Kosakiewicz, Olga
Kosakiewicz, Wanda
Kosma, Joseph
Kravchenko, Victor
Küchler, Georg von
Labé, Louise
Labiche, Suzanne
Lady from Shanghai, The (film)
Lanzmann, Claude
Larbaud, Valery
La rue Saint-Benoît group
Laubreaux, Alain
Lebrun, Albert
Leclerc, General (Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque)
Lécuyer, Raymond
Leduc, Violette
Lefort, Claude
Léger, Fernand
Légion d’Honneur
Leibowitz, René
Leiris, Michel
Lelong, Lucien
Lenin, V. I.
Lennon, J. Michael
Leopold III, king of Belgium
Letter from America
Letter from London (Toynbee)
Lettres françaises, Les
Leventhal, Con
Le Vernet detention camp
Levertov, Denise
Levi, Carlo
Levi, Primo
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Lewitsky, Anatole
“Liar’s Chronicle, The” (Vian)
Liberté d’esprit
“Liberté” (Éluard)
Liebling, A. J.
Lindon, Jérôme
Linethal, Mark
Lipchitz, Jacques
Literaturnaya gazeta
Litvak, Anatole
Loches, France
Loeb, Édouard
Long Voyage Home (film)
Loti, Pierre
Louis XVI, king of France
Luchaire, Corinne
Luchaire, Jean
Luter, Claude
Lyon, Frederick B.
Lyrical Abstraction
Maar, Dora
Macdonald, Dwight
MacGreevey, Thomas
machine à écrire, La (The Typewriter) (Cocteau)
Macmillan, Harold
Maeght, Aimé
Maginot Line
Magnificent Ambersons, The (film)
Mailer, Barbara
Mailer, Bea
Mailer, Fanny
Mailer, Norman
Mailer, Susan
mains sales, Les (Dirty Hands) (Sartre)
Malaquais, Jean
malentendu, Le (The Misunderstanding) (Camus)
Malevich, Kazimir
Malraux, André
Malraux, Florence
Malraux, Madeleine
Malte Laurids Brigge (Rilke)
Manchester Guardian
Mancy, Anne-Marie Sartre
mandarins, Les (The Mandarins) (Beauvoir)
Manet, Édouard
Mann, Thomas
Man Ray
Man with the Golden Arm, The (Algren)
Marais, Jean
Marquand, Christian
“Marseillaise, La”
Marshall, George
Marshall Plan
Marx, Karl
Mascolo, Dionys
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Matisse, Marguerite
Matisse, Pierre
Matisse, Teeny
Matta, Ann
Matta, Patricia
Matta, Roberto
Maugham, Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
Mauriac, Claude
Mauriac, François
Mayo (Antoine Malliarakis)
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
McCullers, Carson
McGhee, Howard
Melville, Herman
Men, The (film)
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Metternich, Franz Wolff
Michel, Albin
Middle Way, The (Macmillan)
Miller, Henry
Miller, Lee
Miró, Joan
Mitchell, Joan
Mitford, Nancy
Modern Times (film)
Moffat, Ivan
Moffat, Nathalie. See Sorokine, Nathalie
Molloy (Beckett)
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1939)
Mona Lisa (La Joconde)
Mondadori, Alberto
Monde, Le
Mondrian, Piet
Monet, Claude
Monnet, Jean
Monnier, Adrienne
Montaigne, Michel de
Montand, Yves
Moon Is Down, The (Steinbeck)
Morand, Paul
Morandi, Giorgio
Morel, Abbot
Morel, Madame
Morgan, Claude
Morin, Edgar
Morris, Gouverneur
mort dans l’âme, La (Iron in the Soul) (Sartre)
Morts sans sépulture (The Victors; Men Without Shadows) (Sartre)
Mossé, Sonia
Motherwell, Robert
mouches, Les (The Flies) (Sartre)
Moulin, Jean
Mur, Le (The Wall) (Sartre)
Murphy, Noel Haskins “Noeline”. See also Noeline
Murphy (Beckett)
Murray, Natalia Danesi
Musée de l’Homme group
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Mussolini, Benito
mythe de Sisyphe, Le (The Myth of Sisyphus) (Camus)
Nadeau, Maurice
Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer)
National Guardian
Native Son (Wright)
nausée, La (Nausea) (Sartre)
Nazis. See Germany, Nazi
Neuengamme camp
Never Come Morning (Algren)
New Journalism
New Look
New Orleans jazz
New Yorker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Post
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
Nimier, Roger
1984 (Orwell)
Ni victimes ni bourreaux (Neither Victims nor Executioners) (Camus)
Nixon, Richard
Noeline (Noel Haskins Murphy)
No Exit. See Huis clos
Norman, Dorothy
Normandy landings
North Africa
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
nouveau roman. See anti-roman
Nouveaux Temps, Les
Nouvelle Revue française (NRF)
Nouvelles du matin, Les
Nouvelle Vague (New Wave)
“Nuits sans importance” (Sorokine)
Nuremberg trials
Oberg, Carl
arrests during
occupied zone
Oresteia (Aeschylus)
Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC)
Orwell, George
Orwell, Richard
Orwell, Sonia. See Brownell, Sonia
Ossessione (film)
Outsider, The (Camus). See étranger, L’
Outsider, The (Wright)
Overseas News Agency
Paget, Celia
Paget, Mamaine
Hitler’s plan to destroy
map of
uprising of August 19, 1944
“Paris After Dark” (Buchwald)
Paris Commune
Pariser Zeitung
Paris Herald Tribune
Parisien Libéré, Le
Paris International Jazz Festival
Paris Match
Parker, Charlie
Parodi, Alexander “Quartus”
Parsons, G
Partisan Review
Pascal, Blaise
Past Imperfect (Judt)
Paulhan, Jean
“Peace” (Jünger)
“Peinture des Van Velde, La” (“The Painting of the van Veldes”) (Beckett)
Péron, Alfred
Pershing, General
peste, La (The Plague) (Camus)
Pétain, Philippe
trial of
Petit, Roland
petit Parisien, Le
Petit prince, Le (Saint-Exupéry)
Philipe, Gérard
Phillips, William
Phony War
Piaf, Édith
Picabia, Francis
Picabia, Jeanine
Picasso, Maya
Picasso, Olga
Picasso, Pablo
“Forty Years of His Art” exhibition
Man with a Lamb
Pilori, Le
Plague, The. See peste, La
Pollock, Jackson
Pompes funèbres (Funeral Rites) (Genet)
Pons, Lily
Populaire, Le
Popular Republicans
Porter, Cole
Portrait d’un inconnu (Portrait of a Man Unknown) (Sarraute)
Pound, Ezra
Pour une morale de l’ambiguïté (The Ethics of Ambiguity) (Beauvoir)
Poussin, Nicolas
The Triumph of Pan
Powell, Adam Clayton
Premier amour (First Love) (Beckett)
Prévert, Jacques
Pritchett, V. S.
Progressive Party (U.S.)
Prokofiev, Sergei
Proust, Marcel
Putain respectueuse, La (The Respectful Prostitute) (Sartre)
Put Out the Light (Bruller)
Quartus (Alexandre Parodi)
Queneau, Raymond
“Qu’est-ce que la littérature?” (Sartre)
Rabelais, François
Racine, Jean
Radio diffusion de la nation Française
Radio Paris
Raft of the Medusa, The (Géricault)
Rahv, Philip
Ramadier, Paul
Raoul-Duval, Claude
Raoul-Duval, Nadine
Rapports France-États-Unis
Rassemblement Démocratique et Révolutionnaire (RDR)
Ravel, Maurice
Red Cross
Réflexions sur la question juive (Anti-Semite and Jew) (Sartre)
règle du jeu, La (The Rules of the Game) (film)
Reich, Das
Reichek, Jesse
Reigen (La ronde; Hands Around) (Schnitzler)
Renaudot literary prize
Rendez-vous, Le (ballet)
René, Denise
Renoir, Jean
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Reprieve, The (Sartre)
Republican Party (U.S.)
insurrection of August 1944
manifesto of 1944
purge and
Retour de l’URSS (Return from the USSR) (Gide)
Revue du Cinéma, La
Reynaud, Paul
Reynolds, Mary
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Richelieu, Cardinal (Armand du Plessis)
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Riopelle, Jean-Paul
Robbe-Grillet, Alain
Robinson, Edward G.
Rochas, Hélène
Rochas, Marcel
Rogers, Ginger
Rohmer, Éric
Rol-Tanguy, Henri
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosenberg, Harold
Rossellini, Roberto
Rothschild, Guy de
Rothschild family
Rouault, Georges
rouge et le noir, Le (The Red and the Black) (Stendhal)
Rouleau, Raymond
Rousset, David
Roy, Claude
Rozsda, Endre
Rubens, Peter Paul
“Rue des Blancs-Manteaux, La” (Sartre)
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Rosalind
Russell, William
“Sacred Art” exhibition
Sade, Marquis de
Sadoul, Georges
Sagan, Françoise (née Quoirez)
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Saint Laurent, Yves
Saint-Saëns, Camille
Salles, Georges
Salter, James
Samedi Soir
sang des autres, Le (The Blood of Others) (Beauvoir)
Sarraute, Nathalie (née Tcherniak)
Sartre, Jean-Paul
affairs and
America and
atomic bomb and
Baldwin and
Beauvoir and
Bellow and
Camus and
Cau as secretary to
Communists and
drugs and
existentialism and
Gallimard and
Giacometti and
Gréco and
hotel life and
influence of
Koestler and
Les temps modernes and
Liberation and
Mailer and
moves to mother’s home
non-Communist left and
Occupation and
outbreak of war and
plays produced in London
pre-war teaching and
as prisoner of war
RDR and
writes “Anti-Semite and Jew”
writes Huis clos
writes La mort dans l’âme
writes Les mouches (The Flies)
writes L’etre et le néant (Being and Nothingness)
writes “Qu’est-ce que la littérature?”
writing discipline and
Satie, Erik
Schapiro, Meyer
Scheler, Lucien
Schneider, Douglas
Schnitzler, Arthur
Schuman, Robert
Sciuscià (Shoeshine) (film)
Scottsboro Boys
Seaver, Richard
Second Sex, The (Le deuxième sexe) (Beauvoir)
Seghers, Anna
Seligmann, Kurt
Selznick, David O.
Senghor, Léopold
Servais, Jean
Seymour David “Chim”
Seyrig, Delphine
Shanghai Gesture, The (film)
Shaw, Irwin
She Came to Stay. See invitée, L’
Shostakovich, Dmitri
Shroeder, Edith Anderson
Shroeder, Max
Signoret, Simone (née Kaminker)
silence de la mer, Le (Bruller)
“Si tu t’imagines” (“If you imagine”) (Queneau)
Smith, Bessie
Smith, Stephen
Snow, Carmel
Socialisme et Liberté
Socialist Realism
Soehring, Hans Jürgen
Solano, Solita
Solomos, George (Themistocles Hoetis)
Sorbet, Madame
Sorokine, Nathalie (later Moffat)
Soulages, Pierre
soulier de satin, Le (The Satin Slipper) (Claudel)
Soupault, Philippe
Soustelle, Jacques
Soutine, Chaïm
Souverbie, Jean
Soviet Red Army
Soviet Union
Nazi Nonaggression Pact
Spanish Civil War
Spanish Republicans
Spender, Stephen
Sperber, Manès
Staël, Nicolas de
Stage Fright (film)
Stalag VA
Stalag XIID
Stalin, Joseph
Stalingrad, Battle of
Steinbeck, John
Stéphane, Roger
Stern, Betty
Stern, Nora
Sternberg, Josef von
Steur, Sophie
Stevens, George
Stewart, Slam
Stieglitz, Alfred
Strange Defeat (Bloch)
Stravinsky, Igor
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)
of 1946
of 1947
Stülpnagel, Carl-Heinrich von
Sullivan, Vernon (pseudonym of Vian)
Sylvia, Gaby
Talleyrand, Charles
Tanguy, Yves
Taslitzky, Boris
Tati, Jacques
Temps, Les
Temps modernes, Les
Tender Hour of Twilight, The (Seaver)
Textes pour rien (Texts for Nothing) (Beckett)
Theater of the Absurd
Thérive, André
Third Way
Thomas, Édith
Thunder out of China (White)
Tito, Josip Broz
Togliatti, Palmiro
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de
Tour de France
Tous les hommes sont mortels (All Men Are Mortal) (Beauvoir)
Toynbee, Philip
Tran Duc Thao
Trauner, Alexandre
Travail et Culture
Trenet, Charles
Triolet, Elsa
Trotsky, Leon
Truffaut, François
Truman, Harry
Truman Doctrine
Turgenev, Ivan
Tzara, Tristan
Ulysses (Joyce)
Uncle Tom’s Children (Wright)
Under Two Dictators (Buber-Neumann)
Union of Soviet Writers
United Nations
United States
Beauvoir’s trips to
Camus’s trip to
elections of 1946
enters Second World War
Koestler’s trip to
loyalty program
race relations
Sartre’s trips to
Temps modernes on
U.S. Army
4th Infantry Division
603rd Engineers Camouflage Battalion
U.S. Congress
U.S. embassy (Paris)
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. State Department
U.S. Veterans Administration
Univers concentrationnaire, L’ (Rousset)
Vadim, Roger
Valéry, Paul
Vanetti, Dolorès
van Gogh, Vincent
van Velde, Bram
van Velde, Geer
Vauxcelles, Louis
V-E Day
Venus de Milo
Vercors (Jean Bruller)
Vian, Boris
Vian, Michelle “Zazou”
Vian, Patrick
Vichy France (Free Zone)
Victim, The (Bellow)
Vilar, Jean
Vildé, Boris
Visconti, Luchino
visiteurs du soir, Les (film)
Vitold, Michel
Vittorini, Elio
Vlaminck, Maurice de
Volkening, Henry
Voyage au bout de la nuit (Journey to the End of the Night) (Céline)
Wahl, Jean
Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
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