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Love's Precious Surprise (The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)

Page 2

by Quinn, Shelli

“You know damn well what I’m talking about.” She said a bit louder this time as her nerves began to calm down.

  He shot her a crooked smile. “Really, then prove it tell me exactly what it is that you think that I did.”

  “You really have lost your mind haven’t you? Why should I have to tell you what it is that you did, when I’m sure you know perfectly well what you did?” She said getting a bit irritated with this game he was playing.

  “I’m asking you to tell me what I did.” He said calmly.

  “Why should I tell you something you already know?” She asked in return.

  “For one, I don’t think you can form the words to say what it is that you think I did and two is because if you can form the words then I want to hear you say it.” He replied.

  “Why are you playing this game with me?” She asked angrily.

  “Il mio amore prezioso, I promise you this is not a game this is called strategy.” He said with a slight smile.

  “What do you mean strategy? And what in the hell is that Italian phrase that you keep saying to me?” She demanded.

  “I tell you what if you answer my question then I’ll give serious consideration to answering your questions, deal?” He said in response to her question.

  “Fine, what was your question again?” She said teasingly.

  “Ah, that’s cute okay you just let me know when you remember, how’s that?” He said turning his attention back to work on his desk.

  “You are impossible okay you kissed me on the hand.” She whispered quietly.

  “And?” He asked.

  “And, what? What do you want now?” She asked in frustration.

  “And how did it make you feel when I kissed you on the hand?” He asked softly determined to make her admit that she felt something for him other than irritation.

  “It made me feel nervous.” She said softly.

  “And?” He asked knowing that she’d felt more than that.

  “And it made me feel tingly and it made my heart pound and I couldn’t catch my breath. I’ve never felt like that before and I’m not sure if I like it.” She whispered as she glanced away from him.

  “That’s how you’re supposed you feel when a man kisses you, no matter where he kisses you. That was the first step in my strategy to win your heart.” Daniele said in a sweet voice.

  “So making me nerves and tingly is all part of your stupid strategy, how in the hell is that going to win this jaded heart of mine?” She said loudly in frustration as unshed tears filled her eyes.

  “First of all your heart is only jaded because you’ve never had a man treat you the way you should be treated and I think it’s about time you did. I know that getting to your heart won’t be easy but I didn’t expect for a minute that it would be. I plan to take down that brick wall of yours one brick at a time.” He said gazing across the room at her.

  Chapter Two

  Toni stood under the spray of the shower as her thoughts ran rampant through her mind. She thought about the things that London had said to her and then there was Daniele and the crazy things he’d said. Not to mention the gentle way he’d kissed the back of her hand with his soft, warm lips.

  Until now she’d always felt sick at the thought of any man putting his lips on her or even touching her for that matter. But for some unexplainable reason Daniele didn’t make her feel that way. It scared her a little the things she felt for him and she wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it.

  Toni was seriously considering talking to her Landry sisters about this whole situation, because she was going out of her mind trying to figure it out on her own. With her decision made she quickly finished her shower and got dressed. She called Indy knowing that was the easiest way to make sure that she was able to talk to all of the Landry sisters because when Indy spoke they all listened whether they wanted to or not.

  About thirty minutes later she was opening the door of the guest house which she now shared with Daniele to Indy, Gigi, Asia and London. The only good thing about sharing a place with Daniele was that they rarely saw each other because of their hectic work schedule.

  As usual Indy had brought the wine, Gigi had brought supplies for their girl’s night facials, of course Asia had brought enough food to feed an army and London had brought plush designer robes for all of them.

  Toni loved having them as her sisters they were strong, tough, beautiful and independent women. They were also the best role models any young woman could ask for she’d grown so much stronger since having them in her life. She didn’t know what she’d do without them they were always there for her when she needed someone to lean on.

  When the nightmares had started again shortly after the confrontation with her stepfather’s brother they’d been there for her taking turns staying up with her because she was too terrified to sleep. Well that was until Indy had finally given her a swift kick in the pants to remind her that she was no longer that scare little girl that she once was.

  She was a Landry woman now and there was no way in hell that they would let anything happen to her. Between them and the Fabrizio’s she had nothing to worry about they were the kind of family everyone wished they had.

  “Damn girl, don’t just stand there close the door and go get some glasses.” Indy said as she took a seat on the couch.

  “Bring some plates and silverware while you’re at it oh and don’t forget the napkins. You know what I’ll just help you it’ll be easier.” Asia said as she followed her to the kitchen.

  “I was wondering if she was just going to sit her little boney butt there and make Toni get everything.” Gigi said as she put her things down.

  “I heard that Shorty.” Asia yelled from the kitchen.

  “You call me Shorty again and the next thing you hear is me slapping you little girl.” Gigi yelled back.

  “You’re starting to sound like Indy in your old age.” Asia said as she stuck her head out of the kitchen door.

  “Who in the hell are you calling old heifer?” Indy said as she glanced at Asia.

  “See there you go again first of all I was talking to Gigi and second I was just teasing about the old age thing. Dang would the two of you please lighten up.” She said slipping back into the kitchen.

  “Why do the two of you let Asia get to you like that you know she does it on purpose just to push your buttons and ya’ll fall for it every time.” London said with a grin.

  “Shut up London!” Indy and Gigi both said in unison.

  “Alright you guys this is supposed to be about my problem tonight so can ya’ll put the brakes on the rest of the drama for now.” Toni said as she followed Asia out of the kitchen.

  “Of course we can Toni so what’s the problem and how can we help?” Gigi said with a smile.

  “Are you kidding even I have enough sense to know what the problem is.” Indy said as she poured everyone a glass of wine.

  “Well would someone mind telling me because I am clueless right now.” Asia said as she began filling plates with the food she’d brought.

  “Honey it’s not just right now you’re always clueless.” Gigi said teasingly.

  “You know sometimes you really get on my nerves.” Asia told Gigi.

  “This is about Daniele isn’t it?” London asked Toni.

  “Yes, and I don’t know what to do about him or my feelings for him. That’s why I wanted to talk to you guys. All of you have had to deal with a Fabrizio man and this one seems to be as stubborn as the rest of them.” Toni said helplessly.

  “He may be as stubborn but he’s also just as kind and caring.” Indy reminded her.

  “And loving don’t forget loving they have that in spades, girl.” Asia added.

  “That’s really not helping, what am I going to do about Daniele?” Toni asked looking around at each of them.

  “What would you like to do about him?” Asia asked.

  “After everything I’ve been through I’m too afraid to even consider what I would like to do about him.
I’m terrified of being hurt the way my stepfather use to hurt me. I really don’t think I can survive that again.” Toni said in a shaky voice as tears welled in her green eyes.

  “You my dear Toni are much stronger than you’ll ever know, but I promise that no one will ever hurt you like that ever again.” Indy said in a determined tone.

  “We all promise, that you are safe from now until eternity.” London said to reassure her.

  “Thanks you guys but there is no way you can make a promise like that.” Toni said quietly.

  “What girl please we are the Landry sisters, you should know by now that we knock heads, kick ass and protect our family.” Indy said with a grin.

  “Not to mention that we’re married to the Fabrizio’s just in case you don’t know people come up missing when they mess with their loved ones. So no worries kiddo it’s all good.” Gigi said with a knowing smile remembering what had happened to her ex-boyfriend when he’d tried to hurt her.

  “I guess you guys are right, but that still doesn’t help me with this whole Daniele situation. I mean I know he’s a nice guy and all I just don’t know if I’m the ready to be intimate with anyone, especially with him.” She said sadly.

  The others exchanged glances as they listened to the sadness in her voice as well as the longing that she tried to hide. They watched as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling. She sighed helplessly before running both her hands over her face.

  “Why not with Daniele, what’s wrong with him?” Gigi asked.

  “Well nothing really.” Toni said softly.

  “You dang right there’s nothing with him. He’s a very handsome man, He has a nice body, and he’s smart and sweet.” London said.

  “He’s also a gentleman who’s very kind, considerate and caring.” Indy said.

  “And girl, don’t forget the best part, He is a Fabrizio and they know how to treat their woman with the respect they deserve.”Asia added happily.

  “Not to mention that they know how to love you unconditionally with flaws and all.” Gigi said.

  “Look Toni, we said all of this just to say that when you’re ready to take that step towards being intimate with a man, you couldn’t choose a better man than Daniele Fabrizio. But you have to be sure that you’re ready to take that step forward.” Indy said giving her approval as the big sister she always is.

  “Indy’s right sweetie, take your time be certain that you’re ready for that kind of intimacy because it can be overwhelming, in a good way but overwhelming just the same.” London said caringly.

  “Just take it one day at a time and see how it goes, if it’s meant to be than things will work out just the way they are supposed to.” Asia said with a smile.

  “Thanks guys, I feel much better now that I’ve talked to ya’ll about all this.” Toni said smiling with ease.

  “Good now can we get this girls night in gear because ya’ll know that our husbands will be calling soon because they can’t handle their own bad ass kids.” Indy said teasingly.

  “Girl, I know that’s right, remember what happened last time?” Gigi said laughing.

  “You mean when the guys let the kids almost destroy my house. Oh yeah I remember it took us two days to clean up the mess they made.” Asia said with a frown.

  “Excuse me did you say us, as I recall it was Daniele and I that got stuck with the clean up.” Toni said.

  “That’s true but I did have to supervisor the two of you especially since you were yelling at the poor man the entire time. The two of you were almost as bad as the kids.” Asia said.

  “Hey why is it that when you and Daniele watch the kids the two of you don’t have one bit of trouble out of them. When we come to pick them up they’re always worn-out and exhausted.” Gigi commented curiously.

  “Yeah, the minute we get them home they fall asleep dead tired.” London added.

  “True, but at least they’re fed and bathed when you get them back.” Toni said.

  “I don’t know your secret but I do know that we really appreciate you and Daniele for taking such good care of them for us.” Indy said with a smile.

  “No problem, Daniele and I don’t mind at all.” Toni said happily.

  “What is it that you and I don’t mind at all?” Daniele asked as he came through the door.

  “We don’t mind watching the kids.” Toni answered.

  “Oh yeah we enjoy watching the kids for you guys they’re a lot of fun to play with.” He replied as he opened the closet next to the front door.

  “I thought you were giving the guys a hand with the kids?” Indy asked.

  “I am I can back home to get my bag of tricks because the kids were starting to get restless and you know how they get when they get restless.” Daniele said as he searched the closet.

  “Yeah they start destroying things.” Asia said with a frown.

  “Bingo. Toni do you know where we put the bag after the last time we watched the kids?” He asked.

  “I think it’s in the hall closet you know the one with the linens in it I’ll go check.” Toni said as she stood to go check.

  “That’s okay, you don’t have to get up I’ll go check.” Daniele said motioning for her to sit back down as he went to check the other closet.

  Toni didn’t return to her seat instead she picked up her wine glass and walked over to close the closet door. As she was about to return to her seat on the couch he came around the corner and almost knocked Toni down when he bumped into her.

  Daniele dropped the bag to reach out and grab for her. “Hey sorry about that are you okay?” He asked.

  “I’m fine thanks for not letting me fall on my ass and luckily I didn’t spill my wine.” She said as she gazed up at him with a slight smile.

  “I promise that I’ll never let you fall il mio amore prezioso.” He said still holding onto her.

  “When are you going to tell me what that means?” She asked staring into his light brown eyes.

  “I’ll tell you when I think you’re ready to know what it means.” He whispered so that only she could hear what he was saying as he released his hold on her.

  “Oh, I see you found the bag did you check it to make sure we put everything back in it?” She asked adjusting her stance to accommodate her own weight.

  “Yeah I checked and everything is here although I won’t be able to do many of the tricks anyway without you but it should be fine.” He said as he reached for her glass and took a sip of her wine before handing it back to her.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be there to help out.” She said quietly.

  “That’s okay but I better get back before the guys send out the search party for me. I’ll let you ladies get back to your girl night, I’ll see you later, prezioso.” He said lifting her hand to his lips before quickly releasing it to walk out the door.

  The Landry sisters exchanged knowing glances as they watched a blushing Toni stare at the back of her hand wide eyed. A slow smile touched her lips as a dreamy look appeared on her face. When she looked at the others she noticed that they were staring at her.

  “Why are ya‘ll looking at me like that?” Toni asked as she glanced at each of them.

  “Girl, you have got it bad and so does he you really need to think about giving that man a chance who knows it could turn out to be the best thing you’ve ever done.” London said.

  “It certainly was for us, and we have never been happier.” Asia said smiling brightly.

  “She’s right even a strong, independent woman sometimes needs the love of a good man by her side.” Gigi said.

  Thanks again you guys it really helps talking to all of you.” Toni said happily.

  Daniele made it back to Pierce’s house wearing a smug smile. The guys noticed immediately and exchanged questioning glances.

  “Boy why are you smiling like that, what have you done?” Pierce asked as he grabbed his four year old son Dante just before he was about to push the lamp off the table next t
o the couch. While his two year old daughter was running in circles around the couch spilling juice.

  “Yeah, we all know that smile and more times than not it usually has something to do with a Landry woman.” Luc said trying to keep his two year old son Luca from running rampant while holding his three month old son Sansone.

  “Please tell me you didn’t do anything to piss our wives off.” Gio said holding his fifteen month old daughter Guiseppina (Pina for short) while keeping a sharp eye on his almost three year old son Gianni.

  “Just tell us you didn’t do something stupid that we’re going to have to kill you for.” Gabe said as he tried unsuccessfully to pry his cell phone from the hands of his two year old son Raphael.

  “Of course I didn’t, it’s just I think Toni is starting to become less hostile towards me and I’m pretty sure I have your wives to thank for that.” Daniele said with a bright smile.

  “That’s great just remember that Toni’s been through a lot.” Pierce said as he continued to wrestle with Dante who was trying to get away.

  “Yeah also remember that you should take things slow so that you don’t frighten her into not giving you a chance.” Gio said as he tried to hold onto his wiggling daughter.

  “You should also make sure that you always treat her with the care and respect that she deserves and let her know what an amazing woman she is.” Luc said grabbing his son by the shirt as he dashed by.

  “And last but certainly not least if you do anything to hurt her we will beat you like you stole something.” Gabe added just as he was finally able to get his cell phone away from his son.

  “Believe me you guys I know all of that and I don’t plan to do anything to screw this up because she means too much to me already. I want her to know what an incredible woman she is.” Daniele said with determination in his voice.

  “Well we are so happy to hear that now would please do something to calm these kids down?” Pierce pleaded.

  “No problem, come on kids it’s show time.” He yelled causing the children to stop what they were doing and squeal as they came running to him.


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