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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

Page 7

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  The sound of toppled benches and chairs unnerves me. I gaze to see just the tops of heads as they’ve all knelt. Tears flood my face.

  Hu’gan rises and yells, “To our King and Queen! Long may we serve you!”

  The room sways as I try to stand tall and then darkness swallows me. When I awaken, I’m in Dreyth’s arms being carried to the throne. He gently places me upon the seat and takes my right hand, raising it aloft. The room explodes in thunderous applause and roars alike.

  During this time Dreyth whispers to me. “Heal me Seyra, before I too pass out.” I place my hand over the wound and feel the bandage stiffen and dry from the heat penetrating through it. As I move my hand back, my own dressing has fallen away, revealing the long even scars left by my King. I smile and am lost in a sea of love for my Brula’r, my King.

  He lifts me up from the throne as Elky comes before us in the full Beljeem attire and takes a crown from a pillow of fur. She hands it to Dreyth who then gently places it upon my head. I look into Elky’s eyes and match her tears with mine. So much can be said with tears that cannot be said otherwise.

  Dreyth turns to the people and dragons. “Now, let the festivities begin! Hu’gan, please take the floor.”

  Chapter 11

  Hu’gan stands in front of us and calls Elky to him. Her new Beljeem Warrior outfit flows gracefully around her legs. “Many have wondered why honor Elky into the prestigious ranks of the Beljeem Warriors. It has been whispered she is not much older than a child and has not gone through all the rigors of the specialized training that my other warriors have accomplished. This is an auspicious time in the Spires. Much has been written in the stars and comes to me through visions. Things of our world are rapidly changing. Likewise, so are we. Elky brings to us a potent power, a way to link the dragon powers to herself and protect us all.”

  Commotion stirs in the room and I find myself holding my breath. I’m not at all sure I want to hear what Hu’gan has to say. His words make me nervous and sends a river of goosebumps up my neck.

  “These are only the beginning of the changes we will see. The changes began some five or six years ago when the first three dragon riders came to be. There is an ancient power unleashed by the power of three.”

  I gasp in time with Elky. What is Hu’gan driving at?

  “Quiet please, and I will explain. It goes unnoticed to most, unless you are magically inclined.” He pauses to peer at Elky, then me, then to find Grifton’s eyes in the crowd. “I think that is what guided the Xi to Elky, otherwise they would not have bothered to kidnap her and her dragon. I hear your amazement and understand your concern. That is why I have taken these actions. No, we are not out of danger from the Xi. They will come again. They must. Magic seeks itself. Greed of man seeks that magic. Grifton, come forward.”

  The sound of whipping heads causes a buzz of excitement. I bite my lip as I watch Grifton stand and walk towards Hu’gan. He glances to Elky but won’t look at me.

  “Grifton, when we met several years ago, I named you as the Magician, Elky as the Blind and Seyra as the Healer. Those powers are still within you three. Elky’s blindness has left her with a light that lifts all of our people. A trust and kindness that flows from the inside, out. You, Grifton, have harnessed the basics of your magic, but through training and discipline, more will come to the surface. That is why I am making you a Beljeem Warrior. You are one of my finest students but with more one to one training, I hope to bring the power of your magic to the surface.”

  Grifton stands with shock radiating from his face until Elky jumps forward and crushes the air out of his lungs.

  Hu’gan looks over his shoulder towards Dreyth. I catch a slight nod out of the side of my vision. My heart races, not knowing what either of them is thinking. I did not want to be a Beljeem Warrior. How could either of them think I would?

  “Brula’r, would you please escort your Queen to stand next to us.”

  My eyes are wild. I feel them darting from one face to another as my heart tries to flee my chest.

  “Shh. Do not worry. I will always have you. Just come with me.” Dreyth’s words sooth my mind as I walk on shaky legs to stand in front of Hu’gan.

  “Do not trouble yourself, Queen Seyra. You won’t be asked to join my warriors. Your position prohibits such a change, yet…” He pauses long enough for my heart to leap into my throat. “Advanced training is typical of your position. Even more so, now that you are bonded to the Brula’r as his Queen. It is our hope with the exchange of blood essences, it will renew the Dragon Magic to our realm.”

  I stutter. “W-what?”

  My head spins around so fast to glare at Dreyth, my crown flies off. Elky jumps to catch it before it falls to the ground.

  “You used me as a ploy to bring the Dragon Magic back? This is why you needed me to be your Queen?” I’m beyond furious. I’m seething. I have never trusted anyone as I do Dreyth and now—now I feel he stripped that from me.

  “Seyra, you know me better than that. When I learned I could make you my Queen from the scrolls, I brought it to Hu’gan to verify. We looked over many of the elder scrolls to see if there were any negative impact to you. The only thing mentioned is the exchange of our blood could influence you with new Dragon Magic and through our new connection, pass it back to me. As you know, I have already relearned Lightning Magic, even before this occurred. The reason I asked you to be my Queen is simple. We are better together than apart. We, together, is what the Spires need.”

  I drop my head. Strike one, Queeny. You had to go and make a fool of yourself and Dreyth in front of all those in the Spires. My eyes burn as the tears build up.

  “You are no fool and no one believes that you are. All of this is so sudden, forgive me. I was in such a hurry, I didn’t take the time to go over all the details with you that are in the scrolls. I should have. That is my blunder.”

  I shake my head. He is too good to me. “I’m sorry, Hu’gan. Please continue.”

  “Thank you, my Queen. What I wanted to explain is that you will also take part in the advanced training. The reason should be very clear. The Xi are alerted to Elky being able to control Dragon Magic. They will be doing everything in their power to prepare for another attack. Whether they believe our dragons have the magic or not, it doesn’t matter. The one who can control the magic is a great asset for them. It is best for the Spires that all three of you can access the magic of the dragons. There is power in the three. It multiplies the ability, and as such, we all benefit.”

  He lowers his head momentarily. When he raises it, I swear there’s a tear caught in his eye. “Here lies a hard truth, a truth Dreyth is aware of and thus has taken precautions for his kingdom. During wartime it is well known that the attackers will do all that they can to kill or steal the King. It is a tactic to subdue those coming against them. In such a dire case, the kingdom crumbles. If the kingdom has a Queen…” His words trail off as he raises his palms facing the ceiling.

  “You mean to tell me you think they will try to kill Dreyth?” Without knowing it, I’m clutching onto Dreyth. My heart is in my throat. I—I think my legs are about to fold under me.

  Hu’gan nods slowly. “This is the nature of war. It is better to know the beast and prepare, than to be oblivious and die. There is much to protect in our kingdom: much that has been put into place during the last several years. In times such as this we are born… to rise up and to protect. Even Dreyth has told you how unlikely it is to find their kizmeht, their fated rider. And yet, if you look around, you will find the vast majority of dragons have found theirs. All in one place… How extraordinary you might think. I think it is destiny.”

  Dreyth steps forward to speak amongst the rising murmur of voices. “I realize this is much more than you expected for this day of celebration. Please, let us focus on the joys of this occasion. Welcome home Elky and Ustice! You both are the center of the celebration. Why? Because even one that is missing from our Spires diminishes the whole. We celebr
ate you for making us feel whole again. Everyone, enjoy!”

  I am amazed at how Dreyth can quickly change the heartbeat of the Spires. Laughter and chatter circle the tables and chairs with everyone talking at once. Grifton escorts Elky to a table in front festooned with ribbons and filled with all of her favorite treats. I chuckle as I see her reach for the fried fruit-filled pastries before loading a plate with the steaming assortment of meats and vegetables.

  Dreyth turns to guide me to my throne. I look longingly toward my friends sitting down below and dart my eyes up to his, askance. His eyes sparkle a small second before he releases a belly laugh. “Yes, we will join the others. I was only giving you a chance to sit as the regal queen you are, upon your throne. In truth, it is only necessary during more formal occasions, such as meetings with the Council of Dragons and such. Let us join our friends.”

  My smile rivals even Elky’s, and that’s saying something. How could I ever have doubted Dreyth’s motives? I still have much to learn about trust and honor—but I have an excellent teacher.

  As I reach a chair to sit, the sound of scraping chairs pierce the air as one after another lower themselves to their knees. Instantly, my face heats up and I know it must be crimson. “Listen. I’m the same Seyra as I was yesterday. Please, please, take your seats. As Dreyth was just explaining to me, the whole premise of the throne is for formal occasions. Otherwise, I’ll be the same person I’ve always been.”

  You can always count on Elky to break the formalities. “You mean, there isn’t a new and improved version? What a pity.” I laugh along with the rest at the table and it puts us all at ease. All that is except Grifton. He still won’t look me in my eyes. I can’t help but sigh.

  Dreyth reads my feelings. “Give him time. It is new for everyone, you being chosen as my Queen. It will impact some more than others, especially any who might have been a suitor.”

  I jerk my head to look at him. I mean, I hadn’t thought of anyone actually thinking of marrying me. Being a Dragon Rider doesn’t leave much time to think of romance. It isn’t something I spent much time thinking about.

  “Perhaps not, my Sparrow, but others do. Especially those that don’t have the bond we innately share. Like Grifton. See Belinda? She already is showering him with her attention. She has a bond with her fated dragon, Sezalor, but the stardust is a weaker mix which allows her to reach beyond this bond for completion of self.”

  I don’t know how I feel about this new knowledge. It’s like seeing an exotic fruit I’ve yet to taste and someone else takes a bite.

  “Yes, it is much like that. I’ve spent centuries thinking the same thing until you came along. For me, there have always been female dragons who wanted to attach themselves to me, but they were lacking. They didn’t have what it took for me to feel complete. Only you have that element, Seyra. In time, perhaps I will be enough for your heart.”

  There are no words I can say to him. I can only hug him and bury my face against his scales, stifling my tears. After a moment, I bite my lip and catch my breath. Yes, all this will take time to understand. All I wish to do now is retreat, to bury my head in a pillow and cry over all the things I don’t know yet.

  True to form, Dreyth rises and briefly states, “Excuse us, please. I have promised my Queen to take her on a ride while the saddle is still draped in its finery. We’ll return soon to share in the food and laughter.”

  My whole being radiates a smile. He always knows what to do. He—knows me. In that moment it feels as if all the stars in the heavens shoot across the sky in answer. What more could love be than this? Knowing the other so well as to anticipate what their needs and joys are? We move away from the throng of people and one of the warriors comes forward with Dreyth’s saddle and places it on him but allows me to cinch it to Dreyth’s comfort. I climb into the saddle, leaning forward to embrace his neck and suddenly feel to the depths of my being, I am home.

  Chapter 12

  Once out of the Spires, I feel the tension ease away from my shoulders. Dreyth is in no hurry and glides silently. He veers over the Spires to take me over the sea. I inhale the deep brine scent coming off the waters. Birds dart here and there, diving for fish and calling to one another. Small waves crash against boulders that resemble a line of people emerging from the water’s depths. Further along is the black sand beach where such boulders have been beaten to small particles over the cycle of wind, rain and sun.

  Whales breach through the waves and spout plumes of water into the air, giving off a momentary rainbow and I grin. I wonder about life, about the horrendous act against my family that caused me to flee into the Spires in the first place. I think there must be a grand design in place that compensates a person when their world is suddenly ripped asunder. It dawns on me that this is all I’ve ever dreamed of; all I’ve ever wanted. I question creation, and what decides whether a soul is born as a human, dragon or whale? It would have been far easier for me to have been born a dragon.

  “Perhaps. But it is this you that brings me my all. There are multiple variations of life essences, but how rare it is to find the right combination for another to make us whole. In time perhaps you will find it is this me that will make you feel whole.”

  “It’s not that I don’t feel whole, Dreyth—it’s in understanding it. I never had dreams of being like my mother or anyone else that I knew. No. This has always been my dream.”

  “Who are we to question another’s dream? We can only live our own lives. And—if we live long enough, we find it for ourselves.”

  I lay my head down across his neck, feeling the heat radiate from him. When I raise my head, Dreyth turns to fly high again, along the ridge of the Spires. It isn’t long before we spot the first dragon guard. He is making a sweep from east to west, studying both sides of the mountain range and I remember all is not as carefree as my heart felt moments ago. Dreyth calls out and is answered.

  “All is well, my Sparrow. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Their relief will arrive soon so they can come and enjoy the day of celebration. We have several things to discuss, when you are ready.”

  “What things? I am ready for whatever you have to say.” A pleasant rumble under me tells me he finds my statement humorous and I wonder why.

  “Not humorous, really. I am always surprised by you. Today has been a life changing day and yet, you meet it head on. Yes, perhaps you should have been born as a dragon, for a dragon is how I see you. Hundreds of years ago, one of your own line was much like you but those were different days…”

  I blink rapidly and catch my breath. “You knew someone in my family long ago?”

  “Of course. This is the place of your family for hundreds of years. Oh, I don’t mean the house you grew up in, but in the vicinity of the Spires. Your family has long been supporters of the Spires and the dragons. I was a young dragon, only a few centuries old and as you know, we put the Dragon School in place by the efforts and suggestions of Beokrull. In those days it was warriors who rode dragon-back. Few females were allowed in the Spires, but yes, some came. They were the support group and helped with cooking for the warriors, cleaning, mending and the hatchery.

  Since the dragons were being taught how to fight much like the fighting dragons of the east, some dragons had eggs to tend to that they couldn’t sit on all the time. It is a dragon mother’s sacred duty to stay on her nest otherwise. They are very protective as you have seen, so it was strange that one human female could fit the needs of the mother dragons. Her name was Reyanah. She was from your mother’s people.”

  “Not much has been said of my Granny Rey. I think I remember mother talking about her as some kind of outcast from the villages. It was amazing she married at all as mother told it.”

  “That was true but not in the sense that it has been told through the years. She was much like you, Seyra.”

  I felt a deep warmth spread from Dreyth. Perhaps even a fondness.

  “Yes, I was fond of Reyanah. She had some of the stardust that we carry,
but she was different. It was as if the Creator speckled within her the stardust of many dragons. She thought in dragon, not in human ways. She came to the Spires alone. She didn’t stand in the lines like the men did, waiting to be chosen. Somehow, she knew she was already chosen. She only needed to find her place amongst us all. She was given cleaning duties and mending, but those things seemed beyond her ability. Reyanah was a nurturer. Left alone one day, she stumbled into a nesting lair. What she didn’t know was the mother had only slipped out for a brief stretch of wings. When the mother returned, she found Reyanah laying over an egg, cooing to it in dragon song. Any other person, or even dragon in those days would have been killed immediately. When Reyanah turned to see the mother dragon, she simply slid carefully from the egg and rested against the wall of the lair. Cyneron, the mother, roared and flamed the ceiling before returning to her eggs, but return she did. She sniffed and turned the eggs and nestled against them but she brought no harm to Reyanah nor made her leave her lair.”

  “Even today, unless I’m with Elky, the dragons don’t like it when I’m in the hatchery.”

  “It was a slow understanding between Cyneron and Reyanah. They respected each other’s distance in the beginning and then became friends. To have a female human who could communicate in dragon language was unheard of. Only the riders learned to do so through the bonds formed. Yet, Reyanah knew instinctively. During this time the humans thought she must have left the Spires or was killed, because she wasn’t seen for a full moon cycle. Not until after Cyneron’s eggs hatched. Cyneron took care of Reyanah just as Reyanah took care of Cyneron’s eggs. She hunted and brought her food. She even burrowed a depression into the hard earth to bring water up so Reyanah could have water. On one late afternoon, I flew past the lair and heard the song I sang to you, the Gortel’tung, being sung to the hatchlings, but in the crooning, a human voice mingled. It wasn’t long after that I learned who it was.”


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