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Untamed Hawaiian Heat (Rift Hunters)

Page 19

by MacLean, Shay

  Thanos shuddered at the thought of being at the old man’s mercy again. Once was more than enough. Especially with the side effects he’d had ever since. “No, thank you. If you want to capture my brother, be my guest.” He looked back at the woman walking with Tiaki. “But I want the woman.” Oh, and how he wanted her. He had to refrain from reaching down and adjusting his cock. No sense in letting the bitch sisters know just how much he wanted her. They’d probably find a way to use it against him.

  Proioxis and Palioxis took hold of his arms. “Let’s go retrieve your mistake. The faster we get back to ‘Iolani Palace, the better. Mother needs to be apprised of this new development.”

  Thanos flinched at the mention of Ferran. He’d been a few seconds too late to stop him from being captured. The sight of Mateo, alive and well—a man who should have been dead—had distracted him. He knew everything there was to know about his big brother. A healer he was not. He shouldn’t have been able to heal the puny human enough for him to survive. “Of course,” he said, his voice docile and obedient. The last thing he wanted was for Atê to get wind of any disobedience on his part. He’d heard she made what the bitches did for punishment look like child’s play. He had no intention of ever finding out if that was true.

  Grasping his laser pistol, he accessed his computer implants, closed his eyes, and began drawing on Earth’s magic as subtly as possible. He didn’t want to alert Tiaki to his presence, and the surest way to get his attention would be to pull on the magic too quickly. Tiaki would be on him the second he heard Earth’s magic calling for help.

  His whole body jerked as the needles holding the magic pierced the skin of his arm beneath his cybernetic extensions. When he opened his eyes again, he didn’t need a mirror to know they would be glowing with an eerie fluorescent blue light.

  Time to retrieve the bastard who’d allowed himself to be captured.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kiana stood motionless, watching Mateo disappear behind the Com Center. Taking a deep breath, she steeled her resolve. She had no choice but to continue with the plan Niki had helped her with. She needed him to listen. Not only to her feelings about the soul bond, but to Tiaki as well. If this was the only way to accomplish that, then so be it.

  He didn’t want to acknowledge how he felt about Tiaki. That was obvious. She knew it had something to do with Remi. But what?

  Steeling her resolve, Kiana turned to face Tiaki. The intensity of the sensations rushing through Mateo and Tiaki during her dance had almost caused her to miss a step. And if the reaction Tiaki had tried to hide when she’d brushed Mateo’s tattoo was any indication, he was on edge too. Now she just needed to get Mateo there.

  Tiaki reached for her, the need to comfort shining in his eyes.

  She shook her head and held out her hand to him. “I’d like to show you something. Will you come with me?”

  Without a word, he slipped his hand into hers, lacing their fingers together intimately. A spark shot through her at the contact. It sent warmth spreading through her, making her magic purr contentedly. Instead of making a big deal out of it, she decided to pretend it was natural to feel something so intense just from holding hands.

  She tugged on his hand, and they began to walk down the path in the opposite direction from where Mateo had gone. They strolled along in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts.

  Kiana glanced sideways at Tiaki. “What’s it like?”

  Tiaki looked up at her question. “What is what like?” He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, sending a spark of lightning dancing up her arm.

  She studied him for a moment before returning her attention to the path. “Traveling through a rift,” she said, when what she really wanted to ask about was the soul bond. She decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to start with that, though.

  Tiaki looked up and examined the sky as if a rift might open at any moment. “The energy of a rift is more or less the same as what we wield on our own. Only stronger, like the magic residing within the core of a planet. Raw, wild, and untamed. Normally you have the opportunity to coax a rift to open so the magic will respond to your control. And going through one is like being held in the arms of a lover…safe, warm, and exhilarating.” His gaze flew to hers when he realized what he’d said; then he quickly looked away. “This last time, though…” He trailed off as though he were recalling the memory of the night he’d come into her life.

  “What about the last time?” she asked gently when it seemed he wasn’t going to continue. “How was it different?”

  Tiaki stared ahead of them. “I told you the last time I was closing a rift. I still have no idea why it was open.”

  “Could a Rift Hunter have left it open?”

  Tiaki shook his head and focused on her. “No. A Rift Hunter would never have left a rift open. We have a creed we have to swear to uphold before the Council will allow you to go through the Genesis Ceremony.”

  “What’s the Genesis Ceremony?”

  “When you’ve learned all there is to learn about wielding your magic and that of a planet, you go through a ceremony where you swear to uphold the creed. If the magic feels you are worthy, it marks you as one of its own.” His tone held a note of reverence as he spoke of the process. “That’s what this is.” He pointed to the symbol on his neck.

  Kiana cleared her throat. “And the creed?” she asked to keep from giving in to the urge to stop him and press her lips to his genesis tattoo.

  Tiaki dropped her hand and stood at attention. He extended his left hand and began to speak, his words firm and unwavering in their sincerity. “We are Warriors. Guardians of time and space. The sword and shield we bear are our pledge to stand sentry over the fabric of the Universe. To avenge the innocent against evil, known and unknown. We are the eternal flame in the darkness, a beacon among the stars… We are Rift Hunters.”

  Kiana watched in awe as his magic curled around his hand in golden ribbons. She gasped when streams of energy emerged from the ground beneath his hand and spiraled upward like the roots of a walking tree until it met his hand. Then it began to intertwine with the magic glittering in his palm and moved up to spin a tangled web around his arm. It finally ended in a sparkling swirl on his genesis tattoo, where it sank beneath his skin as though it were coming home.

  Tiaki gazed at her for several long moments while Earth’s magic retreated. A smile curved his lips. “During the Genesis Ceremony, you’d be receiving the mark for the first time.” He held out his hand to her. “Shall we continue on? Or…”

  That “Or…” hung in the air between them. Loaded with so many things they both wanted to say but neither would.

  Kiana slipped her hand into his. “You’re not getting rid of my company so easily,” she said, her voice barely a whisper as she tugged him into motion.

  They walked in silence for a moment. “So have there ever been any Rift Hunters who weren’t worthy?”

  Tiaki’s countenance turned bleak for a moment, and a dark shadow passed through his eyes. “Yes, there have been. It’s not good when it happens. That’s why it’s very important to be sure the person is strong enough both physically and mentally to take on the responsibilities that come with being a Rift Hunter.” He took a deep breath as though steadying his nerves. He glanced over at her. “Don’t worry. The ones I chose to go through the training had the strongest tie with the magic.”

  Kiana realized she must have frowned at his statement to warrant his reassurance. She cleared her throat. “Well, the magic obviously decided you were worthy. And I’ve seen your mark. Is it different for others?”

  Tiaki laughed, the sound rich and husky in the sultry evening air. “The Genesis Mark is the same for all Rift Hunters. Although, as I’m sure you noticed, if a Rift Hunter has a tattoo, the magic will embed itself into the ink and cause the design to shimmer in certain light.” He pointed to the tattoo on his chest. The stars around the planet seemed to twinkle red when the moonlight hit it just ri

  “Oh…” Kiana reached out to touch it but paused halfway and met his eyes.

  They had turned shadowy as his magic gathered in strength until it swirled in golden spirals within their depths. When she hesitated to touch his tattoo, he whispered huskily, “Please, Kiana…” His eyes fluttered shut, but not before she saw the reluctant surrender flash in them.

  Kiana stepped closer until mere inches separated them and brushed her fingers lightly over the glittering tattoo.

  A jolt of awareness rushed to greet her at the contact with his magic. A heat spread up her fingers and down the length of her arm. It grew in intensity as it went. She struggled to breathe as Tiaki’s emotions flooded her stronger than before.

  “Oh gods! I didn’t know how…” His voice trembled in her mind.

  Even as she heard Tiaki’s voice, her link with Mateo shuddered as he tried to shut it. She withdrew her hand immediately. She needed to keep the link open for her plan to have maximum impact.

  Tiaki opened his eyes, and their gazes locked, neither knowing what to say. His chest heaved as though winded. He inhaled sharply. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know…”

  Kiana laid a finger against his mouth. “Don’t. There’s no need to apologize.” She traced his lips, fighting the urge to lean in and sink her teeth into the lower one. She jerked her gaze back to his before she gave in to the impulse. “There wasn’t any way I could have not touched your tattoo.” Taking a steadying breath of her own, she dropped her hands to her sides and changed the subject. “Um. Shall we continue? We’re almost there.”

  Tiaki extended his hand toward the path, indicating he’d follow her. “Where are we going?” he finally asked, breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen between them.

  Kiana glanced at him and smiled. “The lagoon. It’s my favorite place here in the valley.”

  “Why is it your favorite?”

  She didn’t answer for a moment as dozens of memories flashed through her mind. From coming to the lagoon with her parents as a little girl all the way to Mateo making love to her while Tiaki watched. “My mom and dad used to bring me here for picnics when I was little. It’s the first place I remember swimming.” She omitted the fact that he’d already seen it from a distance. No sense risking his refusal to go there. She needed this plan to work. It was imperative she break down the fucking barrier Mateo had built around his heart.

  “I’m honored you want to share it with me, then.”

  The heartfelt tone in Tiaki’s voice made her cringe inwardly at her deception. She gave him a tight smile and reached through the ferns and hibiscus in front of them. She twisted slightly to step through and lost her balance when her foot caught on the root of a walking palm. She gasped as she started to fall. Grabbing for the nearest handhold, she cried out when sharp bristles punctured the skin of her hand. She let go immediately and braced herself for the impact with the ground.

  It never came.

  Instead, strong hands grasped her under the arms and pulled her up and back against a solid wall of heat. She couldn’t relish the intoxicating feeling of being pressed against Tiaki’s sculpted chest, though, due to the arrows of pain shooting through her hand.

  Carrying her in front of him, Tiaki pushed the rest of the way through the shrubbery. When they cleared the tree line, she pushed at his arm to regain her feet, but he refused to let her go.

  “Tiaki, I can walk,” she protested weakly as he shifted her so he could hook his arms under her knees. Cradling her head gently against his chest, she silently cursed herself for not remembering about the ’ākala, Hawaiian raspberry plants that dotted the tree line around this edge of the lagoon. She wasn’t used to coming this way. She hadn’t approached from the direction she normally came because she would have had to pass by her and Mateo’s hale noho. She couldn’t risk either of them suspecting what she was attempting.

  Tiaki glanced around the clearing and headed for the small shoreline at the edge of the water. “I’m sure you can, but I want to help.”

  Kiana started to protest further only to realize he was already lowering her to the soft sand. She rose to her knees to move closer to the water so she could wash out the small punctures on her hand. She’d have to do the best she could with only water for the moment and clean it thoroughly later.

  Tiaki placed a hand on one shoulder and gently pushed her back down.

  “I need…”

  He closed his eyes and whispered some words in a language she’d never heard before.

  A small pinpoint of light sprang to life in front of her and continued to grow until it was the size of a mango. It glowed with a golden light in the darkness of the clearing. “Ohh…” The single, barely audible word left her on a small puff of air.

  She tried to pull her hand away when he took it in his and uncurled her fingers. “Tiaki, it’s just a scratch. I’ll get it bandaged when we go back to camp.”

  He held on to her hand firmly and met her gaze in the warm glow of the orb. His eyes glittered with golden flecks against a black backdrop. “There’s no need to wait to have it tended. I can heal a minor scratch in no time, Kiana.”

  Mesmerized by the intensity in his eyes and the warmth of his hand on her skin, Kiana nodded her consent.

  Tiaki clasped her injured hand between his and shut his eyes.

  Kiana remained completely still, transfixed by the concentration etched in every angle of Tiaki’s face. She inhaled sharply when the punctures on her hand began to sting and burn. Her gaze flew to where he cradled it.

  A vivid, golden glow surrounded their hands and shimmered outward until the light faded into a swirling mist of variegated colors that spanned the entire spectrum. The burning intensified, and she instinctively tried to pull away.

  He held fast. “Relax, tōku tau. I’m almost finished.”

  Tiaki’s words slipped into her mind as though she’d always been able to hear him. She forced herself to take a deep breath and returned her gaze to his face. Focusing on him helped ease her desire to pull her hand away. She knew he and Mateo had healed her when she’d been injured after the attack, but she didn’t recall any of it. She breathed a sigh of relief when the glow around their hands began to subside, and the burning shifted until it was just a gentle warmth.

  Tiaki opened his eyes and met hers. “There, all better.” He released her hand and sat beside her.

  Kiana glanced at the golden orb still floating in front of them, then studied her hand. The punctures were completely healed over. Not even the pale pink of new skin growth was visible. The only thing left to indicate she’d been hurt at all were a couple of smears of blood. “How…”

  “…did I do that?” Tiaki finished her question.

  Kiana turned her head, met his gaze, and nodded.

  He smiled, showing a dimple in his left cheek. “It’s a simple healing spell. While most Rift Hunters can’t heal major injuries, we are all taught how to do basic healing in case there isn’t a more skilled healer on the team we’re assigned to.”

  “So you’re a skilled healer, then, because you were able to heal mine and Mateo’s wounds, I mean.”

  Tiaki averted his gaze and stared at the waterfall on the other side of the lagoon. “No. I’m not an expert healer.”

  When he fell silent and wouldn’t look at her, she swallowed the lump in her throat and asked, “If you’re not an expert healer, how were you able to heal our wounds?” She watched his face closely to see his reaction. “Niki told me if you hadn’t healed Mateo, he probably wouldn’t have made it back to camp.”

  Tiaki clenched his jaw so hard, she could see his muscles strain from the effort. He raked a hand through his hair and whispered, “I know.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I honestly don’t know how I was able to heal the wounds he sustained, Kiana. I was really only trying to help him enough for your men to bring him back to the Med Center so Niki and Ash could give him the care he needed.”

  Kiana stared at him for a long moment, her mind w
orking through all the possibilities. In the end, there was only one she could come up with for him to have been able to mend the wounds Mateo had received. “How did you get the poison out of my system?”

  Tiaki pushed himself up before answering her. “Mateo and I combined our magic and forced the poison out. Because I was already greatly weakened, Mateo did most of the healing. I just directed his magic on what needed to be done.” He started to walk to the edge of the water.

  Kiana stood and grabbed his shoulder. He stopped but didn’t turn around. “The soul bond started that night, didn’t it? That’s why you were able to heal us.” It was a statement of fact. She knew deep inside that was what had happened.

  Tiaki remained silent, still refusing to face her.

  “That’s also the reason the three of us have been getting flashes of each other’s emotions. Especially when we have an intimate encounter. The soul bond can’t be stopped, can it?” The muscles under her hand stiffened, and she knew she’d hit a nerve.

  “It doesn’t matter, Kiana, when it started. Or if it can be stopped. Once I’ve trained your men, I’ll be moving on to find others to train. When I’ve contacted the Citadel, I’ll be leaving as soon as it’s approved for me to open a rift.”

  Anger coursed through her at his refusal to say this to her face. Using her cybernetic strength, she spun him around to look at her. “So you’re just going to give up?” Her magic gathered with each word she forced out. “What would happen if just you and I completed the soul bond?”

  Tiaki studied her for a moment.

  She looked away when he remained silent. She didn’t want him to see the irritation she felt over his and Mateo’s stubbornness in the glow of his magical orb of light. His silence said it all.

  He cupped her cheek and forced her to meet his gaze. “I honestly don’t know what would happen, Kiana. With as vast as the Phoenix Galaxy is, there are many Rift Hunters who never meet their soul mate, so there is much we don’t understand about how the soul bond works.” He rubbed her lips with his thumb. “I didn’t believe it was possible to find your soul mate in another galaxy altogether. And I’ve never known a soul bond that wasn’t completed by all involved.” He dropped his hands to his sides. “I refuse to risk finding out.”


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