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An Ignited Passion

Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “God, this feels so good, Preston, you feel so fucking good,” Wyatt moaned and Preston’s legs came up and wrapped around his waist.

  “Faster,” Preston looked into Wyatt’s eyes as they moved together, Preston meeting Wyatt’s deep thrusts. The kisses became more desperate with each wanting to devour the other. The room temperature was climbing as Wyatt hit him with piston-fast strokes, his legs shook and his dick jumped on his stomach. Preston grabbed his leaking prick and groaned in Wyatt’s mouth. “Oh God, I’m coming……I’m coming, Wyatt…” A loud growl filled the room and Preston’s cock exploded with so much force it hit his chin and the headboard above him.

  Wyatt’s spine snapped, his balls drew up impossibly high and his canines exploded through his gums; his eyes shifted and claws exploded through his fingertips. Preston’s name left his lips in a long drawn out cry and he emptied himself in quick jerks into Preston. Wyatt

  collapsed. His canines were mere inches from Preston’s flesh; he jerked away and flew off the bed into the wall. “Oh shit, oh shit…I can’t stop it!” In the blink of an eye, Wyatt shifted.

  Preston sat up in bed and looked at the large black wolf panting on his floor. He smiled and patted the bed next to him. “Come here, sexy.” Wyatt whined and jumped on the bed settling into Preston’s side. Preston stroked the soft black fur and lay down next to Wyatt hugging him in close. “You are so beautiful, Wyatt.” Preston heard a soft snort and a low whine and he kissed Wyatt’s head. “I love you, Wyatt Quinton.”

  ~~*~~ Wyatt woke up seeing in color; he sighed and felt the warmth of Preston on his back. He had completely lost it last night and shifted after his amazing orgasm. Great, he might as well have humped Preston’s leg. What the fuck was that? He had almost bitten Preston. Wyatt sighed and rolled over hiding his face in

  Preston’s warm neck; his pulse was beating slowly and Wyatt could hear Preston’s heart thumping in his chest. Wyatt wiggled his nose, everything was more magnified somehow. His skin buzzed with energy and his cock filled in seconds flat, what the hell was going on? He could hear a soft voice in his head, he pulled away slightly looking at Preston’s face. Carefully, he ran his fingertips over Preston’s warm lips and heard a soft moan. Wyatt smiled and leaned in kissing Preston’s lips and nibbled on the bottom one gently.

  “I could get used to this,” Preston sighed and opened his eyes. “A wolf fetching your paper? Maybe even your slippers?” Wyatt snickered and snuggled into Preston’s side.

  “You are beautiful in either form.” Preston pulled Wyatt on top of him and grabbed Wyatt’s firm ass in his hands.

  Wyatt let out a slow breath. “I thought maybe I had freaked you out or something, I don’t know what the hell happened. I couldn’t stop it.”

  Preston took Wyatt’s face and cupped it in both hands. “I loved every second of last night. I loved the fact that I got to see you in wolf form, Wyatt, and I would love nothing more than to wake up to you every morning and go to bed with you every night.”

  “Really?” Wyatt searched Preston’s eyes. “Why does that surprise you? I told you I loved you, Wyatt; I want a

  relationship with you.” Preston pressed his hips into Wyatt’s.

  “It seems like you want something else, too,” Wyatt chuckled as Preston flipped them over again. Preston’s hips ground into his own and Wyatt closed his eyes at the delicious friction. “Don’t you have to go into work?”

  Preston sighed and shot a look at the clock. “Ugh, yeah I do; three on and three off.” Preston lifted himself off of Wyatt and settled onto his elbow tracing the ridge of Wyatt’s pectoral muscle. “I know we leave for the reservation in a few days but I was hoping you’d come stay with me at the firehouse anyway.”

  “Do I have to wash the hell bitch?” Wyatt smiled as Preston’s tongue licked a path across his chest.

  “Nope, but I’d love it if you’d cook.” Preston smiled at the loud sigh emitted from Wyatt. “No pressure, we just like the way you cook.”

  “All right, it’s a deal.”

  ~~ The next three days flew by and Wyatt hardly saw Preston at all except when Preston fell into bed exhausted and wet from a shower. The alarm seemed to go off every time they were getting close to each other. Over those three days Wyatt had been reading Austin’s firefighter test booklet. He read it from front to back and then back again. Walking around the firehouse, he picked out equipment that now had a name. On the last day Wyatt was eagerly awaiting Preston’s shift to be over and decided to help Austin, who had gone back to being picked on. Wyatt helped him wash hell bitch while the guys slept off their long night. Austin whistled as he washed the side of the truck and Wyatt gave him a knowing glance. Austin blushed and pursed his lips together.

  “Stop looking at me like that, Wyatt.”

  Wyatt feigned innocence. “Like what?” “Like you know some deep, dark secret,” Austin sighed and wrung out the sponge he was using.

  “Did you go to the movies with Tucker?” “Yeah, he was really sweet about it, too. Paid my way and bought me popcorn and a soda. He didn’t try to hold my hand or anything. We just sat and watched this high action dude flick and then talked about it over drinks at Cuffs & Stuff Club.”

  Wyatt looked up, eyes wide. “You went to a gay bar with him?” “I go all the time with you guys. It’s never bothered me before. This is Seattle you know? I grew up in Montana. You think they have gay bars there?” Austin laughed loud. “The first time I called my parents and told them I’d gone clubbing at a gay bar they thought everyone was happy. They don’t say ‘gay’ they say ‘homosexual;’ I don’t even think they know the word ‘gay’.”

  Wyatt bent over and clutched at his stomach laughing. “Stop it, you’re killing me.”

  Austin leaned against the truck with a grin. “You should have seen the guys hitting on him, and he would just smile and say no and his attention was on me the whole night. I felt special, you know? No chick has ever been like that with me. It was like he only saw me.” Austin saw Wyatt’s smile. “Oh, cut it out.”

  “What?” “I…I almost wanted to kiss him goodnight, but he just shook my hand and smiled, saying he’d call me some time to go out again. I felt like the girl in the whole scenario. It was freaky,” Austin laughed.

  Wyatt smiled at the dazed look on Austin’s face. Tucker knew what he was doing; as Austin’s mate he’d have to work carefully to secure Austin’s trust which meant not trying to kiss him or touch him unless Austin initiated the act.

  “Well he seems to really like you, he stayed by you the whole barbeque and never once did I see his eyes stray towards any of the other guys.”

  “Well I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. Sean and Preston pretty much make me look like the ugly duckling.”

  Wyatt laughed and looked at Austin. “Seriously? You have beautiful eyes and a body that goes on for days. Tucker’s a lucky guy,” Wyatt winked. The ceiling woman spat and the alarms went off in the house. Wyatt sighed and backed away from the truck. “And here we go.” Wyatt watched all the men flying down from the floor above; Preston jogged over to him and kissed him hard and quick.

  “I’ll be back,” Preston winked. “You better.” Wyatt watched them all load up and the truck roared to life. He put the sponge back in the bucket and looked at the time. “Hey, Austin - I’ll be back, okay? If Preston’s back before me just tell him I went to eat crow.”

  ~~ Wyatt pulled into the student parking lot at the University of Washington and closed and remote locked his truck. The walk to the dean’s office suddenly felt like miles and Wyatt felt as if he was doing the walk of shame. He should be ashamed, he thought bitterly. Making his way past the teacher’s lounge, he stepped into the dean’s outer office where a secretary looked up and smiled at him. Wyatt read the nameplate and tried to smile.

  “Um, hi, Mrs. Forbes, I’m here to see Dean Smith.” Wyatt shuffled his sneakers on the carpet.

  “Go right on in.” Wyatt took a deep breath and turned the knob to the of
fice door; the glass was frosted on the door and Wyatt saw the dean’s name in black lettering. He knocked anyway and heard a soft ‘Come in.’ Wyatt pushed through and stood at the front of the dean’s desk. The baseball was on his desk, now in a small glass box. Wyatt closed his eyes and swallowed hard.

  “I just wanted to come here and apologize in person for what I did. It was stupid and cruel and I should have never taken something that didn’t belong to me.” Wyatt saw Dean Smith motion to the chair and he sat down, clasping at his hands.

  “Look, Wyatt,” Dean Smith smiled. “I know this wasn’t your brilliant idea, that’s why I didn’t press charges.

  Sebastian is angry with me because I put him on academic probation.”

  “You did?” “Yes, his grades are failing and he won’t be playing football next year if they continue to decline. He’s in danger of losing his scholarship as well if he doesn’t bring his GPA back up.”

  “I would have come sooner…I just…” “I know - you were working down at the fire department.” Dean Smith looked at Wyatt’s flushed face. “You are a good kid, Wyatt, with a very bright future. Please don’t let Sebastian Price drag you down with him.” Dean Smith stood and extended his hand. “I look forward to seeing you in August, Wyatt, both in class and on the field.”

  Wyatt stood and shook Dean Smith’s hand. “Thank you, sir.” Wyatt left the dean’s office smiling. He had never felt better in his life. He crossed campus to his dorm room and packed a few things into a bag for the trip out to the Queets reservation. His skin was prickling just thinking about being alone with Preston. Stepping out into the abandoned hallway, Wyatt locked his room door and made his way down to the commons. Sebastian’s smell invaded his senses.

  “Sebastian…” “Where are you off to?” Sebastian leaned against the wall and looked at Wyatt.

  “Home, for my birthday,” Wyatt threw his bag over his shoulder. “Have a good summer, Sebastian.” Wyatt left before anything else could be said. He didn’t want Sebastian to ruin his good mood.

  Stepping out into the warm Seattle air he crossed the parking lot whistling a happy tune. He was going home to see his family, with Preston Dalton by his side. Halfway home, he realized he’d never gone back to the beach. Wyatt gripped the steering wheel; he couldn’t put this off any longer. Pulling into the parking lot, he walked down to the sand of Alki beach and sat down to watch all the kids play. It would get dark soon, and he hoped that when he sent the message, his mate would hear it.

  Why had this happened to him? As far as he knew, when you got your mate that was it. So why had he finally gotten his, but wanted Preston? Wyatt rubbed his face with his hands. What would he say to his mate? Oops, sorry, I found another guy? Wyatt closed his eyes thinking about the day his mate had protected him. The beautiful white wolf with brown eyes had covered Wyatt’s scent from the evil Carson Drake. He’d never forgotten him and had always wondered what his human side looked like. Would he be tall? Would his hair be blond? He knew his mate had brown eyes, like liquid milk chocolate. The beach was clearing out as parents bundled their children in towels and grabbed their umbrellas. The sunset kissed the water and Wyatt took a deep breath, sending a message he hoped his mate would hear…


  Preston jumped from the fire truck and strode over to the benches. Dropping his helmet on the bench, he stopped and stiffened. Wyatt was calling to him, he sounded so …sad. Preston felt his body shiver with Wyatt’s voice sliding down his spine. The urge to answer him was strong. Wyatt wanted him to come to him; he wanted to talk to him. Preston sighed, collapsing on the bench. He raised his head as Austin came in.

  “Hey, Wyatt said he had to eat crow?” Austin said. Preston nodded. “Thanks.” Preston put his face in his hands. Wyatt’s voice was insistent, calling to him to answer. He couldn’t do it, it was cruel. He was going to have to tell Wyatt the truth, the faster the better. The despair and guilt wracked him, not only from Wyatt but himself. He had done what he’d had to do, hadn’t he? He’d had this argument so many times with himself, it was ridiculous. When Preston realized that Wyatt was his mate, Wyatt was younger - a lot younger. He’d been a child. The mate bond, when it collided, meant sex and biting … how the hell was he supposed to have contained himself when Wyatt was sixteen? He would have wanted to make love to him; he had wanted to make love to him, because Wyatt at sixteen had been breathtaking. Wyatt was just breathtaking at any age. Preston leaned over as Wyatt’s voice became louder, begging him to come.

  “Preston, man, what’s going on?” Sean sat down next to Preston and rubbed circles on his back.

  “Not here,” Preston motioned upstairs. Sean followed Preston up to the roof and closed the door behind them. He walked to the edge of the building where Preston was already sitting down, his feet dangling over the side. Sean sat down and looked up at the sky.

  “It’s Wyatt, isn’t it?” Sean asked. Preston nodded. “He’s at the beach right now, asking me to come and talk to him. I can’t, Sean. It’s too cruel to keep the charade going.”

  “When are you going to tell him?” “When we go to the reservation. I have no reason to keep it from him anymore and I want to do it on his home territory,” Preston sighed. “He’s so sad, he wants to explain himself. I can feel it.”

  “Why not just go then? Shift and let him see you?” “I want to, trust me. But I think it’s a bad idea. When I tell him, I want his family to be there as well. He needs to understand why we all kept our bond from him. They have that right. John and I agreed that Wyatt was too young when we first figured out I was Wyatt’s mate. He wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on anything but me. I don’t know how many times this has happened before, with one of the mates being so much younger. Wayne said he’d look into it, but it doesn’t matter anyway. I made the decision to stay away.”

  “But you didn’t. You saw him, he just didn’t see you,” Sean raised a brow. “I had to; it hurt my heart to be away from him.” Sean sighed, trying to smile. “I think you should tell him, the faster the better. Wyatt’s headstrong and stubborn, Preston. How would you feel if the roles were reversed?”

  Preston furrowed his brows. “Oh no…” Sean nodded. “Oh, yeah.”

  Chapter Eight

  Morning found Wyatt in Preston’s Jeep flying down I-5. Wyatt relaxed into the heated seat; the music was blasting on the stereo and Wyatt sang along. The crisp morning air whipped his short hair and he watched the towns fly by. They passed through Olympia and hooked up with the 8. Wyatt watched as the scenery changed; the road became two lanes and Mountain Hemlock trees towered, reaching towards the sky. Wyatt let the sights and sounds invade his senses, he could almost taste the ocean. His mate had never answered him the night before, and Wyatt felt as if somehow he’d known that would happen. He was going to try again when they got back. His mate deserved that. The three hour drive seemed to fly by and before he knew it Preston was pulling onto the reservation. Wyatt saw his dad come out with his brothers and jumped out of the Jeep.

  “Dad!” Wyatt flew into his father and hugged him, closing his eyes. “Whoa!” John smiled, holding his son. “Look at you, seems like just

  yesterday you stood up to my kneecaps.”

  “I missed you, Dad.” Wyatt opened his eyes to see Joe and Nadine coming out of their house. “Hi Nadine, Joe!”

  “Look at you, little Wyatt Quinton,” Nadine smiled and watched Preston making his way over. “And you brought a friend.”

  “Oh! Yeah. Nadine. Joe. This is Preston, my boyfriend.” Wyatt could feel his cheeks warming.

  Nadine smiled and took Preston’s hand with a wink. “It’s good to meet you, Preston.”

  “Well,” John looked at Wyatt and Preston. “Let’s get you two settled and then we can all eat lunch.”

  Wyatt looked around. “Where are Dakota and Sam?” “Everybody’s coming. They will all be here tonight when we have the

  bonfire.” John took his son’s hand. “Now come with me so I can get you and
Preston settled in.”

  The rest of the afternoon was spent with Wyatt showing Preston the

  reservation. They walked along the shoreline taking in the sun and the smell of the water. Wyatt told Preston all about growing up on the reservation. They walked hand in hand and Wyatt smiled up at the man he was in love with. By the time they got back, Nadine had made dinner and everyone had shown up. Grayson and Xander sat with their husbands, along with Sawyer and Troy on one side of the large wooden table. Wyatt smiled at Dakota and Sam next to him. Dakota took his hand and kissed his forehead.

  “Sam and I got you a gift.” Dakota handed the box to Wyatt with a grin. “That’s sweet, guys.” Wyatt opened the box and looked inside. He laughed and pulled out the babble ball he had enjoyed so much as a pup. “No way!”

  “Yep, we even put batteries in it,” Sam chuckled softly.

  Wyatt shook the ball and the helium voice spat out of it. ‘Good doggie.’ “This is cool guys,” Wyatt hugged Dakota. “I love it. I love all of the gifts.” Wyatt grinned at his father.

  “What? If you insist on wearing an earring, it should be an emerald.”

  “Okay, now for the cake!” Nadine clapped her hands together. “Guys,” Wyatt smiled at the table full of people and felt Preston’s hand on his thigh. “This is so sweet. You didn’t have to do all of this for me. Nineteen is not a milestone.”

  “It is to us.” John squeezed his son’s shoulders. Nadine brought the cake out and set it in front of Wyatt. John kissed Wyatt’s head. “Make a wish.”

  “Okay.” Wyatt closed his eyes and thought of Preston. He wished they would be together forever. Wyatt took a deep breath and blew out all the candles. The table erupted in clapping and Wyatt swiped at the icing on the side of the cake. He looked at Nadine, eyes wide. “Rum?”


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