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Accidental Daddy: A Billionaire's Baby Romance

Page 40

by R. R. Banks

  I disconnect the call and then punch in Brooke's number. Now that I know where Abby is, I can go about formulating a plan. Brooke picks up on the first ring.

  “Brooke,” I say, not waiting for her to speak. “We've got a problem. I need your help.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It took a lot of doing – not to mention both Tony and Brooke calling in some favors – but about two and a half hours later, I'm squatting in the thick foliage of the treeline with a clear view of what I assume is James' cabin. A cabin Brooke wasn't aware he owns.

  Not that it matters who owns the place – I could see James in there through the windows. And because I'd had Tony ping Abby's cell phone again, trying to narrow down the location, I know that she's in there too. He apparently hadn't been smart enough to confiscate the phone – or if he had taken it from her, he hadn't been smart enough to turn it off.

  Either way, it works in my favor. And shows that he's not too bright when it comes to kidnapping somebody. Another point in my favor.

  I make sure the brightness display on my phone is turned all the way down and screen myself with some bushes to avoid being seen. I'd been on enough night missions to know how to avoid detection – and dealing with an amateur like James was making my job even easier. But I wasn't going to take any chances.

  With my phone on dark, I punched in the number and held it to my ear. I needed to give her an update because Brooke was half out of her mind, threatening to call the cops and send in the army to save Abby. I needed to keep her calm. The cops wouldn't be able to help. They'd only get in the way and if they came storming in here, they'd more than likely get her killed. No, I needed to handle it. I had the training and the experience and could get the mission done. Get Abby home safely.

  Reluctantly, she agreed to hold off and let me handle it. On the condition that I kept her updated every step of the way. Which was fine. She deserved to know what was happening. Brooke picked up the line halfway through the first ring.

  “What's going on, Caleb? Is she okay?”

  “I don't have a visual yet,” I say quietly, making sure to keep my voice pitched low. “I'm outside the cabin. I can see the target through the window. But I do not have eyes on Abby.”

  “You need to get in there now, Caleb,” she's almost screaming.

  “Stay calm, Brooke,” I say. “I know she's in there and I know she's alive.”

  “How can you possibly know that if you can't see her?”

  I hold the scope up to my eye again and see James pacing around, talking. He's agitated, but I know he's talking to Abby.

  “Because I can see him through the window,” I say. “He's having a conversation – with Abby.”

  “Please, Caleb,” she pleads. “Go in there and get her out of that cabin. Save her, please.”

  “I have to be careful,” I say. “If I go in there guns blazing, Abby could get hurt. I'm going to get her out. I promise you that. But I'm going to be cautious about it.”

  She sniffles and I know she's crying. “Please save her, Caleb. Please, please.”

  “You have my word, Brooke.”

  I disconnect the call and drop the phone into my pocket. I look through the scope again and see James pacing – he's moving a little faster, clearly a little more agitated. I need to move. The more agitated James gets, the more likely he is to do something rash. Something stupid. And that could be bad news for Abby.

  “Play along with him, Abby,” I say quietly. “Don't wind him up. Keep him calm.”

  I know she can't hear me, but I'm hoping that somehow, some way, my thoughts will get through to her. She can't afford to push him over the edge. He's already on the hook for kidnapping – who knows how far he'll go.

  When he turns away from the window, I move from the treeline to some dense bushes closer to the cabin. I survey the area, trying to find a place I can breach without putting Abby in the crossfire. I see that there's a back door that opens up to a mudroom or something. It looks to be offset from the main room where I can see James through the windows – which is good.

  That's my point of entry.

  I quickly and quietly move across the yard, silently ascending the three steps that lead to the back door. Peeking in through the window, I can see the kitchen and the main room beyond. James is still pacing back and forth, entering and exiting my field of vision.

  I creep over to the door and kneel down. Slipping my lockpicking tools out of my pocket, I get to work, moving as quietly as I can. A moment later, the lock disengages with a soft click. I put my kit back into my pocket, pull the weapon out of the holster on my hip and slowly turn the handle.

  I grit my teeth when a soft squeak sounds as I push the door open and find myself in a mudroom off the kitchen. James' voice is booming from the other room, so I doubt he even heard it over his screaming. He obviously found out that Abby and I had slept together since he was railing on her about that. Nothing I could do about that now.

  Moving silently through the kitchen, I stop at the doorway. Using the reflection from the window, I see that he's standing just on the other side of the doorway. I need to move on him, but I need to give Abby a little warning first. She needs to know I'm there and to move when I tell her to move.

  Knowing James' back is to me, I lean out just enough to see. He's still standing there and I can see the pistol in his hand he's holding at his side. I can see Abby's feet and lower legs beneath the table – but he's blocking my view of her.

  I lean back and wait until I hear his footsteps on the wooden floor before I lean out again. Abby's eyes widen when she sees me and I immediately put my finger to my lips, telling her to keep quiet. She cuts her eyes quickly back to James, paying attention to his ranting and raving. But I can see her sneaking quick peeks back at me.

  James enters my field of vision again and I know it's time to make my move. I creep out of the kitchen, moving quickly. James' back is to me, but he feels my presence and starts to turn around, raising his gun at the same time.

  “Abby, get down now,” I shout.

  I raise my weapon and point it at James' face. His eyes open almost comically wide when he sees me. Abby dives to the ground and crawls away from the table, taking shelter behind the sofa.

  “Drop your weapon,” I say in my most commanding voice.

  He hesitates, but doesn't drop the gun. I can see by the look in his eye that he's calculating his chances of coming out on top of a shootout with me.

  “Don't do it, asshole. I don't want to kill you,” I say. “But I will kill you without a second thought.”

  James obviously thinks he can get the drop on me because he tries to raise his gun hand quickly. I lower my weapon and squeeze the trigger, putting a round through his thigh. He screams in agony, as if it's the most intense pain he's ever felt – which, it probably is. His weapon clatters to the floor and I kick it away from him, sending it spinning across the room.

  James falls to the floor, clutching his wounded though while he sobs uncontrollably. I see Abby peeking over the back of the couch at me and I feel a dark rage descend over me – rage at what he'd done to Abby. At how he'd terrified her.

  I lower my weapon but step forward and deliver a vicious kick to his midsection. The air whooshes out of him and he's suddenly gasping for breath. I squat down beside him and grab a handful of his hair, wrenching his neck so that he's looking up at me. Making sure that I have his full attention.

  “Here's what's going to happen,” I say. “We're going to call the cops. They're going to take you away. Eventually, you're going to get out of jail. And when you do, you are going to leave Sheridan Falls. Forever. You are to put the city in your rear-view and never come back. Ever. If you do, I'm going to kill you.”

  He gasps and tries to say something, so I use the butt of my gun to rap him across the forehead nice and hard. He winces in pain and groans – but he stopped trying to speak, at least.

  “You are not to contact Abby ever again,” I say. “You're
not to even think about her. If you do try to contact her in any way, shape, or form, I'm going to kill you. Just nod if you understand.”

  He opened his mouth and started to speak again, so I rapped him over the head again, stopping him short.

  “Just nod if you understand.”

  He looks deflated. Defeated. But nods anyway.

  “Good. We have an understanding then.”

  Keeping my weapon at the ready, I hand Abby my phone and tell her to call the police. She does and we sit down on the couch, I pull her close to me. She's trembling and crying, so I wrap my arm even tighter around her, holding her closer.

  And as we wait for the cops to arrive, she calls Brooke to let her know that she's okay.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  It's really late by the time we got home and I am exhausted. I've never been through an ordeal like that and I hope to never go through one again. I'm physically and emotionally drained. I sit down on the couch and pull Caleb down next to me. I lean against him and lay my head against his shoulder.

  “You came for me,” I say.

  “Of course, I did,” he replies.

  I can't believe the turn of events over the past few days. I've gone from believing I'd never see Caleb Tirico again to having him sitting next to me – after having had him just save my life. It was all so surreal.

  “I never knew James was that –”

  “Unbalanced? Unhinged? Batshit crazy?”

  I laugh softly. “Yeah, I can sure pick 'em, can't I?”

  A wry grin touches his lips. “Yeah, if they're not kidnapping you, they're disappearing on you.”

  I look up at him, afraid I'd hurt his feelings. “No, that's not what –”

  He puts a finger to my lips to stop me. “I deserve it, Abby. I can't ever make up for what I did or how I did it. Just know that I'm sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.”

  I don't know what to say, so I remain silent. Instead, I lean forward and kiss him. It's a soft, sweet kiss, one that I hope conveys how grateful I am to him for everything he did for me tonight. When I pull away, he's smiling.

  “What was that for?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Just because.”

  “Well, thank you then.”

  We sit in silence for a moment before I stand up. “I need to take a shower,” I say. “I want to wash this night off of me.”

  He nods. “I should probably get going anyway.”

  I look at him and smile softly. “Actually, I was hoping you'd stay.”

  Not waiting for his response, I take his hand and lead him toward the bathroom. Once inside, I strip off his black t-shirt and kiss his chest. He smiles and then unbuttons my shirt, letting it fall to the floor. He reaches into the shower and turns on the water and it's not long before the steam is filling the bathroom.

  We finish stripping each other down, not saying a word, just enjoying the companionable silence between us. He takes my hand and leads me into the shower, shutting the door behind us. Beneath the cascade of hot water, he pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. Passionately.

  The exhaustion that had permeated my bones when we got to my place suddenly fled. And I am filled with nothing but heat, consumed by desire. The fire in the low center of me is burning bright. I want this man. Need him.

  I kiss Caleb and slide my hands all over his well muscled body, slick with water. He presses me up against the shower wall, his hard cock pressing against my belly as we kiss. I slide my hand down and wrap it around his thick shaft, stroking it slowly, teasing the head of his cock with my fingertips.

  Caleb moans softly as I tighten my grip and stroke him a little faster. He leans down, planting a line of soft kisses down my neck, down my chest, finally taking my breasts in his hands. He teases my nipples with the tip of his tongue and my breath catches in my throat.

  We look deeply into one another's eyes – a look that conveys so much emotion. So many thoughts and feelings that we didn't even need to say. We just knew.

  Caleb kisses me deeply and picks me up, pressing me against the shower wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around the back of his neck. I gasp as he slides his thick cock inside of me, filling me up and stretching me open.

  He slowly begins to move his hips, sliding himself in and out of me. I bite down on his shoulder as a wave of sensation ripples through me. Maybe it's the ordeal I went through tonight. Maybe it's that I feared that I was actually going to die. I don't know what it is, but my senses seem – heightened. The pleasure I feel as Caleb moves his cock inside of me is intense. It's powerful.

  Caleb has a firm grasp on my ass as he starts moving a little faster, sheathing himself even deeper inside of me. I cry out, my voice echoing around the tiled bathroom. Our tongues swirl and dance as we kiss and I'm overcome by wave after wave of pleasure.

  I dig my nails into his shoulders and feel the pressure building up low within me. He feels so good inside of me, making my every nerve ending feel like it's on fire as he moves his cock within me. I arch my back and thrust my hips forward, trying to take him even deeper into me. I tighten myself up around his cock, drawing a gasp from him. He gives me a small smile and thrusts himself a little bit deeper, making me moan and call out his name.

  Our bodies are moving in a nice, easy rhythm, our moans mixing together, echoing around the bathroom. It feels like electricity is crawling through me, making me tingle. Making everything that much more intense.

  Caleb's body is tensing up and his breathing is becoming a little more ragged. I know that he's not going to last much longer. But then, neither am I. The pressure inside of me is building and building in intensity. As he kisses my neck, licking and nibbling on it, I close my eyes and lean my head back against the tile, reveling in the sensation of having his hands and mouth on me.

  He starts to drive himself into me in long, slow strokes and I know he's trying to hold off.

  “Don't hold back,” I moan. “Lose control, baby.”

  He looks me in the eye as he thrusts himself as deep inside of me as he can go. And that's when the dam burst for me. The sensation that tears through me was more intense than anything I'd ever felt before and I felt like I'd had the wind knocked out of me. I'm struggling to catch my breath as my body quivers and jerks, the warm, wet center of me tightening and spasming. I'm awash in sensations so intense, I never believed it was possible.

  A moment later, Caleb groans and I can feel his cock pulsing inside of me as he is filling me with his seed. We shudder together, each of us relishing the feeling of climaxing together.

  Once we've caught our breath and the trembling in our bodies fades, Caleb sets me down. Pulling me to him in a loving embrace, we stand beneath the spray of the warm water. With the steam billowing around us, I lean my head against his hard, toned chest, feeling – satisfied. Content. Never wanting this feeling to end.



  “What time do you need to be at the station?” I ask, looking up from where I'm sitting on the couch with my book.

  Caleb had walked into the room, dressed and ready for work already. Which seems strange to me since I don't think he's working until later that evening.

  “I meet with Lt. Daniels at four,” he says. “But wanted to make sure I looked alright for the job. So – what do you think?”

  I can't help but stare at my sexy boyfriend in his sheriff's uniform. I always had a thing for a man in uniform, and Caleb was no exception to the rule. In fact, if anyone was born to wear a uniform, it was him. Especially one that hugs his body the way this one does.

  “You look more than alright,” I purr, putting my book away.

  I stand up and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Standing on my tip-toes, I plant a kiss on his lips, feeling the soft skin against my face.

  “Though I miss the beard, I have to say.”

  “Do you?” he grins. “I just wanted to make a good impression. Clean up a bit. Not look so
rough and scraggly.”

  “I know, I know,” I say, “But maybe one day you can grow it back? For me? We live near a forest and lumberjacking is a thing. You'll fit in with a beard like that.”

  “Anything for you, Abby,” he says.

  In one swift movement, he lifts me up into his arms, causing me to squeal in delight, laughing as he spins me around a bit with ease.

  “Anything, huh?” I say, giving him bedroom eyes.

  “Anything, baby,” he says, kissing me as he carries me off down to our bedroom.

  Yes, our bedroom now. It's only been a few days since we made it official, but the idea of Caleb living with me still fills me with so much joy. Not only did he move back to Sheridan Falls and take a job at the local Sheriff's department, we were now an item. A serious item at that. A serious item that's now living together.

  And I can't possibly be happier.

  Caleb lays me down gently on our bed, smiling down at me. I motioned for him to join me on the bed, but instead, he slowly starts undressing for me.

  “No, leave it on,” I purr. “Just take off your pants, but leave the shirt and badge on while we make love. It'll be hot.”

  “Dirty, dirty girl,” he says, pulling my feet so I'm now sitting at the edge of the bed.

  He hesitates for a moment, but doesn't argue. Caleb slowly unbuckles his belt and slides his pants down, letting them pool at his feet before stepping out of them. I smile as I stare at his cock, long and hard and ready for me.

  He steps forward, but before he drops to his knees to eat my pussy -- something he does with delight almost every single time we're together – I pull him toward me, taking his cock in my hand.

  “Officer, I'm sure you can overlook my speeding ticket, can't you?” I tease, stroking him with my hand as I stare up at him with wide eyes. “I'll make it worth your while.”

  I guide his cock into my mouth, sucking just the tip at first. Caleb groans as I tease him, sucking and licking him, tasting the pre-cum and savoring every delicious inch of his cock.


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