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Cruisin' With Sharks (Paranormal Mysteries #1)

Page 14

by Rosette Bolter

  “And … before Darien did that … he was … He was looking after Colton?”


  “So what if Colton put him up to it? Some kind of prank he would have told him. Maybe Colton wasn’t even that hurt. He seems to be doing alright now.”

  “You think it’s Colton then?”

  “No,” Perry said. “I don’t know what to think. But I know I didn’t do it. And you’re my best friend, so I pretty much don’t think you did it.”


  “I don’t know what Darien was into – he may be the perpetrator – he may not be. But I also don’t know that I trust Colton. I mean … I know you told me about Bryonie and her friends coming to the ship that night … but did you tell Darien about them?”

  “No. I told Colton.”

  “And so here we are. This is what I’ve been thinking.”

  Finn now saw the flight attendant was walking back over to him. He picked up his carry-on bag and put his tablet away.

  “Sir? Oh sir?”

  Finn turned to her.

  “We are now ready to board you. Will you please follow me?”

  “One second.”

  He put the phone to his ear again.

  “Perry? You there?”

  “I’m still here.”

  “What do you suggest we do about this?”

  “There’s only one thing we can do,” Perry said. “We’ve got to figure out who the fuck is behind all this. Before someone else gets killed.”


  Bryonie wasn’t doing too well. Not right about now. Not in this moment. Every thought in her mind. Every feeling in her heart. They were all like bricks, weighing her down.

  Everything Erin said made sense. It was all about doing the right thing. Protecting anyone else from getting hurt. Seeking vengeance for their friends. Bryonie also knew this type of undercover detective work wasn’t their job, and she was no hero. She was too weak to be a hero. She didn’t have the mental fortitude – the inner strength required. At least she didn’t think she did. Erin was playing along as if this was all normal and that she could handle it. If that was true, Bryonie wondered why every time she saw glass she imagined it breaking.

  “Okay, we’re here,” Erin informed her. “This is it.”

  Here was an undercover car park to some building Bryonie had paid attention to coming in. They were supposed to meet one of the paranormal agents here so she could provide Bryonie with the equipment she needed. So she could be told what to do.

  Bryonie needed some air.

  She opened the car door and stepped out onto the concrete.

  Erin didn’t both to join her. She stayed inside the car.

  Bryonie pursed her lips together. It was a little bit cold. She folded her arms and walked slowly away from the car. There was a van approaching from the entrance. A quick twist and turn over her shoulder, and Bryonie saw there was no one else around.

  The van turned to the right as it came near them.

  Erin got out of the car behind her.

  “This is them,” she said.

  The van had come to a stop. Its headlights dulled.

  Bryonie backed up against the car.

  “You don’t have to be scared,” Erin said. “This lady is alright.”

  This lady was a young woman in her late twenties. She had long dark hair, was short and had an athletic physique. Her face was very white. Her eyes were fierce.

  “Hello there,” she said on approach. “You must be Bryonie.”

  Bryonie nodded.

  “Erin told you about what we want you to do for us?”

  Bryonie inhaled. “Uh. Yeah.”

  “Well, thanks for making the time to meet with us. I’m Ms. Ferns. First name Haley.”

  “Tell her about the Paranormal Police,” Erin said. “What that is.”

  Ms. Ferns smiled. She moved in closer to Bryonie. “The Paranormal Police are a body of investigators and enforcers dedicated to solving crimes involving paranormal entities. You’re aware Finn and his friends are shark shifters, correct?”

  “Yeah,” Bryonie said. “It was quite a shock.”

  “Have you had experience with shifters prior to meeting Finn?”

  “Oh no,” Bryonie gushed. “I mean, I went to a show when I was a kid and I saw –”

  “What about vampires? Have you ever met one of them?”

  Bryonie shook her head. “And I hope I don’t have to.”

  “Vampires and sharks are pretty alike,” Ms. Ferns said. “Instinctually, I mean. What drives them underneath the skin. Where the vampire is constantly prolonged with the acquirement of fresh human blood, the shark shifter is dedicated to his urge to hunt and kill. These types of people, they can be very disarming. They know what to say to put their company at ease. But never forget, behind their human mask there lies a predator. A beast. The face of … pure evil.”

  Bryonie sucked the air in. “You don’t know how it is for him. You’re just some lady in a fancy outfit.”

  “Bryonie,” Erin scolded.

  “It’s alright,” Ms. Ferns assured her. “I see Finn has gotten to you.”

  “No,” Bryonie replied. “If he’s guilty, then he’s guilty. But if he’s not, he’s not. I won’t go along with this if you’ve already made your mind up about him.”

  “I’ve never met Finn, so I don’t know him personally,” Ms. Ferns conceded. “But you have to understand this doesn’t look good. He’s been under investigation for several weeks now. I’ve read through all the paperwork Sarah Malone and her team left behind. At the fall of every victim in this case, Finn has always been just around the corner. The others – his friends – they were only present some of the time. The odds of it being either Colton or Perry are extremely remote. It’s possible, yes, but unlikely. Let’s be very clear on this.”

  Bryonie shook her head. “I was with him. We were alone. He could have hurt me at any time. Why would he spare me, if he’s done this to the rest?”

  “I don’t know,” Ms. Ferns answered. “Maybe you touched his heart, where others could not.”

  Bryonie shuddered. She didn’t want to believe it was true.

  Ms. Ferns put a hand to her shoulder. “There is still a chance he’s innocent. If believing that is going to motivate you, then go ahead. I just want you to understand the danger.”

  “This is nuts,” Bryonie said. “You want us to go back to the sharks?”

  Ms. Ferns nodded.

  “Well, then you don’t give a fuck about our safety at all.”

  “That isn’t true. There will be safeguards in place to ensure a response from us in the event your life is in danger. But you don’t have to do this if don’t think you’re up to it. It’s entirely your choice.”

  “Are you going to let me in by myself then?” Erin demanded.

  “Actually, we have found someone else who can accompany you. So technically we don’t need Bryonie’s involvement to begin this operation. It would just be extremely advantageous if we were able to get her on board. Given her pre-existing relationship with Finn.”

  Erin stepped out and grabbed Bryonie by the wrist.

  Bryonie was jolted to the side.

  “Come on, Bryonie,” Erin said. “We need you.”

  “I think … I think you’re crazy,” Bryonie murmured.

  “What have I fucking got left?” Erin shouted. “What have you got? They’re all fucking dead!”

  She covered her eyes to hide the tears.

  Bryonie breathed in heavily.

  She turned to Ms. Ferns.

  “Do you even know anything about sending people in undercover? Is this something you’ve done before?”

  Ms. Ferns smiled. “I know a thing or two.”


  Taylor’s body was frozen. Drooped over. Hands on knees. Her hair was a mess and her face was garbage but thank god there wasn’t a mirror around that she could see it. She couldn’t see anything. Just the lovely da

  Snap. Click.

  The doors were wedged open.

  “Can you hand me that case, Taylor? By your feet.”

  Taylor picked it up. “What about the other one? Am I coming out too?”

  A pause.

  “Yeah, let’s do it now.”

  Taylor handed off the first case and then picked up the second for herself. She slid across the seating and stood as she stepped onto the pavement outside. Her eyes took a moment to adjust.

  “Oh fuck!” someone exclaimed. “What’s she doing here?”

  Taylor twisted her neck sharply. The cracks between her lips began to lift.

  “My, my. Erin and Bryonie. Fancy seeing you here.”

  Ms. Ferns led the way to them.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Erin demanded of the Agent.

  “Yeah seriously,” Bryonie added.

  “She killed our friend,” Erin stated.

  Ms. Ferns looked skeptically back and forth between them. “Is there something you haven’t told us yet? That proves Ms. Godding’s guilty, I mean.”

  “We know she’s guilty,” Bryonie stammered. “Everyone knows!”

  “If I’m guilty then what does that make you,” Taylor snarled back. “If you hadn’t gone online looking for creeps this bullshit would never have happened!”

  Bryonie’s cheeks went white.

  “You can distort the truth all you want,” Erin said. “Bryonie and I know what happened.”

  “Do you really?” Taylor asked. “I don’t remember you coming to see me and ask my opinion.”

  “Alright enough,” Ms. Ferns said harshly. “I was led to believe you girls wanted to stop these guys from killing again. I thought you could put aside your differences and work together.”

  “I’m sorry,” Bryonie said. “I can’t even breathe the same air as that bitch. I don’t know how you could even think otherwise!”

  She stormed off.

  “Bryonie!” Erin called. “Wait!”

  She went after her.

  Ms. Ferns turned to Taylor. “If you don’t get them to cooperate, then you’re going back inside.”

  Taylor ground her teeth together. “Leave it to me.”


  Bryonie hadn’t been ready for it. Seeing Taylor up close and personal. Like she was back from the dead. She could feel it in her, the need to forgive. To embrace her friend. To gain Taylor’s favor. These thoughts, these feelings. Left over from a time where Taylor wasn’t a murderer. Where Leah was still alive. Bryonie’s inner child still hadn’t accepted the truth.

  “Bryonie,” Taylor’s voice was calling to her. “Bryonie, look here.”

  “Stay away from us,” Erin shouted back.

  Taylor’s presence continued to draw near. Bryonie feared if she came any closer she might lash out in violence.

  “Listen to me, both of you,” Taylor barked at them.

  They both stopped.


  The only person moving was Taylor.

  “I can’t even begin to imagine what you must be going through,” Taylor said. “I mean … obviously it’s something different than the place I’m in. Would you believe me if I told you I didn’t even know Leah was in the pool at the time? That she’d jumped in and went underwater while my back was turned getting the wires? No, you wouldn’t believe me. I wouldn’t expect you to. Because … something has happened to us. You don’t see me as the same person you used to. Am I right? You’re not just upset because you think I inexplicably murdered Leah, you were upset with me way before that. Tell me I’m lying.”

  Erin took a step backward. “I wasn’t mad at you. Before.”


  Bryonie looked around meekly. “Yeah. You like, hated me.”

  “I never hated you, Bryonie. You’re just fun to tease. And … I’m weak like that. I enjoy putting people down because it makes me feel good. I’m not perfect. At times I’m a total bitch. What I’m not is a fucking psychopath, which is what I’d have to be if you think I killed Leah for no reason.”

  “You didn’t care that much about Leah,” Erin said, “if you slept with her Dad.”

  Taylor became still. She stared at them intently.

  “You were jealous of Leah,” Bryonie said. “That’s why you walked out of her birthday party.”

  “What?” Taylor scowled. “Jesus, Bryonie. Am I not allowed to get upset sometimes? Look – Leah and I had our differences. But I still loved her to death. And she loved me. Did I fuck her Dad? Yes! But so what? We’re all adults. We’re not teenagers anymore.”

  “It’s her fucking Dad, you slut,” Erin snapped.

  “I’m not proud of it. How could I be? He’s not exactly Mr. Handsome is he? This isn’t what I wanted to do with my life. But that’s how fucked up I am. That’s how much I hate myself.”

  Bryonie exhaled. “Why are you even here?”

  “I’m here cause, like you I wanna bring these sharks down. Finn is guilty. Colton is guilty. Perry is guilty. Darien is guilty. Me? I’m lucky to be alive. We all are.”

  “You’re saying you didn’t know Leah was in the pool?” Erin asked.

  Taylor took a step forward. “Yes. If you were there, you would have done the same. The guy was a madman. He had to be stopped.”

  Taylor got down onto her knees.

  “I’m sorry for everything,” she said. “I’m sorry I killed Leah. I’m sorry I fucked her Dad. I’m sorry I was such a bitch. But I still love both of you. And I pray for your forgiveness.”

  She closed her eyes.

  Bryonie and Erin looked at each other.

  “Maybe she’s right,” Erin said. “Maybe she didn’t mean to kill Leah.”

  Bryonie thought back to the night in question. Her and Finn coming up to the roof to find her sitting behind the bar, mixing a cocktail. Not crying. Not running around to alert anyone. Not in any type of panic at all.

  She’d been calm.

  And okay.

  Taylor’s eyes fluttered opened. “Bryonie. You don’t think I’m a monster, do you?”

  Bryonie’s mouth opened.

  Taylor reached out and grabbed her hand. She put her lips to it.

  Bryonie looked frantically around.

  Ms. Ferns was walking back over. “Have we all made up then? Can we carry on with the job at hand?”

  “Please,” Taylor whispered by her hand. “Please Bryonie. Let’s make a difference.”

  Erin was nodding. Full agreement.

  Bryonie hesitated. She wondered what Leah would want her to say.

  Bryonie pulled her hand back.

  “Okay. I’ll give her a second chance.”

  Taylor was on her feet again in two seconds flat.

  She gave Bryonie a hug. “You won’t regret it!”


  Finn was sitting parked in his car outside the aquarium when the call came through. He wasn’t doing anything while sitting there. An atmospheric blue and green haze had begun creeping through his back window, obscuring his line of sight. He could see the city lights from where he was. He could see the stars. As soon as the car door was open, he’d feel the night too. And yet now was a moment of pause for him. Contemplation. The things at the back of his mind were not yet ready to rise to the surface.

  Finn picked up the phone. He saw who was calling and blinked a little. Surprised.


  “Hi. Finn?”

  “Bryonie. I didn’t think I’d hear from you again.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t think I’d be calling you either.”

  An uncomfortable silence.

  “How are you doing?” Finn asked.

  “Not so good,” Bryonie said. “We had the big funeral today.”

  “Oh. How was it?”

  “Sad. But everyone was nice to me, so.”

  “Well … that’s a relief.”

  “I don’t know if I deserved it though.”

  Finn straightened himself up. �
��I feel bad. How I left things with you. I wish I could have done more.”

  “The night was good for a little while. Then everything just went to hell.”

  “Yeah, it kinda did.”

  “Have you spoken to the others?”

  “Who? You mean Colton and Perry?”


  “Not in great length,” Finn said. “Though that will shortly change. I’m meeting with them now. They asked me to the aquarium where we first met of all places.”

  “Do you think one of them was working with Darien?”

  “I’m no detective,” Finn said. He hesitated. “Perry has some theories about Colton.”

  “Colton? Really?”

  “I don’t buy into it that much, but I guess we’ll see where it goes.”

  “Do you mind if I come and see you?”



  Finn turned and looked out the window again. “I don’t know. Maybe we should leave things as they are.”

  “You’re probably right I suppose.”


  “But I miss you.”

  “You … what…?”

  “I miss being with you. I miss … your touch…”

  Finn swallowed. “I thought you were angry with me.”


  “Cause you told me to fuck off and you never wanted to see me again.”

  Ruffled silence. Finn waited.

  “I’d just lost my best friend,” Bryonie said. “I pretty much would have said that to anyone.”

  “I guess.”

  “So can I see you? I’ll come to where you are.”

  “The aquarium?”


  “I’ll … I’ll need to speak with the others first. I’m not sure what the mood is going to be like here. But I’ll get back to you soon. Okay?”

  “Alright Finn. Thanks.”

  “We’ll talk soon.”

  “I love you –”

  Finn ended the call. He breathed in deeply.

  Then sighed.

  “This night’s about to get fucked up.”


  She could not picture him. She couldn’t see into his head. All Bryonie had was his words – dead, still and lifeless. Was her imagination running away with her? Or was it really, truly possible that Finn was the one they were after?


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