool. I think we’re all set for the barbecue. We have plenty of food and drink. Charisma and the kids should be back from the pool store soon. I’m willing to make a run to the market if you need anything else.”

  “I think we have everything we need. But thanks for the offer.”

  “Any word from Theo?”

  “He said he’d be here.” He leaned against the counter while Alexis played with the button on his shirt.

  Derek frowned at him. “Have you talked to Peyton?”

  Alex gave him a look. “You know I haven’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I think it’s better this way. She’ll be leaving next week. And she’s going to be famous. She’ll be headed back to New York or to LA and she’ll forget all about Harper’s Grove. I was only something to pass the time, like her substitute job at the school. So I need to make a clean cut.”

  “You don’t know that. And I don’t understand what the big deal is. She said it’s a six-month workshop. She isn’t joining the Witness Protection Program.”

  “I would have taken things much slower if I’d known her plans.”

  “You can’t go any slower than a snail.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You sound angry.”

  “I think I have a right to be angry. She lied to me.”

  “No, she didn’t. She prolonged telling you, probably because she liked where the relationship was headed. Hell, maybe she really didn’t believe she’d get in.” Derek folded his arms across his chest. “Or maybe you’re angry because you feel something because she’s leaving?”

  “I don’t know.” Alex rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Thank goodness.”


  “You don’t have an answer, because there is no easy answer. It’s nice to know that for once you don’t have an immediate solution to your problem. It requires searching that heart of yours.”

  “What if she gets there and likes it? What if she meets someone?”

  “She’s already met someone. You.”

  “What if she meets someone who has no attachments? No kids. No baggage.”

  “Hey. My niece and nephew are not ‘attachments.’” Derek did air quotes with his fingers.

  “You know what I mean.” Alex continued to bounce Alexis in his arms. “I love my kids. They are my whole world. Being a single dad now, I have to be careful of their feelings and make sure I’m making the right decision. Peyton wasn’t a right decision. She’s not only putting us on hold, she’s leaving the kids. I can’t do that again.”

  “It’s different.” Derek walked over and put his hand on his shoulder. “It’s not the same as Rachel.”

  “Then why does it feel like it?” He caressed Alexis’s hand. “The last thing Rachel said to me that day was that she wouldn’t be gone long and she’d be right back. Peyton said those same words.”

  It was like a kick in the stomach
when she’d echoed his dead wife’s words. He knew better than anyone the world could change in an instant. That even a trivial saying like that could come back to haunt you.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. We never really talked about your last words to her.”

  “I didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, you should. You can’t keep things bottled up. I knew you used to do it because you were the big brother. You’ve always been strong, smart, and capable. But it’s time to let some of that weight off your shoulders. I’ve told you a thousand times, Rachel would want you to be happy. But you have to want to be happy too. Fight for it. Not many people get a chance to have two great loves in their lives. Don’t let that fear paralyze you from experiencing something wonderful.”

  “I can see having a future with her. I don’t want to lose her.”

  “Then tell her why you reacted the way you did.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “It’s been in my experience that once you’re standing in front of the woman you love, the right words come to you.” Derek smiled. “I can take over and get the barbecue started. We’ll survive without you for awhile.”

  “Thanks, little bro. You’ve grown so much these past few years.”

  “I have you to thank for it. Now I can return the favor.” Derek reached for Alexis but stopped. “Lex, let’s give Uncle Alex a hug for good luck.”

  Alex couldn’t help but laugh when his niece tried to emulate her dad’s big bear hug. She was just a little bitty thing, but it felt like a mammoth-sized squeeze to him.

  Minutes later, he’d grabbed his keys and jumped into his SUV. He prayed it wasn’t too late to catch Peyton before she left town.

  * * *

  Peyton found Skyler’s number in her contacts. Her friend picked up on the second ring. “Peyton. How are you?”


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