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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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by K. R. Richards

  Decker’s Fate

  The Decker Brothers Trilogy, Book 1

  By K. R. Richards

  Decker’s Fate

  Book 1 of The Decker Brothers Trilogy

  Copyright © 2015 by K. R. Richards

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereinafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher and author, K. R. Richards.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Decker’s Fate is dedicated to my dear friend, Sheila Leedy Ryan, my very first Spiritual Teacher. It was from Sheila that I learned about spirit guides, angels, psychic development, mediumship, and how to connect with the gifts locked inside me. Ironically, it was our other love, that of heavy metal, that brought us together. We met one night in a crowded bar, where two of our favorite local bands, Crushed and Muscle, were playing. She invited me to sit at her table, and the rest is history! I am thankful for your friendship, support, and years of mentorship. I’m looking forward to all of the fun that is still ahead of us!

  This book is in memory of a special friend, my thirteen year-old Border Collie mix, Salem, who passed away quite suddenly while I was in the editing stages of this book. I had no idea when I chose to make Brody’s dog a Border Collie that it would end up being something of a tribute to my dear Salem. I did not realize that she took every step I did, every single day of those thirteen years, until she was gone.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Excerpt from Book 2, Liam’s Spell

  Excerpt from A Bachelor No More

  eBooks by K. R. Richards

  Note from the Author


  Did you know…

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Jade Murphy smiled with satisfaction as she parked her Ford Focus and switched off the ignition. She loved coming to work. The white and lavender letters of the White Magic sign above her shop gleamed in the Arizona sunshine. Well, White Magic wasn’t all hers. Her best friends, Harper and Erin, were co-owners too. The three of them had begun making plans to open their own shop for an entire year before they actually opened White Magic.

  Erin had built up a profitable massage business years before they even dreamed of opening their shop. Harper worked in a busy, stressful, office job before and was more than happy to take a cut in pay and work full-time at their shop.

  When Jade’s marine husband was killed in action four years before, after she paid off all the bills including her student loans, she put a large chunk of his life insurance payment into a savings account, an IRA, then invested some of it. She’d sold their house two years ago, and used some of the profit from that to open the store.

  Jade continued to work part-time at the San Marcos Hotel. Having majored in business, she wanted money she could count on coming in until they knew for sure White Magic would be a success. The shop had done well for the first seven months, until this month. Business was slower than normal.

  The reward of being part owner in White Magic was worth it, regardless. True, some people just came in to ‘get their fortune told’. An intuitive reading wasn’t about telling the future, Jade looked at it as more of a spiritual guidepost. It was an insight of the client’s life at the time and might offer confirmation that the sitter was on the correct path, or offer alternative paths if the client wasn’t certain which way to go. Readings were much more in depth than that actually, but that was her short explanation of what a reading was.

  The tarot readings, intuitive readings, crystals, herbs, the massages, yoga, the books, everything White Magic offered helped people in some way. Helping people was the true purpose of the shop.

  She labeled herself as spiritual. She found beauty in many religions, even shared some beliefs with Pagans, Druids and Wiccans, the nature based religions, though she was not a practicing witch. She just believed in being a good person, not judging others, being kind, relying on her own intuition, and listening to the messages she received from the Divine, angels, and her spirit guides. And helping people. Helping people was healing for them and for her as well.

  Her marriage had had problems. In fact, her husband, Austin, had suggested divorce several times before he was killed in action. Even before he died, she had started working on herself, her inner self. Her spiritual self. She and her friends were working part-time in the evenings and weekends at Madame Rosa’s metaphysical shop back then. In the last four years since she buried him, she had continued that inner work, and she felt she had finally come to love herself, and accept herself for who she was, and most importantly, she had found peace. Forgiveness and peace with the mistakes she made in the past, peace with the problems she and Austin had, and just peace with life itself. She had let go of the guilt that had plagued her after Austin died. She was happy with her life. She felt stronger. She was just happy.

  She removed her purse and her bag from her car and walked toward White Magic.

  Before they opened the shop, Jade, Harper, and Erin moved into a three-bedroom apartment together so they could save money and afford to pay shop rent in addition to apartment rent. Harper had already unlocked the shop door. Jade knew because she had followed her over.

  Aside from a short meditation, one of her morning rituals was to draw a card, or two, from one of the many oracle decks she owned. Remembering the cards she had pulled from one of her oracle decks this morning, she had to wonder what the day would bring. She had every expectation it was going to be a better than average day.

  Today’s cards had been Soul Mate and Happy Surprise. She had pulled the Soul Mate card often during the last two weeks. She found that a little odd because she had no intention of looking for, or dating a man, anytime soon. She was too busy with the shop. And she was perfectly happy with her life the way it was right now. The Soul Mate card read, ‘Pay attention to signs and your intuition. We are giving you guidance to help you meet your soul mate.’ The card had come up so often lately, she was starting to wonder. Generally, if a card kept appearing, it was a sign you should pay attention to it. So far, she had chosen to ignore that card. There were other types of soul mates besides romantic ones in a person’s life anyway.

  The Happy Surprise card was one of her favorites. In her experience, whenever she drew this particular card, something wonderful always happened, and that was what the card said.

  She walked along the wide breezeway, still shaded and cool this morning. By noon it would be hot everywhere. They were fortunate that their shop was set bac
k from the major chain stores in the outdoor mini-mall. Their shop front was all windows that faced a grassy courtyard complete with a bubbling fountain. She opened the door. The tiny copper bells tinkled. She smiled when the soft, sweet scent of jasmine greeted her. Harper already had some candles burning. The speakers carried the soft sounds of calming and healing music, and the energy was peaceful and welcoming. As it should be.

  “Let me put my bags away and I’ll help you straighten up,” she called to Harper.

  “We’re out of coffee at home. I’m brewing a pot in the back right now.” Harper frowned. “You smile all of the time, don’t you? Even when you first wake up, I bet.”

  Jade laughed. “Pull a couple cards, Harp. I pulled mine at home. They were wonderful. Pulling cards will give you a reason to smile. It’s going to be a great day.”

  Harper went to the basket full of cards they kept on the counter. The customers loved to pull the cards and it helped sell decks too. They changed the deck every couple of weeks.

  “First card is…Smile.” She turned to give Jade an irritated frown.

  Jade laughed. “If you smile, you will feel better.”

  Harper pulled another one. “Change. Uh yeah, I ran out of coffee. It says the changes I am going through are positive.” She grimaced. “Want coffee anyway.”

  Jade giggled. “Oh, come on, pull one more!”

  Harper laughed when she picked up the last card. “Soul Mate. Yeah, right! It’s been a year and a half since I was in a relationship and six months since I dated. I don’t even think about dating or being in a relationship anymore because we are so busy with the shop. Since it has been such a long time, I’ve concluded that life is much more peaceful without a man in it. I just need coffee.”

  “I’ve been getting the Soul Mate card a lot lately. I don’t understand it either, because I’m like you. We’re too busy with the shop. I don’t even think about that kind of stuff.” Jade waved a hand in the air.

  “Yeah, so it’s your turn to pick cards.” Harper pointed to the basket.

  “I picked some at home.”

  “Too bad.” Harper shook her head. “Pick again. It will make me smile.” Harper stuck her hand in the basket and mixed up the cards.

  Jade sighed. “Okay.” She left her bags on the floor, and selected a card.

  “Expect a Miracle.” She grinned. “I drew Happy Surprise at home this morning. Awesome! That’s confirmation that something really good is coming!”

  “One more,” Harper encouraged her.

  She picked another card. “Relationship. Huh? Probably not about romance at all. It could be any relationship.”

  “It could be a romantic one.” Harper raised a brow at her and grinned. “You know it’s been a long time, Jade.”

  It was Jade’s turn to frown. “I’m too busy.” She returned the card to the basket.

  “Or scared.” Harper pointed at her. “Ah, third card. You made me pick three.”

  Jade picked a card, looked at it, and immediately put it back.

  “What was it?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She looked at her phone. “I just realized I need to set up my table. I have a client due in ten minutes.”

  Harper reached over and snagged the card Jade set down. She laughed as she held it up. “Romance! The romance angels are helping to bring a romantic partner into your life. Be open to meeting new people and going to new places. Be open to receiving love.” Harper giggled. “I told you. I think it’s time, Jade. A man is coming into your life.” She waggled her brows at her.

  “Hmm.” Jade picked up her bags and turned toward the reading rooms. “And I told you if you picked some cards you would smile, and you are.”

  “Whatever. I still need coffee. It should be ready now. I’ll go check.” Harper followed her to the back.

  Jade thought about the cards as she put her bags away and selected a deck to use for her first client. She lit the sandalwood candle on her table that was covered by a sparkly teal and cobalt cloth. The crystals on her table were chosen specifically to enhance psychic ability, for healing, and to eliminate negative energy. She set her cards on a block of translucent selenite to clear them.

  Is that what spirit had been trying to tell her? She had been receiving those same cards for some time. Was a man coming into her life? Would she take advantage of the opportunity for romance again? Or would she run away with her tail between her legs, as she had before when men showed interest in her since Austin died?

  Jade shrugged. She guessed it depended on the man. She didn’t really feel ready for a relationship, but if the right man came along, she might feel differently. She chased those thoughts away. She took a few deep breaths to clear her mind. Today was going to be a great day.

  Jade had fifteen minutes to spare before her second appointment. She decided to run next door to the coffee shop. She was almost to the door of Connor’s Coffee Café when she heard the voice of one of her co-owners, Erin Lockhart, from behind her.

  “Hey, can you grab me a latte? I have a client due in five and I need to get my massage room ready,” Erin called to her as she opened the door of their shop.

  “Sure, no problem. The usual?” Jade asked as she turned around to face Erin.

  “Yep! I owe you big time.” Erin grinned as she stepped inside the shop.

  Jade turned back toward the coffee shop, her arm already lifted to reach for the door, and ran into a hard wall of navy blue.

  “Oomph!” Jade muttered as she looked up into brilliant blue eyes, deep set in an incredibly handsome face framed by short, tousled, dark brown hair. That face belonged to the hard, muscled body she had just rammed into. The police officer’s large, strong hands reached out to steady her. What was that warm, crazy energy she was feeling?

  “I’m so sorry officer.” Jade blushed. “I should have been watching where I was walking.”

  “No harm done.” He smiled down at her. “I’m not going to arrest you or anything. You all right?”

  She laughed. “Yes, I’m fine. I work next door and was just trying to grab some caffeine before my next appointment.” She took a small step back.

  “You work at White Magic?” he asked as he moved aside and opened the door for her.

  He had an absolutely devastating smile.

  “I’m one of the owners. I’m doing tarot readings today,” Jade said as he ushered them into the line. He remained beside her instead of moving behind her. His eyelashes were so long. What was wrong with her? She hadn’t been this affected by a guy since she met Austin eight years before, a whole lifetime ago.

  “That’s your place? I went in and looked around a couple of months ago. There’s some great energy in there. I like it.” He looked her in the eyes and gave her that gorgeous, white-toothed smile again.

  “Thanks. We’re pleased with how the store is doing so far.”

  “Hello, Jade. Hey, Officer Decker!” Connor Caldwell, the tall, lanky owner of Connor’s Coffee Café was working the counter along with his employees on this busy Friday morning.

  Officer Decker motioned for her to go first. “I want an iced green tea and Erin will have her usual latte.” Jade smiled at Connor.

  “You got it.” He looked to the officer. “What about you Decker, the usual, large black coffee?”

  “Absolutely! I’m on my lunch break, so I need a turkey sandwich to go with that coffee. I’ve been on duty since five a.m.”


  Officer Decker nodded. “That sounds great.”

  They moved to the side to wait for their orders.

  “Hey, it’s Jade, right?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Jade Murphy.”

  “Mike Decker, but everyone calls me Decker. What does a guy have to do to get a reading from you? Just call the shop and make an appointment?”

  “That’s the way to do it. I do readings during the day on Fridays and Saturdays and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, most of the time. Occasionally we trade shifts.” />
  “I’ll call up and make an appointment for one of my days off. I’d like to have a reading. It was great to run into you today.” He gave her wink and a sexy grin.

  She took her tea and Erin’s latte from Connor. “Thanks Connor!” She smiled at her friend then turned to the officer. “I believe I ran into you. It was nice to meet you Off-”

  “Just Decker to you, Jade.” He shrugged. “It’s what everyone calls me.”

  “It was nice to meet you, Decker.” She smiled up at him.

  “I’ll see you soon.” He smiled. Turned. Watched her walk away. He liked the way that long, silky, honey-blonde hair swayed as she walked, and he liked those long shapely legs. Jade Murphy looked incredible in skinny jeans. She was something. More importantly, in the few minutes he spoke with her, she seemed to be sweet and genuine. Those qualities actually appealed to him the most. Of course, he couldn’t deny that he thought she was beautiful. Gorgeous, was a better word to describe her. Then there was that unexplainable jolt of energy he’d felt when they collided.

  “Here’s your lunch, Decker.” Connor slid a tray toward him. He added, “She’s a sweetheart. Just in case you are interested in that information. I noticed you watching her. Anyway, there’s not a mean bone in her body.”

  Decker gave him a pleased nod. “I didn’t see a ring. Is she in a relationship?” He had rules, strict rules, when it came to dating.

  “No. She’s a widow, for about four years now. According to her co-workers, she doesn’t date much, if any.”

  “A widow. Wow! Dang, I’m sorry to hear that. She must have married young.”

  “She did. He was in the marines. He didn’t come home; he bought it on his third tour. She doesn’t talk about it, the other girls told me.” Connor shrugged.

  “Wow, poor Jade. Hey, thanks for the info. You look busy, and I have to down my sandwich and get back to work.”

  “Okay, catch you later, but I’m curious, are you going to ask her out?” Connor waggled his thick brown brows as he poured a coffee for another customer.


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