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Never Should Have Loved You

Page 4

by Tierra Ashley

  “Would you stop with all the questions and just come get me? This shit got me so heated and I need to go home before I snap!”

  “Okay, okay, okay, just calm down. I’m on my way,” I said and hung up the phone.

  I walked back into the office to grab my keys and my purse out of my desk drawer. Marcus was on his office phone and smacking on his food. He didn’t even look up at me when I entered and left the room. I honestly didn’t want to leave because I wanted to stand there and see what excuse Marcus was going to come up with about why the cards declined, but my baby needed me so I had to leave.

  I hopped in my black BMW and headed down the highway to pick up Jerome. It felt good being out during the day. I used to spend most of my workdays on some of our construction sites, but with me and Marcus being on the outs, I typically just stayed at our main office to avoid him.

  Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the strip mall where Jerome’s job was at and parked my car. I stepped out of the driver side and my Fendi pumps crunched as they stepped on broken glass. What the hell? I looked at the ground around me and saw that I had pulled right into a pile of shattered glass. Jerome came out the office in full Army uniform with a broom and dust pan.

  “Damn, you pulled right up in the pile I was sweeping up,” Jerome said trying to help me out of the car.

  “Why every time I see you, Jerome, you’re sweeping up glass?”

  “I know right,” he said giving me his award winning smile.

  “This is funny to you? Do you not see a problem with this situation?” I asked.

  “Yeah I do, but what do you suppose I do, press charges against her?”

  “It might help!”

  “Hell nah! She’ll get over me sooner or later.”

  “Whatever, Jerome!”

  Jerome took my keys out of my hand and gently pushed me aside to get in my car to move it out the way. He backed my car in a parking spot across from the one I originally parked in.

  “Your mean ass parked right in the glass too. Hope you don’t get a flat tire,” he said handing me back my keys.

  “Oh, so I’m mean? Guess my mean ass should have let you take a taxi,” I said rolling my eyes.

  “Nah, you wouldn’t do that to me,” he said grinning, grabbing a hand full of my ass making me squirm from just his erotic touch.

  “Don’t be grabbing my ass.” I smacked his arm as he went to sweep up the glass.

  “That’s my ass, remember that.”

  I couldn’t help but blush…I hate that he makes me feel like this, I thought as I took note of the many butterflies buzzing in my belly.

  “So what she use to bust up your car?” I asked curiously.

  “Maaaannnn, she had a damn metal baseball bat. Tore my car up. It’s a lot of damage too,” Jerome said.

  “A metal baseball bat? Oh hell no! You need to have her ass locked up!” I said looking at him like he was crazy for letting her act this way.

  “Stop saying that. I’m not having her locked up.”

  “Why not? It’s only going to get worse, Jerome.”

  “I’m done talking about it,” he said real dismissive as he walked to throw the glass in the trash can outside.

  “Let’s go! I want to eat,” I said annoyed that he was being dismissive to me, but I wasn’t going to push the issue because I didn’t want to upset him.

  “It’s the afternoon. Why you ain’t ate already?”

  “I did. I want to eat again,” I said throwing him the keys.

  “Aw shit. Don’t start that on me. Next you going to be talking about you missed your period.”

  “Shut up Jerome,” I said giggling and getting into the passenger seat. “You know my birthday coming up,” I reminded him just in case he forgot.

  “Yeah I know, I was thinking about that. I gotta plan something for us to do.”

  “You better.”

  “You staying with me tonight?” he asked starting the car up and pulling out of the parking lot.

  “What? You know I can’t stay over.”

  “Yeah, but you can stay late,” he said grabbing my thigh and running his fingers up my skirt to my panty line. I came just from his touch.

  “I can stay a little late I guess,” I said trying to hold my smile back, but it was already showing and he was smiling too. “I got a surprise for you anyway,” I said thinking about the red teddy in my trunk that I had brought from Vicki Secrets earlier. Jerome just smiled and kept stroking my panty line as he drove, and the butterflies kept dancing in my belly all the way to the restaurant.


  Thursday Night

  I had so much shit going on I was starting to get things confused. The accounts that Naomi said got declined were supposed to still have money in them. I called my lawyer Michelle who was handling all of the accounts for me, to see what was going on, but she hadn’t got back to me yet. I had started the process months ago of pulling small chunks of money out of some of the business accounts into an unknown account under a fictitious name. Naomi and I hadn’t talked about divorcing, but the idea had sure been thrown around during heated arguments, so I wasn’t taking any chances with her. Knowing Naomi, she would take me to the cleaners if we ever were to get divorced, but I was taking precautions so that she would be the one left high and dry when we finally split, which I was hoping was sooner than later.

  I had just gotten out of the shower from a long day at the office. After Naomi left from the office unexpectedly, I headed out to one of our construction sites on a new hundred and twelve unit apartment building to see how things were going. I stayed out there for most of the day baking in the hot sun, so I was physically drained. Since I had gotten home, Whitney had called my phone three times already. I still hadn’t gotten around to talking to her, but I promised myself every time she called that I would eventually call her back and hear her out.

  I was walking around the house in just my boxer briefs, headed to the kitchen to raid the refrigerator when the doorbell rang. Naomi forgetting her keys now? I thought, because I wouldn’t know who else would be ringing our house bell this late in the evening. I looked out the peephole to see Lisa. Surprised, I opened the door.

  “Marcus…is…is Naomi home?” Lisa asked all nervous as she tried not to look at my bare chest.

  “No she is not here. Did you call her?” I asked.

  “Yeah I did, but she is not answering. I just wanted to ask her about tomorrow…I’ll just try her cell again,” Lisa said as she tried to turn and walk away.

  “Where you going?” I called out after her.


  “Come in for a second,” I told her as I moved out of the doorway for her to come in.

  “Marcus, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Lisa said sounding all timid, but I knew differently. She wasn’t talking that way when I took her out for lunch the other day…and the many days before that.

  “Stop playing like you came over here to see Naomi,” I said bluntly.

  “I did...she and I talked…”

  I was done standing in the doorway in my boxer briefs talking with Lisa. She needed to come inside before one of the neighbors saw us. I reached for her arm and gently pulled her inside. She didn’t resist, which fed my assumption that she hadn’t come for Naomi.

  “You got us talking all in the doorway for the neighbors to see,” I said to her as I shut the door behind her.

  “Marcus, look I know we—”

  “You know we what? We ain’t done nothing but have lunch a couple of times, which by the way you stood me up today,” I said walking towards the kitchen to finish my raid of the fridge before Lisa had rang the doorbell and interrupted me. She followed behind me, but she was obviously nervous, checking around corners to see if Naomi was home.

  “Naomi ain’t here,” I said trying to ease her mind.

  “Yeah, but she can show up at any moment. I shouldn’t be here,” Lisa said trying to turn around and walk back toward the front door, but I gr
abbed her up and we were chest to chest and almost lip to lip, yet she pulled away.

  “Listen Marcus, Naomi and I talked today. She said that she and you were on good terms so I can’t do this. I shouldn’t even have been entertaining it in the first place. I don’t know what I was thinking,” Lisa said.

  “Naomi couldn’t have told you that she and I were on good terms. She and I don’t even speak. And when did you and her start talking again anyway? I thought your friendship was over?” I said referring to the big blow up they had almost a year ago. Naomi had a way of trying to control everyone in her life. It was a trait that Lisa and I were both tired of when it came to Naomi.

  “We went shopping today and she gave me a job. I start tomorrow.”

  “A job at our office?” I asked confused.

  “Yeah, she said it was cool with you…well she didn’t really say, but I assumed.”

  “See, that’s the shit I be talking about. She don’t ever tell me shit she do, but want me to tell her every detail of my life.” I was annoyed. Not at the fact of Lisa working at the office. I actually liked the idea, but Naomi wasn’t considering payroll, not that I considered payroll either, but it was just the principal of her making a decision without consulting me.

  “Well damn, I didn’t think you would have a problem with it. You make me feel terrible, Marcus.”

  “I don’t have a problem with you working there. Naomi just gets on my damn nerves. You want something to drink?” I asked going into the fridge and pulling out a bottle of wine I had opened the other day.

  “Sure, why not, but put some clothes on.”

  I grinned, “Why am I distracting you?”

  “No, in case she comes home.”

  “Oh yeah,” I said as I poured Lisa a glass of wine and headed up the stairs to get a shirt and pants to put on.

  I went into my closet and pulled out a dark blue t-shirt and black basketball shorts. I didn’t want to look like I was doing too much, but I sprayed on a few lines of Axe body spray anyways. Glad I already showered, I thought as I went into the master bath and gargled with some Listerine just to be sure that my breath was straight. Lisa and I hadn’t had sex yet; and I say yet because I was feening for her like crazy.

  Lisa and Naomi had been friends since college. I had actually met them both in college and I had been feeling Lisa with her red bone ass, but ended up hollering at Naomi because she was better put together. Naomi’s nails, hair, clothes, everything was on point. And me being the kind of nigga that only liked fly ass women, Naomi was the better choice at the time. Nevertheless, Lisa is who I was really feeling.

  After Lisa and Naomi fell out several months ago, I hadn’t heard from or seen Lisa until one day I bumped into her at the gas station. She was looking bad like life really had gotten her down. She told me how she lost her job and was going through all types of financial stress, so I threw her a few hundred dollars to help her out, and we started meeting up for lunch just as friends. But I knew she was feeling me, she just kept it hidden.

  I ran back down the steps to the kitchen where Lisa was sitting because I didn’t want to keep her waiting any longer and risk her dipping out on me.

  “So where did you park? I didn’t see your car in the driveway,” I asked.

  “I parked on the street two houses down. You know how Naomi is about people parking in the driveway.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Yeah, you know I know better than anyone.” Lisa laughed too. Seemed like all we ever talked about was Naomi. She was all we had in common, but I was ready to change that.

  “I don’t want to talk about Naomi. Let me show you something,” I said to Lisa, grabbing her by the hand and taking her toward my home office that was on the first level. “I remember the last time you were here I was getting the office remolded. It’s finished now,” I said opening the door to my home office.

  Lisa looked around at the chestnut bookshelf that was built into the wall and spanned around the entire office, wall to wall.

  “Wow, this is really nice,” she said as she walked over to the bookshelf with her glass of wine in hand and started looking at some of the book titles.

  “Yeah, I love it in here. This is my place of solitude,” I said admiring the room myself. I always felt at peace when I was in my home office. It was like my man cave. Lisa pulled a book off the shelf and sat on the brown leather sofa by the window. I was loving the way she looked, sitting there holding the book like she was interested. Naomi would never pick up a book. In fact, when the room was finally done all she said was “Cool,” and walked out without even looking around.

  “This couch is so comfy,” Lisa said smiling and wiggling her butt like she was trying to snuggle in. I could tell the wine was relaxing her.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said as I left out the office to grab the bottle of wine off of the kitchen counter. I returned to the office and topped off Lisa’s glass.

  “Oh my God, no Marcus, I have to drive home. In fact I should be going,” she said trying to get up from the couch, but I had already beat her to the door and locked it. It was almost as if I had perfect timing because as soon as I hit the lock, Naomi pulled up in the driveway and opened the garage door. Lisa’s eyes were wide in panic.

  “Chill,” I told her.

  “No Marcus, I should go. Oh my God,” she whispered.

  “Nah, relax. Just wait,” I said in a whispering voice as well.

  Naomi’s heels clicked along the marble floor as she came into the house. I stood by the door listening to her every move. I looked at Lisa who was holding her glass of wine up to her chest like she was a clam, and scared out of her mind.

  “Shhhh,” I said putting my finger up to my lips.

  After a few minutes, I could hear Naomi going up the stairs and into the bedroom. I walked over to Lisa and sat down next to her on the couch.

  “Looks like you’re stuck in here until she goes to sleep,” I said.

  “No, sneak me out the front door.”

  “Not a chance. Too risky. Just wait it out,” I said pushing her glass up to her lips to take a sip and she did take a sip…a nervous sip.

  I needed a buzz myself. I picked the bottle up and took a swig directly from the bottle. I was feeling more relaxed and put my arm around the back of the couch where Lisa was sitting and nudged myself closer to her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Kiss me,” I said taking another hit from the bottle.

  “What? No way,” Lisa said taking another sip of her wine. My dick was already semi hard because I hadn’t gotten any sex in two months and just sitting next to Lisa had me going from zero to one hundred real quick.

  “Come here,” I said gently grabbing her by the chin and turning her lips toward mine, kissing her slowly. Her lips tasted like the wine we were drinking. They were thick and juicy like they were made for kissing. I kissed her with so much passion it made her dizzy.


  “Shhhh. Be quiet,” I whispered, kissing her again.

  I moved my kisses down to her neck and then down to the top of her breasts and then licked my tongue down the middle of her cleavage. She let out a little whimper because she knew she could not moan or it would be both our asses; but I could tell she was liking it. I put the bottle down on the ground and took her glass out of her hand and sat it on the ground as well. I kissed her again, this time with more aggression.

  I planted sloppy kisses all on her neck, pulled her nipple out and started sucking it like I needed milk. She was damn near about to faint because I knew for a fact she wasn’t seeing anyone so she hadn’t gotten laid in a long time.

  I placed her hand on my dick so she could feel how hard my dick was through my basketball shorts. She grabbed it, stroked it and grabbed it some more; I loved that shit. I put my tongue all in her ear as she played with my dick that was as hard as a rock. I was about to rock her ass with it while my wife was upstairs, but first I had to be sure that she was down for what w
e was about to do.

  I pulled out my dick while I was sitting on the couch next to her and stared at her. I nudged her head letting her know what I needed her to do. I thought she was going to give me some more of that no I can’t shit she had been saying since she got to the house, but she didn’t. Lisa got right down on her knees and started topping me off like she hadn’t tasted a dick in months. I watched as her head bobbed up and down between my legs, the moonlight coming in through the window behind me giving the perfect lighting for what we were doing.

  She worked the tip of my dick with her tongue, flicking her tongue over the tip, gripping the base of my dick with her hand. I played in her hair as I watched her go to work, loving the fact that she was so willing to please me.

  “Come here,” I whispered to her. “Sit on my face,” I said helping her to her feet and to stand on top of the sofa. She stood up on the sofa and sat down on my face while holding onto the back of the sofa for balance.

  I licked that shit like it was going out of style

  Licked her pussy like it had something I needed

  I licked her clit while her pussy leaked out on my chin.

  Knock! Knock!

  Naomi was knocking on my office door

  But I had locked it

  She jiggled on the handle and couldn’t get in

  Lisa tried to get off my face, but I grabbed her back down and kept eating.

  “Marcus!” The wicked witch called my name through the door…I didn’t answer. I just kept sliding my tongue all over Lisa’s wet pussy like a windshield wiper.

  “MARCUS!” The winch called again.

  This time I answered, “What!?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m working! WHY?” I was telling the truth. I was working alright…working on Lisa’s pussy.

  “I was just asking, damn!” she snapped and I could hear her walking away from the door. I shook my head annoyed. Her ass never want anything. She just want to know what I’m doing, I thought as I went back to eating Lisa’s pussy.


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