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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

Page 11

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “It is because of you, my Queen. You projected the vision. Everyone saw and heard. Now, my Sparrow, finish it. Complete the story, so all will know.”

  “Denizens of the Spires, quiet please. This was unplanned as I had no way of knowing you would see the vision I had seen. I only meant to speak of it but the vision itself, wanted to be seen and heard. You have been given the names of the Brula’r and human Queen of the vision. The one who was cast aside by those who thought it an abomination. You heard Reyanah speak. She had inherent dragon language. Her stardust was strong and filled with the stardust matching many dragonkind. She is my ancestor.”

  Gasps fill the air at the news, yet I continue. “I am double-marked. I carry the seeds from my ancestor who carried the stardust of many. Within her, she also carried dragon blood since they performed the same rites as Dreyth and me. Because of this double portion, I have been given scales, visions and so much more. Those of you who rebel the loudest, think in terms of man and wife bonds or even dragon to dragon mates. Your thoughts along these terms regarding the Brula’r and his chosen Queen are as disgusting as they are pathetic. The bond we share is beyond compare. It is a love and devotion you will never know. It is what Beokrull died for! It is what gave my ancestor the freedom to marry a warrior of the Spires and through this lineage, I was born.”

  I now pace the stage, an electrical current moves through me and those surrounding us. “If these things alone do not convince you, perhaps this will. Ziphan, come.”

  The ancient weapon I leaned against the throne, moves. It hovers and slowly descends to my side. Lifting it, I hold it cross-ways in front of my body. A shimmering green light encircles it; a low hum emanates. “In my advance training I was asked to choose a weapon. I did not choose the Ziphan, it chose me. It pulled me to it. Hu’gan told me that it will only be held by one who is worthy. Through this weapon, I’m empowered to protect. I daresay, I would be empowered to fight those who come to bring harm. We have no time for petty disagreements. The Dragon School re-opened so many could have the opportunity of learning together but you will not be forced to stay. Any who cannot support your Brula’r and his chosen Queen may take your leave. But be warned, the Xi will come. Your Brula’r and Queen will fight to save those who we protect and care for, and those are the ones who give us their support.”

  I finish speaking and wait. The quiet is deafening. Then, much to my shock, Grifton stands, fist to heart and folds to one knee. I hear Elky and Hu’gan do the same. The full Council of Dragons bow, followed by row after row around us. None have remained standing. After the long silence roars and screams fill the air. Hu’gan chants, “Draekonis Quinne, Draekonis Quinne.” The people of the Spires pick up the chant and thunder it back to us. I want to cry. My eyes burn with held back tears and my skin is filled with raised bumps as the Dragons roar their allegiance. I didn’t ask for this role but may all the Stars fall from the sky, I will not let any man or dragon steal it from me. My ancestor suffered for me to stand here today, to share her story, to make dragon and human understand how precious such a bond is to be the chosen Queen of a Brula’r.

  “We will not fly over them, let us instead walk through them, giving each the opportunity to see us as we are and not the washed-out symbols they held in their minds.”

  Dreyth steps down from the raised stage and lifts me, and places me near his side. We slowly pass the semi-circle of the Council of Dragons, nodding respectfully to each as we continue our walk. Spaces open as we mount the carved steps. I reach out and touch the hands of those reaching—reaching with hope and allegiance. Eyes widen with awe as they come closer to me and see the gifts of scales beautifully caressing my skin.

  Kareena, a girl of twelve years with golden brown eyes, lifts one finger towards my shoulder. I stop, kneel and give her a smile. Bustling noises scratch in the air as people whisper and shift to watch the girl reach out to me. “It’s okay. You may touch me.” Her outstretched finger born on trembling hand, lightly touches a scale on my neck. It is such a solemn moment as I watch her face of awe shift into a joyful expression.

  What she does next takes me by surprise. She grasps my hand, lowers her forehead to touch it and says, “I dedicate my life to you, Queen of Dragons, Queen of the Spires. I am but a kitchen server but whatever your needs, you can count on me.”

  It is all I can do to not register the shock I feel at her declaration. Understanding now I am a figurehead to the people, I bolster myself to keep in this persona they see. “Kareena, I am pleased by your loyalty. It will not be forgotten.” As I shift, I see many standing upon tip-toes to look over their shoulders to what is happening. After the long break of muted whispers, a spotty amount of applause breaks out, followed by roars of agreement. My heart soars.

  We continue up the ramps and I’m suddenly stopped in my tracks. Dreyth looks at me puzzled. “It’s not me who stopped, it is the Ziphan that holds me fast to my spot. Look around to see why. I’ll make some small talk until we can figure this out.”

  Dreyth speaks to several nearby dragons as I do the same to the people clustered close. My eyes shift along the rows of people and dragons, but I find no threat. The tension of the Ziphan evaporates and once more becomes slack in my arm. Out of the corner of my eye I see a darting figure in the crowd. Rather than coming towards us, this one makes her way out of the auditorium. Belinda. I’m at a loss as to why these odd sensations surround her, but I aim to find out.

  So many dragons and people have merged along the back openings to the auditorium, it’s hard to make our way through. Belinda has already disappeared through the crowd. I wish I knew what was jabbing her so much as to change her behavior. She wasn’t even sitting with the rest of the Beljeem Warriors, nor by Grifton. That in itself I find peculiar, as she’d been wedged by his side ever since Dreyth chose me as Queen.

  “What has your attention? I see you looking over the heads of the many, do you have concerns?”

  I rumble my thoughts through my head. “I’m sure it’s nothing critical. I’m getting a strange feeling in regard to Belinda. She’s been acting peculiar. If we don’t have anything else planned, I think I’ll search for her.”

  “Nothing that cannot wait, but we do need to visit the villages soon. They need to understand you are their Queen, the same as those in the Spire needed to understand. Tomorrow will be soon enough to start that campaign. Would you like me to go with you to find and speak to Belinda?”

  “No, it isn’t necessary. I’m half-way convinced my mind is making much out of nothing, but I need to be sure.”

  “As you wish, my Sparrow. I need to make myself available to the dragons anyway. If there are lingering questions or concerns, I’d like to address them sooner than later.”

  We part ways once we clear the opening from the auditorium to the Spires. If I thought the chaos of this meeting had subsided, I was wrong. It feels like I’m being pulled apart as people start asking questions from every direction. My inclination is to run away from the people as I gauge the energy draining from me. Instead, I turn to them with a gentle smile. I know as the chosen Queen, I must act in a specific manner, but there are still moments when regular Seyra wants to give them a piece of my wild tongue.

  “Do the scales hurt?” Someone asks from those clustered closest to me.

  “Not in the least. I didn’t realize I had them until I looked in a reflecting surface.” The faces around me are filled with wonder. Relaxing, I give them my attention. “Your questions are fine. Believe me, I had many of my own when I saw them appear. The first thing I did was to touch them and then push on them to see what happens.”

  “What happened?” A girl of fifteen or so asks.

  “Absolutely nothing. I can feel the pressure of my finger pressing down, but nothing else. For some reason, I expected the edges of the scales to cut into my flesh but they don’t.”

  Next, a young man, a newer dragon rider, asks, “Will you grow scales that will cover you completely?”

; His question causes me to pause. I fight to control my face. It would be too easy to show my surprise, for I hadn’t considered the notion. “I think that would be highly improbable. As you’ve heard, I’m the first chosen Queen to even have dragon scales. I think the gift was given to show I am the rightful choice as Queen and to show I lead for both the dragons and the people.” Internally, I grin, thinking I did well with the question.

  “True,” he continues, “but since you are the first, I guess it’s a wait and see thing. As you explained to us, you’ve had a double portion of dragon blood—who knows what results that will bring.”

  The group looks from him to me as if some great match is at play, yet I don’t sense any animosity from his words, only curiosity. “That’s a good observation. Only time will tell but I have no doubt, whatever comes along, I will be happy in my role to serve our kingdom of the Spires and our villages.” More nods of agreement encircle me.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have some tasks to tend to.” I turn and see Belinda with a few of the warriors in training head towards the training area. I pick up my pace to reach her.

  They disappear around the chiseled stone before I reach them. Biting my lip, I wonder if I should still follow… I want to catch her alone so our discussion will remain private. I lean against the division wall and chew over my choices.

  Chapter 17

  Ah, Seyra. I’m glad you are here. I’ve called a meeting of the warriors to discuss how we will be guarding the Spires and some of the duties. It would be good for you to join us. You can brief Dreyth on the meeting.” Hu’gan has an unnatural ability to sneak up on a person and I’m sure he saw me flinch as he spoke.

  “Certainly, Hu’gan.” Following him into the training room, I see heads turn and definitely see a glint in Belinda’s eyes as she notices me with Hu’gan.

  “Thank you for coming directly to our training room. As I mentioned before, we have much to do to help protect the Spires from outsiders. We do not know when they will advance towards us. I sense they won’t delay too long. They will fear that we’ll ‘train’ the dragons in more dragon magic. They don’t understand it isn’t something that can be trained. It will be something our dragons must remember. At any rate, it is crucial that we know what is happening across the kingdom. As such, we will implement messengers to fly from village to village to learn of any changes or sightings that may have slipped past the dragons on guard. We’ve only seen the one Gateway, but there may be others. This is why we must be in all places, at all times. For the first moon cycle, warriors Feylor and Belinda will be the messengers. Feylor, you will visit all villages from the Spires to the south. Belinda, you have the northern villages. We start tonight. Pick up your saddles, pack with clothing appropriate for the weather while I have the kitchens prepare travel bags of food to get you started. The villages will give you all else you need.”

  As he turns to speak to me, Belinda interrupts. “But Hu’gan, I’m to receive advanced training to become a Beljeem Warrior, remember? How can I do this and miss my training?”

  “This is part of your training. Beljeem Warriors do not just practice warfare, they must be skilled in obtaining information. Information gathering is critical for the kingdom, often more so than fighting as it can alleviate the need for battle if caught quick enough.”

  Her groan doesn’t miss my ears and I’m just as sure it didn’t miss Hu’gan’s either.

  “Then, I request being sent to the southern villages as that is where my family and village is. I would do a better job there than Feylor.”

  Hu’gan leans his chin against his staff as if to ponder her request. “It takes a lifelong study to become the Master of the Beljeem Warriors. Much thought goes into each assignment given. Do you think you are equivalent in knowledge as your Master?”

  Her eyes grow large as her face reddens. She stammers, “No, that isn’t it. I only thought you may have not taken it into consideration about my knowledge of my own village.”

  “This is precisely the reason I have you as the messenger to the northern villages. With familiarity, comes neglect. It would be easier to miss details when visiting

  those with whom you are most comfortable. With strangers you are more apt to pick up warning signs, incidental conversations that may lead to greater knowledge. No, Belinda, all was taken into consideration.”

  “Yes, Hu’gan.” She pivots on her boots and spins abruptly. The air is filled with her repressed anger.

  I check my Ziphan and it hasn’t glowed or warned me of anything with Belinda this time. I’m surprised to hear a mild chuckle come from Hu’gan and look at him. He waves Feylor away and turns to me.

  “There is animosity in that one. It is best she spend some time in the cold to draw the heat from her heart.”

  “You see it too?” I’m aghast. I thought it was only me.

  “It would take a blind person not to see or feel it. It radiates outward as a dark cloud. I think it’s nothing more than rivalry, Seyra, but I will also keep an eye on her and this is one way I can see if she will change. Make no more of this than one of small jealousies. She was happy when you became the chosen Queen because that meant Grifton would no longer be a match for you. But even so, it elevated your position to a height she can never obtain. I believe she thinks or thought, if she became one of the Beljeem Warriors, she would rise above you, not only in Grifton’s mind, but of all the Spires. If there is more to it than this, I will find out. At least she will have a full moon cycle to rethink.” He smirked.

  I haven’t ever seen this side of Hu’gan. It puts me well at ease. When I turn to leave, a smile works from one edge of my lips to the other. Hu’gan has seen to it that she'll be away from me… and perhaps, come to realize there's no need in seeing me as a rival. We run two separate courses, like Grifton and myself.

  Making my way through the Spires, a shiver pierces my spine. I have always been able to navigate from one area to the next without so much of a head turn, but I now feel eyes on me from everywhere. Am I truly so strange to them? I frown and head towards my chamber to sort out my mind. As I make the turn, I see Belinda heading my way. She sees me and almost skids to a stop, then looks back behind her. Tilting my head sideways, I am curious as to why. I call out. “Belinda! Can I have a moment?”

  She still looks as if she’s debating on whether to turn around and go another direction. I know she’s both heard and seen me. I head towards her. After a moment of indecision, she meets me half way.

  “What is it Seyra? I’m busy. Hu’gan is expecting me right away.” Her eyes barely conceal her anger. “Do I have you to thank for this post? Are you happy to have me out of the Spires?”

  “Belinda, I don’t know what has made you so angry at me. I haven’t done anything to you and of course, I had nothing to do with Hu’gan selecting you as a messenger. The way he described it was that he needed his most trusted and honorable candidates for this post. Why would you think I had anything to do with it?”

  “Well, you can’t deny that you would prefer me to not be around.”

  “Since when, Belinda? I think you are a fantastic dragon rider. I always have. And with you the latest Beljeem Warrior trainee, I think that is spectacular. I have no aspirations to be one of the elite warriors,” I smile at her, “even though I love the uniforms you all have the privilege of wearing.”

  Briefly, she glances at her clothes, but isn’t convinced.

  “Look, I know many people are still a bit shaken with Dreyth’s choosing me to be his Queen. I was startled at his announcement. I mean, I had never thought of anything like that. I only learned, shortly before the rest of you, that my ancestor had been chosen also. Is that what has you angry at me?”

  She looks at me like she’s thinking I just fell from the wagon. “Everything is so easy for you, Seyra. My whole life has been a struggle. I prayed to the Stars and Moon that a dragon would choose me. I didn’t know what I would do if I had to stay in my village, in my home. I had to take car
e of my father, work the gardens, help mother cook and mend, watch my younger brothers…there was no end to it. While you stumble across a dragon and not just any old dragon, it had to be the Brula’r! Then, you become the First Rider. Right after that, you find Grifton and Elky and since that day, it is the three of you that everyone speaks about. No matter what I do, it’s always Seyra this and Seyra that. If not that, I get to hear how wonderful Elky is and Grifton. But no matter how I dress, how much I stay near him, he only has eyes for you.”

  I slap her. Hard. “That’s from the old Seyra, not the new Queen of the Spires. Let me set you straight, Belinda. As far as everything being so easy for me? You have no idea of what I’ve gone through. Sure, you know our village was burned down and I lost my family, the same as Grifton and Elky. What you may not know is when those supposed knights showed up, I was hurt and thrown from man to man for them to hit and humiliate me. I watched as they killed my father and brother. That was the worst thing I could imagine…but it wasn’t the worse thing at all. They raped my mother and when she screamed out, they took pleasure in beating her. When they tired of that, they strangled her and left the house laughing. No Belinda, if you think I’ve had it easy, you are sorely mistaken. The sooner you come to your senses about Grifton and me, the better off you’ll be. I am Dreyth’s. I am not interested in Grifton. I once had an infatuation towards him but that is all. Grifton knows there can never be anything between us. You should know that.”

  She shuffles her feet but stares me straight in the eyes. “I’m sorry about your family. I didn’t know. You can say all you want about Grifton and yourself, but it doesn’t change the fact that he still cares for you, still watches your every move.”

  “I’m told as he is the First Knight, it is part of his obligation, to look after the Queen if the King isn’t nearby. I think you are seeing things that aren’t there. Regardless, I would never leave Dreyth or decline being his Queen. So to answer any lingering thoughts you have, there will never be a relationship between Grifton and I, other than his appointed duties and his friendship.” Belinda is wearing a smirk that baffles me.


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