Book Read Free

Man Candy

Page 82

by Tia Siren

  “I know,” Paige said. She sat down and looked over at Jessica in contemplation. “Luke’s assistant called me while I was on the phone with my mom.”

  “His assistant?” Jessica’s eyebrows furrowed. “That’s Shannon’s older half-brother, right? Isn’t he some sort of—”

  “Publicist, yes. He happens to be Luke Turner’s assistant and friend too.”

  “What did he want?” Jessica asked, closing her computer in interest.

  “He wanted to know if I would be willing to meet with Luke again,” Paige said. “I told him that Luke would have to ask me and also apologize for himself. Not his assistant.”

  Jessica whistled. “Damn, girl. You are certainly brave. I don’t think Luke knows how to talk to people normally.”

  Paige arched an eyebrow. “Why would you say that?”

  “Well, he’s rich. He’s probably had people do common things for him his whole life. Give him some slack.”

  “He assumed I was going to sleep with him after one dance,” Paige said. That same indignant anger came back just thinking about it. “He was totally normal and fine up until he thought I was just going to jump in the sack with him.”

  “Fuck, I would. He knows his way around a bedroom; I’m sure of it.”

  “That’s exactly why I don’t want to be around him.”

  The second those words slipped from Paige’s lips, she realized it was a mistake. Jessica’s eyes widened at her realization. “You—you’re a virgin? Is that what you mean by that?”

  She considered lying, shrugging it off, but there was no point in denying it. Jessica had already put the dots together judging from the look on her face.

  “That makes perfect sense why you are so freaked out by this,” she said.

  Paige shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “How am I freaked out by this?”

  “I can see that nervousness in your face thinking about how experienced Luke is in the bedroom. Only a virgin has that type of nerves.” She caught sight of the grimace on Paige’s face. “Not that I mean that offensively. I just meant that it makes sense that you’re always so jittery around guys. You don’t have to be ashamed of being a virgin. Hell, I think you’re great for it.”

  Despite Jessica’s quick rambling to make her feel better, it didn’t lessen any of those nerves for other reasons.

  “There’s a lot more to it than that,” Paige said eventually. “When I was sixteen, there was this girl at my school who—”

  Someone knocked on the study door before it opened. The scowl on Jessica’s face quickly fell when Shannon walked in.


  “Afternoon, ladies,” she said cheerfully. “I thought I might find you both here at the library.”

  There was no doubt in Paige’s mind why Shannon was there. It was because she had hung up on Toby and told him off for Luke being a prick. A headache pounded as she pointedly grabbed her sketch pad, hoping Shannon would get the hint as loudly as Toby had.

  “Can I speak with you alone, Paige?” Shannon asked.

  Paige sighed inwardly at the futile hope of peace. She just wanted to forget about Luke Turner. He was too much for someone like her. And for whatever reason, he had developed an interest in her within thirty minutes of meeting her, and that didn’t feel right despite the little part of her that felt flattered knowing a billionaire was interested in her.

  “I have homework to do,” she said. “So, you can talk while I sketch if it’s that important.”

  Shannon took a seat next to her. “It is.”

  She pointedly glanced at Jessica, who sighed reluctantly as she gathered her things from the table.

  “I’ll give you two privacy then,” Jessica said. “I’ll talk to you later, Paige.”

  “I’ll be back at the apartment within an hour if you want to get lunch,” Paige said.

  Shannon waited until Jessica closed the door before turning to look at Paige with an apologetic smile. “I know that I can’t apologize directly for Luke, but I am sorry that he acted like a complete ass to you. I honestly had no idea he was going to be in a mood the way he was.”

  “Does he get into moods like that often?”

  “Sometimes,” Shannon said honestly. “Luke has some money, but his childhood was a bit dysfunctional. He tries not to be that way, but a few drinks in him, and that’s when you see elements of Roderick Turner come out.”

  Paige lowered her sketching pencil. “His father was an alcoholic?”

  “Yes, a raging one. He used to beat the shit out of Luke all the time when he was drunk. Luke has a tendency to be a bit of backtalker and a rebel, so I know Roderick hated that.”

  “I would’ve never guessed that,” Paige said, feeling a stab of sympathy for him. “He said that his father died two weeks ago?”

  “That’s also why he’s a bit—” Shannon paused to think of the right word. “I guess mercurial would be the best way to describe it. Don’t tell him that though. You’ll get your head bitten off.”

  “I won’t have to worry about it,” Paige said. “I’m not going to worry about him because I don’t want to see him again.”

  Shannon sighed. “He’s honestly a nice guy, Paige. He has a good heart that’s just had a bit of damage done to it is all.”

  “I understand that.” She did get it. She was still reeling from what had happened to her over four years ago. “I just don’t know if it’d be a good idea for me and him to meet again. I mean, you look like his type more than me.”

  She caught a glimpse of pleasure in Shannon’s eyes. Still, Shannon shook her head. Her long blond locks were pulled into a messy bun that was clipped up.

  “As wealthy and powerful as Luke is,” she said, “my brother would still kick Luke’s ass if he ever tried anything with me. It’s some sort of bro code: Thou shall not have sex with thy best friend’s younger sister.”

  “At least he follows the rules of friendship then,” Paige said dryly. “I’ll consider seeing him again if you can answer one question for me.”


  “What is the whole point to all of this?”

  Shannon’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Point to what?”

  “Why did you bring me to that lounge Friday night?” Paige asked. “Was it to just meet Luke, or—”

  “It was to meet Luke,” Shannon said, nodding. “I’ve known Luke a while now, and my brother has known him since they were fifteen. We just get tired of all the shitty women who are only interested in him for his money. It wears him out too.”

  “So, you thought I’d be a good fix for that problem?” Paige asked, bewildered. “I’m only nineteen years old, Shannon. I don’t even know what it’s like to be on a date with a guy.”

  “That’s why you need to get out more. Take some risks. I’m your senior sister. Do you honestly think that I’d let you get hurt?”

  She shot Paige a hurtful look.

  “Of course not,” Paige said. “I’m just confused about everything. I honestly just don’t know if I could be around someone like Luke. He seems a bit full of himself.”

  “Aren’t all guys?” Shannon asked coyly. “You already agreed to let me arrange another meeting after I answered your question.”

  Paige hesitated. She was torn on what to do, or what to believe. One part of her wanted to believe that Shannon’s explanation was reasonable, while the other part screamed that something was not right. Rich, alpha-type billionaires didn’t strike up an interest in her after thirty minutes of conversation and dancing.

  “I guess,” she said. “Just promise me that you and your brother will be there with us the entire time.”

  Shannon’s face contorted. “I’m all for that, but I don’t know if Luke will be open to us tagging along. He’s a private person when it comes to this sort of thing.”

  “That’s all I’m asking. I’m agreeing to go and give this a shot if he apologizes directly to me and if I know you are going to be there too.”

  “I’ll do my best
.” Shannon hesitated after rising from her chair. She sat back down after a few seconds. “Is there a reason why you never want to be alone with him?”

  Paige cleared her throat before looking away to hide the blush on her cheeks. There were a lot of reasons why she didn’t want to be alone with Luke. He could charm the hell out of her if he wanted to. It didn’t help that he was fucking attractive and a temptation to go back on the promise she had made when she was seventeen.

  No sex until marriage.

  “It’s just a personal thing I have promised myself is all,” Paige said.

  If Shannon put the dots together on that, she didn’t show it. Instead, she nodded in understanding before rising from the table.

  “I’m glad you’re going,” Shannon said, opening the door to the study. “I don’t think you’ll be disappointed by what makes Luke Turner the man he is.”

  She closed the door before Paige could reply. What sort of man is Luke Turner? She was slightly curious to figure out who he was, but she had a gut feeling that Luke didn’t reveal much about himself to people easily. It seemed like the only ones close to him were people he had known for most of his life.

  Paige sighed as she pulled her sketchbook open. For now, she had to put Luke out of her head. She had five sketches due tomorrow, along with two papers she hadn’t even started yet. It was going to be a very long night of trying to play catch-up.

  Chapter Four


  “I’m sorry, Luke. There is nothing I can do to change what your father asked me to do.”

  Luke drummed his fingers on the desktop as he stared coldly at Peter Anderson—his father’s irritating attorney who refused to do anything besides following Roderick Turner’s instructions from the grave.

  “There has to be a loophole,” he said darkly. “My father does not have the power to tell me that in order to inherit Turner Oil, or to receive my inheritance, I have to be married in thirty days.”

  “Not married exactly,” Peter corrected, unfazed by the anger radiating off Luke in steady waves. He interlaced his fingers. “On the way to marriage is what has been said in his will. There has to be a wedding date, and it has to be followed through on as well.”

  “That’s utter bullshit. Why wasn’t I told this before last week?”

  “Because your father passed away two weeks ago,” Peter said. “I had no way of reaching you after his heart attack. You went off the grid.”

  “I was coping with my father’s death,” Luke snapped, rubbing his head in exhaustion. “I was doing what any normal person would do when they lose a parent.”

  “I’m sure. I’m sure you found yourself a nice place to stay with a nice woman as well,” Peter said cynically.

  Luke shot him a dirty look.

  “That’s the behavior your father is against,” Peter said, shaking his head. “I can’t alter this will, Luke. It’s a legal contract. I can’t do anything about it.”

  “What about money?” Luke asked, pulling out his pocketbook. “How much would it cost for you to take your wife on vacation for a month?”

  Peter’s eyes narrowed at him. “I draft up wills for the wealthy, Luke. Money has no effect on my ability to do my job correctly. Look.” He leaned forward to catch Luke’s impatient gaze. “I don’t want to see Turner Oil in a complete stranger’s hands any more than you. I want it to stay in your family, but you have to do what this will says to do. You truly don’t have a person in mind who you could settle down with? You’re twenty-nine years old.”

  Luke bristled at the condescending tone. “I could if I had more time to search.”

  “You’ve had a few years to search.”

  “Well, I need more time then,” he snapped, rising from his chair to pace around Peter’s office anxiously. “This is fucking ridiculous. I shouldn’t have to marry someone to appease my father. He isn’t even here.”

  “Yes, and I can tell that he is sorely missed.”

  Luke stopped pacing. His eyes glittering with anger, he leaned down over Peter’s desk. He felt a glimmer of satisfaction at the fear that sparked in Peter’s eyes.

  “My father was a fall-down drunk,” he said acidly. “He was an alcoholic. That’s what sent him to the grave early, that damn bottle of his. The only reason he stopped putting out cigarette butts on my neck was because of my mother, and after she died, I was too strong for him to take out his frustrations on. Sure, he treated my mother like the queen she deserved to be, but he treated me like shit.”

  “Then let this go to court,” Peter said. “If you feel that way about your father, walk. Walk out of this office now. You’ll be comfortable with what you have now.”

  “No. This is my life. As much as my father was a mean old bastard at times, I loved working in this business. I can make it even better.”

  “I suggest you find a woman who is willing to take a spot with you then.” Peter glanced down at the file on his desk. “There is one name in here that your father mentioned isn’t acceptable.”

  “Let me guess,” Luke said, sitting back down as he let out an aggravated breath. “The name he put down is Alicia Poole.”

  “You’re correct.”

  Typical. Just fucking typical. There was no doubt in Luke’s mind about how furious Alicia would be. They both only used each other for the type of sex they couldn’t get anywhere else, but she was an actress. She was just as cold as Luke could be himself.

  And she loved money. She grew up with a CEO of a bank on Wall Street as her father and a fashion designer as her mother. Neither of them had ever been around throughout her childhood from what Luke had gathered, but he didn’t care to listen to Alicia’s emotional issues. The woman was a fucking beast in bed who knew what he liked, and she could handle whatever he wanted on any given day.

  Just thinking of her made him hard. It didn’t help that Paige Scott had been haunting his every step since Friday night. Having her in his bed would be ideal, but until Toby and Shannon convinced her to give him a chance, he had to rely on Alicia to satisfy himself.

  “I’d never marry a woman like Alicia anyway,” Luke said. “She’s a bitch and too much for any bastard who has the balls and a bank account big enough to please her.”

  “Regardless of what you say, your father seemed to think you’d use her for that.”

  Luke shrugged his shoulders. “I guess my father knows me better than what I originally assumed.”

  “It appears so. Anyone else?”

  Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Luke thought of Shannon’s words on Friday night. It’ll take time, but trust me. She’s a romantic. She’ll give in if you play the cards right.

  “I did go on a date with a woman named Paige Scott,” he said. “She’s a student at NYU. She’s from Wyoming.”

  “Well, there you go then,” Peter said. Someone knocked on the door. “Excuse me, Mr. Turner. I have another appointment to take. I’ll call you next week to discuss this topic further.”

  “Fine.” Luke stood up from his chair and flourished his pocketbook at Peter. “Just think about what I said too. Money is no problem for me either.”

  He left Peter to mull over those words, pushing the door open to nearly hit the middle-aged secretary on the other side.

  “Excuse you,” she barked out.

  “Don’t care,” Luke said.

  The SUV was waiting in the spot Luke had told them to be in. He climbed into the back seat to see Toby grinning at him.

  “Don’t grin at me,” he snapped, slamming the door shut. “Back to my apartment. Now.”

  The driver didn’t even flinch. He merged calmly into traffic while Luke bounced his legs in irritation, thinking about his conversation with Peter. He hoped to God that Shannon had managed to convince Paige to go on a date.

  “What did you hear about Paige?” he asked.

  “You’ll be happy to know that Paige agreed to the setup,” Toby said. “The only thing is that she agreed to it with the rest of us around.”

p; That only provided a small bit of relief. At least that part had turned out in his favor, partially. The only problem Luke had was with walking around with Paige on his arm while trying not to push things too fast with her. He had to be calm and patient and treat Paige as delicately as possible.

  A small bit of guilt trickled through his mind. What they were doing was fucked up. He had no doubts about it. He didn’t bother convincing himself that he was doing this for her. He wanted that damn business and inheritance—something he had worked his ass off day and night for.

  “Whatever,” Luke said, sighing. “If that’s how it’s going to be just for us to get our damn money, then I don’t give a fuck. Sign me up. I don’t have much of a choice anymore.”

  “Not really,” Toby said. He lowered his phone to look at him. “Alicia called while you were in there with Peter.”

  “What’d she say?”

  “She said that she’d meet you at your apartment. She wouldn’t say anything else.”

  Good. I need to get this frustration out. He ached from that brief encounter with Paige. He needed a release to feel calmer.

  “I don’t recommend you messing around with Alicia,” Toby said, reading the thoughts in Luke’s head. “You know that bitch tends to get a bit crazy and possessive of you. Plus, I imagine your father said no Alicia in the will.”

  “I’ve gotta do something to feel better,” Luke said irritably. “Seriously. My entire body is going blue from that night we danced.” He ignored the odd look Toby gave him. “And yes, my father said no to her being a part of anything. Which suits me just fine, because she is not receiving a dime of money from me. She’s got her own wealth to live off.”

  “I don’t think that matters when it comes to Alicia.”

  “It doesn’t.”

  As they pulled into the parking garage, Toby nudged him in the shoulder. “Not trying to take away from your time with Alicia, but I think you’d win brownie points if you called Paige to ask her out. She refused to talk to me.”


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