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Romani Blood (Shifter Blood: Romani Curse Book 1)

Page 26

by Frances Trilone

  She hugged me and went inside as more people looked at me.

  I moved away from the door, folded my arms, and watched the men in camouflage. They patrolled near the woods. If I could fight a wolf, I could survive my eighteenth birthday party.

  “It’s okay if you’re having second thoughts,” Victor said. “No one would be upset if you didn’t accept his claim. We’d understand.”

  “I’m not changing my mind.”

  Victor shook his head. “Then there’s something you should know.”

  “You’re not giving me the sex talk, are you?” I playfully punched his arm and smiled, trying to lighten the mood. He was acting so serious.

  “What?” His eyebrows shot up.

  “I’m kidding.” I laughed, stealing a glance at the doors again. More people had gathered at the end of the dance floor, including Wendy. She waved to me, and I waved back.

  “Did Drina tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “I’m your chaperone.” He scratched his chin. “If Kaleb tries anything, I’ll punch him. Are we clear? I don’t care who he is.”

  I nodded. Victor being my chaperone didn’t surprise me. Aside from Uncle Henry, Victor was my only other male relative, and it was his duty to ensure I remained a virgin until my wedding day. “Is Kaleb inside?”

  “I think the wolves are staying outside. Not everyone trusts them.” Victor held his arm out and glanced at my boots. “Do you have your gift from Drina?”

  “Yes.” I looped my arm through his.

  “Make sure you always have it with you.” He opened the door and led us into the banquet hall.

  The setup looked different from Drina’s reception, with a designated dance area in the left corner of the room, and food and beverage tables along the back wall. There were three rows of round tables, covered with black tablecloths, and surrounded by red chairs, with red roses in the center of each table.

  The Elders and Town Council members sat at a table near the main doors, lost in their conversations. The cake and gift tables sat against the far-right wall, where double doors led to the patio. Red streamers, black balloons, and twinkling white lights hung from the ceiling.

  I gasped, covering my mouth. Mom had mentioned that Drina had taken care of decorating the banquet hall. I’d expected a few balloons and streamers, but she must’ve spent hours putting this together. “Drina did all this?”

  “You know how much she loves to decorate,” Victor replied as Uncle Henry waved to him. “I’ll be right back.”

  My gaze followed Victor as he walked toward Uncle Henry. He talked to him while keeping his eye on me. He really was taking this chaperone thing seriously.

  I searched the room for Kaleb and saw Wendy hurrying toward me.

  “Happy birthday!” Wendy screamed as she hugged me.

  I smiled. It was great to see her. She looked pretty in a purple cocktail dress. “Drina said she invited you. Thanks for coming.”

  “Of course, I came. It’s your birthday party,” she replied. “Bill said you’re working at the café next week. I can’t wait. It hasn’t been the same without you.”

  “It’ll be great working again. It’s been so boring at home.” Mom had already given me the good news last night. Uncle Henry had talked to the Elders about my job at the café and they said it was up to me if I still wanted to work. Of course, I said yes, but they still needed to talk to Bill. Sounded like they didn’t waste any time in calling him.

  “Did you hear what happened? The hunters tracked the wolf down and killed it. Things can finally go back to normal.” Her gaze lowered to the scar on my shoulder. “How are you doing?”

  “Much better.” The story around town was that a wolf had attacked me when I was closing the café two weeks ago. Bill and the Town Council members were nearby and had come to my rescue. “I hear you’re done with school. Congratulations.”

  “The graduation ceremony’s next week. I hope you can come.”

  I nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “You must be Wendy.” Mom appeared next to me and shook Wendy’s hand. “Sienna talks about you all the time. I’m glad to finally meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” Wendy replied.

  “Do you mind if I talk to Sienna?” Mom asked.

  “Of course not,” Wendy said as she walked away.

  I turned to Mom, loving her new red cocktail dress. She looked healthy and happy. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday again.” Mom hugged me. “I love you, Sienna.”

  “I love you too.” I squeezed her tight and pulled away. “I hear I’m working at the café next week.”

  “Yes. But the Elders want a chaperone to drive you to work.”

  I glanced in Victor’s direction and smiled when his gaze met mine. It sounded like he and I would be spending a lot of time together. At least we got along even if he didn’t trust the wolves.

  Mom nodded her head toward the beverage table, where Ethan stood. “He wanted to talk, but you don’t have to.”

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll hear whatever he has to say,” I said. She took my purse and headed to a table where Aunt Norma sat.

  Ethan looked different. He had shorter hair, slicked back on both sides. He wore a white suit with a blue bow tie, and he was holding two glasses of punch. As our eyes met, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He handed both glasses to Nadya. She wore a blue dress that matched Ethan’s bow tie.

  He walked toward me with an expression on his face I couldn’t read. Was he worried? Confused? Scared? Whatever it was, he didn’t look happy.

  I took a deep breath, thinking about how this moment could’ve been different. How he could be wearing a red bow tie that matched my boots and coming to me with an engagement ring. Instead, he crossed the dance floor empty handed.

  “I didn’t expect you to be here.” I crossed my arms; feeling irritated at everything Ethan had said and done these past few months.

  “The Elders didn’t give me a choice.” He glanced around, loosening the bow tie around his neck. “I’m sorry for leaving you that night.”

  I bit my bottom lip, to prevent myself from saying anything mean. At least he’d apologized, even if I didn’t think he meant it. “I see you and Nadya are together.”

  “We got engaged last night.”

  “That’s great news.” I shifted my weight to one side, feeling slightly uncomfortable as the Elders watched us. Victor still had his eyes on me. “Is that all you wanted to say?”

  He placed a hand on my arm and lowered his voice. “You can’t accept Kaleb’s claim, Sienna. I don’t care if you think you’re in love with him. He doesn’t care about you and I won’t—”

  “Is everything okay?” A familiar voice interrupted our conversation.

  Ethan held his hands up and quickly backed away, returning to Nadya’s side.

  “You miss me?” Markus stood in front of me with a goofy grin. He wore black slacks and a red shirt, and had his hair tucked neatly behind his ears.

  “What was that?” Victor appeared next to me, crossing his arms. “I told you Ethan needed to speak to her. We agreed to let them talk.”

  Markus shrugged. “I changed my mind.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be outside?” I slid between Markus and Victor, my gaze moving from one to the other. Neither looked happy.

  “He doesn’t listen.” Victor pulled me aside and glared at Markus. “You can’t do things without asking me. We’re supposed to work together.”

  “I need to ask you?” Markus laughed. “Like you can protect her from the wolves.”

  I touched Markus’ arm, trying to get his attention as everyone nearby moved away from us. “Where’s Kaleb?”

  “He’s over there.” Markus nodded his head toward the double doors.

  My heart stopped.

  Kaleb stood across the room, leaning against the door that led to the
patio. He wore his hair pulled back in a ponytail and was dressed in a black suit with a red tie. A look I wasn’t used to, but he looked handsome. His hard stare softened as our eyes met.

  They were here, inside the banquet hall.

  The Norwood wolves.

  Asher stood near Uncle Henry and the Elders while other familiar faces sat at a table closest to the doors to the outdoor patio. Every single Norwood wolf wore a red shirt, including Asher, who didn’t look too pleased to see me. I couldn’t imagine what he must be thinking.

  “Sienna, did you hear me?” Victor touched my shoulder. “You need to go to him.”

  “Finally, we agree on something,” Markus muttered.

  My gaze drifted to Kaleb again. He still leaned against the door, but his attention was focused on his father. I wish I knew what they were saying to each other.

  I held my breath and walked toward Kaleb, fully aware of everyone watching as I crossed the banquet hall. As I stopped in front of him, his gaze fell to the scar on my left shoulder. I fidgeted with my hands, wanting to touch him.

  “Let’s get some fresh air.” He slid his hand into mine and led me outside.

  The patio tables and chairs were occupied: not with Romanies or the men with guns, but with the Norwood wolves. Most of the wolves were in human form, but a few stood along the edge of the woods, keeping their eyes on the parking lot.

  As we walked by the Norwood wolves, they glanced at me, but lowered their gaze if I looked directly at them. All doubt faded away as I realized what Kaleb had said was true. The Norwood wolves were no longer a threat. They were sworn to protect me.

  Kaleb stopped at the edge of the patio and leaned against a trellis. He still held my hand. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled as I glanced around, feeling a little nervous. We’d never held hands in front of the Norwood pack before, but none of them seemed to care.

  “You look beautiful tonight.” Kaleb squeezed my hand. “Those red boots are driving me nuts.”

  I tried not to blush as I released his hand and adjusted his red tie. “I like this look on you.”

  “Enjoy it while you can. I’m not a fan of wearing ties.” He kissed my forehead, and then pulled a white box, which was much too big for a ring, out of his suit pocket. “I know it’s not what you’re expecting, but I thought we should take things slow. I’d like to take you on a real date first and bring you home to meet my family.”

  I didn’t know whether I should be happy or upset. Kaleb wasn’t proposing tonight, but he wanted to date me. He wanted me to meet his family. “You mean go to Norwood Isle?”

  “Yes.” He ran a finger along my chin. “I can finally give you that private tour.”

  “Well, you did promise I’d get to snuggle with one of the wolves.” I lowered my gaze to the box in his hand. Taking things slow sounded like a good idea. “So what’s in the box?”

  He lifted the lid and took out a black bracelet with a silver wolf charm.

  “Oh, Kaleb.” I took the bracelet out of his hand. I couldn’t think of a more perfect birthday gift from him.

  He shoved the box back into his pocket and rubbed his neck. “I know it’s not fancy or anything like you see in jewelry stores but—”

  “It’s perfect!” I touched the wolf charm and smiled. “Can you help me put it on?”

  “Sure.” He slid the bracelet over my hand, onto my wrist, and pulled the two cords to tighten it.

  I pulled him close, wrapped my arms around his neck, and inhaled his wolf scent I loved so much—that wonderful blend of freshly cut sugar maple trees and juniper. “Thank you.”

  He lifted my chin and kissed me gently. I stifled a moan as he placed a trail of kisses along my neck. His hands moved down my back, and he pressed his lips against mine again.

  Shivers ran down my spine and flutters swirled in my stomach. I held onto him tight, hoping he didn’t pull away too soon.

  “That’s enough.” Victor’s voice came from behind me.

  Kaleb pulled his lips off mine and glanced over my shoulder. “You must be Sienna’s other chaperone.”

  “That was way over the line,” Victor said.

  “He’s right.” Markus appeared next to me. “You need to step back.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Kaleb grunted as he let go, but he pulled me next to him and held my hand. “I thought having you as a chaperone would be fun. Don’t tell me you agree with him?”

  “Hey, it’s their rules.” Markus shrugged.

  I looked at Markus, feeling a little confused. No one had said anything about two chaperones. “You’re my chaperone, too?”

  Markus nodded.

  A series of howls sounded in the distance. Several Norwood wolves looked at Kaleb and he nodded. They took off their shirts, tossed them onto a nearby table, and entered the woods.

  “What’s going on?” Victor asked.

  “There’s a vampire on the outskirts of town. Tell those men to get away from the woods,” Kaleb said in his authoritative tone.

  Victor headed toward the parking lot and talked to the men carrying guns. A few seconds later, they hurried to the front of the banquet hall.

  “I thought vampires stayed away from Woodlake?” I asked.

  “It must be a young vampire testing his limits. Nothing to worry about,” Markus said. He walked toward the other Norwood pack members. Several of them removed their shirts and entered the woods. Only to return a few seconds later in wolf form.

  “Sienna, you need to go inside,” Kaleb said.

  “I’ll go inside when you leave.” I released his hand. He knew me well enough to know he couldn’t order me around as he did everyone else. Maybe I wasn’t a wolf, but I’d shown I could take care of myself. “How long will you be gone?”

  “I’m not leaving. I just need a few minutes with the pack.” He glanced over my shoulder. “Wait here.”

  I nodded; surprised he didn’t intend to lead the pack. How could he not go with a vampire so close to town?

  A tap on my shoulder made me jump and turn around. My breath caught in my throat as I recognized the Norwood wolf that stood in front of me. She’d been at the café, taunting me to fight Lexi. They were friends.

  Her long straight black hair moved in the subtle breeze as her gaze lowered to my red boots. She smiled, exposing sharp canine teeth, and extended her hand. “We haven’t met yet. I’m Carmel.”

  I touched the scar on my shoulder. I didn’t trust this wolf, and I didn’t want to shake her hand. But if I wanted things to work with Kaleb, I needed to play nice. “I remember you from the café.”

  “Oh, that’s right. You wanted to fight Lexi.” Her eyes narrowed as we shook hands. “Looks like you won.”

  I pulled my hand away. “Aren’t you going after the vampire?”

  “No.” She folded her arms. “Let me make myself clear. My brother’s making a mistake.”

  “Your brother?” I glanced over her shoulder. Two more Norwood wolves entered the woods and shapeshifted.

  “I’m Kaleb’s sister,” she replied.

  “His sister?” My eyes widened. Kaleb hadn’t said anything about siblings, but her forest-green eyes looked exactly like his.

  “He didn’t tell you? I’ll bet there’s a lot he hasn’t told you.” Carmel rested her hand on my arm and whispered, “The other packs will never accept a Romani as Kaleb’s mate. If you say yes to him, you’ll start a war.”

  * * *

  Thank you for reading my book – it means so much to me!

  If you like this book, please leave a review. Your opinion matters to me. Short or long, reviews help readers find books they’ll enjoy and I appreciate the honest feedback.

  The next book, Romani Witch, is coming soon! You can subscribe to my newsletter for notifications.

  Remember to always BE KIND and thank you again for reading!


  You would not be holding this book if it weren’t for my family. I could not have do
ne this without their love and support. To my husband, Charles, thanks for pushing me and helping me work through a few scenes. To my daughter, Francesca, thank you for always believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Your unwavering faith in me as “the best mom ever” pushes me to be a better person every day. To my parents, sister, and brother— thank you for being the best family ever!

  I am also eternally grateful to my amazing beta readers – Isabella, Jennifer, Jolene, Richard, and Tanya. You guys never held back on telling me what sucked and what areas I needed to focus on.

  To my good friend, Pappoe, thank you for encouraging me to follow my dreams and reminding me that everything is possible. Our conversations throughout the years have always inspired me to keep going.

  Another huge thanks to Shawn for teaching me about palm reading and answering all my silly questions. Thank you for always cheering me on.

  I am also thankful to my editor, Megan, and copy-editor, Liz for pointing out plot holes and mistakes. Your feedback pushed me harder in making this book the best I could. I am forever grateful for your honesty and attention to detail.

  Thank you to my graphic designer, Ravenborn, for her fantastic work on the book cover and to Quill Ranch Creations, LLC for their great formatting job. You guys rock!

  To the readers who took a chance on my book – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Your support means everything, and I can’t wait to share the rest of Sienna and Kaleb’s story. I truly hope you connect with me on social media and join me on my author journey.

  Finally, I thank Jesus and Buddha for their teachings and constant reminders to always choose kindness.

  About the Author

  Frances Trilone was born in New Jersey, went to high school in Japan, and graduated from college in New York City. She now lives in Texas with her husband, three cats, and a spoiled shepherd/husky dog named Loki.

  When she’s not writing, she loves to read, hike, watch movies, and spend time with family and friends. Some of her favorite things are: coffee, Thai food, animals, and Supernatural. One day she hopes to travel the world as a digital nomad.


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