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The Infected Chronicles (Book 1): Origin

Page 18

by Andie Fessey

  “The Security Officer stated in his report that the customer had lost consciousness (the Security Officer stated in his report that she appeared to be ‘dead’ but that his company obviously needed to put their hands in their pockets and send him on a first aid course). The customer, who was later identified as a Mrs Brenda Winters (BW), husband’s whereabouts currently unknown, attacked a female member of staff by biting a large amount of flesh from her hand, then causing a severe injury to her head by, as the security officer put it ‘almost scalping her with her bloody fingernails’.

  “Before the officers had made their way to the Security Office, a paramedic arrived from the local hospital and the shop worker was subsequently taken from the scene to receive treatment there, as she had started losing consciousness. Prior to this incident, the call had already been received that there was another violent incident at a local children’s centre. Response teams were dispatched earlier, which I shall relay in a while.

  “Three of the Constables made their way to the Security Office after obtaining the pass code from the Security Officer. The remaining Constable and the two Community Officers were ensuring members of the public stayed away from the immediate area.

  “The report from Constable Williams, the first officer to enter the Security room, was that BW was crouched in the corner when he entered.

  “As he entered, BW rose and turned towards him. He stated her eyes were completely blood shot as if she had suffered some sort of haemorrhage.

  “Constable Williams reported BW took a couple of steps towards him, groaning as if in pain. He instructed her to please stand still but she continued regardless. Constable Williams retreated into the small hallway adjacent to the Security Office were his two colleagues Constables Sandler and Brown were stood. As BW came into view.

  “Before any of the constables in attendance had a chance to react, BW struck Constable Sandler across the face, raking his cheek with her finger-nails.

  “Constable Williams made his way to incapacitate BW but received a ‘nasty’ gash to his thigh as she had ‘lunged’ at it in an aggressive manner.

  “Constable Brown upon witnessing theses violent attacks upon his colleagues, produced his Taser to ensure BW was incapacitated for her own benefit as well as others.

  “Constable Browns final statement stated on the way to the hospital was the Taser had no effect on BW (please note, constable Brown sadly passed away due to the injuries he received to his neck, full report will follow as per standard protocol regarding the passing of one of our ranks, in addition to the other sadly lost personnel).

  “Constable Sandler at this point tried to subdue BW as she ‘seemed to be tearing Geoff’s neck out with her own fucking teeth’, but when BW turned her attentions to both himself and Constable Williams, Constable Sandler ‘kicked’ BW in the face, grabbing at his colleagues to get them to safety.

  “At this point, our firearms team attended the incident at the Children’s Club, so we called upon support from all officers in the local area. BW at this point, had made her way out of the security office and had followed the constables through the now open doorway leading to the shop.

  “Constable Sandler had, heroically in my eyes, managed to pull his colleagues to safety away from BW, but tried to subdue her as she made her way towards the crowd congregated at the entrance to the shop.

  “The Security officer based at the store, assisted Constable Sandler, managing to prevent her from attacking more than the several she already bitten and scratched on her way out of the store (that man will be placed as my ‘Peoples Hero’ this year).

  “More than a dozen other officers had arrived at this point and BW was subdued via use of sheer force rather than subtle methods and taken away to Saint Jude’s station for further questioning – full report including medical to follow as BW is currently in a holding cell there ‘thrashing about’ and incoherent, as the desk sergeant has reported, so we have been unable to get a doctor to examine her yet.

  “Several members of the public unfortunately received minor lacerations, scratches etc. from BW before she was subdued. The officers in situ managed to collect several interviews from members of the public in attendance but unfortunately most had dispersed to catch the train or bus home, full report to follow.

  “Regarding the incident at the Children’s Club, as mentioned previously, the call of a violent attack on a member of staff had been shortly prior to the time that the above incident was unfolding. One patrol car with two Constables had been dispatched to the scene, in addition to an ambulance from the local station at Bootle.

  “Upon arrival at the club, the officers managed to speak with one of the members of staff, Peter Morgan (PM) who was able to speak with them through an open ground floor window. They were informed the assailant, John Rimmer (JR), one of the children’s fathers and now deceased, had attacked one of the members of staff at the entrance and had ‘ripped her thumb off with his bare teeth.

  “The Constables were informed JR was still in the enclosed porch leading into the club and as far as the member of staff was aware, PM, there was no indication JR was armed. Constable Singh knocked on the door to alert JR of police presence but received no reply.

  “Upon entering the porch-way, Constable Singh was assaulted by JR and sustained a horrific injury to his throat (Constable Singh sadly passed away in the ambulance taking him to the hospital due to massive blood loss).

  “His colleague, Constable Mathews, managed to drag him out of the porch-way, blocking the door to prevent JR’s exit. Constable Mathews stated, and this has subsequently been verified by the C.C.T.V. footage obtained from the premises, that JR seemed busy ‘eating’ the flesh he had managed to bite away from Constable Singh’s throat.

  “Once the call had been received by dispatch, the on-duty firearms team were dispatched along with uniformed support (Officers concerned were making out their full reports, but have been deployed to the Town Hospital due to the ongoing incident there. Their full reports will be delivered to me by the end of their respective shifts.)

  “Four firearms officers were in situ and had made their way to the porch-way of the premises. Despite several warnings JR did not respond.

  “Due to the circumstances surrounding Officer Singh’s injuries, the decision was made to deploy the usage of Tasers immediately. Sargent Carrol, assisted by his team, managed to open the doorway and reported he had a clear shot immediately at the crouching figure of JR so took the opportunity to bring the matter to a swift conclusion, firing his Taser into the back of JR.

  “JR was ‘not affected’ by the Taser according to the report, so Officer Robinson quickly exchanged positions with her colleague and used her Taser, which again, according to the report, had no effect. JR then stood up and came at the officers. He was given several warnings all of which were ignored before Sargent Carrol discharged his firearm at JR’s leg.

  “According to all the officers concerned and several eyewitnesses, who we were unable to shield from the proceedings, JR stumbled backwards, then continued to advance toward the team.

  “As mentioned, I await the full detailed report, but have read the partly completed reports and have spoken to the officers concerned and it is reported two subsequent shots to JR’s torso, also only seemed to hinder his response. It was only when Sargent Carrol made the decision to take a headshot at JR, taking into account his team and the public’s safety, that JR was stopped. The head shot proving to be fatal.

  “Once the autopsy has been performed upon the deceased, I will have the full toxicology reports to ascertain if JR was under any form of narcotic influence.

  “As your request for this report stated to summarise the later incidents (Full report on the situation at the Town Hospital will follow once the situation is under control) I will keep the remainder brief.

  “Incident upon train due into city centre on Northern Line: 8 members of the public dead; 16 taken to hospital, several suffering from ‘life-threatening’ inj
uries; 7 arrests (all displaying similar aggression as to arrestee at Shopping Centre; 16 members of the force sustaining various degrees of injury though none thankfully life threatening.

  “Incident on L20 bus: 1 member of public (driver) dead; 4 passengers injured and transferred to hospital (non-life-threatening); 1 arrest (again displaying similar aggressive tendencies to aforementioned); 3 officers injured with 1 officer described as in a ‘critical’ condition’.

  “Incident at Manor Nursing Home: three members of the public dead including assailant (care worker who delivered the fatal blow has been taken into custody pending full investigation); two members of the public transferred to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Officers arrived after alleged assailant killed so fortunately no injuries incurred.

  “Incident at Anchor Drive fast food restaurant: 1 member of the public alleged to have sustained serious injuries but current whereabouts unknown; alleged assailant killed prior to police intervention; we have a team currently studying the C.C.T.V footage to ascertain who killed alleged assailant and have several leads but their whereabouts are currently unknown; Officers arrived after assailant killed so again fortunately no injuries incurred.”

  Placing the report on the table, the Police Commissioner sat down.

  “Thank you, Sameer,” the Prime Minister said.

  “Thoughts please,” he asked, staring around the occupants within the room.

  “Mr Prime Minister, as these attacks are isolated I would suggest that, rather than overkill, we instruct the surrounding forces to send any available personnel to assist Merseyside Police.” Sameer said.

  “With most of our ground troops returned from oversea active duties,” the man opposite Sameer said, “we can mobilise troops within eighteen hours.”

  Sameer stared across at him.

  John Riley, the British Defence Secretary Riley, a former career soldier who, after holding the position of four-star General for several years, moved onto the Defence Council, quickly working his way to his current position.

  “I believe that would be a rather extreme course of action to take,” Sameer said, “with support from other counties forces, the people responsible for these attacks will be brought into custody sooner rather than later.”

  “A rather extreme course of action?” Riley exclaimed.

  “We have members of Her Majesty’s police force dead for crying out loud.”

  “I am the first person to appreciate that John,” Sameer said, “But at the moment.”

  “This does not appear to be an organised attack,” Jaqueline interrupted, “as the report states, the attacks are isolated and have been carried out by individuals.”

  “What do you think has caused this sudden course of events?” said the man sat next to Sameer, Sir Roger Harrison, Minister for Home Affairs.

  “It could be a case of collective hysteria,” Sameer replied, “or just an unfortunate co-incidence”

  “An unfortunate co-incidence?” interrupted the Defence Secretary, “it sounds like the hospital is under siege.”

  “As I stated, with support from other counties,” Sameer said, staring at him, “we can have this situation under control within a matter of hours”

  “I must admit I do not relish the thought of the deployment of British troops on British soil,” the Prime Minister said.

  “The press and opposition would have a field day with that,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

  “Can you assure us Sameer the situation can be brought under control as swiftly as possible?” Jaqueline enquired.

  “No concrete assurances, but with the appropriate support, I am certain that Merseyside Police can bring this under control, without resorting to extreme measures.”

  “Prime Minister, I understand your concerns regarding the deployment of our troops on our own soil,” Riley said, “but with your permission sir, I can have the respective personnel placed on standby in the eventuality that they are required to be deployed,”

  “Do we have a contingency plan in the eventuality of this serious series of events becoming out of hand?” the Prime Minister asked.

  “We do sir,” Jaqueline replied

  The assembled people discussed several other options before the consensus was agreed amongst the room, the best course of action to follow for now, the suggested actions put forth by Sameer.

  “Very well, it is agreed,” the Prime Minister said, standing up, “Jaqueline please ensure the relevant directives are given to assist Merseyside police with any additional support they require from the neighbouring counties. If you would make the necessary calls to ensure that we have additional support if required John, I would appreciate it. Thank you all for attending this meeting and with any luck, the matter will be brought to a satisfactory conclusion.”

  As the remaining people spoke amongst themselves, Riley walked over to where Jaqueline sat.

  “In the event, we are required,” he said quietly, “we will have it swiftly under control. However, in these extraordinary circumstances.”


  “Is your special unit available?”

  She stared into his eyes. At his level of command, it was understandable Riley would have been made privy of the existence of her ‘unit’.

  “If required,” she said, “you will have the full support of the HDD.”

  Riley nodded his head and exited the room.

  Ensuring she was away from earshot of the few remaining people in the room, she picked her mobile from the table, dialling a number and placing it to her ear.

  “Good evening Director,” a voice said.

  “Evening Michaels,” she replied, “I need you to do something for me.”

  “As you wish Director.”

  “Where is Danza at the moment?”

  There was silence for a moment.

  “He is on leave after returning from the Norwegian mission Director,” Michaels replied.

  “Call him and tell him to cut short his leave,” Jaqueline ordered, “tell Tequila Danza to have the unit on standby asap.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  He stayed behind for a while after the concert finished, having managed to procure himself a VIP back stage pass, due to his company providing the advertising for the successful eighties revival tour.

  Not really into eighties music, he was more of an indie music fan, but he developed a crush on the little blonde singer, when she popular for a while and wanted to grab a picture with her and maybe get a chance to chat with her.

  He managed to get his picture taken, she was pleasant and friendly, but rushed off so couldn’t chat.

  Feck, she hasn’t aged well at all.

  He saw up close, how much foundation she used, to try and disguise the ageing process.

  Not fecking enough.

  Finishing his bottle of continental lager, he placed it onto a table littered with other empty bottles.

  Best get back to the apartment.

  An early flight over to Dublin tomorrow to head office, he could not miss.

  He glanced at his watch.

  Feck, it’s early hours of the morning already, good job I’m a light sleeper.

  Most of the crowd of people attending the concert dispersed across the main road into the City Centre, or headed to the multi storey carpark, adjacent to the venue.

  Several people remained, stood on the steps to the Centre, a few more scattered around the building in pairs or groups.

  The night is still young after all.

  Sighing, he headed to the path leading behind the concert venue and onto the promenade overlooking the river Mersey.

  The apartment his company owned, lay a twenty- minute walk away from the centre. Located in a former dock side cotton storage building, it was converted into luxury apartments, like several other old buildings alongside the city waterfront.

  Reaching the promenade wall, he looked out over the river, the opposite side brightly lit with lights of countless buildings, refl
ected upon the dark water.

  Aside from the lights emanating from the nearby buildings, the esplanade itself was illuminated by the ornate lampposts running its length.

  Outside of the cone of light of a lamppost several metres away, he saw the figure of a girl slumped against the promenade wall.

  Jesus, I hope she hasn’t been mugged.

  Drawing closer, he noticed her handbag lay next to her, its strap still crossed over her arm. It remained zipped up, a sign she may not have been mugged.

  He now got a better look at her. Sat with her back against the wall, her legs spread apart, forcing her fluorescent green tight dress high up her thighs.

  Jesus, look at those fecking tits.

  Her large breasts pressed tightly against her dress, her engorged nipples creating sizeable bumps through the thin fabric.

  He felt the stiffness in his crotch begin to grow.

  Best see if she’s okay, too many weirdos about these days.

  Closer, he noticed her face tilted to one side against her shoulder, revealing her to be more than a good-looking body.

  Feck, she’s gorgeous.

  Her skin as white as snow and her full lips, heart shaped, pursed slightly.

  He stood directly in front of her.

  “Can you hear me love?”

  Receiving no response, he knelt in front of her prone figure.

  “Love, can you hear me? Do you need a taxi?”

  Again, no response.

  Looking around, he could see nobody else along the esplanade.

  Feck, I need this right now.

  He mentally weighed up his possibilities, deciding there were only a few options available.

  I can try and wake her, if she doesn’t, I’ll call an ambulance, meaning I’ll probably be later for my bloody flight tomorrow. Or, if she does open those eyes of hers, I can offer to get her a cab home or she could stay with me at the apartment. Feck, I’d love to see those long legs wrapped around my back and see if those tits are real or not.


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