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Star Wars - The Adventures of Alex Winger 6 - Shadows of Darkness

Page 3

by Charlene Newcomb

  He clicked on the intercom. “Polg, contact the spaceport. Inform Commander Skilis on the shuttle Kandarra that Dr. Barzon is on his way.”

  “Yes, sir,” Polg acknowledged from the other room.

  “Where are you taking me, General?” Barzon asked softly.

  “To our research facility.”

  “But, I have classes to teach — ”

  “We shall inform your colleagues at the University.”

  So, this is it, Barzon thought. They would force him to work. Not that he hadn’t expected this. But what choice did he have? At least they didn’t suspect his involvement with the underground. “And my son?”

  “Cord has been conscripted into the service of the Empire, Doctor,” Zakar said. “When you have completed your research. Cord will be allowed to leave if he chooses to do so.”

  “I see,” he said slowly, doubting that Cord would ever be allowed to leave. “I need my notes — ”

  “Everything you require will be delivered to you at the research facility.” Zakar stood up, indicating their discussion had ended.

  Barzon rose slowly from the chair.

  “Guard,” Zakar said, still watching Barzon very closely. “Please escort Dr. Barzon to the spaceport.”

  As they turned to leave, Zakar called to him. “Good luck with your research, Doctor.”

  It was risky for Dair Haslip to enter the underground tunnel system through the secret entrance in Imperial Headquarters, especially during the middle of the day. But Dair was determined to let his friends know what had happened to Carl Barzon.

  When he entered the main ops center, Dair found Paca embracing a tearful Alex. “Don’t worry, Alex,” he was saying, “we’ll get Carl down here right away.”

  “What’s going on?” Dair asked.

  Alex looked at Dair, her eyes filled with grief. “Cord Barzon died at the mining center. It’s all my fault!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s not your fault, Alex,” Paca said reassuringly. “The timer wouldn’t set for the three hour delay,” he explained to Dair.

  “You mean you were there when the thing went up! Are you all right?” Dair asked.

  “I saw them take Cord to the landing platform. I should have stopped them!”

  “Then you’d be under arrest, Alex. Or maybe dead.” Paca said, silently thanking the Force that diversionary explosions outside the perimeter had added to the confusion at the mining center. “Stop blaming yourself. You couldn”t have saved Cord!”

  “Oh, no,” Dair said quietly. “Dr. Barzon.”

  Alex felt Dair’s sense change. Before he uttered another word, she knew what he was going to say.

  “What about him?” Paca asked, suddenly realizing that Dair rarely came into the ops center at this time of day.

  “They’ve arrested Carl Barzon.”

  Paca stood silently for a moment. He had talked to Carl only the evening before about this possibility. Barzon had chosen not to go into hiding, fearing for his son’s life. And now his son was dead. And he didn’t even know it.

  “Have they moved him into the detention block?”

  Dair looked at both of them. “No, he’s on his way to the spaceport.”

  “They’re taking him off-planet?”

  “We’ve got to stop them!” Alex said.

  Paca knew they had to try. “All right, you’d better get back to your desk, Dair.” He called over to Mika Kaebra at the comm station. “Alert a team at the spaceport. If Carl’s not under heavy guard we might have a chance to free him.”

  The tension was obvious. Everyone in the ops center watched Paca pace the room. He never paced the room.

  Thoughts focused on Carl Barzon. He had been a valuable member of the underground for over 14 years. Could they save him from this unnecessary sacrifice? A sacrifice the father had been willing to make to keep his son alive — the son who died never truly knowing his father.

  Alex sat down next to Mika, still feeling responsible for what was happening. If only she’d arrived at the ops center sooner! They could have warned Carl to disappear before he was arrested.

  She hung her head, covering her face with her hands and trying to block the pain. She shook her head in disgust — she knew as well as anyone that there just wasn’t enough time to organize a rescue attempt.

  No, no time, she thought as she lifted her head to check the chrono. And suddenly, she wasn’t in the ops center anymore —

  She stared at the body crumpled on the floor, looked at the blaster in her hand, then turned to her companion.

  “He may have called security,” he told her. “We’d better get out of here.”

  He’d barely spoken the words when Alex sensed it was already too late to go out the way they’d come in. He felt it, too, even before they heard the footsteps at the far end of the corridor.

  “This way,” she said, grabbing his hand and leading him through a darkened lab. Across the room, she’d noticed another exit.

  Within seconds they were outside, looking over the waist-high balcony wall, down the side of the mountain. The wind howled, whipping snow around their bodies. Neither one said a word as they pulled grappling hooks from their utility belts. They worked swiftly, knowing the stormtroopers weren’t far behind.

  One quick toss and the hooks were wedged tightly between crags in the rocky slope above them. Alex climbed atop the stone ledge, jumped backwards, and rappelled down the side of the mountain. Through the swirling snow she saw her companion do the same a few meters above her.

  Then suddenly, she slid uncontrollably down the mountainside!

  Seconds later the rope went taut, caught by some unseen force.

  “Alex!” he screamed above the shrieking wind. “Take my hand!”

  She sensed a powerful force, a feeling of great calm engulfed her. His hand reached out across the icy slope to meet hers. Fingertips touched—

  “Paca, I found the channel,” Mika was saying, as Alex realized she was in the ops center. The tragedy continued to unfold.

  Deadly quiet pervaded the room. Alex felt Paca’s strong hands on her shoulders as he watched Mika’s display at the intercept station.

  As he transcribed the transmissions between the shuttle and the spaceport. Mika opened up the comm channel so everyone gathered in the ops center could hear the ship that took their comrade away.

  “Shuttle Kandarra, you are cleared to depart,” the voice on the comlink said.

  “Thank you, spaceport control,” the Kandarra’s pilot called back.

  Goodbye, old friend, Paca thought.

  Alex stared at the display. That snowy mountainside pervaded her senses again. And then it all became clear in her mind. That’s where they were taking Carl Barzon! That had to be the location of the secret Imperial research base!

  Somehow, somewhere, she would find that mountain. She would find Carl Barzon. That mountain was part of her destiny. She could feel it!

  Two figures on a snowy mountainside — two hands reaching across a vast whiteness — fingertips stretching, meeting — a powerful force drawing one hand into the other — hand in hand — the mountain would be conquered — and light would prevail —

  The Force will be with you … always.

  Alex Winger

  Type: Underground freedom fighter


  Blaster 7D, dodge 5D, grenade 4D, heavy weapons 5D, melee 5D+2, melee parry 5D+1


  Alien species 5D, bureaucracy 6D, cultures 5D, languages 3D+2, planetary systems 4D+1, streetwise 4D+2, survival 5D+1, value 5D


  Astrogation 4D+2, beast riding 4D, repulsorlift operation 6D


  Bargain 5D, command 6D, con 5D+1, hide 5D+2, search 5D+1, sneak 5D+2


  Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 5D, lifting 3D+1, stamina 6D+1


  Computer programming/repair 5D+2, demoli
tion 5D, droid programming 5D+1, repulsorlift repair 4D+2, security 4D+1 Special Abilities:

  Force Skills: Sense 1D

  Sense: Life detection

  This character is Force-sensitive.

  Force Points: 6

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (1D), blaster rifle (5D), comlink, detonite with timer, macrobinoculars

  Capsule: Alex Winger is a 20-year-old freedom fighter. She has extensive knowledge of the resistance movement on Garos IV, one of only a few field operatives reporting directly to its leaders. As the daughter (by adoption) of Imperial Governor Tork Winger of Garos IV, she also is in the unique position of being privy to many aspects of Imperial business on her homeworld. She often serves as hostess at receptions for Imperial diplomats and officers, and has accompanied her father on official business.

  Alex is a Force-sensitive individual. She experiences visions, some of which have come true. At times, she has been able to sense danger, but she has not learned how to call on this power at will.

  Ultimately, Alex and her friends in the underground realize they will need the help of the New Republic to remove the Imperial threat from Garos IV. They try to maintain hope, doing what little they can against ever-increasing odds.

  Carl Barzon

  Type: Professor, underground leader


  Blaster 1D, brawling parry 3D, dodge, 2D+2


  Alien species 6D, bureaucracy 5D, cultures 5D+2, languages 6D, planetary systems 4D+2, scholar: geology 8D, survival 4D+1, value 6D





  Computer programming/repair 4D, droid programming 4D+2, droid repair 4D+2

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 4

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Datapad

  Capsule: Dr. Carl Barzon is a professor and research scientist at the University of Garos in Ariana. He has spent more than 25 years quietly researching the natural cloaking properties of the ore hibridium, which is only found on the western coastline of the main continent on Garos IV.

  Barzon became involved with the underground shortly after the Empire established a presence on Garos IV. His greatest fear is that the Imperials will complete the research he has begun on hibridium, and develop weapons which would help secure their hold on the galaxy.

  Tork Winger

  Type: Imperial Governor of Garos IV


  Blaster 6D


  Alien species 8D, bureaucracy 9D+2, cultures 8D+2, languages 8D, planetary systems 8D+2, survival 5D, value 6D


  Astrogation 5D+1, repulsorlift operation 5D, starship piloting 5D+2


  Bargain 10D, command 10D+1, con 9D



  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 4

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster (4D), datapad

  Capsule: Fork Winger was one of the first Garosians to enter the service of the Old Republic about 50 years ago. After serving five years in the army, Winger returned to Garos, and thanks to his family’s position, he moved quickly up through the diplomatic ranks. Eventually he was chosen to serve as Imperial Governor of Garos IV by Emperor Palpatine.

  Now, five years after the Battle of Endor, Tork Winger watches as events beyond his control affect the life he has envisioned for his daughter Alexandra. For she is the one truly bright spot in his life. Though she is adopted, he adores her, and wants only the best for her. He would do anything for her.


  Type: Underground freedom fighter


  Blaster 7D, brawling parry 5D, dodge5D+2, grenade 6D, heavy weapons 6D, melee 5D+1, melee parry 6D, vehicle blasters 6D


  Alien species 3D, planetary systems 3D+1, streetwise 5D, survival 6D, value 5D


  Astrogation 3D+2, repulsorlift operation 5D+1


  Command 6D+1, con 6D+1, hide 5D, search 6D, sneak 6D+1


  Brawling 4D, climbing/jumping 4D+1, stamina 4D+2


  Demolition 6D

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 5

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, macrobinoculars

  Capsule: Chance is a quiet man. He is 36 years old and a native of Corellia. Unbeknownst to his colleagues, he arrived on Garos IV with one of the first groups of Imperials. He had been in the Imperial Navy for two years when his ship, the Star Destroyer Judicator, arrived on Garos IV. Chance accompanied a detachment down to the planet and jumped ship. He had witnessed firsthand the destruction caused by the Empire during a raid that took the lives of thousands of innocent people.

  Fate led him to be at the wrong place at the wrong time — he was caught in the middle of an underground raid on an Imperial supply convoy, and lent a helping hand to the freedom fighters. He’s been working with them ever since.

  No one questions his expertise with weapons. He is most skilled at all types of demolition work. He knows more about explosive devices than most of his comrades. He is also a sharpshooter extraordinaire.

  Magir Paca

  Type: Underground leader


  Blaster 6D+1, brawling parry 5D, dodge 5D+1, grenade 6D, heavy weapons 5D+2, melee 5D, melee parry 6D


  Alien species 4D+1, bureaucracy 6D, cultures 5D, languages 4D+2, planetary systems 5D+2, streetwise 7D, survival 8D, value 6D


  Astrogation 4D, beast riding 50, repulsorlift operation 6D


  Bargain 6D, command 6D+1, con 6D+1, hide 7D, search 6D, sneak 7D



  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 5

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), datapad

  Capsule: Magir Paca is one of the original underground leaders known as COSGU (the Committee of Seven for Garosian Unification). Paca was an assistant to the Minister of Commerce when the Empire established a presence on Garos IV. Imperial Governor Tork Winger had been his close friend and mentor, guiding Paca’s career in government service. This gave him access to all types of useful information. For 10 years he covertly passed information to the underground until the Imperials realized there was a leak in the system. Paca fell into their trap and only by a stroke of fate was he able to elude arrest. Alex Winger, then only 15 years old, was forever fiddling with computer files. She accidently uncovered an Imperial file on suspected underground figures and the cases being built against them. She was able to warn Paca, and he disappeared hours before Imperial troops came to arrest him.

  Paca has remained in hiding for more than four years, and now coordinates much of the underground’s activities.

  Dair Haslip

  Type: Imperial Lieutenant


  Blaster 6D, brawling parry 4D+1, dodge 4D+2, grenade 5D, heavy weapons 4D+2, melee 4D, melee parry 5D


  Alien species 4D, bureaucracy 4D+1, cultures 4D+2, languages 4D+2, planetary systems 5D, streetwise 5D, survival 5D. value 4D+2


  Astrogation 4D, beast riding 4D, repulsorlift operation 5D


  Bargain 5D, command 5D+1, con 5D, hide 5D, search 5D, sneak 5D



  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 5

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), datapad

  Capsule: Dair Haslip is a native of Garos IV who joined the Imperial Army when he was
19 years old, the year the Empire first established a presence on his homeworld. He joined the army, not because of his devotion to the Empire, but because of his hatred of it and everything it stands for. He was already working for the underground, but thought he might better serve the cause of freedom and justice by working from the inside. After spending seven years away from Garos, he returned to serve as an administrative assistant to General Zakar, the supreme military commander for the planet. His position has allowed him access to all types of useful information which he passes on to his underground colleagues.

  Garos IV

  Type: Terrestrial

  Temperature: Temperate

  Atmosphere: Type 1 (breathable)

  Hydrosphere: Moderate

  Gravity: Standard

  Terrain: Forests, mountains, valleys

  Length of Day: 25 standard hours

  Length of Year: 382 local days

  Sapient Species: Humans

  Starports: 2 standard class

  Population: 20 million Garosians, 4 million Sundars

  Planet Function: Agriculture, manufacturing

  Government: Imperial governor

  Tech Level: Space

  Major Exports: Foodstuffs, metals, minerals

  Major Imports: High technology

  Capsule: Garos IV is the fourth planet of six in the Garos system. It was settled by Humans more than 4,000 years ago. And until recently, it was a self-supporting planet with little contact outside the system.

  The seat of government is located in Ariana on the western coast — known for the forboding Tahika Cliffs — on the larger of two continents. Ariana is an intellectual and business center, dominated by the prestigious University of Garos. It is also the home for Imperial Headquarters on the planet.

  The Empire has generally left Garos IV alone since establishing a quiet presence on the planet over 14 years ago. Only in the last few years has the number of troops begun to grow. Their chief concern seems to be the mining of hibridium in a region south of the city of Ariana.


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