Acheson, Dean
Action Painting
Adams, Alice
Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Flemish polyptych)
Adventures of Augie March, The (Bellow)
African Americans
Age of Longing, The (Koestler)
Age of Reason, The (Sartre)
aigle à deux têtes, L’ (The Two-Headed Eagle) (Cocteau)
Akhmatova, Anna
À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust)
Algren, Nelson
Alliance Française
Altman, Georges
Aly Khan, Prince
American in Paris, An (film)
American National Interests Commissary
American Trade Unions
Andromaque (Racine)
Annales School
Anouilh, Jean
Antelme, Robert
Antigone (Anouilh)
anti-roman (anti-novel)
“Anti-Semite and Jew” (Sartre)
anti-Semitic laws
Aragon, Louis
Arcachon, France
Arche, L’
Arendt, Hannah
Armistice of June 1940
Armorin, Jean-François
Armstrong, Louis
Aron, Raymond
Arp, Jean
Arrival and Departure (Koestler)
Artaud, Antonin
“Art et Résistance” exhibition
asphyxie, L’ (In the Prison of Her Skin) (Leduc)
Assouline, Pierre
Astaire, Fred
Atlantic Monthly
Aumont, Jean-Pierre
Aury, Dominique
Ayer, A. J.
Bacall, Lauren
Baldwin, James
Balmain, Pierre
Balzac, Honoré de
Barbary Shore (Mailer)
Barbezat, Olga (née Kechelievitch)
Bardot, Anne-Marie
Bardot, Brigitte
bar du crépuscule, Le (Twilight Bar) (Koestler)
Barrault, Jean-Louis
Barthes, Roland
Bartók, Belá
Baudelaire, Charles
Bazelon, David
Bazin, André
Bazin, Germain
Beach, Sylvia
Beaton, Cecil
Beauvoir, Simone de
abortion and
affairs and
Algren and
America and
atomic bombing of Japan and
Bardot and Sagan and
Camus and
Communists and
drugs and
existentialism and
Gallimard and
as independent woman
jazz and
Koestler and
La Louisiane hotel and
Leduc and
Les Temps modernes and
Liberation and
moves to rue de la Bûcherie
non-Communist left and
Occupation and
Picasso and
Portugal and Spain and
prewar life
Sartre and
teaching and
Wright and
writes Le sang des autres
writes Les mandarins
writes L’invitée
writes The Second Sex
writes Tous les hommes sont mortels
writing discipline of
Bechet, Sidney
Beckett, Samuel
Behrstock, Julian
Being and Nothingness. See être et le néant, L’
belle et la bête, La (Beauty and the Beast) (Cocteau)
Bellow, Anita
Bellow, Gregory
Bellow, Saul
Benveniste, Asa
Bérard, Christian
Berg, Marina de
Bergé, Pierre
Bergson, Henri
Berlin, Isaiah
Bernanos, Georges
Berr, Hélène
Bettina (Bettina Graziani)
Beveridge, William
Bevin, Ernest
Bidault, Georges
Bienenfeld, Bianca
Black Boy (Wright)
Black Metropolis (Drake and Cayton)
Blair, Betsy
Blake, Patricia
Blanzat, Jean
Blin, Roger
Bloch, Marc
Blum, Léon
Bogart, Humphrey
Boitel, Jeanne (Mozart)
Bonjour tristesse (Sagan)
Bonnard, Abel
Bonnard, Pierre
Book Committee
Book of American Negro Spirituals, The (Johnson)
“Born in 1925” (Stéphane)
Bost, Jacques-Laurent
Boulez, Pierre
Bourla, Jean-Pierre
Boussac, Marcel
Bowles, Paul
Bradley, Omar
Brâncusi, Constantin
Brando, Marlon
Braque, Georges
Atelier IX
Brasillach, Robert
Brasseur, Pierre
Braun, Pierre
Brauner, Victor
Breker, Arno
Brentano, Bettina
Breton, André
Breton, Jacqueline
British army
British Royal Air Force (RAF)
Brook, Peter
Brown, John L.
Brownell, Sonia (later Orwell)
Bruller, Jean “Vercors”
Buber-Neumann, Margarete “Greta”
Buchwald, Art
Buffet, Bernard
Bullitt, Louisa Gross Horowitz
Bullitt, William Christian, Jr.
Butor, Michel
Cage, John
Cahiers d’Art
Calder, Alexander
Caligula (Camus)
calmant, Le (The Calmative) (Beckett)
Camus, Albert
Camus, Catherine
Camus, Francine Faure
Camus, Jean
Canadian army
Canard enchaîné, Le
Capa, Robert
Capital (Marx)
Capote, Truman
Carentan, France
Carné, Marcel
Caron, Leslie
Carone, Walter
Carré, Louis
Cartier-Bresson, Henri
Casablanca (film)
Casanova, Laurent
Casarès, Maria
Catholic Church
Cau, Jean
Cayton, Horace R.
Cazalis, Anne-Marie
Cazaux, Yves
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand
censorship by Nazis
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Cervantes, Guadalupe
Césaire, Aimé
Ce Soir
Cézanne, Paul
Chabrol, Claude
Chagall, Marc
Chamson, André
Chandler, Raymond
Chanel, Coco
Chaplin, Charlie
chemins de la liberté, Les (The Roads to Freedom) (Sartre)
Chenal, Pierre (Philippe Cohen)
Chevalier, Maurice
Chim (David Seymour)
Chirico, Giorgio de
Choltitz, Deitrich von
Churchill, Winston
Citizen Kane (film)
Claudel, Paul
Clift, Montgomery
Cocteau, Jean
Cold War
purge of
Comité Général d’Études
/> Comité National de la Résistance (CNR)
Comité National des Écrivains (CNE)
Committee for the First Amendment
Communists, French
resistance and
Communists, Italian
Communists, U.S.
Communist Trade Union (CGT)
Communist Youth Movement
Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité (CRS)
concentration camps
Connolly, Cyril
Connolly, Patricia
Conrad, Joseph
containment policy
Cooper, Gary
Couturier, Pierre
“Crab and the Butterfly, The” (Bellow)
Crack-Up, The (Fitzgerald)
Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli) (Levi)
Croix, La
Crowther, Bosley
Cummings, E. E.
Cunningham, Merce
Cuny, Alain
Czech coup of 1948
Dalí, Gala
Dalí, Salvador
Dangling Man (Bellow)
Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
Daughter of the Regiment, The (Donizetti)
David, Jacques-Louis
The Coronation of Napoleon
da Vinci, Leonardo
Mona Lisa
Davis, Cheryl
Davis, Garry
Davis, Gregory
Davis, Meyer
Davis, Miles
D-Day landings
Déchevaux-Dumesnil, Suzanne
Décour, Jacques
de Gaulle, Charles
de Gaulle, Geneviève
Delacroix, Eugène
Delvaux, Paul
Democratic Party (U.S.)
Descartes, René
De Sica, Vittorio
deuxième sexe, Le. See Second Sex, The
Diaghilev, Sergei
Dien Bien Phu, Battle of
Dietrich, Marlene
Dincklage, Hans Günther von
Dior, Christian
Disney, Walt
Doisneau, Robert
Dos Passos, John
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Drake, St. Clair
Drancy internment camp
Dreyfus affair
Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre
Dubuffet, Jean
Duc, Hélène
Duchamp, Marcel
Duhamel, Marcel
Dullin, Charles
Dumas, Alexandre
Dumont, Madame
Duras, Marguerite
Duthuit, Georges
Eastern Europe
Economic Cooperation Act (1948)
écume des jours, L’ (Foam of the Days) (Vian)
Éditions de Minuit, Les (Midnight Editions)
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eleutheria (Beckett)
Elizabeth, queen of England
Ellington, Duke
Ellison, Ralph
Éluard, Paul
Emergency Rescue Committee
End as a Man (Willingham)
“End of the War, The” (Sartre)
enfants du paradis, Les (Children of Paradise) (film)
Engel, Monroe
Engelman, Wilfred
Entente Cordiale
envers et l’endroit, L’ (Betwixt and Between) (Camus)
Ernst, Max
Escoffier, Madame
Essling, Princess d’
étranger, L’ (The Outsider) (Camus)
être et le néant, L’ (Being and Nothingness) (Sartre)
Europe, independent
European Common Market
Ève et les autres (Thomas)
“Everybody’s Protest Novel” (Baldwin)
expulsé, L’ (The Expelled) (Beckett)
“Faith and Bad Faith” (Merleau-Ponty)
Farrell, James T.
Fascism, Italy and
Faulkner, William
Faure, Francine. See Camus, Francine Faure
Fautrier, Jean
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Femmes françaises
Fernandez, Ramon
“feu dans la nuée, Le” (“Fire and Cloud”) (Wright)
Figaro, Le
fin, La (The End) (Beckett)
Fischer, John
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flanner, Janet (Genêt)
Flaubert, Gustave
Flies, The. See mouches, Les
Flying Dutchman, The (Wagner)
Foch, Ferdinand Jean Marie
Force Ouvrière (FO)
Forces Françaises Intérieures (FFI)
Ford, John
Fougeron, André
Second Republic
Third Republic
Fourth Republic
France, Anatole
France Dimanche
Franco, Francisco
Free French
French army
2nd Armored Division (2nd DB)
Third Army
French constitution
of 1875
of 1946 (Gaullist)
French Consultative Assembly
French Court of Justice
French elections
of 1945
of 1946
French exiles
French Foreign Legion
French Hussars
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
French Ministry of Information
French National Archives
French National Assembly
French National Library
French Revolution
French Senate
Freud, Lucian
Freud, Sigmund
Freund, Gisèle
Front National, Le
Front Populaire
“Front Rouge” (Aragon)
Full Employment in a Free Society (Beveridge)
Gabin, Jean
Galérie Arnaud Lefebvre
Galérie Maeght
Galérie René Drouin
Gallimard, Gaston
Gallimard publishers
Gamelin, Maurice Gustave
Garaudy, Roger
García Lorca, Federico
Gardens and Roads (Jünger)
Geist, Eileen
Geist, Stanley
Generation of Vipers (Wylie)
Genet, Jean
Gengenbach, Abbot
Geometric Abstraction
George VI, king of England
Gerbe, La
German army (Wehrmacht)
German Institute
German Luftwaffe
German Naval Forces
German SD (Sicherheistdienst)
German SS (Schutzstaffel)
Germany, Nazi
Soviet Nonaggression Pact
surrender of
Germany, postwar
Gershwin, George
Giacometti, Alberto
L’homme qui marche (Man Walking)
GI Bill
Gide, André
Gillespie, Dizzy
Gilot, Françoise
Giroud, Françoise
Glen, Tyree
Gloria (Resistance network)
Godard, Jean-Luc
God That Failed, The
Goethe, Johann W. von
Goldmann, Lucien
Goodman, Mitchell
Göring, Hermann
Gorky, Agnès
Gorky, Arshile
Go Tell It on the Mountain (Baldwin)
Goudeket, Maurice
Gramsci, Antonio
“Grand Schisme, Le” (Aron)
bsp; Granger, Farley
Grant, Cary
Gréco, Charlotte
Gréco, Juliette
Greenberg, Clement
Grr, Les
Guéhenno, Jean
Guggenheim, Peggy
Guillot, Laure Albin
Guitry, Sacha
Guyonnet, Jean
Hardwick, Elizabeth
Hardy, Daphne
Hare, David
Harper’s Bazaar
Hartung, Hans
Hawkins, Coleman
Hawkins, Eric
Hawks, Howard
Hayworth, Rita
Hegel, Georg W. F
Heidegger, Martin
Hélion, Jean
Heller, Gerhard
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemingway, Patrick
Hepburn, Katharine
“Heroic Times” (Koestler)
Herrand, Marcel
Herrick, Myron T.
Herrigel, Eugen
Hidden God (Goldmann)
Himes, Chester
Hiroshima and Nagaski
His Girl Friday (film)
Histoire d’O (Story of O) (Réage/Aury)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf
Ho Chi Minh
Hoetis, Themistocles (George Solomos)
Holiday, Billie
Hollywood Ten
Holocaust. See also concentration camps
Homme du sud, L’ (The Southerner) (film)
Hoover, J. Edgar
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Hughes, Langston
Hugo, Victor
Huis clos (No Exit) (Sartre)
Humanité, L’
Humbert, Agnès
Huston, John
I Chose Freedom (Kravchenko)
If This Is a Man (Levi)
“Impromptu de Philosophes, L’” (Camus)
Informel movement
International Brigades
International Herald Tribune
International Relief and Rescue Committee
invitée, L’ (She Came to Stay) (Beauvoir)
Iron Curtain
“Is Existentialism a Humanism?” (Sartre)
Italian Neorealism
“I Tried to Be a Communist” (Wright)
Jacques, Robert
Jaeger, Claude
James, Henry
Jarre, Maurice
Jaujard, Jacques
Javanais, Les (Men of Nowhere) (Malaquais)
Jazzmen (Russell and Smith)
Jefferies, Cynthia
Je Suis Partout
Occupation and
J’irai Cracher sur vos tombes (I’ll Spit on Your Graves) (Sullivan/Vian)
Joan of Arc
Johnson, James Weldon
Jour de fête (film)
jours de notre mort, Les (The Days of Our Death) (Rousset)
Jouvet, Louis
Joyce, James
Judt, Tony
Julliard, René
Jünger, Ernst
Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
Kanapa, Jean
Kandinsky, Wassily
Kaplan, Celia
Kaplan, Harold
Kazin, Alfred
Kelly, Ellsworth
Meschers, The
Window, Museum of Modern Art, Paris
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Kitt, Eartha
Koestler, Arthur (Albert Dubert)
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