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Demons of Desire

Page 5

by Debra Dunbar

  Darci looked at me sympathetically, taking in my flushed face. She put an arm around my shoulders. “It’s always the fish that tries to get away, isn’t it? Maybe the problem isn’t that you can’t connect with men, it’s that easy conquests don’t capture your heart. Amber, every guy you crook your finger at falls at your feet. You need a challenge. You’ve got one. Go get him.”

  It wasn’t that simple. I’m sure I could have him, it was the keeping him that would be the problem. I tried to force a cheerful smile and gave Darci a quick hug.

  “I’m just a player that doesn’t like to get played, I guess. Yeah, I want a challenge, but not one that has three women licking his boots.”

  “Got it. Let’s dance and show your sexy life–coach what he’s missing out on. Gavin can join us when he gets back.”

  She yanked my arm, dragging me to the dance floor. I found myself in a big mess of friends, all dancing together and swapping partners. It was fun and light. I laughed, and every few moments slid a quick glance at Irix. It was practically a porno on his side of the room. I couldn’t quite see with the crowd of people, but the blond was half seated on top of the bar, with her head tossed back. The brunette was on her knees, most of her body blocked by Irix’s. Lord only knows what the redhead was doing. I know this was a pretty permissive club, but how the heck could he get away with this stuff?

  I wanted to retaliate, to entrance one or more of the guys dancing near me and show Irix that he wasn’t the only one who could inspire this kind of sexual adoration. I’d done it with the doorman; it should be easy to do it again. But it wasn’t. Sure, plenty of guys gave me appreciative looks, rubbed various appendages against me, but I couldn’t manage to spark a fire. So I just smiled, danced and mentally counted down the hours until closing time.

  I felt Darci elbow me in the ribs. “He’s coming this way. Mr. Sex–on–a–Stick. Look lively.”

  She didn’t need to warn me. Even if I hadn’t been watching him, I would have felt him approach.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I’d yanked my hair up because of the heat, and his breath tickled across the nape of my neck. Sensation fluttered down through my body, and finally a spark caught — a tiny flame in the kindling of his presence.

  “Nothing. I’m just having fun with my friends.”

  He sighed, turning me around to face him. “Amber, pick someone. Anyone. Male, female, bovine, I don’t care. Just pick someone.”

  “I’m not here to get laid, I’m here to have fun with my friends. I might be half succubus, but that’s just half. The rest of me actually enjoys activities that don’t involve having something shoved in an orifice.”

  Crude, but I knew I’d made my point when his jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed. “You’re ignoring that half of yourself, starving it out. I won’t allow it. If you don’t choose someone, then I’ll do it for you.”

  My temper flared. “Oh like a pimp? I’m not fucking some guy because you tell me to. You don’t have that kind of power over me, and you never will. Go back to your little harem over by the bar and leave me alone.”

  A slow smile spread across his lips, like a predator who knew he had his quarry cornered. My heart skipped a beat. He knew I’d seen him with those three women, and now he knew it bothered me enough to mention it. Crap. Me and my temper. He leaned in close, his breath stirring the loose hair around my ear.

  “But the whole time it was your sweet mouth I wanted on my cock, your taste on my tongue, your velvet softness wrapped tight around my fingers. I want to splay you naked on the bar and explore every inch of you. I could be yours, Amber. Yours for all eternity.”

  The noise of the club faded into background buzz; the only sound was the thud of our heartbeats. I turned my head, lips so close to his. His breath smelled of rum, of dark chocolate. Mine.

  But he wouldn’t be mine for all eternity. It would be one night, and I’d be enslaved. I already was enslaved. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to jump–start that succubus instinct in me, the one that longed to occupy a man’s thoughts for the rest of his life. Every time he dreamed, when he made love to his wife, when he jerked off to naughty magazines, it would be my face and my body he saw. He’d forever relive the memory of one passionate night, and each time I’d be given a bit of his energy. But I’d never get that from Irix. All I’d get would be one night and a lifetime of heartache.

  “I’m not going to have sex with you, Irix. Never.”

  My voice was weak and shaky. Heck, even I didn’t believe myself. Rather than laugh at me, or call my bluff, he closed the tiny distance between us and brushed my lips with his — soft, gentle, and fleeting.

  “Then pick someone. Or you will have sex with me. I won’t see you starve, and if you won’t feed yourself, then I’ll share my energy with you.”

  Well, if that wasn’t the most romantic thing I’d ever heard. Still, his words stirred something deep within me. A demon shouldn’t care if I starved or not, and certainly not enough to “share” anything with me. Could his offer be spurred by something beside the obligation he had to my demon parent? Or was I a fool, head over heels and grasping at straws?

  “Not tonight. I’m enjoying an evening out with my friends. I’ll go back to Darci’s house tonight, go to bed alone and sleep.”

  Nope. I’d toss and turn all night, dreaming of him and all the things I wanted to do to him — what I wanted him to do to me. Still, he didn’t have to know that.

  His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me against him. We swayed in time to the music, his leg between mine. I couldn’t help but angle my hips toward him, riding his thigh, and he cupped my ass, tilting me into optimal position.

  “Twenty–four hours, Amber. That’s your deadline. Find someone by this time tomorrow, or it will be me warming your bed. Understand?”

  I closed my eyes, letting everything fall away except for the friction of his jeans against me. The thought of him rolling naked with me across the sheets turned that tiny flame into an inferno. I felt things ratchet up again on the dance floor, felt the energy course into me. Twenty–four hours was an eternity. I’d deal with that tomorrow. Right now, all that mattered was the feel of Irix against me.

  “ I understand.”

  * * *


  I woke up to the smell of coffee and the sound of Darci snoring beside me. We’d crashed on her bed without removing either our dresses or makeup. Mascara was smeared across my pillow, and I’m sure Darci’s was covered with glitter. At least I wasn’t hung–over — one of the advantages of my succubus side. I was pretty sure Darci wouldn’t be so lucky, so I slid out of bed as quietly as possible and showered before heading into the kitchen.

  Darci somehow had the forethought to set the coffeemaker on automatic and put out a store–bought coffee cake before we’d headed to the club. I need more than a pound of sugar to start my day, so I dug through the fridge and went to work. By the time my friend staggered out of the bedroom, I was ready for her.

  “Oh my God.” Darci covered her mouth as I pushed a plate in front of her. “You can’t seriously expect me to eat that.”

  “Yep.” I handed her a big glass of water and two aspirin. “My brother swears by it. Biscuits and sausage gravy — best hangover cure ever.”

  She sat and gulped down the pills and water, staring at the food like a convict facing the hangman. “Is that why you’re so chipper? You were sucking down those rum things all night.”

  “I don’t get hangovers. A quirk of genetics.”

  “I hate you.” She took a bite of the food and swallowed. “Although, this is really good. You made it from scratch?”

  I had. Both the biscuits and the gravy. “Yep. Wyatt taught me. He can cook all sorts of things.”

  She grinned. “And is he single? I’ve seen pics, and he’s pretty hot.”

  ‘He’s dating Satan’ didn’t seem like a good response. “He’s got a girlfriend. Besides, doesn’t your heart belong to Gavin? Hmmm?”
  Darci shoved another forkful into her mouth. “I can’t believe that. Last night was magic. I’ve been trying to get him to look at me for months, and suddenly he’s like flypaper. He barely left my side. We’ve got a date tonight.” She looked up at me guiltily. “I hope you don’t mind. I can see what the girls are doing, and maybe you can hang with them.”

  My heart nearly stopped, and it wasn’t from my friend ditching me to go out on a date. I’d remembered last night, Irix’s deadline, and the repercussions of not meeting said deadline. Last night, in his arms, the punishment sounded pretty good to me, but in the cold light of day, I panicked. I needed to find someone to have sex with. I glanced at the clock. Noon. Oh crap. It was noon, and I had a little more than twelve hours to get laid. Normally, that shouldn’t be a problem, but I had hoped to be a little pickier than just grabbing someone off the street.

  “I’ll fly solo tonight. I’ve got some needs to take care of, if you know what I mean.”

  Darci gave me a quick grin. “With Irix, the life coach, I hope?”

  “Nope.” I took a quick swig of my coffee. “It’s going to be a stranger–in–the–night for me this time.”

  “Be careful; some of the places in the French Quarter can get a bit crazy. Stay off the side streets and watch your drink.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. I might not be a black–belt in anything, but I did have some special self–defense skills. And I always watched my drink.

  “Will do,” I promised.

  “Well, I’m going back to bed.” Darci pushed the empty plate across the counter. “Come join me.”

  If only. I could use more sleep, but I needed to strategize how I was going to find and seduce someone who wouldn’t result in my feeling like a horrible monster the next day. I waved Darci on, promising to wake her by four, and opened the laptop. Dating sites? Craigslist ads? I wanted someone attractive enough that I would actually enjoy this, but not someone I’d feel guilty about. Not married. Maybe a bit of a jerk, so I could justify it by thinking he’d had it coming. Or should I go for a backward, socially inept guy — a virgin who could be happy with fond memories the rest of his life? One night stands had never been so much work before, and I grumbled to myself, regretting that I’d ever found out about my weird parentage.

  The doorbell rang. I answered the door to see Jordan with a backpack that looked like it weighed three–hundred pounds.

  “Darci’s sleeping,” I told her, closing the door. She stuck her foot out, blocking it.

  “Good. I came to see you.”

  And here I thought I’d gotten rid of her. Instead, she pushed past me and deposited the backpack on the sofa, pulling out what seemed to be an endless quantity of notebooks and photos.

  “I know you said you’re not a witch, but you’ve clearly got some powerful magical stuff going on. I did some research last night, and there’s not much out there on what elves can do. Still, I’m hoping you can help us.”

  Help them do what? Revive dying petunias? It’s not like I’d ever been able to do much with my elf side. It’s not like I even knew what my elf side was capable of. My mother was dead, and there hadn’t been an elf outside of Hel in millions of years to ask.

  “I don’t have any magic. I’ve got a bit of a green thumb, and I can make a room full of people want to have sex. I’m sure most of your coven can do that too. Just light a few candles, break out the oysters, and open up a bottle of wine.”

  She paused, giving me the raised–eyebrow look before continuing to pull stuff from her backpack.

  “You nearly dropped that doorman to his knees. I’m sensitive; I can see the way the energy circles around and loops into you. When a witch does sex magic, we channel the energy into our spell — but the energy comes from us. You don’t do that. You jump start the energy in those around you and absorb it. You’re like a giant battery.”

  I’d never heard it put that way. She could actually see it? Jordan might be a pain, but I was thinking she could give me some insights into what made me tick. More than Irix’s “it is what it is” speech.

  “What did your research say about demon magic? Succubus magic, specifically?”

  She paused again. “Nothing good. Thankfully it’s your elven magic we need.”

  I plopped down on the sofa. “Well then, you’re out of luck. My elf side doesn’t seem to do much except keep the monster in check. I’m good with houseplants. That’s about it.”

  Jordan picked up a notebook and waved it at me. “We’ve got some serious problems here. The city has grown, and the very things that kept our fragile bio–system sustainable have been damaged. Levees keep the flooding at bay — good for the residents, bad for the replenishment of nutrients in our soil, so the plant life is changing. That means our fish and wildlife industries are struggling, and so are the people that rely on them for their livelihood. Worse, logging and draining of the bayous along with rising sea levels mean we’re increasingly vulnerable to hurricanes. Isn’t it ironic that the two activities are countering each other? Less wetlands means hurricanes hit us with a force the levees can’t hold against.”

  I shrugged. It was just another example of Mother Nature swatting at flies. Once pesky humans bothered her too much, she’d wash them away with hurricanes, earthquakes, or volcanoes. Such arrogance to think they could stand against the forces of a planet. And yes, it was the ultimate irony for me to be referring to “humans” when less than a year ago I’d counted myself as one.

  “So what is it you think I can do? Protect the city from hurricanes? Rebuild the wetland forests? Fertilize a million acres of ground? No problem. I’ll just cure cancer and solve world hunger while I’m at it.”

  The look on her face made me feel like a complete jerk. Crushed. Hurt. Her shoulders slumped, and she slid the notebook back into the backpack like a robot.

  “Jordan, I’m sorry. It’s no excuse, but I’ve been a bit edgy lately. I honestly think you’re overestimating my abilities, but tell me what you want, and I’ll let you know if it’s something I can help with.”

  She looked up, and I saw the tears in her eyes. Great. Now I really did feel like a world–class asshole. What had happened to me? I’d always been the peacemaker, the one who got along with everyone, but lately I was so irritable and snarky. I’m surprised I had any friends left.

  “I don’t know. Maybe accelerate the growth in the bald cypress trees that are part of the forested swamps? Soil regeneration would be great too, if you could do that. Do you have any skills with water? Between the weirs and sea level rise, the brackish wetlands are becoming saline.”

  I sighed. Might as well be honest. “I think for those sorts of things, you’d need a full elf. Probably a group of them. I might be able to help a few trees along, but what you’re proposing is too large scale for my abilities.” Her face fell, and my heart went out to her. “You have to understand, I’m only twenty years old. That’s young in human years, but in demon and elf years that’s practically an infant. If I were back in Hel, I’d still be in a nursery. I’ve been told the only reason I have the abilities I have now is that being in the human world has accelerated them.”

  “I understand.” Her voice was soft, like I’d been her last hope. “It’s just … I’ve never seen anyone like you before. Lots of local covens have tried, but we can’t channel the kind of energy we need to make any kind of significant impact.”

  “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t I talk to the head of your coven? I can go out with you to look at the affected areas and see what I can do. Hey, one healthy tree is better than none, right? Maybe we can figure something out.”

  She smiled, and I felt bad for being so annoyed by her last night. “I’d appreciate it. I know you’re only here for a week, and it’s your vacation and all, but maybe you could manage to do a little bit while you’re here.”

  An idea was forming in my mind. “I’ll try my best. I’ve got a favor to ask of you, too. Darci’s going on a date tonight, and I’m wonde
ring if you’d go out with me. To a club or something. I could really use a local so I don’t wind up in the wrong neighborhood or something.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Me? I mean, I guess. I’m not usually anyone’s first choice when it comes to turning it up, but I know a few places. What kind of club do you want to go to?”

  She knew what I was, so I figured it was time to be completely honest. “One where I can pick up a guy in a relatively short time for quickie sex.”

  Jordan’s jaw came close to hitting the floor. “You could just walk down the street and do that, from what I’ve seen.”

  I squirmed. “There’s a problem. I’m half succubus, so anyone I have sex with is kind of attached to me for the rest of their life. I won’t want anything to do with them afterward, but I’ll overshadow pretty much every sexual experience they’ll have from that point onward. Their obsession transfers energy to me.”

  “Wow. That’s… .”

  “Terrible. I know. I’ve been putting it off, denying myself for as long as possible, but I need to find someone by midnight tonight. I just want it to be someone I won’t feel too guilty about. Some kind of player–type that’s used a lot of girls. Someone who will probably spend their life in a string of one night stands anyway.”

  Jordan nodded knowingly. “Like the hot guy last night that you were practically inhaling? You should have done him. He certainly fit the profile.”

  I winced. Yes, he did.

  “I can’t have sex with him. He’s an incubus — a full–on sex demon. He’s kind of my mentor, and if I don’t close the deal with someone by midnight, then he’ll make me have sex with him.”

  The notebook bent in Jordan’s fist. Her eyes flashed. “He’d rape you? Not in my city, he won’t. I’ve got spells. I’ve got amulets. If he thinks he’s going to force you, then he’s got another thing coming.”


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