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Bear Apparent (BBW Shifter Romance) (Stone Claw Clan Book 1)

Page 11

by Woods, Jade

  “What is this?” she hissed, holding up the printout.

  He frowned and accepted it, his brows slowly lifting again along with his lips. “Oh. I forgot to tell you. I asked Bruin to compensate you while we are here. He promised me he would transfer some funds to your—”

  “Some? You call a hundred grand, some?” She gaped at him, watching him closely.

  He opened his mouth, closed it and generally seemed to be at a loss for words. “You’re displeased,” he deduced, his body slumping. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I feel as if I’m an invader to your territory, and I wanted to do something nice.”

  Pinching the bridge of her nose, Dahlia took several deep breaths. “Okay, I get that, but you can’t just go around depositing large amounts of money into my bank account—I mean, I’m sure I’m on the government’s radar now, and will receive a visit from the FBI wanting to know where and how I came by this money. Can you imagine if I hadn’t looked at my statement, and someone showed up?”

  He offered her a sheepish look, and stepped forward, pulling her into his arms. His nose skimmed the side of her neck. Don’t give in, she told herself. But damn it, he was hard to resist.

  “I’m sorry. You are right. But please don’t be upset with me. I don’t like it when your mood is impacted by my actions. Tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it. Anything.”

  His hot breath gliding across her skin sent chills down her spine. Damn him, she was finding it harder and harder to resist his male charms. Whispering against his ear, she said, “Don’t think your skilled tongue will wiggle you out of this.”

  A very animalistic growl rumbled in his throat, and she was unable to keep from smiling. Running her fingers across the back of his neck, his growl turned to a desperate moan—she had learned a lot about him these past few days, including some of his most sensitive areas that left him like putty in her hands. Running her fingers across his shoulder and down his arm, she took his hand in his.

  “There is something else I need to discuss with you.” Twisting her body around, she peeked around the corner and regarded the bears. “Out of the range of perked ears.”

  They fidgeted, and their cheeks flushed with embarrassment at having been caught eavesdropping… again. Marcus spoke up. “We can’t help it. We have great hearing.”

  Garrett issued a low growl that would have intimidated Dahlia if she didn’t know him.

  “Well, look at that,” Marcus said, getting to his feet. “It’s a nice day, I think I’ll go join Jet and Leto in the pool. “You kids have fun.”

  Shaking her head, she watched as the bears filed out the front door, a smile creasing her face. When they were gone, she tugged Garrett’s hand, needing the security of her room. She closed the door behind him, and pegged him with an intense glare.

  “No more money appearing in my account, okay? And I’m going to take the funds and put them into a savings account for you guys. I don’t want your savings being stolen by that asshat Lazaran, but I’m going to be clear. I’m not to be bought, do you understand?”

  Despite her stern words, his expression softened, and he smiled—if she didn’t know any better, he seemed impressed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Dahlia bit her lip as she arranged sentences in her mind. She had no idea how to broach the subject, but it needed to be talked about. She settled for simple, blunt truth. “With everything that is going on, I got swept up by the idea of you being a part of the supernatural and playing house. I was reckless, and didn’t think about the consequences. I’m not on the pill, and we haven’t been using condoms so I need to know where you stand with—”

  “I’m sorry. I should have informed you completely about mating with me,” he cut in, and guided her to the bed where she sat down. He kneeled in front of her, and she lost her train of thought. His face was tender as he stroked her knee. “It is not possible for a male shifter to impregnate a female unless they are mated, and even then the male has a certain period when he is fertile. I don’t know why, it is just the way our mothers made us. Generally, our fertile time kicks in around spring, and can last for a few months.”

  Her lips parted, and she took a moment to digest the revelation. “Okay, so you’re saying I’m probably not pregnant? Because that is a relief. I’m not ready for kids yet.”

  “Very unlikely.” He passed her a look, his eyes turning molten, but she thought he might be hiding something. “And we don’t carry diseases.”

  She pressed her hand against his cheek, and admired the two day old stubble. “Okay.”

  Garrett beamed, and pressed a kiss against her palm. That lightness faded a bit and he muttered, “There is something I need to talk to you about, too.”

  As he opened his mouth, her printer kicked in, and started whirling loudly. Momentarily stunned by the interruption, they blinked at it. Someone started banging on her door, the wood vibrating in the jamb. Garrett shot to his feet.

  “What the fuck—” Garrett snarled as he flung the door open.

  Bruin burst in, his breath labored. “We have a problem!” He looked at Dahlia for a moment. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but this cannot wait.”

  Garrett’s anger quickly evaporated as the other bear collected the paper from the printer’s cradle. He turned to Garrett, and held it up. His expression grim, Dahlia watched them in concern.

  “This was in the clan’s inbox. Lazaran petitioned the council,” Bruin said, glancing at Dahlia. “It appears he has made several accusations against Garrett which prompted the council to get involved.”

  “Let me see that,” Garrett hissed, his steps eating the distance between Bruin. He took the paper, and several long minutes passed as he slid his eyes across it. With every second, his expression darkened, and his fist tightened over the paper until he balled it in his hand. His face was a mask of rage, the classic handsomeness gone and Dahlia thought he might change into a bear right in her bedroom.

  “Garrett?” Dahlia prompted, trying to gain his attention—she didn’t want to have to replace every piece of furniture in her home. It seemed to do the trick, and the moment his eyes met her, he calmed visibly. “You want to tell me what is going on?”

  The sound of something cracking drew everyone’s attention to the door. The clan stood in the jamb with Vance in the center. She realized that clicking sound was his knuckles cracking as he tightened his hands around the wheels of his chair. “What did that fucker do now?” Vance asked, his eyes aglow.

  Garrett closed his eyes momentarily. When he spoke, his voice was ripe with despair. “Lazaran has told the council I murdered one of his clansmen without provocation. He claims his clan was traveling through Stone Claw territory when I attacked. In attempt to defend his bears, he responded, and claimed I sought the aid of a human—Dahlia—who is not mated to any shifter, nor the offspring of one. These allegations are very serious, and the council is now getting involved. Lazaran has requested a duel to settle the dispute, and they’ve approved it.”

  Her jaw dislodged, her mind racing to absorb what he was telling her. “But that’s a lie, isn’t it?”

  “Of course it is,” Bruin said. “Garrett’s father was a very diplomatic male, and established alliances between the clans surrounding our territory. He raised Garrett to be of like mind—these claims are frivolous, and intended to flush Garrett out of hiding.”

  “I should have known this was coming. I’d gotten lost in the idea that we could find another place to live, and dismissed Lazaran’s reputation.” He let the ball of paper fall to the carpet where it rolled half way across the floor.

  “Can’t you tell your council the truth about him? They have to know about how he skims your laws,” she said, realizing she was in over her head.

  Bruin looked to Garrett before answering. “They’ve likely heard, but he hasn’t broken any laws. He does challenge territories and kills the existing clan-leader, but to be safe, he hangs out there for a few years before moving on. I’m guessing the council w
ould have required a body as proof and I wouldn’t be surprised of Lazaran murdered one of his own to provide it.”

  “What are we going to do?” Jet asked, water dripping off his naked form.

  “Let me take care of this,” Vance cut in. “I will skin that mother fucker alive. You know I can do it.”

  Garrett looked to his bear, his expression tender. “You know it has to be me.”

  The man didn’t like that answer, his grip tightening, and Dahlia thought he was going to need a new chair.

  “We need to sit down and form a plan of action,” Garrett announced then looked at Dahlia. He held his hand out, and she accepted it. He pulled her into him and ran a broad palm down her cheek. “I promise you I will take care of this. I won’t let anything happen to you.”


  Dahlia watched from the window as the men argued, their voices bordering on growls and grunts. Garrett slashed his hands in the air, his face darkened by rage and frustration while Bruin stood silently to the side, his chin supported by his fingers. It was Vance that was doing most of the talking, his voice booming, his finger thrusting in Garrett’s direction accusatorily. For all the bluster, she had a hard time understanding what was being said. They seemed to be talking in an unfamiliar language, but she couldn’t make out general words with them roaring their opinions… like well, bears.

  “No!” Vance growled then wheeled himself away. He pushed through the back door and his voice rang clear. “No! I’m not doing it. I don’t care if you order me to or not, I won’t do it!”

  Everyone filed in behind him, their expressions tight. When the bears were inside, she asked with a parched throat, “Do what?”

  “Tell her,” Vance hissed. “Go on. Tell her your ingenious plan.”

  Dahlia could see Garrett was frustrated with the man’s insubordination, but he accepted it as if he thought he deserved it. He slowly craned his head to her, and offered her an exhausted smile. “I have a plan.”

  “Plan?” Vance mocked then grumbled expletives under his breath. When Garrett didn’t continue, Vance gestured to her. “Go on. Tell her. She deserves to know.”

  Dahlia looked to him for an explanation, and her gut sank. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like whatever he had come up with.

  “I can’t ignore the summons. If I don’t appear, the council will hunt me down. I’m unable to provide proof to refute Lazaran’s claims so the council is likely to rule in his favor. No matter how much someone bitches and complains, I have to appear and face Lazaran. Both clans will be required to be present. I have no doubt he will use this opportunity to make an example of me in front of everyone.”

  Before he even finished, Dahlia was shaking her head—she didn’t want him anywhere near that monster. “Do you think you can beat him?”

  A smile twitched at the corners of his lips as if he were privy to information she wasn’t. “I believe I have a chance, yes.”

  Eying him carefully, she swallowed a lump. “And if you can’t?”

  “Honestly, there is no can or can’t. Only will or won’t. It’s going to happen. I will face him. But if I am unable to beat him, then…” he looked at Vance, and something changed. He came to kneel before the man, drawing a gasp from his bears as he lowered himself to the man’s position. “When you first came to us, Bruin was afraid you’d attempt to take lead from me. Over the years, I’ve come to see why he was afraid to allow you into the clan. I don’t completely know why you never challenged me, but I know you respect me and my authority. I’ve never asked anything of anyone, but I am asking you to do this. For all of us, and for Dahlia. Please. You are my family, and seeing you all hurt is worse than death.”

  Vance’s throat shifted and his eyes glazed over. He looked away, his nostrils flaring as if he wanted to be any place but here. Slowly, he drew his attention back to Garrett. “You gave me a home when no one else would, and never demanded anything from me. You treated me as any other bear, despite my useless legs… Okay. I will do it.”

  Garrett looked down in relief, the tenseness in his body floating away, but there was a sadness in the air. Dahlia could feel it to the marrow of her bones. It felt out of place. This past week her house had sizzled with joy and simple pleasures.

  Somehow, she knew. But she needed confirmation. “Do what?” she croaked.

  Everyone slid their attention to her, and she felt as if she’d just entered a funeral. Garrett got to his feet then said, “Can everyone give us some time?”

  The bears didn’t say anything, the shuffling of their feet out the door the only thing to break the silence. At the signal of the door closing, Garrett took a deep breath, and Dahlia watched the way his perfect chest moved. His jaw ticked as if he were trying out words in his mind. She figured there was no easy way to do this.

  “I have a chance at besting Lazaran now. I’m fully healed, and I…” he stepped forward, and took her hands in his, his touch hot against her fear-chilled skin. He kissed her knuckles, his expression heartbreaking. “Remember what I told you about shifter males bonding hard and fast? I knew from the moment I saw you in those woods, I was in trouble. But I ignored it. The night we first made love… I couldn’t help myself. All I could think about was making a life with you, and how I’d rather spend a few days in your arms, and lose you rather than to have never shared such times. Just knowing you helped me understand what happened with my father better. I suppose on some level, I was bitter that he gave up on life. I see now, that everything I do is a reflection of his love and teaching.”

  Dahlia’s heartbeat drummed in her ears as she tried to understand what he was telling her. He seemed to have a hard time forming the words, his hands trembling in hers. She pressed a palm against his cheek, and his eyes slid up to meet her own. A smile tugged at his lips. “I bonded with you that night. I can already feel the strength coursing through my body. With the boost, I have a chance at beating him.”

  She gaped, wanting to say something, but her mind drew a blank. Bonded? Her brows lowered, and she shook her head, wanting to refute his confession. She didn’t understand how that could happen—it was too soon. They were still getting to know each other.

  “I’m sorry. I know it’s probably a shock to you. And you didn’t do anything to encourage it, it’s just the way we work. I guess I was so desperate for a woman like you… all else ceased to matter. But it’s done, and no matter what happens or what you choose, I am blessed to have been loved by you.”

  She tried to work her mouth again, but nothing would come out. Okay, so the idea of him being bonded and completely enamored with her was really nice, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for that kind of commitment. She managed to throw a sentence together. “I had hoped to introduce you to my parents first… Jesus, are we married then?”

  He chuckled, her humor loosening them both. “More than that. A bonded male is forever, and he will never stray, or desire any woman other than his mate. He will care for her and protect her… simply put a bonded male is slave to the one he loves. The bond is so deep, that mates often follow each other in death.”

  Images of Garrett in nothing but a loincloth, on his knees flashed in her mind. She blinked at him with wide eyes, the whole bonding thing throwing her for a loop. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she took several deep breaths.

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to uproot your life, nor did I intend for you to get mixed up in all this, but—”

  Pressing her fingers to his lips, she silenced him. “It’s not that I don’t find the whole bonding thing incredibly romantic, but I… don’t know if I am ready for that kind of dedication. I just discovered the supernatural exists, and come to accept my attraction for you.” His eyes flared as if he liked her admitting she had the hots for him. “But, with everything going on I’m glad it happened. I want you to kick that bastard’s ass all the way to New York.”

  Something turned on inside Garrett, his eyes brightening, his chest puffing out. That was the man she knew… strong,
confident, and the idea that she’d had something to do with it sent flutters to her stomach. She figured learning each other would come in time, and she wanted that experience with him. Besides, she now knew where he stood and that he wanted a life with her.

  He let out a big breath, and guided her to his lips. The kiss was nothing more than a cherishing peck. “I can promise you I will fight with all I have to keep you safe.”

  She eyed him carefully, not liking the tone of his voice. “What are you not telling me?”

  “I want to build a life with you, Dahlia. But I don’t know how much time I have left. What I am certain about is that you will not be hurt because of me. I can’t guarantee I can best Lazaran. If he kills me, as my mate that opens you up to his attack, and with an ego the size of Wyoming, he won’t miss that opportunity. The council views a mated pair as a single entity, so they won’t step in. To prevent that from happening, I’ve asked Vance to make sure you remain safe in my absence.”

  Absence? Everything started to spin. Dahlia just wanted to down a bottle of Scotch and pass out. Garrett was obviously torn, his eyes glassy and his body tense. “That doesn’t tell me anything.”

  He nodded, conceding the point. “Vance wanted to fight in my place, but law dictates it is the patriarchs that must contend for their territories. Plus, the grievance is against me, no matter how false it may be. If I can’t beat Lazaran, I’ve asked Vance to step up as alpha. A lower ranking member of a clan is allowed to challenge their leader for their position, especially if the leader is compromised. If Lazaran gets the better of me… Vance will kill me, securing his place as alpha—”

  “No!” she snapped, trying to push him away, but he held on to her tightly.

  “With Vance now patriarch, he can challenge Lazaran for our territory, and kill him without repercussion from the council,” Garrett said, barreling right through her protest. “It’s the only way.”


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