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Man Candy

Page 19

by Tia Siren

  “I can’t believe that. Why have you been jealous over me? I’ve done nothing to make you feel that way.” I couldn’t believe it. All this time I thought the only problem was my jealousy. I was the one with the history after all. I was the one that had my heart broken. It never once occurred to me that she had been acting that way for the same reason.

  “Of course, I am!” she fired back. She was angry. That much was clear. And it was also clear that she had a lot on her shoulders, like I did. She’d just been looking for a chance to get that weight off her somehow. “How could I not be? You think that because of what happened in high school, you’re the only one that’s allowed to get jealous? You’re literally a millionaire bachelor, living in a penthouse in New York City. What am I? A retail manager? How am I not supposed to get jealous of you? Of the way girls look at you? The way that you parade them around in here like it’s some sort of game.”

  Despite the moment, I suddenly found myself smiling. She was furious, puffing heavily from her sudden explosion. Me, though? I had never felt better. I had no idea that she felt that way. Sure, I had tried to make her jealous and envious and all of those things, but I never really thought that it worked. Deep down, I was always struggling with my own battles and my own demons.

  “Kendra, you never have any reason to be jealous of me, or any of the girls you think you see me with. Surely, you know that?”

  “How could I possibly know that?”

  “Because, well.” Then it hit me. I had never given her a reason to not think that. Well, that was about to change. “You want to know why?”


  “Let me show you why.”

  I didn’t wait for permission. I knew there would be no need. Both of us were acting on pure adrenaline. We were both angry, confused, upset, and presumably horny, all rolled in one. I had wanted her for weeks now. I hadn’t been able to think of anything else. And now I was sure that she felt the same way.

  I walked across the room, reaching her in a few short strides. She didn’t move, allowing my body to press itself up against hers. Our faces were less than an inch apart. Our breathing was deep and intense. I stared into her eyes, and she stared back into mine. They were open and truthful. There were no more lies behind them.

  And then I kissed her. Deep and passionately, the two of us kissed. I bit her lip and grabbed her hair. Her hands wrapped around my back, and I pulled her entire body into mine. Our breathing became one. I knew that it wasn’t going to stop there.

  Taking her by the hand, I silently led her out of the storage room and into the VIP section. Then I threw open one of the curtains and pushed her inside. She stumbled forward, her hands planting themselves against the back wall to rebalance herself. As she went to turn back around, I stopped her.

  “I want to show you why you never have to be jealous again,” I whispered into her ear.

  Chapter 32


  When I woke up that morning, I would have never, in a million years, expected anything like this to happen. Even if I’d expected to see Grant, I would have expected our meeting to end with him yelling at me. With him abusing me. And with him leaving me again, feeling worse than before.

  But no. Not this time. This time, he came to see me with a purpose. And now, in the VIP section of Luscious, his intent was clear.

  Both my hands were placed up against the back wall of the VIP booth, the bench just underneath me. Grant was right behind me.

  He ran his hand down my back. His fingers trailed themselves over the straps of my corset before moving to my butt. As his one hand ran over my butt, his other ran itself up my leg, ducking underneath my skirt and across my thigh before removing itself.

  Both hands then gently ran themselves over my hips. It felt as if he were trying to gauge what he was seeing. As if he were a blind man, trying to work out what exactly he was dealing with.

  “I can’t believe you ever thought I would want anybody as badly as I wanted you,” he whispered into my ear. “You are the reason the word perfection exists.”

  Still bent over, I could feel him unhitching my skirt, sliding it off my body. I didn’t stop him. How could I? I wanted it so badly. My skirt fell to the ground around my ankles as I lifted my feet, kicking it away. This was followed by my panties. He ran his fingers underneath them, peeling them back and down my legs.

  And still, I remained where I was. I could tell that he didn’t want me to turn around. I could tell that he wanted me right there. And more than that, I could tell what the reason was.

  I arched my hips, sticking my butt even further in the air as I felt his teeth sink into my flesh. He nipped at me, biting both my cheeks as he fell to his knees. It was a combination of soft kisses, followed by pinching bites as he worked his way down the back of my thighs. My legs shook with anticipation as I readied myself for what was to come.

  And then it happened. His wet tongue began by prodding at my lips, tickling the outside. Meanwhile, his fingers found their way around the front of my pussy, stroking just above where my clit was. As his tongue pressed harder and harder against my lips, working its way inside of me, his fingers moved closer and closer to my clit, stroking the area around it.

  My body began to shake as my clit responded. My knees buckled and my butt sat backwards onto his head. He pulled his hand away from my pussy, holding me up with both his hands as he buried his entire face into me. His tongue spun circles around my pussy, licking every inch of it. It found my clit, licking the tip, and making it swell.

  I let out a soft moan as his lips wrapped around it, sucking on it, making it bigger and harder. And as I moaned, as my breathing increased, he worked his rhythm to that of my body, responding when I responded.

  With more self-control than I thought I possessed, I managed to pull myself from him, helping him to his knees as I turned. As I did, I spun him around, so that his back was now pressed against the wall of the VIP booth. I then put both hands on his shoulders, pushing him down so that he sat on the bench.

  Then, silently, I fell to my knees. He may have intended to make this day all about me, but I didn’t want that. I wanted it to be all about us. That was how it was meant to be.

  I rubbed my hands over his already hard package, relishing in the way that his cock shook underneath his pants. Without hesitation, I then unzipped his fly, fishing my hand in his pants until it wrapped around his thick, fleshy member.

  It was harder than I had ever seen it, and the moment that it was free, sticking straight in the air, I wrapped my mouth around it. And as I did that, Grant let out a soft, pleasure induced moan.

  I opened my throat as much as I could, loving the feeling of his cock sliding down it. I loved the way it pulsated while inside of me, the way it throbbed. I loved feeling his reactions as I ran my tongue over his tip, as I sucked on his head, as I stroked his long shaft. Every move I made warranted a reaction. He squirmed, he shook, he almost pleaded with me to keep going.

  And I would have, too. I would have loved nothing more than to suck him until he exploded in my mouth. As my hands fondled his swollen balls, I considered keeping him exactly where he was so that I could taste all of him. But then I remembered that this wasn’t about me or him, but about us. The only thing better than swallowing his load would be to feel it inside of me instead.

  So again, with great self-control, I pulled my mouth from his cock, making sure to slap it with my tongue as I did. I then crawled up and kissed him on the lips. To my delight, he didn’t shy away, but kissed me as hard as he could.

  His hands found their way to my dripping wet pussy. He fondled me, pressing his fingers inside me, spreading my lips as his fingers rubbed at my clit. As he did that, my hands wrapped around his cock, stroking it and keeping it nice and hard.

  All the while, I moved toward him and climbed on top. He slid down, just enough so that I could straddle his legs. Then, his cock still in hand, I sat on him. And as I sat on him, I pressed his huge member up inside of me.
Without slowing down, without easing it in, I slid the entire length of him inside me in one go.

  I inhaled sharply as he entered me. His girth was like nothing I had ever experienced with another man, and every time we fucked, it seemed to fight against my tight pussy. But I was so wet, I was so ready for him, that I was able to take the whole thing. My lips wrapped around it like a vacuum, sucking it in. The juices from me dripped down the side of his shaft. Even my clit rubbed against it.

  And then I rode him. Up and down I moved, bouncing on it, careful to move up far enough so that his head tickled my lips, before sitting back down on it again. And as I sat down, I grinded my hips forward, pressing our bodies closer together. And then, up again I went, only to come back down with the same amount of force.

  I rode him as he gripped my ass, guiding me. I rode him as he popped one of my heaving breasts from my corset, biting down on my nipple. I rode him as his hand found its way to my clit, gently stroking it. Up and down. Up and down.

  My breathing increased. My body shook. I wanted to scream. I wanted to curse. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him. But instead, I chose to show him.

  Next, Grant grabbed my right knee, lifting it up and indicating for me to turn around. Keeping him inside me, I lifted the leg over his body, spinning around so that my butt was to him. Reverse cowgirl was the position, and I loved the fact that he would be able to stare at my big juicy behind while I bobbed up and down on his equally big and juicy member.

  I squeezed my knees and lips together, really wrapping my pussy around his cock as I got to work. Bouncing even harder than before, my right hand found my clit, and I started to rub it. Up and down. Up and down. I worked him. His hands wrapped themselves around my ass. One spanked me. I screamed for him to do it again, so he did.

  I could feel it, too. I knew it was coming. My knees shook, and my body quaked. Despite the heat of the moment, a chilling sensation began to work its way up my legs and through my arms. My body shivered, despite the fire that raged around me.

  “Grant, are you... are you...” I tried, unable to say the words.

  “So close babe. So—”

  His entire body clenched up. I could feel his dick suddenly stiffen inside of me. Knowing what was about to happen, I opened myself up, allowing the sensation to spread through me. As Grant’s movements became more volatile, more reactionary, I stopped bouncing. Instead, I grinded against him. As I did, I felt his warm load inside of me. I felt it pour from the end of his cock and fill me up. And as that happened, I felt my entire body give in. I shook, and I squirmed. Fire roared inside of me, spreading from my clit through my entire body. I wanted to scream and cry. Nothing had ever felt so good.

  After it was done, as Grant dripped down the inside of my thigh, I remained where I was for a few moments, my breathing heavy and panting. Grant’s too. His hands were still on my rear, as if they were stuck.

  “I think that it’s time to go,” Grant finally said.

  Just as he did, I heard a sudden knocking at the front door to the store. “Shit!” I said, pulling myself from Grant. “That must be Brody and Selena.”

  “Brody?” he asked.

  “Not still jealous, are you?” I smirked as I pulled my panties up, followed by my skirt.

  I thought he was going to snap, but instead he smiled, pulling me in for a quick kiss. “Not even a little bit.” As he did his pants up, he continued to stare at me, that same smile on his face. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “Tonight? Seeing you, hopefully?” I smiled at the knowledge of what he was going to ask.

  He nodded. “How does dinner sound? I think it’s time we actually talk. I think it’s time that we start to work this out. Maybe figure out what this is.”

  “I agree,” I said, stepping into him and kissing him again.

  After that, he ducked out of the VIP section, making sure to stay low so that those at the door wouldn’t see. From there, he headed into the storage room and to the loading bay out the back, where he could escape into the alley.

  Me, though? I made my way to the front door and let the other two workers in. The whole time, I wore a big goofy smile on my face, unable and unwilling to try and hide it. I didn’t care that my hair was a mess and that I was a little sweaty. The day was too good to care about such trivial things. For the first time in the longest time, I was happy.

  Chapter 33


  Everything was going to be perfect. It had to be. After tonight, there were going to be no more second chances, or third, or fourth chances. I had taken those and ruined them already. Really, no one in the history of dating had had more chances than me. But that was the past.

  That day’s session with Kendra was beyond belief. Words wouldn’t even do it justice. When we began to make love, I had every intention of treating her like a queen and making it all about her, and her alone. But the way she took charge and made it about the two of us, it just proved what I had known for so long. That the two of us were perfect for one another.

  That was why tonight had to be perfect.

  It was going to start at one of my favorite restaurants. It was a French restaurant located off Broadway. It was one of the finer dining experiences one could enjoy in the city of New York. I went there a fair bit too, so I knew the service to be impeccable, the food unimpeachable, and the atmosphere romantic. It was the perfect place to take Kendra. And because I went there so often, I was able to call up and book a private booth. I even arranged for their violinist to play us a song during the night.

  From there, we were going to head straight back to my apartment. I was going to organize a handsome cab ride through the city or something of that nature, but decided against it. There was just no need. The two of us were way past that point. This date wasn’t about trying to impress one another, but about being as open as possible. That was all that mattered.

  And besides, I wanted her back here as soon as possible. Every time the two of us have had sex, it descended into an animalistic ritual. Although that was always mind blowing, I wanted something different this time. This time, I wanted to make love, like really make love. It’s going to be slow, passionate, and mind-blowing in its own way.

  It was when I was halfway out the door that my cell phone rang. Checking the ID, I saw that it was Jack. “Hey, what’s up?” I asked, not breaking stride as I made my way toward the elevator at the end of the hallway.

  “The Ivy, thirty minutes. I’ve got these two Australian girls with me that love American men. Australian, Grant. Do you know what that means? You know why they call it down under don’t—”

  I hung up the phone and stepped into the elevator. I appreciated that Jack thought of me, but there was no way I was going to some club tonight to try and chase some random girl, Australian or not. There was no need. Kendra was all I needed, and I was slowly coming to realize that fact.


  Kendra looked even more beautiful tonight than ever, even though I had only seen her a few hours earlier. Her long blonde hair was left to flow over her shoulders, while her green eyes popped magnificently against the color of the blue gown that she wore. It was long and flowing and actually worked to hide her curves, rather than accentuate them. I was certain that this was a ploy to keep my mind on track, and it only served to make her even more alluring.

  The restaurant was as perfect as I had hoped. The moment that we entered, we were led by the hostess to our private booth, located at the back of the dining area. And there, waiting for us already, was a bottle of champagne, chilled and ready. And as we sat down, the waiter informed us that we didn’t need to look at the menus as the chef was going to make us something special, off menu. I had organized that too, of course.

  “Wow, you’ve really gone all out,” Kendra noted as the waiter glided away.

  “What, do you think that I organized this?” I asked, pretending to look shocked and appalled. “Definitely not. What I think happened was the chef saw you walk through the do
or and was compelled to whip you up something special. That can be the only explanation.”

  “Corny,” she said, smiling to herself. “But appreciated nonetheless.”

  “That’s because I appreciate you,” I said, leaning across the table and taking her hands in mine. “I really do, and starting tonight, I want to let you know that—”

  “Oh my god,” Kendra cut in, suddenly.

  She was looking over my shoulder and across the floor of the restaurant. I swung around, trying to see what had caught her attention so irrevocably. When I saw what it was, or who it was for that matter, my heart sunk. Striding across the restaurant toward us, evidently having spotted Kendra, too, was none other than Chip Hobbs.

  Chip was, of course, the football player that Kendra left me for in high school. Although I had never met him officially, I had stalked him online many times and was able to recognize him instantly. He was tall. Well over six foot with a classic football player’s body. The guy had big everything. That included big shoulders, big arms, a big head, and a very big and loud voice.

  “You have got to be kidding me!” he boomed as he reached our table. His voice sent shockwaves across the restaurant, causing those in the vicinity to turn and stare. It was far too loud for the type of establishment that we were at, but I sensed that he didn’t care. Based on his more than casual outfit of jeans and a polo shirt, I was pretty certain that he didn’t come to these kinds of places too often.

  “Hey, Chip,” Kendra said, the moment he was within range. As she did, I half expected her to look away embarrassed, or act like she was mad at herself for having sought his attention. But no, she looked genuinely happy to be seeing him. She looked damn near ecstatic. I was nowhere near as excited by his presence.

  “Hey is for horses,” he boomed, letting off an equally thunderous laugh. As he did, he slid into the booth by Kendra’s side, throwing his arm over her and giving her a big kiss on the cheek. Again, she didn’t pull away or try and stop him, but accepted his affection willingly.


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