Second Chance at Love

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Second Chance at Love Page 17

by Rhonda Laurel

“I’m fine. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “No. As a matter of fact, I was going to call you to see if you could stand in for me at another Harper’s Grove event.”

  “Do I want to know what it is?”

  “I don’t have the details right now but—”

  She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Skyler, I got the teaching job!”

  “That’s fantastic! I am so happy for you. Wait. What about the artist residency in Maine?”

  “I did a lot of soul-searching and I think I’m going to pass on it.”

  “Oh really? Because before you likened that residency to being the understudy for a Broadway star. You’d learn a lot from a well-known New England artist. It was the opportunity of a lifetime.”

  “I know.”

  “And before you took that job, you said kids were little germ-riddled maniacs.”

  “When I started at the school, it was the last thing I wanted to do. But I don’t know, the kids wore me down. When they’re not being terrors, they can be wonderful and full of potential. And I still get to do my art in the process. But I like being in Harper’s Grove. My artistic block is gone, and there’s been an uptick in my career.”

  “Not to mention a gorgeous heart surgeon and his adorable kids,” Skyler said.

  “Yeah.” She smiled. “I don’t know how it happened, but I fell in love with all three of them.”

  “I know how it happened. You side swiped him in a parking lot.”

  “Not even. He hit me!” she said, laughing. “I hope you don’t mind, but I may not be able to move out when you return home next month. I’ll start looking for my own place as soon as I can, though. I promise.”

  “About that. I’ve been offered a role in a new series that films in Denver.”

  “That’s wonderful, but I thought you didn’t like doing series work?”

  “Normally I don’t, but it’s a huge part, and the show’s creator has a lot of home runs under her belt. The character is a strong woman fighting to put her family back together after their patriarch father dies. She runs into an old flame during the funeral and she decides to remain in the town she ran away from so many years ago. The new series is littered with family values and love lessons. I’d be the strong beautiful, duty-bound heroine who’s never really found love in her life. Just up my alley.”

  “That’s wonderful. It sounds like a great part for you.”

  “I’ll be renting a house in Denver and if things work out, I’ll look for a place to buy. So, how would you feel about staying at my place? You’re already moved in, and I’d give you a huge break on the rent.”

  “I couldn’t do that,” Peyton said. “You’d get top dollar to rent this place. It would be money out of your pocket.”

  “I’d happily forsake a few dollars to make sure my friend is happy. Besides, you are a dream tenant. You’re comfortable there. You know the neighborhood. You love the lighting that filters through the studio space.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “We’ve been friends for a long time. You were the only person who had the balls to tell me not to take that smutty part. In many ways, you’re my conscience. I love you for keeping me honest. You are my true north.”

  “Thank you for buying one of my photos. The gallery manager said you called in a purchase request.”

  “I know how good you are, but I wanted to give you a confidence boost.”

  “Apparently, a few other people felt the same way. I sold a couple dozen photos and two paintings. Alex bought three of my photos—ones I took the day we went to the vineyard in Napa.”

  “Of course he did.” Skyler giggled. “The man sounds like he’s crazy about you.”

  “At first I was afraid he bought them out of pity, but I know he believes in me too.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I can’t believe he thought it would be that easy for me to leave him.”

  “Perhaps it was a knee-jerk reaction to someone leaving his life again.”

  “His wife died. I was going to Maine for half a year.”

  “Put yourself in his shoes. Imagine being closed off emotionally for years until you find someone special and they tell you they’re leaving. Even the idea of you leaving temporarily must have felt like a gut punch to him.”

  “I didn’t think of it like that.” She’d just automatically thought Alex was being selfish and wanted to get his way. But he didn’t want her because he needed a mother for his kids. He’d expertly navigated parenthood on his own. He wanted to share his heart with her. “I have to go.” She needed to find Alex.

  “Tell Alex I said hello.”

  “Thanks, Skyler.”

  Peyton grabbed her bag and raced toward the door. She had to talk to Alex. But she didn’t have to go too far. When she opened the door, he was standing there.

  * * *

  Alex’s heart was pounding fast when she opened the door before he had a chance to push the doorbell. For a moment, they only stood there staring at each other. Behind her, he could see stacks of moving boxes. Alex took a deep breath. Thank God he’d caught her before she left town.


  “Alex. I was just—”

  “Can I come in? I have to say something before I lose my nerve.”

  “OK.” She ushered him in and closed the door. “Let’s go into the living room.”

  As soon as he stepped on the rug, he launched into his speech. “I want to apologize for being a selfish ass. I never should have been so dismissive because you said something I didn’t want to hear. When you said you were leaving to go to Maine, I shifted into survival mode. I didn’t want to get hurt again. It wasn’t the same way I hurt when I lost Rachel, but it was pain just the same. I was afraid I’d never see you again. Maybe you’d fall in love with the East Coast again or even fall in love with someone else. Someone without kids and without all my baggage. That was the hardest to imagine—that maybe you’d meet a fellow artist who was single and had no kids. I know dating a single father has its challenges. I can’t be as spontaneous or free with my time. I don’t know how you feel about wanting kids of your own. There are so many things I can’t do that an attractive single woman like you deserves when someone is trying to win your heart.”

  She stood there for a moment, not saying a word. Then she smiled. He loved that smile.

  She moved closer to him. “But there are soccer games and museums. Sitting in the town square eating ice cream after dinner. Taking a basket of food to the skate park while we watch Noah have a good time with his friends. Seeing Chloe practice for hours before a recital.”

  “Yeah. Those things are nice, but—”

  “And we have an Aubrey. Who’s an awesome babysitter who doesn’t mind doing overnighters when she’s needed. And a Theo who doesn’t mind watching the kids too when he’s not hanging off some mountain or chasing after Aubrey.”


  “Noah’s warming up to me. He did say I’m the best at bandaging his boo-boos the other week when he fell off his bike.”

  “He did.”

  “Chloe made me this awesome friendship bracelet that I never take off.” She fingered the bracelet on her wrist.

  “It was some of her best craft work.”

  “And you bought three of my photographs.” She put her arms around his neck.

  “I had to. They were magnificent, and I’m sweet on the artist.” He put his arms around her waist.

  “The gallery manager said you loved me.”

  “I do love you.” He caressed her cheek. “I didn’t think it was possible to feel this way again, but I do.”

  “I love you too.” She kissed him.

  “I’ll wait for you. I want you to have a good time in Maine. I know it’s important to your career. We can text and talk, whatever. The kids and I can visit.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, but I’m not going.”

  “Now hold on. I can’t let you stay because you’re feeling pressure from me.”

  “No. The stars have aligned in my favor. The principal called and asked if I would take the position on a permanent basis. My creativity has never been better. And I’ve worked out something with Skyler, so I will be staying here.”

  “I can’t be this lucky.” He kissed her hard, then lifted her up and swung her around.

  “Believe it, mister.”

  “What are you doing this afternoon?”

  “Putting this stuff back.” She looked around the room.

  “How about you come over to my house for a barbecue? I want you to meet my family. My brother Derek and his family are in town. Theo should be here by now. I invited Grayson and Austin over. Aubrey’s coming over with her brother Riley, who’s bringing his girlfriend Parker. Marco’s driving down from Napa. We all know each other in this strange, six degrees of separation kind of way. It’s a hoot to explain, but the bottom line is we’re all family.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Peyton. I’ve been miserable the past two weeks without you. I stayed away because I thought it would lessen the pain when you left for Maine. I don’t ever want to feel that way again.”

  “I’d love to, but I want to bring something.”

  “How about we make a pit stop at the bakery and get some cupcakes?”

  “OK. Oh, and can I show you something in my studio before we go?”

  “Sure.” He followed her into the sun-littered room. She went straight to the big painting she kept covered.

  “I hope you like it,” she said as she struggled with the covering.

  Alex couldn’t believe his eyes when she unveiled the canvas. It was a painting of him and the kids. She’d captured their warmth, bright smiles, and the love in their eyes. They really were the best part of him.

  He took a closer look. “I can’t believe you did this. It’s wonderful.”

  “I had excellent subjects.”

  “How long did it take you to do this?”

  “I sort of started this when we first met. Painting you anyway. The kids later. At first, I didn’t know why I wanted to start painting again, but each time we ran into each other I felt compelled to keep working on it.”

  “Thank you.” He took her into his arms and lifted her off the floor. “My life hasn’t been the same since I met you. You’ve been quite the inspiration for me too.” He kissed her deeply.

  When he finally ended the kiss, her stomach rumbled.

  She laughed. “I’m starved. Let’s get to that bakery so we can get back to your house and celebrate.”

  “I’d rather stay here with you.” He nuzzled her neck.

  “We have to get to the bakery before all the good stuff is gone.”

  “It can wait.” He nuzzled her neck some more.

  “You have guests back at your house waiting for you, and I want to make a good first impression on the rest of your family.”

  He let out an exaggerated sigh. “If we must.”

  “We must.” She took him by the hand and led him out of the studio.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Alex looked around the backyard at all the activity going on. Derek looked proud and frightened at his daughter’s development. His brother now knew there would be no stopping his little girl as she explored the world around her, filled with family and loved ones, in preparation for going out into an even bigger world. He didn’t have the heart to tell Derek he’d missed work for days as he staked out the pre-school when Noah and Chloe had started school. Learning to temper his fears and overzealous behavior toward his kids was something a father had to learn on his own.

  Everyone was having a great time eating and talking. Peyton and Charisma hit it off immediately. He’d known their creative minds would meld together when they met. Derek was having a lively discussion with Austin, Riley, and Marco, while Aubrey and Parker caught up as they watched the kids play in the swimming pool. Theo tried to engage in the conversation, but he was so busy staring at Aubrey, he didn’t realize that Riley was watching him like a hawk.

  Later that night when the kids were all asleep, the adults shared a couple of bottles of Marco’s wine and caught up on their lives. There was plenty going on around the Twelve Horseshoes ranch, with Corbett and Anna Beth’s wedding coming up. The pregnant ladies were ready to give birth any moment. So the Blakes were having this massive celebration to commemorate the impending nuptials and the new life sprouting up. He and the kids were invited to the wedding, although he hardly knew the couple. But the Blakes were like that. They loved Derek and embraced him and the kids too. Derek once warned him that the Blake women thought everyone should be happy and paired up, and they were definitely attentive to him when he visited. They would probably be overjoyed to know he’d found love. He’d ask Peyton to join them. She would be in photographer’s heaven when she saw that ranch.

  He came out of his daydream when Derek and Theo decided to embarrass him by strolling down memory lane, regaling Peyton with his childhood antics.

  “That’s enough about me.” He gave them both a deadly look.

  Peyton laughed and snuggled closer to him. “I want to hear more.”

  “Yes, this is very entertaining,” Marco added, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  “Babe, give your brother a break. We don’t want Peyton running for the hills.” Charisma playfully took a swat at Derek’s arm.

  “Not going to happen.” Peyton smiled.

  Austin leaned back in his chair and sipped his wine. “And I thought Logan liked embarrassing me.”

  “Please, give me some ammunition,” Riley chimed in. “He may be my boss, but I’d love to have some dirt on him.”

  “We’ll talk later.” Austin winked at him.

  “I think it’s just the nature of siblings.” Parker nudged Riley. “We like to fight and fuss, but in the end we wouldn’t change a thing about who we are to each other.”

  “Yeah, like being totally lovable and overbearing.” Aubrey stuck her tongue out at Riley.

  “I’m sure your brother does that because he cares and doesn’t want you to get hurt,” Theo added.

  Alex nodded at his little brother. Theo was learning. If he wanted a shot at Aubrey, he had to get the Super Bowl-winning quarterback on his side. Riley wasn’t going to be easy; it was obvious he loved his little sis a lot. Riley spoiled her, of course, evidenced by the Mercedes she drove that she said was a birthday present from him. When he’d asked her if she could do a favor like babysitting for the extended family of the Blakes, she took his request very seriously. She wanted him to know that he and the Blakes could count on her.

  He glanced at the faces of everyone, and his eyes locked with Derek. He could tell his brother was happy for him. Their relationship had changed so much over the last few years, and it did him proud to know they were not only brothers, but they were also confidantes and good friends.

  “I’d like to propose a toast.” Derek stood, lifting his wine glass. “To my big brother Alex, who, after a lot of time of healing, finally found his footing again.”

  They raised their glasses and toasted to a new start on life. Few people had known love once in a lifetime, and he was grateful to have found it twice.


  Alex checked the contents in the bags twice before putting them in the trunk. It was a big day, and he wanted everything to be perfect. There were plenty of snacks, supplies, and games for a fun-filled trip. Today he, Peyton, and the kids were driving up to Pebble Beach for the weekend. They were going to make the trek around the famous scenic trail, 17 Mile Drive, and get a bite to eat. They’d been pretty busy traveling lately. Noah and Chloe had just gotten back from their visit to Washington to see their grandparents, and they were off to Texas the following weekend for the wedding.

  Things had been going well since he’d told the kids that Peyton would be around more often because they were an official couple. He wanted an open dialogue with the kids. He was, after all, changing all of their lives. He’d asked what
they thought that meant and to his relief they replied that he and Peyton wanted to be together all the time. He’d had the most adult conversation with them to date, informing them that just because he was dating someone again didn’t mean he’d forgotten about their mom. He was a nervous wreck, but the kids took it in stride. It warmed his heart when they both gave him a hug and told him that they just wanted him to be happy. And they knew Peyton made him happy.

  They loved her, and she loved them right back. Never in his wildest dreams would he have believed he’d find a woman so loving, gentle, and great with kids. She committed herself to building a relationship with them, but respected Rachel’s presence in their lives. She and Noah were making slow, steady progress, while Chloe enjoyed working on art projects together and having long talks. Their latest project was a quilt comprised of some of Rachel’s things. They’d sifted through Rachel’s boxes of memories and came up with enough materials to make each of the kids a memento quilt they could treasure for the rest of their lives.

  Peyton was officially the permanent art teacher at the school. She also continued her painting and photography, as well as her classes for the recovering patients at the hospital. But she still managed to have dinner with them two nights a week and their date night on the weekends. She was a dynamo. He didn’t know how she did it all, but she made it clear that while she enjoyed her busy life, Alex and the kids were her first priority.

  Her professional career was looking up too. The manager of the hospital’s gallery was so thrilled with the success of the first exhibit, he’d asked Peyton to bring more work in to sell. Word was spreading about her talent in the art community. He knew she just needed a little faith in her abilities.

  When he wasn’t with Peyton and the kids, he spent time with his new network of friends. They got together for poker nights and to watch the Tomcats games at Austin’s. Grayson always knew something interesting to do. Or sometimes the guys would drive up to Marco’s vineyard to enjoy fine wine, eat good food, and chew the fat about women. They were good guys who liked to have a good time.


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