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Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)

Page 9

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  There were shouts from the front of the tent and a spell that penetrated their defensive line and shot through the tent. She ignored it and focused on her target. A shape darting between the trees… she threw her arms out in front of her, aiming at the next tree over. Flames blasted outward, connecting with her moving target just as the Grosvenor’s frame slid behind the tree.

  Bark exploded. The Grosvenor, stunned, stammered backwards. In solid form. A fightable form. A body came up alongside her. It was Arnon Jacoby. He wore a sly grin and wasted no time in attacking.

  “Good job,” he shouted back at Juliska as he ran. Nashua was right behind him, both shooting spells at the darkly cloaked form just gathering themselves from the fiery blast. It had singed the edges of their cloak, and plumes of smoke wafted off the dark cloth. A jarring sneer escaped the hood as if the Grosvenor though the whole thing funny. It wasn’t remotely worried that Arnon or Nashua would cause any permanent damage.

  More bodies slid up next to Juliska and saw what was happening.

  She ignored them, her gaze honing in on her next target. She lit out at it, but missed. The Grosvenor dissolved into the darkness in thick smoky veils. Juliska hissed, shooting off a fiery vortex of flame into any direction she thought she caught their movements. By sheer luck, her fire caught another.

  Cornell and Milo ran after that one.

  Balloch, Kanda and Eddy came over to her.

  “Nicely done, my love.” He grinned in proud satisfaction.

  Kanda tossed her a wry smile. “Not good in a battle?”

  “I stuck with what I know.”

  Kanda gave her a short nod of approval. She, Eddy and Balloch shot off protective spells in attempts to keep their fellow friends safe as they fought the stunned Grosvenor. They were just two, but even stunned they moved and fought with slick precision and speed.

  Arnon and Nashua dueled the Grosvenor, but made no progress other than staying alive.

  Arnon thought it strange that though the Grosvenor were attacking heavily, they still had not managed to injure one of them seriously. Which meant only one thing: they were not trying to do so. The diversion theory came back to mind.

  Arnon’s glance slipped back to Kanda… he didn’t see her. Where had she gone?

  He gave a start when a second later a pristine white owl took flight. It seemed an odd sight during the middle of a battle. Was this Kanda’s animal form? An owl?

  He scowled. An owl was hardly a creature that could take care of itself in battle.

  “Arnon!” Nashua shouted too late.

  One of the Grosvenor blasted Arnon sending him flying backwards. He landed on the ground, his breath stripped away, but was grateful at least, not wrapped around a tree broken in two.

  Balloch came to his aid, helping him up. Everything hurt, felt like he’d had a full on body punch. But he insisted he was fine. Balloch and Arnon could not get back to Eddy, so they stayed back to back, shooting off spells to block the one’s coming at them.

  Milo and Cornell had been split up, and were shooting off spells, darting behind trees and stumps, slowing working their way back toward the tent, and Eddy, who was the last one guarding their Firemancer; the only one who’d done any amount of damage so far. But the Grosvenor had caught on to her fiery vortex and were avoiding her now.

  Nashua was shooting off spells and shouting for his sister but there was no reply.

  Arnon feared for a minute that the owl had just been a coincidence. Perhaps Kanda had been snatched by the Grosvenor. The attack would have stopped though, wouldn’t it?

  Juliska continued to look for the dark silhouettes of the Grosvenor. They flitted around so fast they were impossible to attack with any precision. She and her fellow quest members were fighting for their lives, but the Grosvenor were just playing… like this was a game. And once they got bored, she and her friends would all be dead.

  What was the point of all this? Just having a little fun?

  The Grosvenor rarely came into the open unless they had a reason. Although it had been a few years since they’d attacked. Perhaps this was just a friendly reminder that they were still around, in case anyone was thinking they’d up and vanished.

  Juliska shot off another spew of flame and missed one of them by an inch.

  “Damn it!” she groaned, just as Arnon and Nashua made it to her.

  Not long after Milo, Balloch and Cornell were back. All out of breath and tiring. With a host of dark veils swirling in a circle about twenty feet away. Rounding them up. Herding them together… for what?

  “I think all nine are here,” breathed out Eddy. All nine Grosvenor against the eight of them, and one of them still missing. Kanda…

  “I’m out of ideas,” said Juliska. “I don’t know what else I can try. They’re too fast.”

  Eddy patted her arm in comfort. “Just stay focused.” He did the same.

  With a rush of movement, half the smoke-like forms burst upward into the air.

  Spells rained down over them all. They huddled, palms over their heads, once again on the defensive end. More came at them from the ground. Cornell fell backward, hitting his head hard, but he remained conscious and pulled himself back up. There was a nasty gash on the side of his head but he shouted for everyone to stay focused on the fight. Juliska shot off flame to ward off the Grosvenor from coming closer. Eddy fought with his back to her, fending off spells from behind her.

  Arnon and Nashua forged a barrier over them, spells ricocheting off, or fizzling upon contact. Balloch and Milo aimed anywhere and everywhere they could.

  They were surrounded by an enemy that did not tire, with a magical supply of energy that would eventually run out. There were magical belts and reserves inside the tent, if it came to it. The attack had started so quickly they’d been caught off guard.

  Something Arnon took full responsibility for.

  It was his job to keep these people safe and he was failing miserably.

  Arnon jerked his head to the side when a spark of gleaming white ran by. Out of the woods trotted a coyote. Definitely not a normal coyote. It had an ethereal quality about it, almost looked like it was glowing. And no normal animal in their right mind would come near this much noise and movement.

  “We’re fighting an enemy we cannot win,” said an out of breath Balloch Flummer.

  They all wore the same look; they would be defeated. They could not win. There was only one outcome.

  “Kanda!” Nashua scolded harshly.

  “Oh enough already,” she retorted back just as hotly.

  Arnon cast his gaze to her. She was standing just where the coyote had been a second before. He shot her a questioning gaze. Her return was not nearly as friendly or wry as it had been before. It was purposely focused.

  “I flew into the sky and got a good view,” she explained.

  So she was the owl, thought Arnon.

  “All nine of the Grosvenor are here. We cannot win. Are only hope is to escape,” she warned gravely. “We may have to abandon the camp.”

  “Maybe that’s what they want,” thought Arnon. “For us to flee so they can take all our research.”

  “Makes sense,” said Cornell. “Also makes this entire month a waste of time if we lose all the research.”

  “It’s not worth our lives,” decided Milo.

  They all agreed.

  Flee, it was.

  Cornell looked like he had a plan forming, however, before he could say anything another barrage of spells pummeled them.

  Juliska found herself shoved inside the tent. She was sure it was Eddy who did it. Like she’d be any safer in here versus out there.

  Her gaze caught a candle’s flame.

  “A vision. Please…” she begged the fiery tendrils. But nothing came.

  A voice startled her and she spun around.

  “Yours is the blood I’m looking for,” the voice stated evenly.

  She let out a rush of air, but saw no one.

  “Juliska Blackwell
…” the voice taunted her. It seemed to come from all around and nowhere all at the same time.

  Outside, the group was split apart again. Each fighting for their lives in a furious assault. Kanda flicked her head, eyeing her brother… she was warning him, not asking his permission. She shot off three jets of magic and flicked her head to the opposite side.

  “Cornell,” she shouted. He could tell by her tone that she had a plan. Kanda used both palms to defend herself and Cornell, as he shot off a quick round of spells and dove to the ground in a roll, coming up quick to his feet just a few feet from her.

  “I made a portal to take you home. You can’t miss it.” She pointed with her head in the direction. “You’ll have to fight your way there… but I’ll make sure they don’t have the chance to follow.”

  “What’s your plan?” he wanted to know.

  “Distract them for as long as I can. Just get everyone out of here. I’ll be fine,” she stated firmly.

  He looked like he wanted to question but instead, agreed, and set into telling everyone to retreat and follow him.

  Inside the tent, Juliska heard Cornell shouting, but had to ignore him. She had her fiery hands at the ready to attack… but the voice went silent. She spun in circles. Was it safe to leave the tent now? Cornell was still shouting for retreat.

  She made to move forward and froze mid step.

  A smoke-like mass materialized just ten feet in front of her.

  She tried to scream, but her vocal chords refused to work, shutting down on her.

  Jurekai Fazendiin. Standing in front of her.

  The original and considered the most powerful of all the immortals.

  She ordered her body to move. To turn around and blast her way out of the tent. But it betrayed her, giving in to fear and refused to obey her order.

  “I’ve been waiting for this day a long time,” he told her ominously.

  She backed away. The first smart thing she’d done since he’d shown himself.

  But what did he mean by that? And what did he mean by the smell of her blood… he’s said something about that too.

  It didn’t matter. She could ask herself those questions once she’d escaped.

  Eddy came screaming into the tent, only to skid to a stop and nearly tumble over onto the ground. He caught himself, got steady and shot off a spell. Fazendiin moved so fast they didn’t see it. But he did not return fire, only moved out of the way.

  A blink later, he had somehow whisked past Juliska’s head, his voice whispering clearly in her ear.

  “You belong with me. Not them,” the Grosvenor said.

  She spun around but he was gone already. Eddy made to come forward but stopped again when the immortal materialized behind Juliska. She’d turned to face Eddy, but knew instantly the immortal was right behind her. Very close. So close, he could touch her. But he didn’t.

  “Please,” begged Eddy. “I don’t know what you want. If you just want to take someone, take me. Not her. Please.”

  Juliska stared him down and shook her head.


  She wouldn’t have anyone suffer in her place.

  “How… honorable,” said Fazendiin. “But I didn’t come for you,” he aimed at Eddy.

  What both he and Juliska heard was… I came for her… not you.

  She was the reason for the attack. Not Kanda. Not the research… not just a friendly reminder that the Grosvenor were still around and dangerous…

  “Please don’t,” she begged him. She couldn’t believe herself. Begging… like it would do any good.

  Not now. Just… not now. If she was taken she’d never see Eddy again. Or her mother… or the island… her life was effectively over.

  Fazendiin stepped closer. “Don’t worry, I don’t hurt my own kind.” He said it only loud enough for her to hear.

  She let out a gasp, aghast at his accusation.

  Firm hands gripped her shoulders.

  Eddy raced forward, shouting something… blood rushed to her ears cutting off her ability to hear sound and she did not hear him. Half way to her, Eddy was thrown backwards, blown into the side of the canvas tent wall.

  The ground started to spin under her feet.

  “Close your eyes,” the immortal ordered her. “It will easier.”

  The ground was disappearing.

  She crushed her eyes closed. There was no other choice.

  Everything got heavy. Her breath, her lungs just trying to breathe.

  Somehow, she found enough air to scream. It sucked away all her air and she went limp, unable to maintain any strength. The immortal did not loosen his hold. A moment later, her eyelids got so heavy she could not keep them open and they shut.

  Everything went dark.

  Outside the tent, the retreat had come to a hasty delay. The Grosvenor had increased their speed and depth of their attack. Kanda had separated herself from the group and Arnon was more than curious as to what she was up to…

  A scream from inside the tent.


  There was nothing they could do. The Grosvenor would not relent. If anything, the scream seemed to invigorate their attack.

  Eddy staggered out of the tent.

  “Juliska… they’ve taken Juliska,” he told them.

  Everything stopped and moved all at the same time.

  So many flashes of thought and memory and fear… almost like life flashing before their eyes.

  Juliska’s, not theirs.

  Theirs would come soon enough…

  Kanda hid in the woods, trembling. She was too late. She should have transformed sooner…

  A smoky silhouette flew over the empty tent and a flash later, a massive boom had them all sailing through the air. They landed hard against the ground, only to look up and see their tent dissolve into a coarse dust. Almost like sand.

  Everything inside remained intact, but coated in pulverized canvas.

  They’d have gladly traded all the research in exchange for Juliska.

  The battle raged on, mercilessly.

  Now that the Grosvenor had taken what they came for, there was no need to leave anyone else alive. In a mere flash of a smoke-like moment, the immortals showed their true speed and mastery as each of the men found themselves on their knees, hands tied behind their backs with palms bound tightly together to keep them from using magic.

  Their breaths were heavy.

  The hearts heavier.

  If they were lucky, the Grosvenor would grant them quick deaths.

  Juliska would not be so lucky…

  Eddy sank to the ground, all will to live sucked out of him. How had he let this happen? Let Juliska be taken from him? She’d even warned him; people wanted her gift… it was the reason she did not trust him. It should have been so obvious that Juliska was the prize…

  A white owl flew up into the branches of a tree.

  Nashua saw it and nodded, knowingly. They had no other choice. Even if the Grosvenor were not here for his sister, after today, they’d know her secret.

  The Grosvenor heard the screech of an owl and lifted their heads. In the time it took for this action, there was no owl, but Kanda Macawi sitting on a tree branch.

  “Let them go.” Her tone demanded their instant agreement on this. With a shimmering flash that blinded them all, her owl form flew off and landed on the ground… only as she landed, she was no longer an owl but a shimmering white coyote.

  Arnon shook his head, befuddled. He’d never known any of the Tunkapog who could transform into more than one animal. He sucked in a deep intake of breath, his gaze narrowing in wonder. He turned to Nashua. “I thought it was a myth.”

  Nashua shook his head, a mixture of pride and sorrow.

  “We really need to back up,” stated Arnon.

  “Let them go,” Kanda beseeched a second time. She was in human form again. A hazy glow surrounding her body. The Grosvenor hissed and edged closer, showing no fear. A few of them sneered and laughed, their mouths widening to n
asty looking grins underneath their hoods.

  Their attention on Kanda, the others were able to get to their feet and run.

  “Eddy! C’mon,” Balloch encouraged loudly. He used his legs to nudge his pupil to his feet and get him moving. They took shelter behind a group of trees at where the backside of the tent would have been if had not been destroyed.

  They watched as Kanda fell to her hands and knees, the ethereal shimmer engulfing her in a cocoon of magical energy. She did not transform like her brother or the other Tunkapog. The energy pulsed like a heartbeat, reforming her body.

  The Grosvenor hissed, backing away a few steps. They tossed a few questioning looks at each other and back at Kanda.

  Only she wasn’t Kanda Macawi any longer.

  What stepped out of the cocoon…

  It took their breath away.



  A long thick tail pounded down hard against the ground.

  It snake-like form stretched outward, its movements glistening like pearls under the moonlight.

  The tail swept across the ground. Half the Grosvenor dematerialized into smoke; the other half did not act fast enough and scales collided with solid bodies, hurling them in all directions.

  One of the Grosvenor slammed into a tree trunk, a gut wrenching crack breaking it. Its body crumpled to the ground. It would not die. Eventually it would heal… but there were just seven left to fight now.

  The ground shook.

  A muscular leg lifted out of the cocoon pounding down onto the earth in a purposeful step. Then another, another and another.

  “Oh my,” exclaimed Milo in disbelief.

  Arnon watched in great awe. An owl. A coyote. And a dragon…

  Not a myth… he guessed just a well-guarded secret.

  She was a true shifter, unlike her kin who could walk in the skin of a single animal.

  “Well…” said Cornell, clearing his throat. “This puts our efforts to shame…”

  “Yeah, the woman kind of kicked our asses,” Arnon agreed. They caught themselves and peered back at Eddy. Juliska had fought well, and they’d failed in protecting her. Balloch tried to comfort his student but had a difficult time keeping his eyes off the dragon.


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