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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 2

by Celeste Prater

  The gradual lift of the stage curtain accompanied by a disembodied, sultry, masculine voice brought her perusal and the floor action to a halt. “Ladies, Drusus is in need of a little love tonight. This cowboy believes he may have broken one of your hearts today. Who among you can bring him comfort?”

  The opening electric guitar riffs of Sister Hazel’s “Your Winter” seeped out to the crowd like beckoning fingers. Women moved as one quiet body to plaster themselves against the stage. The agonizingly slow-lifting curtain began revealing black shit-kickers, leather chaps hugging long, muscular thighs, and a prominent bulge pushing out faded jeans below a glinting silver belt buckle. A tight, white wife-beater hugged his ridged abs, displaying sculpted pecs and broad shoulders. A thick tail of glistening, blue-black hair lay over his left shoulder, nearly reaching his small, tight nipple. A big leather-gloved hand gripped the horn of a saddle dangling by his right side, massive forearm and bicep flexing as he gradually lowered it to the floor. Slowly he went down to his knees, revealing a strong neck and jawline. A low-pulled straw Stetson hid his eyes, but only emphasized his full sensual lips and aquiline nose. Lina felt her heart flutter just taking in the massive size of this entirely too good-looking man. Mesmerized, she couldn’t pull her eyes away from his fluid movements or the chiseled muscles working under that flawless skin. As the music strained and cried for the audience to forgive him, he stretched both arms out to the side, palms out, and slumped his head back, offering this body as compensation for his faults. His chest rose and fell quickly as he inhaled deeply and thoroughly.

  As one, the crowd leaned closer, arms pushing forward, beseeching this beautiful creature to come to them. Head slowly tilting back down, one side of his lips lifted into a cocky grin as he gradually removed his gloves. Tossing them aside, he dropped slowly to his hands. He moved as a graceful predator now toward the enchanted, screaming women, rising back to his spread knees as their hands moved familiarly across his body and began stuffing money into his waistband. He lovingly ran his long fingers through their hair, touching exposed shoulders, kissing foreheads and cheeks before continuing slowly down the enthralled pack.

  “Daaaayummmm!” exclaimed Cassie, jerking Lina from her openmouthed stupor. Lina’s eyes shot over to a wild-eyed Cassie vigorously pointing to their shot glasses.

  “I need a drink and then some. Bottoms up, girlfriend!”

  Simultaneously licking their left hands between thumb and forefinger then a haphazard application of salt, Lina and Cassie lifted their shots, clinked, and downed the fiery liquid. A quick swipe of tongue over salty skin, limes shoved between clenching teeth, they froze to enjoy the increasing warmth from gullet to belly.

  Heaving a breathy sigh, Cassie perched her chin on her palm. “Now isn’t this better than sitting in front of fifteen TVs tuned to ESPN while trolling guys with hot wing sauce dripping down their chins and a different type of six-pack under their shirt?”

  Drawing in a cool gulp of what she considered the smoothest beer on Earth, Lina nodded enthusiastically at Cassie’s profile, still speechless even as she felt something shoved into her hand. Looking down at the wad of dollar bills, she stared stupidly at Cassie for a moment before shaking her head back and forth in denial. “Unh uh, no way.”

  “Yes way. Get up there. I’m getting more shots. Go on now! I saw the way you were eye-balling him. Get a close-up, girl. Chest thumping, remember?” Unceremoniously pulling her from the chair and shoving her forward, Cassie pointed to the stage. “Quick, while the herd is thinning out.”

  Walking on numb legs, clutching her stash of bills, Lina weaved her way through the tables, eventually sliding into an opening at the far end of the stage. The next song was beginning and the hunk picked up the saddle, tossing it to the side as if it weighed nothing.

  Okay, calm the hell down, you idiot. He’s just a man…he’s just a man…hey is that Vertical Horizon playing now? I like that band…ah hell…he’s taking off his chaps…I knew it! His ass is magnificent! Not fair…not fair!”

  Pulling her eyes away from his swaying body, she began smoothing out the crumpled bills in her shaking palm. One, two, three, four…is this enough? Why does Cassie wad her money this way? And why am I surprised? Her apartment screams of rumpled, too. Figures! Are those boots in front of me? No, those are knees now. Don’t look up…don’t look up…Ah hell!

  Chapter 2

  His hat was gone now, revealing hair so black it cast bluish highlights as he moved closer. His big hands grasped the front neckline of his shirt, painstakingly ripping it down the center. His body was hairless, save for a narrow band of soft black trailing down from his navel into his jeans. Feeling a jolt of embarrassment for lingering too long near his crotch, Lina dragged her eyes up tightly packed abdominal muscles toward a silver necklace twinkling at the center of his chest. A curved predator tooth nestled between the massive chest muscles bunching and flexing as he pulled away the torn garment. Focusing on the necklace, she caught glimpses of feminine hands moving across his bronzed arms, wide shoulders, narrow waist, and thick thighs. Bewildered, she stared at the strong hand extending the torn shirt to her, the other gently pushing the foreign hands from his body.

  Tentatively, she reached out and took the cotton shirt, inexplicably pulling it to her face, lowering her lashes and inhaling deeply. A rich, masculine scent hit her nose, spicy with a hint of cinnamon, and so very addictive. Her eyes immediately shot up to his. They were piercing green, fringed in thick, black lashes, narrowed, and studying her intently. She was lost in his gaze. The world shrank and disappeared behind his wide shoulders. The music wrapped around her like a warm blanket, lyrics pebbling her shivering skin. The words were haunting in their description of an infinite connection felt between lovers. Even during the pain of separation, the joining would last forever. She suddenly felt like crying at the idea that he might break the invisible thread tying them together in this surreal moment. She gasped at the insanity of her thoughts.

  Some undecipherable emotion flickered across his face before he shook his head and continued the intense perusal of her face. She felt heat shoot up her chest and blaze across her cheeks. Embarrassed, she made to step back but he gently gripped her shoulder, pulling her closer. Remembering the money in her hand, she pushed it toward him but he only shook his head while lowering it next to hers. She heard him softly inhaling before warm lips pressed against her ear. Deep rumbling words made a direct hit to her nerve center.

  “Wait for me.” Releasing her shoulder, he pulled himself up, turned and walked backstage.

  * * * *

  Staring out into the club from the two-way mirror positioned at the side of the stage door, Drusus felt a large hand land on his shoulder.

  “Trejani, are you all right? You left the set unfinished.”

  “Yes, Maxim. I am okay. Please, take the stage now.” Acknowledging the sympathetic pat with a grunt, he immediately released the breath he had been holding. Thankfully, Chiron had adjusted quickly to his departure, fluidly transitioning to the next music set and introduction. Confused feminine faces instantly transformed back to happiness and lust as the loin-clothed Maxim burst onstage, the cowboy instantly forgotten.

  Yes, he was their Trejani, their prince. He must remain focused. Losing control was unforgivable. Too much was at stake. Too many lives depended on his reasoning and logic. He was here with one goal, a goal that would determine if his species, as well as their world, survived. Insedivertus, his home world, would continue to thrive with what he had accomplished. Distraction bred failure.

  Reluctantly ignoring those thoughts, Drusus refocused on the lovely creature making her way back to her seat, clutching his shirt to her chest. He had never relinquished his clothing to a female before. Why had he done that? He hadn’t even made it down half the row of screaming females when he felt her presence. Focused on arranging something in her hand, she was oblivious to his veering off course and planting himself before her. Ripping his shirt and thrusting
it toward her had produced a sudden barbaric urge to run it all over her body, marking her with his scent. Instead, he held it gently before her. When she willingly took it from his hand and then immediately pressed it to her face to inhale his scent, he fought from pulling her onstage with him. When those innocent, clear blue eyes bore into his, he had lost focus on everything around him. Had he known better, he would have thought himself in Conciliatio—force-bound to her.

  He should have let her go when he saw her face redden and attempt to move away. Without thinking, he had held her in place, denying her monetary offer. Instead, he had demanded her to wait for him as he inhaled her vibrant energy and scent. Her vitality was different from the others, rich and exhilarating. He knew what lust felt like, but this was unique and compelling. Knowing that he had not touched her neck or wrists, much less kissed her mouth, he remained confounded as to this draw. Placing his palm against the necklace lying against his chest he found it cool to the touch. His mind reeled in its attempt to find reason for his strange behavior. Over the last five years, he had seen thousands of women pass through this place. Years of being touched, licked, scratched, and groped by every size, shape, and personality in one’s imagination had left him immune to their wiles. Yet with this one he had actually seen her, had really taken the time to look beyond the simple acquisition of energy into his being.

  Watching her settle back into her seat, his shaft continued its brutal ache, relentless in its intention to be free from his jeans. She was flawless with milky white skin, plush breasts, and rounded hips. His hands clenched at the thought of grasping those softly cushioned hips while he drove into her repeatedly. Pulling those beautifully plump thighs around his waist, palming the ample mounds of that glorious ass as he relentlessly pushed her toward completion. Hearing his name screamed from those soft, pink lips as he watched the pleasure he gave twist her beautiful face in agonized bliss. Grabbing his groin, he squeezed, demanding his thick, hardened member to cease the agony.

  No, this could not be just from her. He had pulled in a lot of energy. Deprived for so many days, he had siphoned every molecule of erotic lust and desire from that group. He simply needed to release the excess. Yes, he would sleep, giving the remainder back to his world. No, she was not his Occasio—a potential mate. He had not touched her in that manner. He did not need it, ever again. Nodding to confirm his decision, he glanced at his men. Even though they all stood still as statues, he felt the insistent push at his mind for answers. Knocking away the money circling his waist, he slammed his barriers in place, daring them to continue. Respectfully acknowledging his decree, they turned away, resuming their prior activity. Pulling on a shirt, he quietly slipped back to his darkened roped domain. Gaze roving from front door to locker room, his resolve faded each time his eyes found her face.

  * * * *

  Lina stared straight at the stage, oblivious to the loin-clothed behemoth kneeling before a fire while pouring water down his glorious body. What in the hell just happened? She didn’t even remember making it back to the table. Surprisingly, Cassie sat quietly next to her. Realizing her fingers were aching, she slowly looked down to the white fabric held to her chest. Resisting the insane urge to stuff it back to her nose, she quickly pushed it onto the table, palms out as if she really expected it to leap back at her. Cassie’s warm hand on her forearm alerted her brain to kick-start her breathing again. Pulling her hands to her lap, fingers twisting together, she shot a furtive glance at Cassie. Relieved to see the sobering look instead of amusement, her shoulders slumped back into normal position.

  “Girl, I’m speechless. What did you do to him?”

  “Me? What do you mean me? I’m at a loss as to even explain how I ended up back in this chair!”

  “That man made a direct beeline to you. He was shoving the other women off him while he presented his little barbaric gift to you. Hell, I’ve never seen one leave the stage before the last song. That’s got to be a first.”

  Lina swallowed hard against the lump in her throat. “He told me to wait for him.”

  “What?” That perked Cassie into bouncing activity, head swinging around to look for an immediate intrusion. Seeing nothing threatening in their immediate vicinity, Cassie leaned closer, cocking an eyebrow before purring, “So are you?”

  “Am I what?”

  “Don’t be obtuse, you know what I mean. Are you going to leave with him tonight?”

  Straightening her spine, she shot Cassie an incredulous look. “Don’t be ridiculous! That man is a player. I bet he’s done it a thousand times! Different night…different woman.” Finding strength in her own ramblings, her chin tilted higher in defiance. “The only sure bet is he’ll be over in a few minutes asking if I want a private dance. Not going to happen, sister.”

  Long fingernails drumming the tabletop, Cassie lifted one to casually point across the room. “Maybe not in a few minutes, Lina, but he is over there staring a hole through the back of your head. I give you fifteen minutes, tops.”

  Unable to help herself, Lina swung her head toward the corner Cassie had gestured at. Eyes squinting to pierce the darkness, she focused and found her mark. There he sat, the arrogant bastard. Slouched low on a high-backed couch, arms crossed over his chest with his legs splayed wide. Heat shot to her face once again at his intense scrutiny. Determined not to lose this game of chicken, she cocked her head, examining his body with equal fervor. It is impossible for that man to get better looking than right at this moment. Damn it, focus, you idiot! Desperate relief washed over her as his head turned to the large man stepping over the velvet rope, blocking her tormentor’s perch.

  Grabbing her purse, she stuffed the shirt inside and jumped from her chair. “Come on Cassie. Let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough for one night.” Even as she said the words, she felt a pang of regret that she might not ever see him again. Stupid, stupid! What the hell!

  “Nope, not before I finish this last shot and get the pleasure of stuffing some cash in Maxim’s caveman pants.” Cassie’s fingers fluttered in a mock good-bye as she dove into the crowd.

  “Fine, but hurry up,” Lina groused, still mad at herself for giving that lothario a second thought. Hugging her purse close in one hand, she downed the shot with the other. Slumping against the table, she screwed her eyes tight, losing herself to the choking fire.

  “Where do you think you are going?”

  Shooting upright at the deep voice, her back slammed into a hard wall of heat. Her purse dropped to the floor. Large hands gripped her shoulders, keeping her in place. She knew it had to be him. Breathing deeply of his specific scent, her head lolled back against his chest. Something pressed against her hair, warm breath caressing her cheek. The deep vibrations across her back and low-rumbling growl next to her ear snapped her to attention. Pushing his hands away, she swung round to face him. “What do you want from me?” With a valiant effort she kept her eyes to his, refusing to be intimidated by his overwhelming presence or zero in on how that black T-shirt clung to bulging chest and arms. He said nothing as she curiously watched his features soften then swiftly flicker from puzzlement back to stony determination. Had she just imagined the vulnerability before he masked it with that strong glare?

  “I don’t know.”

  Before she could huff out a comeback to his inane response, she froze when he rapidly moved his hands to the back of her head and removed her scrunchy. Slowly, he drifted his fingers through her hair, pulling it forward over her shoulders to drop against her breasts. His eyes lingered on her chest for a few moments before drifting back and locking with hers.

  Instinctively, she grasped his thick wrists and casually moved them down to his sides, eyes never leaving his. Bravado firmly in place, she rose on the balls of her feet, reached up with one hand to the back of his neck, and began sliding the leather tie from his hair. Reaching the end of the silky tail, she gave it a quick tug. Lifting her chin higher, she cocked an eyebrow at his amused look.

  Snatching her
forearm, his face returned to that implacable stone he seemed to wear so easily. He turned her wrist to his nose and inhaled. Fascinated, she watched his sensual lips part and his pink tongue glide slowly across her wrist.

  Suddenly flinging his head back, his eyes shut tight. Releasing a loud roar, he grabbed frantically at the center of his chest. White teeth clenching in agony, he yanked the front of his shirt forward then released it just as quickly. Those piercing, green eyes bore into hers as his beautifully arched brows lifted in surprise.

  Breathless and frightened at the display, she tried to step back, but he only tightened his grip on her arm.

  Dropping his chin to his chest, his breath came in labored bursts, his words low and gravelly. “Ah, mellis! Tam bona! So good, so good.”

  “Who the hell is Mellis and what…oommphf!” She could do nothing but sink into the warmth of his sensuous mouth as it slammed down against hers. His tongue speared between her lips, demanding entry. He took ownership of her senses. He licked the inside of her cheeks, sucked her tongue into his mouth, nipped at her lips then soothed the stinging bites with a soft brush of his lips. She vaguely registered his big hands at her waist before he easily lifted and pinned her to the wall, his mouth never leaving hers. As his hard body pressed against hers, she threw willing arms around his neck, digging her short nails into his back. Oh! Christ, he tastes good! Releasing her waist, he pulled her thighs up to ride along his narrow hips. One broad hand cupped her ass as the other gripped her lower back, locking her in place. She felt his thick, hard length relentlessly pressing at her clit, fucking her through their clothes. Her heated pussy began clinching in response, aching for his heavy length to do more than press against her. Ripping her lips away from his, she buried her face in his neck, a low moan whispering across his skin, “Oh god! I’m going to come!”


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