Heart Thief

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Heart Thief Page 13

by Peter de Sade

  “Nothing I going to confess to. Except that a week ago I met a guy that owns a beach house in La Jolla. Not only is he as rich as hell he’s drop dead handsome. Besides that, he had some really nice paintings I would die to own. But I think he said something about swapping them out and buying more. He’s that rich.”

  “Really,” Mathew said with an ear to ear smile.

  “Yo . . . Yo . . . You shouldn’t be telling on people you date,” Terry said. “Bu . . . Bu . . . But you do like to brag on all the rich men you go to bed with.”

  “You should try dating sometimes, Terry, and give your palm a rest,” Gerry said and laughed.

  “I . . I . . . I get plenty of dates. I . . . I . . . I’m just particular who I go home with.”

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Spike said. “We are all friends here. Let’s remember that.”

  “Coming from someone that looks like a gang banger, that’s funny,” Mathew said as he straightened his blue blazer and struck a pose like Ken, Barbie dolls boyfriend.

  “Mathew, are you sure you don’t slip into a dress and go over to the drag bar off of Interstate 5 after you leave here?” Spike asked in a serious tone that had everyone laughing.

  Bucky called out two names that none of the four recognized as the first players.

  “At least there will be new blood in the game tonight,” Gerry said as he chalked his cue stick.

  Dan felt strange walking into Daddy’s Boys. It reminded him of his fist night in the bar. The night he had seen Gerry for the first time. It was like a picture frozen in his mind. He could still picture each detail.

  Damn, I came so close to losing him! Too damn close. I have got the catch the cat burglar, this Crayon Boy and get that monkey off his back.

  He glanced at Gerry who was lining up a shot. Damn he is so handsome with those tats on is arm. He’s got that bad dark boy look that drives me crazy. Mathew and Terry are too pretty boy surfer types with their blond hair. And to think he loves me.

  “You’re not playing in the tournament, Mathew,” Dan asked as the blond hustler walked over to stand beside him.

  “I was but your ex-boyfriend sidelined me. The showoff ran the table!”

  “That’s too bad,” Dan said hoping he was doing a good job acting because inside he was raging at Mathew. “How did it go with, Roger?”

  “We fucked all night! And I do mean all night. The man is an animal in bed!”

  I guess he got my money’s worth. “Yeah, he has a reputation of being a Casanova!”

  “Now you tell me.”

  “What you didn’t have fun?”

  “I had a marvelous time. And his house. The view of the ocean is specular. And he bought some of my favorite painting,” Mathew sighed. “Now, I’m going to miss seeing them at the gallery.

  “You can always go to his house to see them,” Dan said.

  “Yeah, I would like that. He’s a trip! And drop dead handsome!” Mathew nodded toward Gerry. “I’m surprised to see him in the bar. I had thought Bucky barred him from the bar.”

  Dan shrugged. “I guess he changed his mind. No charges have been brought against Gerry. As they say. Innocent until proven guilty.”

  “Sparks are going to fly. He’s running the table on Terry!” Mathew said. “I think Gerry was praying that it would come down to him and Terry so he could humiliate Terry.”

  “Well, I think Terry has been bad mouthing, Gerry some. So, I guess he’s getting even,” Dan said.

  “They are like brothers. They are fighting on minute and at the bar downing shots and laughing the next minute. “I think if someone made fun of Terry’s speech problem, Gerry would clean the floor with them.”

  Dan shrugged. “I don’t know much about how brothers act. I’m an only child.”

  “They act like Terry and Gerry. Hell, their names make them sound like brothers,”

  “When are you seeing Roger again?” Dan asked.

  “Hopefully soon. How about you, Dan. Do you visit him often?”

  “Never. I’ve been to his house only once. We meet for dinner at a restaurant occasional or sometimes for drinks. We sort of run with a different crowd.”

  “Yeah, well, I would like to run with his crowd if they have as much money as he does,” Mathew said.

  “Yo . . . Yo . . . You ran the table intentionally on me, Gerry!” Terry yelled as he threw his pool stick on the table. “On . . . On . . . One of these days . . .”

  “What? You are going to run the table on me? Yeah right, Bro. Until then you will remain second banana,” Gerry said as he approached the bar with his pool stick in its carrying case. “Am I allowed to store my pool stick behind the bar again, Bucky.”

  “Sure thing, Gerry.”

  Bring it down a notch, Bucky. You are never that friendly, Dan thought as he cringed upon hearing Bucky.

  “What up with you Dan? You and Mathew planning a little in and out game tonight?” Gerry asked as he glanced over at Dan.

  “Be careful when you leave, Mathew or else he’s accuse you of stealing the silverware,” Gerry said as the took the envelope with the entry fees for the tournament from Bucky. “He turned around to face some of the guys that had entered the tournament. “And I thank you one and all for your contribution. He winked at Mathew. Especially yours, Mat,” Gerry added as he walked toward the door.

  “Yeah, he can be a jerk sometimes,” Dan said. I do hope that was play acting! But he is a bad boy!

  Dan waited a few minutes and then turned to Mathew who was talking to Terry. “I think I’ll head on home, Mat. Hope you have a good night. Maybe Roger will come in tonight.

  “No, he’s out of town for a week. Going to Rio he said.”

  “Is . . . Is . . . Is that the guy with the wonderful beach house in La Jolla that you and Gerry have shared?” Terry asked.

  “I wouldn’t put it that way Terry.”

  “Gi . . . Gi . . . Give him my number when you are finished with him. H . . . H . . . He sounds like fun,” Terry added.

  “Okay guys, I’ll let you two fight over who goes to bed with Roger next time he’s in town,” Dan said. “Later, Mat. Catch you later, Terry.”

  Chapter 23

  “Are you sure about doing this?” Roger asked as he finished giving them a tour of the beach house.

  “You sound doubtful, Roger?”

  “I guess I’m hoping it isn’t Mathew. I know he’s a hustler and all that but I’ve never had such hot sex with someone like I didn’t when him?”

  “Are you sure we are talking about the same Mathew?” Dan asked as he glanced over at Gerry. “With me he showed as much emotion as a blow-up doll!”

  “At least, Roger, that’s what he’s been telling me.” Gerry spoke up frowning at Dan.

  Roger shrugged. “I’m just telling you what happened between us. And it was hot potato! Anyway, I’m going back to the cottage. I’ll keep the lights off and watch Netflix on my iPad and then go to bed early.”

  “Yeah,” Gerry said. “It wouldn’t do for him to see every light in the cottage on and peek in the window and see you watching porno.”

  “Who said I watch porno?” Roger said flashing his eyes at Gerry.

  “Okay you two. Stop talking about sex or Gerry and I will be fucking all night instead of waiting for Mathew,” Dan said. “That’s what I hate about this whole project. Gerry and I have to stay in different section of the house. That’s means NO SEX!”

  “You have turned my old straight-laced buddy into a sex fiend,” Roger said glancing over at Gerry.

  “I’m too sexy for my shirt . . .”

  “Stop that singing this minute!” Dan said.

  “Okay, I guess he is a bad influence,” Roger said smiling at Gerry. “This is me leaving,” he added as he turned and walked away.

  “I think you want to go to bed with him,” Dan accused after Roger left the room.

  “Well, you did go to be with Mathew . . . twice!”

  “I have already said I’m sorry and
paid the price,” Dan said.

  “Oh, no, one blow job isn’t going to do it?” Gerry said shaking his finger. “I want an all night fuck fest like Roger and Dan had after this is over.”

  “You didn’t get the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say. Mathew told me Roger was popping those little blue pills every hour to keep his cock up. It’s a wonder he didn’t have a heart attack,” Dan said.

  “God, I would hate to be buried with a stiffy!” Gerry said.

  Suddenly both men were laughing.

  “Okay enough horse play. Let get into our positons,” Dan said wiping tears of his cheek. “And stop making me laugh so hard.”

  “Dan,” Gerry said in a serious tone. “Be careful.”

  “That goes for you too,” Dan said as he leaned forward and kissed Gerry on the forehead.

  As Dan sat down in the EZ-chair that Roger had positioned near the back sliding glass door that let out to the deck overlooking the small beach and the ocean below, Dan felt in his pocket for the pepper spray. The feel of it in his hand gave him a sense of security. Although he hadn’t let on to Gerry or Roger, he was scared shitless about the possibility of catching Mathew breaking into the house.

  Even though he had played it down, he did realize that anything could happen. Suddenly a chilling thought occurred to him! What if Mathew was armed? Dan shook his head. No, I have to get that thought out of my head. This is Mathew we are talking about. He couldn’t imagine the preppy son-of-a-bitch carrying a pistol. Pepper spray, maybe but not a gun. Relax and stop letting your imagination run wild, he told himself as he watched the surf pounding against the little sandy beach just beyond the patio and rocks.

  Dan jerked awake. Had he heard a noise? He focused his eyes on the patio and then down onto the private beach. Nothing. He wanted to pull his cell phone out and check the time but feared if someone was watching the house they might see the glare of the light from his cell phone. He and Gerry had agreed to kept their cell phones turned off.

  Gerry had protested but Dan had stood firm knowing that if he didn’t insist then Gerry would be sending him text messages all night. And a good surveillance team they would make with their phone lighting up each time one received a text.

  Damn, I didn’t know this was going to be so tedious and boring! Dan found himself thinking. Suddenly a thought popped into his mind. As soon as this is over, I’m going to ask Gerry to marry me! The thought of marrying Gerry suddenly made Dan feel light headed. The truth is I love him as much as I loved my wife or more. Dan admitted to himself.

  “Damn it, Mathew! Where are you?” he mumbled taking a deep breath.

  I’ll close my eyes for just a moment.

  Feeling something touch his crotch, Dan’s eyes snapped opened and found Gerry hand holding his crotch.

  “Oh, daddy couldn’t say awake all night?” Gerry said as he bent over him.

  “It is morning?”

  “Look out and tell me?” Gerry said pointing to the patio and the big white caped waves breaking directly against the rocks at high tide.

  “Smart ass,” Dan said. “Do I smell coffee?”

  “Yes, Roger made a pot. He sent me to wake you. He said when he glanced in the room you were snoring.”

  “You have been alone with Roger?” Dan said coming wide awake.

  “Yes, I drooled watching him make coffee in his jockey shorts. The man either has a cock the size of John Homes or balls the size of a bull. But, I guess I’ll never know.”

  “You can bet your booty you will never know!” Dan said.

  Gerry laughed. “I thought that would get a rise out of your.”

  Dan smiled. “No, I trust you,” Dan said. “Well as long as you are not alone with that Norwegian Casanova!” he added as he followed Gerry to the kitchen.

  Roger was putting cups and scones on the table when Dan entered. Damn, Dan thought seeing the bulge in the crotch of Roger’s jockey shorts. Gerry wasn’t kidding.

  “Both of you struck out last night,” Roger said. Suddenly noticing that Dan was staring at his crotch he shook his head. “No, I don’t have a big cock! Instead God saw fit to transplant a set bull’s testicles between my legs.”

  “I wasn’t staring,” Dan protested.

  “I was,” Gerry said. “Now I know.”

  “Okay, I’m going to buy a cow bell today and hang it around your neck, Roger. I want to know where the Norwegian bull is at all times while Gerry is in the house.”

  Both Gerry and Roger bend over laughing.

  “I’m not kidding!” Dan shouted before he too started laughing.

  “Gerry, you need to go to the bar early and hang out with everyone, as though everything is normal,” Dan said as he stopped two blocks from Daddy’s boys. It’s been three nights with nothing happening at the beach house and you haven’t visited the bar.”

  “Yeah, I’ll tell them I been playing pool at the Ramrod to make extra money.”

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up here in two hours,” Dan called out as Gerry got out of the car.

  Damn it, I hope Dan plan works. I’ve set awake in the dark watching the front door of the beach house for three nights, Gerry thought as he entered the bar. He was surprised to see Terry and Spike shooting pool.

  “Step aside, the king has arrived!” Spike said.

  “Kin . . . Kin . . . King my ass.” Terry answered. “Po . . . Po . . . Pool shark it more like it.”

  “A rose by and other name . . .”

  “Boo!” Spike shouted. “Bucky, tell me again why you allowed him back in?” Spike called out.

  “Because neither one of you dingbats know the difference between an eight ball from the cue ball,” Bucky answered.

  “Bucky,” Spike said grabbing his chest. “I’m mortally wounded.”

  “Then there is one less gang banger in this wicked world,” the bartender replied.

  “Where is the other Disney Mouseketeer?” Gerry asked.

  “Mathew been seeing someone regularly,” Spike said.

  “Ma . . . Ma . . . Maybe he’s in love,” Terry said.

  “Yeah, with money,” Gerry said. “He doesn’t take his dick out for less than two grand.”

  “I . . . I . . . I take mine out for free,” Terry said.

  “No one is interested in your little boy cock,” Spike said and laughed.

  “Ta . . . Ta . . . Take that back. I . . . I . . . I don’t have a boy cock,” Terry said shaking his head.

  “Maybe he been shacking up with that rich guy with the beach house in La Jolla,” Gerry said.

  “Yo . . . Yo . . . You mean the handsome one at the art gallery the other day with Dan?” Terry said.

  “Probably. I heard they bought some painting for the guy’s beach house. Some of the ones that Mathew likes from Matilda’s gallery.”

  “I . . . I . . . I was there with Mathew. Th . . . Th . . . The guy is really nice looking. To . . . To . . . Too good for Mathew.”

  “Yeah, I been with him. He got balls the size of a bull and a boy cock like yours, Terry. But damn is he hot. And his beach house is fabulous!” Gerry said.

  “Yo . . . Yo . . . You’ve dated him so I guess his standards aren’t that high?” Terry said.

  “Yeah, that what I just said retard,” Gerry snapped. “Don’t you listen to anything I say.” God he is so annoying. “Anyway, he out of town. In Rio, I think,” Gerry added.

  “Do . . . Do . . . Don’t call me that. I . . . I . . . I made straight A’s in school,” Terry said.

  “Will you two stop bickering for one night. You sound like me and my younger brother when we were in grade school,” Spike said shaking his head. “Are we playing pool or not?”

  “So, how did it go?” Dan asked later as Gerry got in the car.

  “Mathew was a no show until a few minutes ago. Spike thinks he’s been seeing some big wig on the sly. He’s been all hush hush about who he’s shacking up with the nights he doesn’t come to the bar.

  “Maybe tonight is the ni
ght he strikes,” Dan said eagerly. “I’m getting a little discouraged.”

  “I sure hope so, I’m getting tired of sleeping sitting up in a chair,” Gerry said.

  “We’ll give it a couple more nights. If nothings happens, then we’ll abandon the plan,” Dan said reluctantly. “But damn, I was hoping to catch him!”

  “Me too. I’m tired of this dark cloud hanging over my head,” Gerry agreed. “I don’t want to go back to prison.

  “Here we are,” Dan said pulling up to his friend’s beach house. “After three nights stayping awake, I might fall asleep fast in spite of the noise from the pounding surf.”

  “Why don’t we switch off. I’ll take the back door and you the fronts. It really quiet in the front. You don’t even hear any street noise,” Gerry said.

  “I’m going to take you up on it, but don’t you sneak over to the guest house,” Dan said trying to sound serious but failing.

  “Well, I have to go to him since you put the cow bell around his neck,” Gerry said and laughed.

  “I think I’ll have to put a bell round both of your necks to be absolutely safe!” Dan said as he unlocked the front door while Gerry punched in the security codes.

  “Come here before you go to the back of the house,” Dan said as he reached out and grabbed Gerry. “I don’t think I have told you today that I love you?”

  “No, you haven’t. Shame on you . . .”

  Dan pulled Gerry’s face to his. Their lips met and passion flowed between the two for a long minute.

  “Too bad we can go upstairs and fuck like rabbits,” Gerry said.

  “No, no, Roger would shit a brick if he caught us using the bedrooms,” Dan said. He patted Gerry on the butt. “Run along and catch a thief.”

  When Gerry left, Dan got in the recliner near the door but out of sight of the big windows on each side of the door. “Damn, this chair is much more comfortable than the one at the back door,” Dan mumbled as he got comfortable. The pepper spray in his back pocket pressed into his butt painfully. He reached back and took it out and put it in his front pocket. I can get to it faster in my front pocket, he thought.


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