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Love's Precious Surprise (The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)

Page 5

by Quinn, Shelli

“What she means to say is that we love you too, kiddo.” London said with a smile.

  “I know why else would ya’ll put up with me and my craziness.” Toni said with a bright grin.

  “If you don’t get a move on it there’s no way you’ll be ready for your date with Daniele by seven-thirty.” Asia said as she got up from the couch.

  “Yeah girl, we need to do something about those puffy, swollen eyes of yours.” Gigi said as she also stood from the couch.

  “See, that’s what happens when you do all that damn crying, it’s going to take a miracle to get rid of that puffiness in three and half hours.” Indy said as she joined the others.

  “Don’t worry I got this, I just need some icy water, a cucumber and a little vinegar.” Asia said.

  “What in the hell are planning to do make pickles, the girl needs help with her puffy eyes not a snack.” Indy said.

  “That’s what the hell I’m trying to do it may not sound like it but it’ll work trust me.” Asia said as she went into the kitchen.

  “That girl isn’t too bright sometimes.” Gigi said.

  “I think she needs witch hazel not vinegar.” London said.

  “Well don’t just sit there stupid, go in the kitchen and help that dumb ass girl.” Indy said to London.

  “My puffy eyes aren’t going to matter if I can’t find something nice to wear.” Toni said in a panic.

  “Did you hit your damn head or did the, I’m stupid bug jump from Asia to you when no one was looking?” Indy asked.

  “In other words have you forgotten who you’re related to?” Gigi asked nicely.

  “Oh yeah duh, I’m a complete air-head tonight.” Toni said tapping herself gently on the forehead.

  “You certainly are sweetie now come on let’s do something with that hair of yours, while tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum figure out how to get rid of your puffy eyes. Come on Gigi you can give me a hand.” Indy said.

  “You want my help?” Gigi asked.

  “I know you didn’t think that I was going to tackle all that hair of hers by myself.” Indy said to Gigi.

  “I don’t see why not you try to tackle everything else by yourself.” Gigi said sarcastically.

  “Heifer, if you don’t bring your little, short ass over here and help me I swear I’ll strangle you.” Indy said as she gazed at her through narrowed eyes.

  “Well how can I refuse when you ask so nicely?” Gigi said as she went with them to master bath room.

  Two hours later the women stood back and admired their joint efforts. Toni looked even

  more beautiful then she normally did. Her usually curly sandy brown hair had been straightened and hung down her bare back. She wore a light amount of make-up on her naturally pretty face. She was wearing a lovely green dress that London had designed especially for her.

  It ended just above the knee in front and gradually got longer in the back, the neckline was a bit high coming up to her at her collarbone while the back dipped low stopping at her waistline.

  Her strappy gold heels matched her accessories and complimented the green color of the dress she was wearing.

  Toni turned from one side to the other as she gazed at her image in the full-length mirror. She couldn’t stop smiling because although she’d been dressed up on several occasions, she’d never looked quite like this. For the first time in her life she looked like a sexy, desirable confident woman instead of the poor pathetic abused girl that he stepfather had turned her into.

  Tonight she felt strong and powerful as if anything was possible and maybe it was. She was the one in control of her destiny she was the one who would decide how her past would affect her future. No longer would she let what her stepfather had done to her control her life.

  From this moment on Toni was choosing to be happy. Oh she was so ready for her date with Daniele but she still had almost an hour before he’d be by to pick her up.

  “Girl, you are going to knock his socks off.” Asia said with a wide smile.

  “You look beautiful, kiddo.” London said proudly.

  “Honey, as sexy as you look tonight, Daniele might have a hard time remembering to be a gentleman. I should probably loan you my can of pepper spray.” Gigi teased.

  “I thought Pierce got rid of all your pepper spray after you almost blinded him with a can.” London said.

  “You know good and dang well that was an accident. How was I supposed to know that can was leaking?” Gigi said defensively.

  “Well the moisture on your hands after handling the can should have been a little indication that the can might have been leaking.” Asia said.

  “Shut up Asia at least I didn’t almost hit my husband with his own car.” Gigi replied.

  “That wasn’t my fault he knew damn well that I couldn’t drive a stick shift, so you’d think that common sense would’ve told him to get the hell out of the way. Besides he should’ve moved his own damn car, I’m not a freaking valet.” Asia said.

  “Anyway back to the subject of Daniele being a gentleman, I’m sure he’ll behave just fine but you young lady need to remember to act like the strong, confident and classy woman that we’ve taught you to be. And don’t forget to listen to your heart not your head.” Indy said hoping that her words would help encourage her to do what makes her happy.

  “Thanks to you guys I think this is going to be one of the best nights of my life. I can’t believe I’m really going on my first date I’m so excited.” Toni said happily.

  “And all of us are happy for you.” London said with a smile.

  Daniele came downstairs after getting dressed for his date with Toni he’d decided to get dressed at his Aunt and Uncle’s house. The minute his feet touched the bottom step he was quickly surrounded by Pierce, Gio, Gabe and Luc. He’d had a feeling that they’d be here to give him a lecture before his date.

  “What’s up guys did you need something?” Daniele asked as he straightened his collar.

  “Boy don’t play dumb with us you know why we’re here.” Pierce said.

  “I hope you guys are here to wish me luck on my date with Toni.” Daniele said.

  “We’re here to remind you that if you do anything to hurt Toni then family or not it’ll take more than luck to keep us from skinning you alive.” Gabe said in a serious tone

  “We also wanted to make sure that you remember your manners. Toni is a special woman not one of those gold-digging bimbo’s you’re use to dating.” Luc said.

  “Yeah, and if things get a little hot for you making it hard for you to control your manly urges then I just want you to close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine us kicking your ass. Don’t make any moves that she doesn’t want you to.” Gio warned politely.

  “Look guys in case you all have forgotten I’m a Fabrizio. I learned how a woman should be treated around the same time I learned how to walk. I promise you no one on earth will ever care for Toni more than I do. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt or disrespect her. Tonight I plan to treat her like the queen she is.” Daniele said with a wide smile that made his light brown eyes twinkle.

  “I swear if you boys don’t stop giving poor Daniele a hard time I’m going to have your father take a stick to each of you.” Sera said as she came out of the family room where she’d been playing with her grandchildren.

  “Hi, mom we just wanted to make sure that Daniele remembered to behave tonight.” Gabe said to his mother.

  “He doesn’t need the four of you to tell him how to behave have you boys forgotten that your father and I helped raise Daniele just as we raised the rest of you boys. Now leave him alone so that he won’t keep his date waiting.” Sera said in a heavily accented motherly tone.

  “Thank you Aunt Sera.” Daniele said leaning over to kiss her on the cheek before turning to go.

  Daniele knew that they were just being protective of Toni but he didn’t know how many times he’d have to tell them that he really and truly cared about Toni. Why would he do anything to hurt her when he want
ed her in his life for as long as she’d have him? And hopefully after tonight she’d realize how much she means to him.

  He arrived at the guest house and rang the doorbell then waited patiently at the door until she answered it. Daniele’s back was turned towards the door when she opened it he slowly turned to face her.

  His mouth gaped wide as he stood in awe at how beautiful she looked tonight wearing the shiny green dress. Her make-up was subtly done enhancing her lovely features. Her naturally curly hair had been straightened to hang down her back in long flowing layers. Her bright smile lit up her gorgeous face and made her green eyes sparkle.

  “You could’ve used your key you know.” Toni said as she took a step back.

  “This is a date remember and a true gentleman picks his date up properly.” Daniele said with a grin. “You look incredible I mean you always look beautiful but tonight you look like an enchanting Goddess.”

  “Thank you I think, are you going to come in or are we going straight to dinner?” She asked shyly.

  “I think we should probably go straight to dinner. Are you ready to go?” He replied.

  “Yes just give me a second to get my jacket.” She said as she reached into the closet beside the door to grab the short jacket that matched her dress along with the tiny gold evening bag.

  Daniele stepped closer to help her into her jacket before taking her elbow as he walked her to the limo that was waiting for them. Toni was surprised to see that he’d hired a limo for the night. The driver opened the door for them and Daniele helped her inside before the driver closed the door behind them.

  “You rented a limousine to take us from the guest house to the café?” She asked.

  “I want this night to be special for you so yes I rented a limo.” He replied.

  “I definitely won’t forget this. I’ve only been in a limo once before that was when Gabe flew me in from New York, it was a blast.” She said with a grin.

  “Well I hope you enjoy sharing a limo with me just as much.” He said.

  “I’ll let you know.” She said teasingly.

  “Oh okay.” He said in response as he grinned at her carefree attitude.

  Toni looked away shyly as she thought back to the minute she’d opened the door for Daniele this evening. As she watched him turn slowly around her breath caught in her throat at seeing how handsome he looked. Dressed in black slacks and a white tuxedo jacket she’d never seen him appear so totally hot.

  It didn’t take but a few minutes for them to get to the café and when they entered the Inn he led her to one of the smaller private dining rooms. He opened the door for her and stepped back to let her enter before him. Toni gasped when she saw that he’d filled the small dining room with long stem roses in every color. He’d also placed candles throughout the room including on the table set for two in the middle of the room.

  “Daniele you did all of this for me?” She asked in disbelief.

  “This is just the beginning il mio amore prezioso.” He replied softly.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what that means?” She asked in a soft tone.

  “Yes I promise I’ll tell you later tonight.” He replied.

  “Okay, I’m going to hold you to that so don’t forget that you promised.” She said.

  “I won’t forget I don’t make promises that I can’t keep.” He said in response.

  Chapter Five

  Toni was having the time of her life the more time she spent with Daniele the more she was really starting to believe he was everything she’d ever dreamt a man should be. He was making her fantasies come to life with the limo, all the flowers, and a candlelight dinner. Not to mention he had her laughing all evening with his crazy stories about growing up as a Fabrizio.

  Daniele told her about being a former mixed martial arts champion and the reason that he stopped competing. Daniele told Toni about the day he’d met her and how seeing her had made him feel as if he’d been hypnotized by her beauty.

  Now as they arrived back at the guest house he kindly walked her to the door then gently took her hand in his and placed a feather soft kiss to the back of it.

  “Thank for a lovely evening I had a wonderful time and I hope that we can do it again sometime soon.” Daniele said with a smile.

  “I had a wonderful time as well but aren’t you going to come in? After all you do live here or do you plan to stay at our aunt and uncle’s house again tonight?” She asked hoping that he was going to come in so that the evening wouldn’t end just yet.

  “You go on in, I’ll be in soon I just need a few minutes before I come in.” Daniele said taking a step back.

  “Are you alright is something wrong?” Toni asked as she took a step towards him causing him to take another step back.

  “I’m fine I…I just think I need to catch my breath before I come into the house with you.” He said.

  “Daniele did I do something wrong?” She asked in a worried tone.

  “Of course not why would you ask that?” He said.

  “Well because you keep backing away from me, so I thought that I’d done or said something wrong.” She said with tears in her eyes.

  “No prezioso you haven’t done anything at least not intentionally anyway. I keep backing away because I’m trying very hard to calm my raging body and when you’re too close to me it makes it a bit more difficult.” He replied hoping that she’d understand what he was trying to say to her.

  Daniele had been partially aroused all evening and the closer they’d gotten to the guest house his erection had grown to a painfully explosive state. He wanted her so badly that he was practically trembling with need but he’d die before letting her know that. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her away because he couldn’t control his own body.

  He watched her face as the meaning of his words finally sank in and her expression change several times before raising her green eyes to meet his light brown gaze. She stared into his eyes trying to find the evil malice that she always saw in the eyes of her sick, drunken stepfather.

  But all she could see in Daniele’s eyes was a fiery passion that she could almost feel burning her insides. The look she saw in his eyes was one of those kind of looks she’d only read about in romance novels.

  His gaze made her feel as if she was the most loved and desired woman on earth. His gaze was nothing like that of her stepfather’s which had made her feel cheap and dirty.

  For the first time in her life she wanted to be loved by a man but not just any man this man standing in front of her. She wanted to feel his body next to hers she wanted to be wrapped in his arms as he made love to her like a man should love a woman.

  Toni had never felt the intense attraction that she was feeling right now for Daniele. She was feeling such a deep desire for him that her body was shaking with the need to be loved by him. These were all emotions she thought that she’d never experience, but now that she was experiencing them she couldn’t imagine not feeling them.

  She smiled slightly before holding her hand out to him. He hesitated for just a second as he continued to gaze at her.

  “Are you sure about this?” He asked before taking her hand.

  “Not really, but what I am sure about is that I want to give us a chance to see where this goes and we can’t do that if you’re somewhere else.” She said softly.

  “I tell you what wherever you want to go I’ll follow, you tell me what you want and need from me, I’ll give you anything and everything you desire. You’re in complete and total control.” He said smoothly.

  Toni released the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding because she knew that Daniele had meant every word that he’d said. Hearing his words had slightly calmed her fears although she was still a little nervous. Still holding onto his hand she turned for the door and led him inside stopping for a brief moment in the foyer.

  Daniele used his free hand to close and lock the front door before turning towards Toni once again.

here would you like to go now?” He asked softly.

  She chose not to answer him with words instead she moved towards the stairs as she continued to hold his hand. He quietly followed as she led him slowly up the stairs still unsure of what she wanted from him at this point. But no matter what it was that she wanted whether it was to just be in the same room together or if she just needed to be held he’d gladly do that for her.

  As a matter of fact he’d do anything she asked him to that’s how much he cared for her. When they reached the second floor Toni stopped in front of the master bedroom door where she slept. She placed her free hand on the knob and hesitated he gently squeezed her hand as he tugged it slightly. “If you’re not ready to move in this direction we don’t have to. We can go back downstairs and I can hold you I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready for.” He said in a soft sweet tone.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him before opening the door a tiny bit. “I can’t promise you that I can go through with this but I do know that I’m ready to at least give a try, if that’s okay with you.” Toni whispered.

  Daniele leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. “I told you already I’ll follow you no matter where you lead me because you are the one in control here not me.”

  Toni smiled before pushing the bedroom door open the rest of the way. When she looked

  up she saw that her bedroom had been transformed into a vision straight out of a romance novel. Much like the private dining room he’d filled the place with roses in every color imaginable. The lights were dim and she could hear what sounded like ocean waves in the background. She inhaled deeply letting the sweet fragrance of the roses fill her nostrils bring a smile to her surprised face.

  “When did you, how did you do all this?” She asked quietly.

  “Let’s just say I had a little help.” He whispered with a pleased smile as he saw how happy this seemed to make her.

  “Why did you do all of this if you weren’t even going to come in with me?” She asked sounding a bit confused.


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