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Accidental Daddy: A Billionaire's Baby Romance

Page 25

by R. R. Banks

  2 cups powdered sugar

  Orange and yellow food coloring

  • Cream butter and fluff together

  • Add in vanilla

  • Add powdered sugar a little at a time until totally blended

  • Divide into three bowls

  • Color one yellow and one orange

  Put it all together…

  • Put the orange layer of cake on your plate and slice into two layers

  • Slather the bottom later with buttercream and add the top layer

  • Use a small bowl or large soup mug to trace around with a knife and cut through just the top orange layer, removing the middle. You want a couple inches all around

  • Repeat the slice-and-slather with the yellow cake and place on top of the orange, cutting out the middle of both

  • Repeat again with the white layer and cut out the circle

  • Fill the hole in the cake with candy corn and place the white cake on top so that the top is solid

  • Do a crumb coat with buttercream then ice with the candy corn frosting

  • Put the three colors of the buttercream in a piping bag so there is a wide stripe of each color

  • Pipe little stars around the bottom so it ends up all swirly

  • Add a candy corn in the middle of every few little stars

  Chapter Thirty-Six



  The screams in the distance sent shivers through me and when I heard them fall silent for a second only to come back louder and more frantic than before, I couldn’t help but laugh. I lowered the piece of candy corn cake I had been eating to the napkin in my hand and licked my lips.

  This was definitely going in the concession stand next year.

  All around me people ran around the farm, going from attraction to attraction with increasing glee at the terrors that were awaiting them. One of the haunted houses, designed as a more stable replica of Steven McAllister’s house, was particularly popular, but it was the corn maze that seemed to be getting the most repeat visitors. Whole groups would run breathlessly out of the exit, very often pursued closely by one of the actors ensuring that they got every ounce of fear out of them, pause only for a few seconds to gather themselves, and then run back to the line at the entrance. They knew that there were many twists and turns within the maze and that each one offered new nightmares just lurking around the corners. They seemed resolute to discover every one of them.

  Bitsy rushed up to my side as she emerged from the haunted house and wrapped her arms around my waist. I pulled her in for a kiss.

  “So, did Steven McAllister’s house scare you?” I asked.

  She laughed and shook her head.

  “Not at all. Remember, I’ve seen the real thing.”

  I laughed, still thankful that my gamble had paid off and she had understood the goal behind my hoax rather than being mad that I had frightened her. It had only been in the last few days that I had finally revealed to her my secret behind making the jack o’ lantern in the house glow on demand: a tiny remote tucked into my pocket. I drew that out now and pointed it in the direction of the haunted house. I pushed the button and heard the muffled screams of a group inside. We laughed and I felt something grab us from behind, squeezing us tightly. I lifted my arm to allow Nia to walk under it so she stood in front of us. Her eyes were wide and bright, her hair disheveled from running through the haunted house and maze.

  “I am officially never throwing a Halloween party again,” she announced. “This is incredible!”

  I saw Bitsy scan Nia’s outfit, which consisted of black jeans and a hooded black sweatshirt.

  “I thought that Halloween was all about being sexy and attracting men,” she said. “Remember, boning skeletons and sucking vampires and what not?”

  That was more than I really needed to hear.

  Nia gave her a decidedly resentful look and then tossed her head dramatically.

  “I’ll have you know that I have matured and am now much more invested in the more traditional means of enjoying the holiday.”

  “Which means that you already found a man. Which one is it?”

  Nia smiled and pointed across the open center of the park, which Bitsy had named “Field of Screams: If You Build It, They Will Run.” Bitsy and I followed her point and saw one of the scare actors that we had hired hovering near the darkened concession stand. A group of newly-arrive guests walked past and he jumped at them, making a growling sound that was fantastically inhuman. The group screamed and scurried away from him, and the actor serenely took his place back next the stand to wait for the next unsuspecting group to come along.

  “So, it looks like I’ll be spending much more time out here,” Nia said.

  “Oh, really?” I asked.

  “Yep. Clint says that I’m going to need a lot of training if I could ever possibly scare anyone.”

  I laughed at the dreamy look in her eyes and gave her a squeeze around the shoulders.

  “Well, we will be happy to have you here, no matter what the reason. We’ll be starting up preparations for next season in about five months, so you are welcome to come back and help us create next year’s attraction.”

  The haunt had made so much money in the last month that Benson declared he would never sell – right before burying himself back under a mound of hay so he would be ready to rise up like the dead the next time visitors came by.

  Truth be told, I figured Benson would promise never to sell even if the attraction hadn’t made any money. Just having something new on the farm had breathed fresh life into it and he was excited about it. He spent most days out checking each of the attractions, reviewing the special effects, and making sure that each of the actors had their hair and makeup just right. It was his greatest thrill, however, when he was able to sneak into one of the attractions and be a part of the scares himself. Many of the guests stopped by to talk to us before leaving, already asking what the next year’s theme was going to be, so I had a feeling that Benson had many years of scaring ahead of him.

  A few days before he had come to me and asked if I would make sure the farm was properly taken care of when he was gone. I assured him that that was a long time away, but that if it would make him feel better to hear it, I would make sure that when he was gone, the farm was protected and Bitsy had everything that she needed. My only condition was that he transfer the deed into Bitsy’s name as part of the paperwork. I wanted it to be hers, for her to be able to look at it and know that it belonged to her, and that one day she could pass it down to her daughter, who might one day pass it down to hers.

  “What are you two going to do with this place now that the Halloween season is over?” Nia asked. “It’s too fabulous a place for you to just let it sit around for months out of the year.”

  “Well, we could make it into a Christmas destination,” I suggested, peering around and trying to envision lights and glittering trees in the place of the skulls and pumpkins.

  “With a tree lot and Santa’s workshop,” Bitsy suggested.

  “And horse-drawn carriage rides and a little village set up where people could buy gifts,” Nia added.

  “And an enchanted trail of lights with streamed-in music and special events for little ones,” I said.

  “And maybe a wedding venue.”

  I smiled down at Bitsy and touched my lips to hers. I had been waiting my entire life to find her. Two months seemed like more than enough time to be engaged.

  “There’s just one more thing that I need to do,” I said.

  Three weeks later…

  My mother smiled at me from the worn chair where she sat bouncing Lorelei in her lap. I had never seen an expression of such pure joy and contentment on her face and I looked forward to her having many more opportunities to enjoy her only grandchild.

  At least for now.

  My grandparents sat on either side of her, cooing at the baby and speaking to her in the language that I remembered hearing as I
grew up. I felt content knowing that they were going to be close by much more often now. The houses that I was having built for them would sit side-by-side on the far end of the farm, giving the old McAllister home a bit of company. We’d had Steven’s grave moved back closer. My mother and grandmother had nothing to fear from an old ghost story, but I figured the ghosts might have something to fear from them, so maybe Steven would finally get a chance to rest. I had found a newer coroner’s report tucked in the wrong place in one of Miss Daisy Pearl’s books that stated Steven McAllister died of congestive heart failure, not fright. I had put it back where it was and hadn’t told Bitsy. There was no point in ruining a good local legend.

  Until their houses were ready, my mother and grandparents were staying in the little house where I had stayed behind Benson’s house. I could no longer think of it as Bitsy’s mother’s house. Some digging had also helped me to find out what had actually happened to her, but I hadn’t shared that with her yet, either. That was for another time. For now, I had moved into Benson’s house with Bitsy and Lorelei. When the new houses were ready, we would move back out to that house and start making new memories there as our little family.

  I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I looked over my shoulder to see Miss Daisy Pearl coming down into her basement. She had dressed up for the occasion, wearing a navy blue dress with white pin dots, a stiff lace collar secured with a rose pink cameo pin, and white lace gloves. She smiled at each of the people gathered in the room, saving the longest smile for me, and then walked over to the bookshelves. She withdrew the massive history volume, teetering slightly under its weight. There was a brief tense moment where she could have gone either way, but fortunately she made like a Weeble and ended up back securely on her feet. She carried the book over to the table and opened it up to the resident registry and handed me a pen.

  I felt Bitsy come up beside me and wrap her arms around mine, kissing my upper arm. I smiled as I looked down at the blank line on the page and then touched the tip of the pen to it, signing my name with flourish.

  Roman Renshaw. Resident of Whiskey Hollow.


  Major O

  A Bad Boy Military Romance

  She’s never had an orgasm and I’ve never failed a mission.

  I spent 12 years going through hell as a major in the marines.

  But hell itself wasn't enough to make me forget Abby Greenwood.

  I left her without a word one night 12 years ago.

  But I had a good reason...

  I also swore to myself that I would never set foot in this town again.

  Yet here I am... and there she is.

  With her perfect body and alluring eyes, begging me to take her.

  I never got to taste her before I left.

  But now I've got a second chance.

  And this is one mission I can't fail...

  I’m the only one who can give her what she needs,

  even if it takes me all night.

  Chapter One

  I admit it – I’m not very good at my job. I let myself get easily distracted. But then, most guys in my place would be easily distracted too. Having a woman face down in your lap, blowing you in the front seat of your car can be more than a little distracting.

  In my defense though, when you're sitting on a long, boring-ass stakeout for hours on end, you need to find ways to distract yourself. At least, I do. Maybe I've got that ADHD or some shit like that.

  Fortunately for me, I've gotten smarter about how I do things. That's my deal – working smarter so I can enjoy a few of the perks that go along with the job. Perks like Sarah here, who is working my shaft like an absolute pro. Although she pretended to be this shy, demure, inexperienced little thing when we met, I can tell by the way she's sucking my cock that this is most definitely not her first rodeo.

  I have my hands in her hair, pulling on it gently as she slides her tongue up and down my shaft. She has a firm grip on my cock and is stroking me at the same time. I let out a small gasp as she takes all of me into her mouth, tightening her lips around me and starts bobbing her head up and down fast and hard, using her hand to cup and squeeze my balls.

  I throw my head back against the headrest of the driver's seat and moan. It feels damn good.

  “Jesus, Sarah,” I groan.

  She immediately stops and looks up at me, a flash of anger in her eyes. “It's Sabrina,” she scowls.

  I give her a dry chuckle and a lopsided smile. “Right. Sorry,” I say. “You're so good that you're obviously scrambling my brain a bit.”

  She gives me a small smile, accepting what I said as truth. Probably only because she wants it to be true – doesn't want to think she's that disposable or faceless to me. But the truth of the matter, she is. I've got no plans to see her again after we finish up here. What is the point? I'm not looking for a relationship and even if I was, I don't really think I exactly qualify as “boyfriend material.”

  All I want is a little fun to pass some time while I wait for my target to make his move. Well – that and to get laid, I suppose.

  Apparently, she's satisfied so Sarah or Sabrina – or whatever the hell her name is – goes back to work, sucking and stroking me like she's auditioning for a porn. She's a nice enough girl, I suppose – early twenties, body that won't quit, sexy as hell. She's toned, tight, and best of all, eager to screw. As far as qualifications go, she's checked off every box on my list.

  We met at the bar across the street from my target's office. I figured I'd have a drink while I kept an eye on things. I honestly hadn't intended to hook up with Sarah – I actually only wanted a beer while I waited. But she struck up a conversation, one thing led to another, and the next thing I know, we're out in my car and I've got my cock in her mouth.

  Yeah, it's times like these when I enjoy being a PI the most.

  I let myself get so caught up in Sarah's blow job though, that I didn't realize my target was on the move. Not until I hear the soft beep coming from my laptop, anyway.

  “Shit,” I murmur.

  Sarah looks up at me with a curious and concerned expression on her face. “You okay? Did I –”

  “No, you're fine,” I say. “Sorry, it's work.”

  I can tell by her expression that she's disappointed, thinking that we aren't going to be able to finish our little tryst. But I know the device I'd planted on my target's car has a GPS device, so I'd be able to pick him up again later – like I said, I'm working smarter.

  But it's a small transmitter with a limited range, so I need to finish up with Sarah pretty quick if I'm going to finish this job up tonight. And I really want to finish this job up tonight. Sarah though, is looking at me like I'd just kicked her puppy and stole her candy. I give her a soft smile.

  I know I can be an asshole sometimes, but I'm not that big of an asshole. I'll make sure she has a good time. Besides, I really need to get off now too.

  “Let me guess,” she pouts, “you have to go.”

  I shrug. “I do, but I still have a few minutes.”

  I jump out of the car and hurry around to the passenger side – glad I'd had the foresight to park in a dark, secluded corner of the parking lot. Pulling open the door, I get her to her feet and give her a long, passionate kiss. The girl melts in my arms and kisses me back, taking my cock in her hand and give it a good, hard squeeze.

  She gives me a sultry little smile and I know she's still up for it. Turning her around, I bend over the passenger seat and lift her skirt up, pushing it up around her waist. I take a look around to make sure nobody's watching us – more for her sake than mine, I really don't give a shit if they do – and when I see we're alone, I drive my cock deep into her.

  Sarah gasps and I feel her body tense up as I enter her. But as I grab on to her hips and slowly start to move my cock in and out of her, I feel her relax and loosen up a bit. As I start to pump my hips, slamming myself into her harder and faster in a steady rhythm, she begins to moan. Sarah pushes back agai
nst me, taking me deeper into her as she moans even louder.

  She so tight and feels so good, I know I'm not going to last very long. Sarah is moaning louder and her breathing is becoming a little ragged as I pump my cock into her hard and fast. I reach up and grab a handful of her hair, giving it a solid pull as I drive myself even deeper inside of her.

  “Oh, yes,” she groans, “Yes, baby, yes.”

  I grunt and grit my teeth, determined to make sure she gets off. Like I said, I'm not a totally selfish asshole. I move my hips, pumping into her even harder and I can feel that pressure building up inside of me. I hope she's close because I know I don't have much longer.

  The girl's body tenses up beneath me and her breath catches in her throat. She lets out a low moan that sounds more like a growl than anything. And then all at once, it feels like her entire body locks up for a moment before she begins to shake almost uncontrollably.

  Her voice breathy and ragged, she calls out my name as her orgasm tears through her. She's loud, so I quickly survey the parking lot, glad to see it's still deserted. I may not care if somebody sees us, but the last thing I need is for the cops to roll in – they might care a little bit.

  Sarah looks back at me over her shoulder, biting her bottom lip, and gives me a lascivious little smile. I take that as my cue and drive myself into her even harder. She gasps, but moans as I bury my cock into her as deep as I can go. I thrust myself deeper and harder, the pressure inside of me building to a crescendo.

  And then the dam burst.

  With one final, deep thrust, I bury myself deep inside of her and let out a groan. Throwing my head back, I let the sensations ripple through me as I unload my seed in a big, wet burst. My body trembles as I come and my fingers dig into the flesh of her ass.

  A moment later, my cock growing limp, I pull out of her and quickly pull up my pants. Sarah stands up and turns around, smoothing her dress down and looks at me with a sweet smile on her face. I hear my laptop beep again and look to it, growing a little anxious to be on my way.


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