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Alpha: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 2

Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  “Don’t tell anyone what I told you. I don’t want them looking at me like I’m damaged. I can’t take that kind of scrutiny right now.” Max turned back to the house without waiting for an answer.

  “Tell Henrik, he can help you, Max.” Leo urged.

  “No, I’ll handle this myself.” Max rushed away, wanting to hide in his room.


  Henrik was in his office sitting at his desk when the charged emotion hit him. It was confusion, a panic confusion, and it was coming from Max. He was on his feet in an instant and rushing to the back porch. When he arrived, only Leo was there looking as if he had a heavy weight upon his shoulders. The lingering uproar of Max’s thoughts was still in the air sharp and acrid.

  “Where is he?” Henrik demanded.

  “In his room.” As soon as the words were out of Leo’s mouth, Henrik turned ready to go to his mate. “He needs to be alone, Henrik,” Leo stated, getting Henrik’s attention. “Max arbores public displays, so let him settle himself for a while before you rush in.” At that point, Henrik yielded to Leo’s request and decided his time would be better spent getting to the cause of his mates upset.

  “Tell me what happened.” It wasn’t a request he was making.

  “He asked me not to tell anyone,” Leo said but soon backed down in the face of an Alpha demanding the facts about his mate. There was no resisting the power of an unhappy Alpha wolf. Soon Derek joined them there on the back porch standing next to his mate giving support as Leo shared what Max had told him.

  Zayn and Javier were there for the last of it, and it seemed they all were of the mind that Henrik’s mate was suffering from delusions. No one said a word, but their expressions spoke volumes. All except Derek, who was not offering an opinion on the matter, not even a discernable expression.

  “I’ll search the beach,” Derek said, and with Leo tucked under his arm, he headed down to where Max had said he saw the small man.

  “It’s very likely that someone is still after Max and possibly Leo as well. The Raymond Russo experience has not ended for us yet.” Javier interjected his own brand of explanation to soften the blow.

  “Find out who had access to Max’s room last night and this morning.” He spoke to Zayn. “And check with the guard watching the beach access. I want the names of everyone who was on the beach this morning.”

  Henrik stood on the back porch for quite a while, staring out at the water and the horizon his mind consumed with the growing threat against his mate. Henrik wanted to go to him, reassure him, but Leo was right; he would give him time to compose himself but not too much time.

  Just because the texts weren’t there didn’t mean they never existed, and the man on the beach could have taunted him with a message that was quickly washed away. It was not outside the realm of possibilities that all of these things were true.

  He needed to claim him soon. With the bond in place, Max’s strength and healing capacity would be complete. He would suffer no more. Henrik turned and walked back inside and went to his office to make some calls. Normally he would be working from the Hotel at this time, but with Max in the Pack House, he would not be leaving Bay Harbor. He had to remain close to his vulnerable unclaimed mate. He glanced up the staircase yearning to go to his Max, but he would give him another half hour before checking in on him.


  Max sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, wondering if he was losing his fucking mind. He checked his phone again and the unknown number was gone and the messages with it. He wondered if he’d deleted them last night, but he couldn’t recall doing so. Dropping back onto the bed, he closed his eyes and thought about the two incidents. They were real, he’d bet his life they were real. But he had no proof and who was going to believe him, especially after he’d suffered a serious head injury?

  The guy on the beach had his face covered and looked to be youngish, probably teens or early twenties, if he were to guess. It would be easy enough to hire someone to do what he did. Some people would do anything for money, and it could have just been a prank not necessarily meant for him. He was just beginning to talk himself into accepting his experiences as truth when there came a soft knock on his door. He sat up abruptly and spoke.

  “Who is it?” He asked.

  “Henrik asked for you to meet him in the back yard.” The voice was soft and unfamiliar. Max hurried to the door, but when he arrived, whoever it was had gone. He stepped out into the hallway, looking both ways and saw no one. Although he’d heard the communication clearly, he wondered if it was real.

  He decided to go, what did he have to lose? Henrik was either waiting for him in the backyard, or he wasn’t. He would check it out, and whatever the outcome, no one would be the wiser if it turned out to be false. It seemed a good plan.

  Max descended the staircase slowly, carefully taking in his surroundings. He met a man standing on the landing who looked up at him in acknowledgment and nodded but did not speak as he quickly climbed the stairs and disappeared onto the second floor. Max wondered if it had been him who had delivered the message that Henrik was waiting in the backyard. He should have asked, but the man moved too fast. He wasn’t familiar to Max, but then again, he hadn’t met everyone who lived at the mansion.

  Max turned back towards the main floor and continued on his way. He didn’t know the total layout of the mansion, but he knew how to get to the back yard. The house seemed eerily quiet, or it could just be his current state of mind. Looking around, he saw no one and heard no movement. Slipping out one of the back doors near the kitchen, he stepped out onto the porch.

  Looking down at the beach below, he was struck with the memory of the man and his message. He shook his head and focused on finding Henrik. It seemed odd that he would beckon him to the backyard, but Max didn’t dwell on it. He walked out onto the lush green lawn and headed in the direction of the gazebo while looking around to see if he could locate Henrik.

  The air was so fresh, and the sun warm on his face. His thoughts were consumed by what a beautiful area this was when he heard someone call his name. It wasn’t Henrik, Max knew Henrik’s voice. This was the same voice he’d heard at his door a few minutes ago. He jerked around but saw no one. This was a game a hateful game. The voice came again, and he followed it to a thick, deep hedgerow that ran along the property by the gazebo. It separated the lush lawn from the rocking drop off that lead to the beach below.

  He moved slowly now, giving the hedge all of his attention in the hopes of whoever was there would not have time to run when he moved on them. Once close enough, he dove at the hedge, grabbing hold of a piece of clothing. The man hiding in the hedges was shocked but quickly began fighting him. Max couldn’t see his face since he had it covered, but suddenly, the man tore off the bandana covering his lower face and turned on Max.

  Max released him and fell back on his ass when the small man surged forward while turning into a monster right in front of Max’s eyes. The face was fierce with fangs, fur, and a stare that was inhuman and feral. It burst out of the hedges and dove for Max, who just managed to roll out of its grip. He jumped to his feet and began to run with the thing close on his heels. Fear gripped him good and hard as his vision began to blur with his crippling panic.


  Henrik checked his watch, and although it had been less than an hour, he could not stay away from his mate any longer. If he wanted more alone time, he would give it, but he needed to see him and assess things for himself. He was just leaving his office when Max’s panic hit him. “Shit!” He yelled and ran for the backyard.

  The scene was extraordinary. Max was running full out as if the devil himself were after him, and yet no one was chasing him. It didn’t matter the details would be sorted later right now Max was heading for the rocky cliff and in his state of terror didn’t look to be stopping. He didn’t see the danger ahead of him.

  Henrik intercepted him, scooping Max up into his arms just as Max’s feet hit the first stone. The real
ization of his near fate flashed across Max’s face as he held onto Henrik with a death grip. Henrik did not stop but rather ran back to the house with Max in his arms. If there was danger afoot in the backyard, he wanted Max inside immediately.

  He went directly to a small sitting room near his office that he often used for meetings or simply to relax. The room was bright, comfortable, and inviting, all the things Max needed right now. It was also private. When the door was closed, no one entered without knocking. He sat down on the plush sofa with Max still in his arms. He caressed and soothed as his mate slowly calmed and was able to finally catch his breath.

  He didn’t ask him why or what but instead waited for Max to tell him. The man was terrified, and Henrik did not believe him to be delusional. Finally, after several minutes Max began to truly settle. He wasn’t okay by far, but he was better.

  “I’m afraid to tell you what I saw,” Max spoke softly against Henrik’s shoulder at first and then sat up still in the circle of Henrik’s arms and spoke more directly. “I’m afraid to tell you what I saw. You’ll think I’m bonkers.”

  “Why would I think that?” Henrik held Max loosely, but if he tried to get off Henrik’s lap, he would tighten his grip. Max needed the safety and security of his mate, and his Alpha and Henrik was more than happy to provide.

  “I’ve been racking up a lot of weirdness since my arrival here, but this was different, this one was hands-on.” Max tried to explain himself, but Henrik was having difficulty following.

  “What do you mean by hands-on?” Henrik asked soft while rubbing his mate’s arms and legs relaxing and soothing his tense muscles.

  “I grabbed him, and when I did, he turned into a monster.” Max’s voice dropped to a whisper, but Henrik heard him clearly and knew instantly what he’d seen. The person, whoever they are, had shifted in order to scare Max. Henrik pulled his phone from his pocket and made a call sending a team out to investigate the area. He would find out who was terrorizing his mate, and they would answer for it.

  “You believe me?” Max sounded shocked.

  “Yes, I do,” Henrik answered without hesitation and then added. “Start from the beginning, sweetheart and tell me everything, don’t leave anything out. Leo told me about the other two incidents. Don’t blame him, I badgered him until he told me.” Henrik wanted everything out in the open, and he wanted his mate to trust him. “I won’t judge you; I want to help you.”

  “I don’t think Leo believed me. He believes that I believe, but he thinks my brain hasn’t recovered from the trauma of the beating, which is possible. But I wasn’t dreaming when I grabbed that man’s arm. It was real flesh and bone; he was a man right up to the point he turned into a beast.”

  “Start at the beginning with the text messages and explain it to me,” Henrik instructed, and Max began at the beginning just as he was asked and without further self-deprecation. He spoke plain and concise, giving details, descriptions, and a timeline that made it all very convincing. Everything he described was possible even if he doubted it himself.

  He became shaky and less concise when he began to explain what happened in the backyard. The scare still fresh in his mind caused his body to begin to tense as he forced himself to focus on what had happened. Henrik could feel Max’s insecurity about the incident and the fear that he was mentally unsound.

  Henrik had a good idea about what had taken place. But to make Max understand that what he encountered was not as crazy and out of the realm of possibilities as he might think would require Henrik telling him the truth. Was Max ready for the truth of Bay Harbor?


  Max got it all out all of it, the person telling him that Henrik wanted to speak with him in the backyard, the noises from the hedges and the man, the same man from the beach who turned into a wild animal.

  “It’s outlandish, I know, but it’s what I saw.” Max moved as if to get up, but Henrik held him in place for which he was grateful. He really didn’t want to move, but he thought it was time to get off the man’s lap and face these things even if they’re only in his mind.

  “You’re fine, stay with me.” Henrik pressed, and Max easily relented. Max let go of his inhibitions at that moment and pressed his face back into the comfort and safety of Henrik’s broad shoulders. He just wanted to stay there and block out all the craziness of the last few hours. He felt Henrik drop a kiss to the top of his head and wished he would kiss him properly. He loved his touch and his attention; it made his blood heat, and his mind focus on nothing but the sensations he triggered.

  Groaning loudly with the rise of excitement, Max moved to straddle Henrik’s lap. It was a bold move and out of character for someone like Max, who never acted without extensive planning and purpose. This was off the cuff and born of pure desire. It was a reaction to the confusion and fear that plagued him and the safety and understanding given to him by Henrik. He wanted this man in every way, and he wanted him now.

  Henrik responded immediately by pulling Max’s face to his and kissing him hard and exacting. The passion in that kiss was setting Max’s blood on fire. He wasn’t holding back, and he wasn’t going easy on him. Henrik was as hungry for this embrace as he was, maybe even more.

  Max ate away at Henrik’s mouth, lost in the flavor of such stark masculinity, and at the same time, dove his hand between them to grip the front of Henrik’s dark jeans and opened them. He wanted to touch him, feel the firm heat of Hendrik’s body in the palm of his hand. Henrik arched his hips upward to easy Max’s quest as he lowered the zipper and separated the fabric while their kiss was ongoing.

  He pushed his hand inside marveling at the fact Henrik was not wearing underwear, it was just hot flesh against hard denim, and it was sexy as hell. Henrik’s hands skimmed down Max’s sides and rested on the waistband of his jeans. The kiss grew hotter if that was even possible as Max stuck his hand inside Henrik’s jeans and took hold of the hard, thick cock. Henrik dug his fingers into Max’s hips as he again thrust up into his tentative grip.

  “I want you.” Max gasped when he pulled his lips away temporarily and then lunged back into the kiss, desperate for every sense and feeling of the act. Henrik again squeezed Max’s hips but also moved to undo his jeans, pulling them loose and slipping his hands in either side of the waistband dipping his hands inside as he continued to open eagerly for Max’s questing tongue.

  On a quick breath, he asked for clarification. “What do you want from me, sweetheart? Is this what you want?” Henrik slipped his left hand behind Max, clutching his ass in the palm of his large hand and squeezing. He then let his fingers dip into the crevasse there and press the tight hole within.

  Max couldn’t hold back the lustful moan that burst forth from the sensations of his touch. “Yes, I want you there.” He pulled his lips away, and breathlessly stared into Henrik’s dark, passionate gaze. “I want you, need you.” He stated with emphasis and pressed down onto the fingers exploring his entrance. “Please.” He wasn’t above begging at this point.

  “You never have to beg.” Henrik responded with a look that melted everything inside of Max. he wanted so badly for this man to love him. Henrik flipped Max’s jeans beneath the curve of his ass and pulled them lower down onto his thighs as far as they would travel in Max’s seated position.

  Henrik tucked his face against Max’s throat and began a series of wet sensual kisses down and across his shoulder, pushing the t-shirt to one side as he sought the supple skin beneath. Max was in sensual heaven with everything Henrik was doing to him.

  “You make me feel so good.” He breathed through gasps and moans, eliciting a soft chuckle from Henrik before he began pressing his finger so forceful and intent upon Max’s tight entrance. He felt himself releasing and felt the first of two fingers enter him. The stretching was and thrusting inside was delicious, and Max ached for more.

  He was surprised that he felt so wet and slick, considering he hadn’t noticed Henrik use any sort of lube, but perhaps he did. Whatever he
used, it was smooth and made the stretching so erotic and pleasurable, but Max was excited to feel the huge hard cock in his hand finally enter his ass. The stretch would be immense, and the pleasure immeasurable, he was sure.

  Max wrapped his arms around Henrick’s shoulders as he was raised ever so slightly so Henrick could place him directly over his cock. This was so amazing Max couldn’t believe he was about to be fucked by this wonderful man. “Are you ready for me, Max?” He asked while still raining kisses across his shoulder.

  “Yes, I am so ready I’m about to burst.” He said it was then that Henrik removed his fingers and thrust the head of his cock inside Max’s ready channel. The move was swift and aided by Henrik pulling Max down while he pushed up. A feeling of peace and home along with a flood of pleasure so sharp it made him whine rushed through his system.

  Henrik took his lips again in a hard-bruising kiss as he plunged deeper, filling him completely. Then suddenly, he pulled out, lifting Max slightly and then once again slammed inside. The sensations were prickling Max’s skin sensitizing every inch of his body.

  He held on as the kiss continued, and Henrik began a punishing rhythm of thrusts filling him and stretching him to accommodate Henrik’s size. It was incredible, and all things apart from Henrik and what he was doing to him fled Max’s mind. The plunged deep and held him there, forcing himself as deep inside Max as was possible, and when Henrik came, so did Max. The sensuous heat and satisfaction that burst forth had Max coming all over his jeans. But he didn’t care; nothing mattered except the fantastic man who held him, filled him, and satisfied him beyond expectation.

  Henrik held his mate feeling the soft skin against his calloused palms and feeling the tight heat of his channel, gripping his now throbbing cock. The release had been a moment of mind-bending pleasure and fulfillment, the likes of which he had never experienced before.

  This was his mate, and he ached to bite and seal their connection bonding them for all time, but he managed with the last of his resolve to pull back. His wolf clamored for the claim and fought him hard, but in the end, Henrik won. As he felt Max come jerking and moaning in that way that set Henrik’s heart on fire every time, he placed a hard, wet, possessive kiss to the area he would mark very soon.


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