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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 23

by K. R. Richards

  Harper slid her hand from beneath his. “Well, all right then.”

  For Liam, they saw a very tall, proud, Native American warrior with his face and chest painted in stripes of black and white. An impressive eagle sat upon his shoulder. One of the warrior brothers from the battle vision was there, the one who resembled Liam. A white-hooded figure walked through a dark wood holding a lantern. The figure paused, and turned to look, but the hood concealed the face in dark shadow.

  For Erin, there were a myriad of fairies and elves. Jade explained that Erin definitely had fairy and elemental energy. There was a woman dressed in medieval clothing who held a child on her hip. Both mother and child had dark hair. They were far enough away that you couldn’t see their features clearly.

  “Decker’s turn.” Jade grinned at him.

  He gave her a smile and took her hand, and gave it a squeeze. He kept her hand in his for the meditation.

  Jade immediately felt a strong surge of energy. She saw herself and Decker standing in the middle of a stone circle. The stones were large. They stood a bit taller than both of them were. She felt energy behind her and turned to see the people from the group’s shared vision behind her, including the older warrior. Beside him was a short, petite woman with a long white braid over her shoulder and brilliant, blue eyes. There were many others, it looked rather like a mix from all time periods in history. Some definitely looked like they could have been Robin Hood’s merry men, while others could have come from Henry VIII’s court. She spotted some kilted persons, Cavaliers, Georgian, Regency, and decidedly Victorian looking people. Some people were dressed in First World War and even Second World War era clothing. There were hippies, and several persons with big hair who looked like they came straight from the eighties.

  A very nice, modern-looking couple, the man square-jawed, the woman dark-headed with a few streaks of gray, and smiling, blue eyes moved to the front of the group. Then Jade saw her grandfather Murphy. He grinned at her then waved. She looked over the crowd gathering about her and Decker in awe.

  The petite white-haired woman moved to stand before them and spoke, “You are not alone. We are all here for you, all of us. It begins with you, one man, one woman. We lend to you our power, and strength. In all this time, from that first fateful day until this one, there has never before been six joined of our blood.” She turned and motioned to the men, women and children Jade was familiar with from the group vision she had shared with the others.

  Two of the women looked like the ones who had appeared in Harper and Erin’s spirit guide meditations, though Jade couldn’t be certain because the vision seemed to zoom beyond them quickly. She realized there were hundreds of others gathered behind the familiar looking faces. The people fanned out in the valley behind her and Decker. In the distance, beyond the verdant green land she could see a wide expanse of sparkling blue sea.

  “All of us, the chosen ones, have had to face the Dark One at some time in our lifetimes. You, the six, join together now to end it. You have come from us. We are with you,” the petite woman with white hair smiled.

  The more modern looking middle-aged couple that had caught Jade’s attention earlier stepped forward.

  They placed their hands on Decker and Jade’s shoulders, “We are with you.” The woman turned to her with a smile and winked at her. Jade felt an infusion of loving warmth surge through her.

  “And Grandpa is with you too, my girl,” her grandfather said from her other side. She swore she felt his hand on her shoulder. She could feel his love and strength. She realized at that moment how much she missed him. It had been three years since he passed.

  The tall, distinguished-looking man, whom Jade now suspected was Decker’s father, pointed to Decker, then her. “The six forming are the strongest, because you come from all of us, we, who have stood against the Dark One from that day to this.”

  “Mom and Dad!” Brody whispered loudly.

  The vision faded to nothing. They opened their eyes. Blinking, everyone looked shaken, especially the brothers who had just seen and heard their parents, at least Jade knew Brody had.

  “Did you see your parents?” she whispered to Decker.

  “I did.” He nodded. He looked down then turned to her with a smile. “That was your Grandpa?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Grandpa Murphy. He’s never come to me before.”

  “I’ve felt things, suspected my parents were around me at times, but I have never seen or heard them that clearly.” Still holding Jade’s hand, he gave it a squeeze and relaced his fingers with hers. “It looked like maybe Mom and Dad had more to say.” He focused his attention on Brody.

  “Sorry, it rattled me,” Brody blew out a long breath. His light blue eyes were a little misty.

  “Me too, bro. I’ve never seen them like this, while I was awake anyway. The vision was so vivid. Almost like they were right here beside me,” Liam offered. He continued to watch his younger brother.

  “I’ve never seen them like this until today.” Brody shook his head.

  “I have to admit, I saw them in the hospital after I was wounded when I first arrived back in the U.S. It was in a dream, I guess. They told me to fight, to live, that you guys needed me,” Liam looked to his brothers.

  “You never told us,” Decker said as he looked at Liam.

  “Of course I didn’t. I didn’t want you, or the medical staff to think I was crazy or anything. Besides, I was on morphine at the time. I wasn’t even sure I truly saw it. I have to ask everyone, we all saw and heard the same thing tonight, right?” Liam looked around the circle.

  “If you mean did we see the hundreds of people around Jade and Decker, yeah.” Harper rose.

  Erin followed her to the kitchen. “What does everyone want to drink, we need a break to talk about this and sort it out, I think.”

  Once they all had their drinks and were seated again, Liam asked, “Did I interpret this correctly, did the white-haired lady say that this is the first six people to form? I didn’t quite understand that. Especially because until right now, I thought we were four, but the woman standing next to my warrior guy looked a lot like Erin, and the one with Brody of the Braids sure resembled Harper.”

  “I wasn’t clear on that either, but I believe they did mean this is the first time six from the three brothers and their wives have come together since that time.” Jade looked to Decker. “I thought the women next to the brothers looked almost the same as the ones in Erin and Harper’s meditations.”

  He nodded. “That’s the way I heard it. I thought she said the six have joined.” He looked to Harper and Erin.

  “Me too,” Harper agreed with a frown. “That’s what I heard.”

  “I think Erin and Harper make up the six.” Brody glanced at Harper.

  “I don’t think so. You four are four of the six. Erin and I are just here because of Jade. We only saw those two women from afar, and I didn’t think either one looked that much like Erin or me. It was just the hair color. I’m guessing the other two will show up very soon.”

  “I thought those women looked a lot like you and Erin.” Liam looked to Harper then Erin. He realized if it were true that Erin was one of the six, then she was his one. He found that interesting, especially because he’d been attracted to Erin from day one. Her beauty was obvious, to him anyway. The more he came to know her, the more he really liked her. He hadn’t acted on his feelings because he thought his one would come into his life out of the blue sometime in the near future, but maybe she was already here. He looked to Erin and gave her a smile.

  She returned the smile then looked to Harper.

  “Me too,” Jade agreed. “There was a definite resemblance.”

  “Yeah, I think we need to check your genealogy ladies,” Brody suggested.

  “We? You mean me,” Liam corrected Brody.

  “Yeah, I mean you, genealogy wiz.” Brody pointed at him and laughed.

  “So, if what the little white-headed lady said was true, th
is means that, in like the last eight-hundred or however many years, this six, regardless of who the remaining two are, are the first ones who have formed and can defeat him?” Liam raised his hands in the air. “It seems kind of odd. I would think in eight hundred years there would have been three guys and three girls of the three other families around at the same time before now.”

  Decker shrugged. “I don’t know what it means exactly.”

  “It just doesn’t seem likely that we are the first ones who could do this in all this time. That was a lot of people in the vision,” Brody interjected.

  “Well.” Harper pursed her lips. “I guess we’ll be working together in Sedona to see what else comes to us and looking for the book. There is so much more information we need. Right now, we know zilch.”

  “Okay,” Liam said as he tapped the keys on his laptop keyboard. “I’m pretty sure we were at Drombeg stone circle in the vision.” He studied the screen. “Yeah, I’m certain this is where Mikey and Jade stood in the vision as I look at these photos. You can see the ocean in the distance. I saw this in the vision too. This circle was where this curse began according to Mom’s notes.”

  He turned his screen so they could see the collection of photos. He enlarged a few.

  “It sure looks like the same place in our vision.” Jade nodded.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, if there are six forming now, and I’m not including me or Harper in that number because I think that would be too much of a coincidence, does that mean others tried over the centuries and were defeated?” Erin asked with a frown.

  “Could be, but it could also mean there weren’t three brothers, which from our parents we do know is key, and three women from each bloodline of the original three brothers’ wives who met each other, liked each other and came together at the same time,” Liam offered.

  Erin smiled at him. “Okay I’ll buy that, because it makes me feel better than the alternative.”

  Liam chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “I think we are finished for the night, that was a deep meditation, and I think we all need a break,” Harper suggested as she rose and stretched. “And we definitely need time to think about what all of that meant.”

  “We all have packing to do. Tomorrow is Thursday, and we leave for Sedona early Friday morning.” Decker rose.

  “That’s fine, Brody and I need to get all of our security equipment and cameras sorted that we are taking up to the cabin with us, and box up what we are taking to install at the shop tomorrow.” Liam rose and headed to the office area where they had it all stowed. Brody followed him.

  “So how big is your Sedona house? Is it a cabin?” Harper asked. “Is there room for all of us? Do we need sleeping bags to sleep on the floor? I have one.”

  Decker laughed. “It’s plenty big for us all and then some. No sleeping bags required. It’s a vacation home. We have always called it the cabin or the Sedona house. There are six bedrooms in the house and a guest cabana with two bedrooms.”

  “That’s even better. I was thinking cozy little log cabin.” Harper grinned. “So there’s electricity, I can dry my hair with a blow-dryer and there’s room for us all. Perfect! We’ll be in Sedona of the strong, incredible energy which is a big perk.” She laughed.

  “I’m excited. It’s been years since I have been up to Sedona.” Erin walked toward the hallway. “I’m going to pack.”

  “I need to pack too.” Harper followed her.

  “I guess we’ll go ahead and pack up our stuff too, babe.” Decker smiled at Jade.

  “Oh wow, I haven’t thought about what to do with Sam yet. I’ll call my vet in the morning and see if I can have her boarded while we’re gone.”

  “No, babe, you don’t need to board her. Sam will come with us. She’s a sweetheart and is no problem, whatsoever. Max is coming too. The bedroom we’ll be in is even bigger than mine is here. She’ll be fine.”

  “Thanks, Decker.” She presented him with a happy smile.

  “Hey, I like your cat, and I really like you.” He gave her a wink as he pulled her closer and hugged her to him.

  “Oh, yeah?” She gave him a seductive little smile. “I like you too, you know.”

  “I think I do,” as they were alone in the family room, he bent his head, gave her a quick kiss while he slid his arms around her.

  “Hey, you have a room!” Brody’s voice boomed as he came into the family room. He wore a big grin as he walked toward them. When Decker glared at him, he laughed and breezed by them. He headed into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, and that’s where we’re going,” Decker told him.

  “Okay.” Brody laughed. “And, uh, don’t forget to pack while you’re in there!”

  Decker turned his head to give him a look before they disappeared into the corridor. Brody’s laughter followed them.

  “Brothers.” He grumbled as he shook his head.

  Jade laughed. “You’re lucky to have them. I always wanted brothers and sisters.”

  Decker realized he couldn’t imagine life without his brothers. “You’re right. I am lucky. Just don’t tell them I said that.” He grinned at her.

  They did pack and joined the others in the family room for about half an hour afterward, so they could discuss their plans for their upcoming trip.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Her nightly ritual was super quick because she hated being around windows anytime, but especially at night. She gave Decker a smile as she slid into bed beside him.

  “It feels weird, Decker, this whole we’re fated to be together thing. Not that I’m complaining.” She rose up on an elbow and bent her head to press her lips to his. “It’s the fact that we’ve traced me back to Murphys of County Cork, maybe not directly to your O’Flynns yet, but close enough. Tonight, in the meditation, it appears that Erin and Harper could be tied in to this thing too. It goes so far back, this curse. I ran into you in front of Connor’s, and the next thing I know a demon is after me, well us. Now, I’m practically living with you. He’ll try anything to keep you and I apart won’t he?”

  “We won’t let it happen, babe. As for the fate thing, I just want you to know that the day we met, I had no idea you were the one that my parents had been telling me about since I was probably twelve. I actually hadn’t thought about that in years, well, probably since they passed away. Having said that, I want you to know that I knew when I first set eyes on you that you were special, and I knew I wanted to go out with you and get to know you. The next morning after Liam and Brody told me they dreamed about me meeting you, and described you, I told them, whether or not, you were my one, that I wanted to ask you out, and was hoping you would go out with me. Now, I know you’re special. I’m crazy about you. No one, demon or otherwise, is going to keep me from you. I don’t think about the fated thing too much. I just know that I want you here, in my life. I just choose to believe we were fated to meet and it’s not because of any ancient curse.”

  Decker smiled at her as he curled his hand around her neck and brought her down for a scorching kiss. She was half on top of him, her breasts pressing against his chest. Only the thin cotton of her tank top was between them. His hands glided over her shoulders. One slid down her back to rest upon her hip where he gently caressed her.

  “I think you are special too, you know,” she whispered when she raised her head. She tousled his dark hair with her fingers.

  She gazed at him a moment before she added, “It makes it hard sometimes to think about the future with this looming over us, but I do know I want you there in my future, Decker.”

  “I have every intention of being there, babe. Until we get rid of this guy, we just enjoy what we have now, and try to live as normally as we can from day to day.”

  “That sounds like a very sensible thing to do,” she whispered.

  “So, how about some more kissing?” he posed, his voice deep and smooth.

  “Kissing sounds very sensible too.” She grinned down at him.

  They kissed, for a
very long time actually, before they finally slept.

  Thursday had been a busy day, but they accomplished everything they needed to. Friday morning dawned sunny and hot. It was a typical Arizona summer morning when they left for Sedona at seven-thirty. Liam and Erin rode in the backseat of Decker’s SUV with Sam in her carrier between them. Harper rode with Brody and Max in his truck. They followed close behind Decker. They made one stop on the way up at the halfway point, Cordes Junction, for gas, refreshments, and a bathroom break. Now they were close to Sedona.

  “The turn-off for Sedona is just ahead.” Decker turned to smile at Jade.

  She was relieved. They had all been tense. She knew everyone worried that Ciaran might attack them on the way, or try to stop them along their journey.

  As it was May in Arizona, the sky was blue, the sun was shining, and it was just another clear, beautiful day in the Southwest. It wouldn’t be too long before the most brutal and blistering heat arrived in the Phoenix area. This time of year, Sedona might be warm during the day, though never as warm as it was down in Phoenix, but it still cooled off considerably at night. Jade was looking forward to the cooler nights.

  “Is everyone hungry?” Decker asked as they turned off the I-10 onto the Sedona exit.

  “Not starving, but I could eat,” Erin answered.

  “I’m hungry.” Liam laughed.

  “Me too. I could definitely eat,” Jade agreed with Liam. “I just had cereal and a yogurt this morning.”

  “I can eat too.” He reached over and caressed her thigh before pushing the button that dialed Brody.

  “Yeah, what?” Brody’s voice came over the speaker.

  “You guys hungry? We could eat an early lunch in town, stop by the grocery store, and pick up our food for the week, then head on out to the house.”

  “Of course I’m hungry. Do you even have to ask?”

  They heard Harper laugh. “Did he ask if you were hungry? All he’s been talking about for the last half hour is eating!” Harper’s throaty laugh filtered through the speaker.

  “Sounds like a plan. Harper’s hungry, that’s all she’s been talking about.” They heard Brody chuckle then heard him exclaim loudly, “Ouch! Don’t punch the driver.”


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