Heart Thief

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Heart Thief Page 14

by Peter de Sade

  Gerry was correct. It was quiet as a graveyard at the front door. The wall around the front of the property shut out the street noise. He loved the ocean but after listening to the pounding surf for three nights he was glad for the silence. He was thinking about Gerry and when would be a good time to ask him to marry him when he fell asleep.

  Dan opened his eyes. The house was totally dark except for the outside lights over the circular driveway shining through the big windows on each side of the massive wooden door.

  What woke me? he thought with his heart racing.

  Had it been a sound? He listened but didn’t hear anything but the quick thump thump of his own heart. I guess it was nothing. He relaxed and felt this pulse rate dropping. He was fixing to close his eyes, when a shadow moved across the right window.

  Fuck! He’s here! Dan thought as he fumbled for the pepper spray as he reached to his back pocket before he remembered that he had put the spray in his front pocked. He finally pulled out the small canister and felt around until he was sure the nozzle was pointing away from his own face. He waited.

  Should I text Gerry! He discarded the idea as fast as it came into his head. He had told Gerry to keep his cell phone turned off. Anyway, the light of his phone might alert the thief. No, he wasn’t going to take any chance of scaring off the thief until he had entered the house. Only then would it become home invasion. He didn’t want the police slapping Mathew with a trespassing charge. No, he wanted the nail the son-of-a-bitch as Crayon Boy, La Jolly Cat Burglar.

  When he enters I’ll spray him will the pepper spray and then call 911 while I keep him in sight if he tries to escape, Dan thought. With a shot of pepper in his eyes Mathew wouldn’t get far. And this is La Jolla, the police didn’t take long to respond to a 911 call like they do in other sections of San Diego.

  He doesn’t have a key, but he is picking the lock. Does Mathew have such skill sets? Suddenly a wild thought occurred to Dan. What if it isn’t Mathew? Dan shook his head. No, it had to be him. It just had to be him.

  The door’s lock clicked.

  The sound was like a pistol firing in the silence. The thief seemed to realize that he had made more noise than he intended because he waited. As two and then three minutes ticked by, Dan’s nerves were almost to the breaking point when the thief slowly swung the door open.

  He was dressed from head to toe in black. Dan had expected to see his face and was shocked to find the thief wearing a ski mask. Is it Mathew behind the ski mask, Dan thought as he watched the thief shin a pen light on the alarm penal. Then the thief quickly punched in the codes and the beeping of the alarm system fell silent.

  Damn. I’m still in my chair. I’ve got to move! Dan thought. But he waited until the thief turned from the security panel and took three steps into the house before he sprung out of the chair.

  “Got you, Mathew!” Dan shouted as loud as he could.

  The sound of his voice froze the thief.

  Dan rushed forward and pressed the trigger to the canister of pepper spray. Suddenly the smell of pepper filled the air as Dan kept squeezing the trigger as fast as he could. At least one of the steams of spray squirted into the face of the thief because suddenly the black clad man was clawing at his ski mask.

  Dan pulled his cell phone out of his pocked, turned it on, and dialed 911.

  “Hello, what is your emergency?”

  Dan shouted the address. “I have a thief in my house. It’s the La Jolly Cat Burglar I need help immediately,” Dan shouted and then seeing the thief, still clawing at his eyes, turn and run for the door, pocked his phone and pursued him.

  The man bumped into the door frame and grunted painfully. Searching with his hands he found the door and opened it. He stumbled out. Dan followed him at a safe distance. He stepped through the door just in time to see the man suddenly twist his ankle and fall. The thief rolled and popped up like a Jack-in-the-box. But when he took a step his left ankle gave away and he almost fell again.

  “Stop!” Dan shouted. “The police are on the way. You can’t get away, Mathew!”

  Unfortunately, the thief pulled a bicycle from the hedge of the drive way and climbed on. Dan heard him grunt in pain as he peddled. But the thief ignored the pain and raced out of the yard and through the gate which he had left opened for his getaway.

  Dan ran after him but the thief easily outdistanced him and was through the gate. By the time he arrived at the gate the thief was out of sight.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” Dan shouted.

  “Dan! Are you all right,” Gerry shouted as he rushed down the driveway. “What happen? What happen?”

  “The thief! Mathew! He was here. I sprayed him with pepper spray but he escaped.”

  “What’s all the yelling about?” Roger shouted as he ran out of the house.

  Dan started to reply as he and Gerry approached the house.

  “Here’s comes a patrol car!” Gerry said pointing at the gate which was still opened.

  The three watched as the black and white sped up to them.

  An officer hurried out of the passenger door with his hand on his weapon. “Where’s the intruder?” he asked glancing at Roger who was standing in front of Gerry and Dan.

  “Dan?” Roger said.

  Dan stepped forward as the second officer got out of the car. “He escaped on a bicycle. But he twisted his ankle. He was hobbling when he ran for his bike.”

  The officer who drove the car went back inside. Dan could hear him talking but not what he was saying.

  “An . . . we set a trap for the burglar,” Dan continued. “We think we know who the burglar is . . .”

  “Playing cops and robbers, ah,” the office said. He held up his hands. “Better that you come down to the police station and fill out a report after Mack and I have a look around to make sure there weren’t two of them.”

  Chapter 24

  Gerry felt nervous sitting at the metal table with Dan. It was the same table where he had been interrogated by Moor and Blaze the only difference was that he wasn’t handcuffed this time.

  Dan winked at Gerry. “Mathew got a way but not for long. And with a bad leg we will nail him for sure.”

  “I’ll believe it when he’s in handcuffs,” Gerry said. “I still find it hard to believe Mathew would have the balls to be a cat burglar. Hell, he doesn’t even cross the street against the light,” Gerry added as he fingered the metal ring where they ran the handcuffs though when they cuffed prisoner at the metal table.

  Dan shrugged. “Maybe he has a split personality or some shit like that? You can’t be all right in the head to be an emotionless hustler.”

  A female uniformed officer with black hair and big dopey eyes stuck her head inside the room. “The detectives will be with you in a moment.”

  Gerry glanced at Dan. “The last time I was here they weren’t so courteous.”

  Dan took a deep breath. “Gerry, I am truly sorry about all the shit I put you through by no believing you.”

  Gerry reached over and put his hand on top of Dan’s hand. “Hell, I wouldn’t have believed me either. It wasn’t your fault. Shit happens . . . And I should have tried harder to make you believe me. I just got stubborn about the whole thing!”

  “When are you two getting married?” Detective Tony Blaze said as he stepped into the room.

  “Say what?” Dan asked.

  “He was just joking,” Dennis said as he pushed past Tony. “Weren’t you Tony?”

  For a moment Tony didn’t answer. “Yeah, just making a bad joke.”

  “My name is Dennis Moor. You have met my partner Tony Blaze. We are assigned to the La Jolly Cat Burglar,” he said as he stepped forward and shook hands with Dan. Moor didn’t speak but also shook hands.

  “What I don’t get a hand shake,” Gerry said.

  “Gerry,” Dan said softly. “There are just doing their job.”

  Gerry glared at Tony but remained silent.

  “So, you want to tell us what happen at the beach
house tonight,” Dennis said.

  “Well, it all started when I checked the records at the Mission Rescue Shelter and realized that Gerry couldn’t have been the thief in the last burglar in La Jolla. And after talking to Gerry we decided the best suspect was a hustler friend of his from Daddy’s Boys Bar, named Mathew, Dan paused and took a deep breath. “So, we talked the owner of the beach house to use it as bait to catch Mathew when he broke in to steal some paintings we purchased to lure him into breaking in to steal them . . .”

  “. . . So we think the thief is Mathew Creel. And we want you to go and question him?” Dan finished fifteen minutes later.”

  Dennis and Tony exchanged glances.

  “I have heard a lot of stupid shit but this takes the cake,” the chubby Tony said shaking his head so violently that his soft belly wobbled like Jell-0.

  Gerry glanced at Dan. “Like I said they are Laurel and Hardy!”

  Tony spring up from his chair but Dennis stopped him with hand on his shoulder.

  Dennis shook his head at Gerry. “Name calling isn’t going to catch the thief.”

  “Neither is sitting here chatting with you two.” Gerry said.

  “Gerry,” Dan cautioned. Then glanced at Dennis. “At least go and check Mathew out. If he’s the thief he’ll have a bad ankle. I saw him twist it and he could hardly get to his bicycle.”

  “Okay, we will roust Mathew guy out of bed . . .” he glanced at his expensive Tiffany wrist watch “ . . . at three A.M. But he better have a limp or . . .”

  “He will, I assure you,” Dan said.

  “Come on Tony let go and drag the guy out of bed,” Dennis said.

  “You two better not be feeding us a lot of bull shit!”

  “Temper, temper, detective . . .” Gerry said

  “Gerry, you aren’t helping.”

  Tony took a deep breath before turning and following Dennis out of the room.

  “Gerry, you’re not going to get anywhere antagonizing the two main detective on the La Jolla robberies,” Dan said. “Yes, I know they came down on you hard. But that’s their job.”

  “No, Dan, they went far beyond doing their job. They didn’t have to cuff me to take me out of the gallery. That sleazy bag Tony loves to throw his weight around. Especially against gays. Hell, I bet he’s a fag himself.”

  “Please, Gerry, I hate that word!”

  “Sorry. It’s just that I encountered guards like Tony in prison. They are sadistic and get their jollies bullying people or watching them get bullied.”

  “Still, you are not in prison and we have to be respectful to the detectives, at least we have to appear to be,” Dan said rubbing his hand in a small circle on Gerry’s back. “I bet Mathew is going to be shocked that the detectives come straight to his house! He was totally disguised in black from head to toe. Even had a black ski mask on. He didn’t think anyone would every recognize him.”

  The dark haired female police women stuck her head into the room again. “You two don’t have to stay in here. There’s vending machines on the second floor if you need something.”

  “Thanks,” Dan said. He nodded at Gerry. “I could use a strong cup of coffee. How about you?”

  “Sounds good. My eyes are drooping. I want to be wide awake when they bring Mathew into the station in handcuffs. I want to see the look on his face when he sees us.”

  Dan and Gerry were on their fourth cup of coffee in the cantina area on the second floor when suddenly Dennis came charging up taking the stairs two steps at a time.

  Both Dan and Gerry sprung out of their chairs!

  “You got him?” Dan asked.

  If the look Dennis gave them was lethal they would have both been dead.

  “What?” Gerry demanded.

  “I should arrest the both of you!”

  “Why,” Dan demanded. “Wasn’t it Mathew?”

  Tony banged his fist against the soda machine. “Hell no. He had a fucking iron clad alibi! He was in bed with someone. Someone fucking important! Someone that could send both me and Dennis back on foot patrol in the park, that kind of important!” Tony shouted. He lowered his voice. “We had to say we were sorry to that hustler until we were hoarse to save our asses!” Tony yelled.

  Dan and Gerry exchanged shocked looks.

  “Get the fuck out of here. And I don’t want to hear from you two Angela Lansbury fags again!” Tony added. He pointed his chubby finger at them.

  A police sergeant walking past glanced over at Dan and Gerry and sneakered.

  “You know there are anger management groups that might help you Detective Blaze,” Dan said as he walked up and stood a few feet from the chubby red-faced detective. “And you use the word fag when addressing me or my lover again, and I’ll see you get to have a chat with the mayor. He loves Tokyo and use to fly with me often. In fact, his wife and me and my wife went for a week’s vacation together in Japan.” Dan said.

  “Tony, didn’t mean anything, Mr. Murphy,” Dennis said stepping between the two men. “He’s the excited type.”

  Dan shook his head. “I beg to differ with you Detective Moor. He’s the asshole type,” Dan said looking Tony straight in the eyes.

  The chubby man blinked like he suddenly had something in his eyes but didn’t respond as Dan nodded to Gerry and they walked away.

  Chapter 25

  Dan shook his head as they walked into the house. “I still can’t believe it wasn’t Mathew? I was so sure?”

  “Yeah, we sure made asses of ourselves. I’m going to have to apologize to Mat big time,” Gerry said as he followed Dan through the door. “But it’s great to be home again. He glanced at his phone. We can still get in a few hours of sleep before daylight.”

  “To hell with getting up with the sun. I’m going to stay in bed most of the day and hide my head under the covers in shame.”

  “While you are under there you can do some penitence and I don’t mean few Hail Mary’s!”

  “Do you have sex on your brain all the time,” Dan said as pulled Gerry to him and kissed. They stayed glued to each other’s lips until Gerry finally pulled away.

  “No sometimes I think of other things, just not that often,” Gerry said. “Come let head upstairs even after all the horrible coffee, I can barely hold my eyes open. I might even fall asleep while you are under the covers doing your penitence.”

  “If you do, I’ll bite.”

  “Promises, promises,” Gerry said as he grabbed the older man by the hand. “Let me help daddy to the bedroom.”

  “Don’t stop there. You can help me get undressed too,” Dan said as he let Gerry pull him toward the bedroom.

  “How did you ever get along without me,” Gerry said as they entered the bedroom.

  Dan held up his right hand. “With the help of my best friend.”

  Gerry patted is hairy butt. “Now you have a new best friend.”

  “Do we really have to go the Daddy’s Boys tonight?” Dan asked in a whining tone.

  “Yes, Daddy, we do. You have to face the music.”

  “Me!” Dan whaled. “Why me?”

  “It was your idea. I was just the side kick. You know like Tonto to the Lone Ranger.”

  “Gerry, you do realize that Tonto means fool in Spanish?”

  “Uooo . . . bad choice, bad choice.”

  “No, no, I think Tonto fits you perfect,” Dan said as he grabbed his car keys. “Are you ready to ride my redskin friend?”

  “It’s too bad life doesn’t have an instant replay button,” Gerry said shaking his head.

  “If it did, you would have worn it out by now, Gerry!”

  “Seems everyone is here, at least the parking lot is full,” Dan said as he pulled the car in up front and left the key in the ignition. He took the parking ticket from the valet.

  “What are you going to tell Bucky when he sees us walk in together?” Gerry asked. “Didn’t you tell him that you were setting up the trap for me?”

  “I have no idea what I’m goi
ng to say?” Dan said as they walked up the steps to the entrance.

  Ricky gave them a strange look as they walked past him.

  “Don’t ask, Bro?” Gerry said shaking his head at the security man.

  “Is that going to be your answer to everyone that asked you why we are back together?” Dan said just before opening to door.

  “Hell, yeah, if I can get away with it,” Gerry answered.

  Dan said something but the sudden noise they stepped into drowned out his voice.

  “I’m going to sign up for the pool tournament. Order me a beer.” Gerry shouted as he headed from the pool table.

  “Yeah, abandon me to explain everything to Bucky,” Dan said not raising his voice enough to be heard.

  The small round tables were filled with a mix of older and younger men chatting or sucking on beers. Spotting an empty bar stool, Dan headed for it before someone else grabbed it. He had barely put his butt cheeks on the bar stool, when Bucky with his bar rag in one hand headed straight for him.

  “So did you catch your thief?”

  “Yes and no. I sort of lied to you, Bucky,” Dan said.

  “About what? Setting the trap for the cat burglar?”

  “No, not about that. I lied about who I thought the cat burglar was? I never thought it was Gerry. He had an alibi for the last break in so I realized it wasn’t him.”

  “Really? So why did you tell me you thought it was him?”

  “I . . . I just wanted to make sure the real thief thought I still suspected him incase . . .”

  “In case I ran my mouth?”

  “Well I just wanted to keep it as secret that Gerry was helping me catch the thief. Sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “Who did you think it was and what happen. Have you given up the plan to bait the guy into breaking in your friend’s house?”

  “It’s a long story. The gist of it is that the burglar came. I spray him with pepper spray like I had planned to, but he got away before the police arrived. He had a bicycle.”

  Bucky laughed. “I think you are in the need of a glass or wine. . .”


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