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Man Candy

Page 88

by Tia Siren

  Death had chipped away at his father for months until his heart and liver had both finally caved in. He had told the doctors to let him go. There was no point in saving a man who had literally drank himself to the bottom of every bottle of alcohol he had tastes. His mother had tried to help him for many years, but once she had passed away, there was nothing left to stop him.

  “You’re right,” Peter said, and Luke could hear his grimace. “I wouldn’t agree to that either. Your father was in horrible condition when I visited him in the hospital before he passed.”

  “He drank himself to death,” Luke said flatly. “What else did you honestly expect to see?”

  “Nothing. I expected nothing. Speaking of alcohol, I want to ask how your drinking has slowed down.”

  “Is that another term of my father’s?” Luke asked defensively.

  “No. It wasn’t brought up. Your father wasn’t going to tell you how to control your drinking when he couldn’t control his.”

  “Right, so it’s none of your business,” Luke said coldly. “All we are talking about here is Paige, and believe it or not, I have purchased a ring.”

  The second he said those words, Luke smacked his head in exasperation. The other line was silent. He had to find a ring fast now to back those words up.

  Toby sighed as he wrote that down on his pad of things to do.

  “You bought a ring for her?” Peter finally asked, surprise filling his voice. “Two months into dating and you bought a ring for her?”

  “Yes,” Luke said stiffly. “I did. Is there a problem with that?”

  “Here’s what I think,” Peter said. “I’m tired of you running games around me, trying to figure out how to get through a loophole that doesn’t even exist. If this relationship is real—”

  “It is real!” Luke said angrily.

  “Then you better have a strong connection with this Ms. Scott, because I will be asking questions that only couples in love would know. Got it?”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “Lose the attitude, Luke,” Peter said. “You aren’t going to get anywhere with me. I’ll schedule a meeting with you both in two weeks. I expect a wedding announcement in the paper along with a date, too. Have a good day.”

  He hung up before Luke could even think of a reply. Dropping the phone down onto the desk, Luke looked over at Toby with a scowl.

  “We’re in over our heads,” he said. “In two weeks I have to bring Paige to meet him. I also have to buy a ring, announce this shit, and set a date.”

  Toby scribbled that down on the paper as well. “We can manage these things, Luke. It’s not going to be a big deal.”

  “What if I have to go through with this entire thing?” Luke demanded, rubbing his aching head in distress. “I’ll have a divorce on my record then.”

  “It won’t matter,” Toby pointed out. “You’d have everything by then. Just settle with Paige on the amount if you have to go through with it. That’s all you really have to do.”

  “I want a fucking drink,” Luke growled, standing from his chair. “This is too much work for me when I’m not getting anything in return.”

  “What? Sex?”

  “Yes, damn it. She won’t give in no matter what I say or do.”

  “Play it to your advantage,” Toby said sagely. “Someone like Paige is going to work when it comes to Peter. She’s not like the other women you’ve been with. I’m telling you to have some faith in what I’m advising you to do. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

  “No,” Luke replied, deflating. “You’re right. I just don’t know how much longer I can take this shit.”

  “Well, work that out with Paige. In the meantime, we need to find a ring.”


  The lodge felt pleasantly warm when they arrived in Bismarck the following week. A weight eased off Luke’s shoulders when he stood on the back patio, inhaling the crisp, fresh air. Nothing could ever replace the serenity he always felt in Bismarck when he came to check on the oil rigs. Compared to the pollution and the bustle of the city, it felt as though they were in a different universe.

  He sipped from a cup of hot tea while he waited for Paige to change her outfit. They had done a quick press appearance at Toby’s bidding to add even more publicity. Paige had played the part perfectly by sticking by Luke’s side without straying. He was relieved that there were only two cameras around this time rather than a swarm of them like the previous weekend.

  Now they had a dinner party to attend with some of his father’s old friends—to help spread the word to Peter more.

  The sliding glass door opened behind him.

  “Toby said you wanted to see me before we took off,” Paige said, stepping up alongside him. “Something about going over questions?”

  “We need to go over them soon,” Luke said. “In two weeks, we will go in to see Peter when he calls with a time. It’ll most likely be up here because this was my father’s life—this lodge at least.”

  Paige ran an appreciative gaze along the log walls. “It’s so beautiful here. I don’t blame him for loving it.”

  The chilly wind stirred the loose brown waves of her hair. Shivering, she crossed her arms over her chest to fight off the cold. While he loved the clothes Shannon had picked out for her, nothing beat the sight of her in a pair of tattered jeans, UGG boots, and a thick navy and gold sweatshirt that said NYU on the front. Her freckles were on vibrant display as well thanks to the gray clouds over them.

  “What?” Paige asked. “Why are you staring at me like that?””

  “I’m not,” Luke said, clearing his throat. “I was just thinking of something is all.”

  She gave him a skeptical look. “Right. I’m supposed to believe that. Do you know what the questions are about?”

  “Toby has a draft of questions for us to look at,” he said. Then he pulled out the small box he had been carrying around since the beginning of the week. His throat clenched before he shook off the feeling. “I got this because we need to put the rumor in the press that we are engaged.”

  Her mouth parted in surprise when he lifted the box up for her to take. Shaking her head, Paige took a step back with a grimace. “That’s way too much, Luke. I can’t take a ring from you. It feels a bit—”

  Real. That was how it had felt when he’d been picking one out, too. Luke kept his face straight as he pushed the box into her hand.

  “It has to look real,” he said tightly, and then he changed the subject before Paige could say anything else. “We’re going to go visit one of those oil rigs I told you about. Stay by me, because most of the roughnecks there haven’t seen a pretty woman in a long time.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Don’t trust your employees?”

  “I trust them to do their jobs and to make money. That’s about it.” He glanced up at the overcast skies. “Let’s go before the snow comes in. First snowfall of the season too.”

  When Paige climbed into the SUV after him a short while later, Luke glanced down at her hand to find the ring glittering there. He looked away sharply when that unexpected and indescribable emotion filled him again. They spent the next few hours down at one of the rigs, Paige staying at his side as he had asked her to. Still, he caught the men’s lingering glances on Paige, and it caused his chest to tighten with possessiveness.

  The drive back to the lodge was a tense and silent one, aside from Toby chatting absently with the driver in the front passenger seat. A trickle of snowfall had started on the drive back from the rig, but now it was a downfall. The roads to the lodge were slick and snow-packed. They would be snowed in with Roderick Turner’s friends in his lodge, much to Luke’s frustration.

  At least the lodge was big enough to house twenty something guests in either separated or shared rooms. There were only two bedrooms that were private and away from everyone else’s—his and Paige’s.

  That realization caused him to harden with the possibility. He still had his hopes and plans to get Paige to back
down from the no sex rule. Desire, lust—the feeling that had been in some of his employees’ eyes as they had looked at her—all of that swirled in Luke’s veins.

  He was going to burst if he didn’t find a way to release himself.

  They arrived back to the lodge to a fully cooked dinner and several of Roderick’s friends already drunk and happy. It took little on Luke’s part to convince them he had known Paige for a while now and had just kept their relationship out of the tabloids as long as possible to protect Paige’s privacy as a freshman student at NYU. The lies came as easily as his ability to drink without pause, and the stress lifted from his shoulders.

  Luke glanced down the dinner table they had been seated at to where Toby sat. He was in the middle of a conversation with John Miller, one of his father’s closest friends, and only glanced up at him in a wordless question. Maybe it was the whiskey, or the lust searing through him, but Luke reached underneath the table to place his hand on Paige’s knee.

  She visibly tensed in surprise at the contact, but the smile on her face never faltered as she continued the conversation she was in. She wouldn’t risk losing her precious NYU education. Everyone had their price when it came to helping him.

  Bitterness shredded through his heart when Paige shifted her knee away without even bothering to glance at him.

  Gritting his teeth in frustration, Luke tried to keep the scowl on his face under control. He reached for Paige again, but she shifted away with a pointed glare. That was when he felt Toby’s intense stare as well.

  “Let’s get up and go for a walk,” Toby said, grabbing him by the arm. “Sorry, gentlemen. We need to have a quick conversation. Paige?” He turned to look at her. “Do you mind coming with us?”

  She rose from her spot after hesitating for only a moment and grabbed ahold of Luke’s arm to steady him when he felt gravity give out. They stumbled down the hallway together as Luke breathed sharply through his nose to get control over the swaying world.

  “We need to slow the drinking down a bit, bud,” Toby said, sighing. “You’re about to rip everyone’s head off in there.”

  “I didn’t drink that much,” Luke growled, and he tugged away from Toby to lean on Paige, who stumbled under the extra weight. His lips and throat felt parched. “I need some water to get rid of this feeling.”

  “We’ll get you water,” Toby said. “Just come sit out here in this hallway with Paige while I get some water.”

  They coaxed him to sit down on the bench. Paige took a seat next to him as Toby hurried down the hallway. Burying his aching head into his hands, Luke tried to regain control of his rapidly fraying senses. Too much. Way too much.

  “Why do you drink like that?” Paige asked quietly.

  Luke looked over at her with surprising clarity on his part. “I don’t know. Maybe I have dark and horrible things to kill inside me.”

  “So you’re going to drown yourself in the process of trying to kill those things?”

  “It’s working to a degree,” he remarked snidely. “I don’t feel half those things anymore thanks to the bottle.”

  Paige chewed on her bottom lip. Concern filled her eyes when he sank back against the wall behind them with a groan.

  “Your father was an alcoholic, right?”

  His eyes fluttered closed when the world gave a nauseating tilt. “You could check every hiding spot in this lodge and still find bottles hidden in random places. Does that answer your question?”

  “It does,” Paige said. “I just see you doing the same thing now.”

  “I’m—” He couldn’t finish that sentence even if he had wanted to. That dark and ugly part of his father festered inside him too. They both tried to fill it with alcohol, but it was bottomless. It never filled up.

  Toby returned a minute later with a glass of cold water. He handed it to Luke, who snatched it immediately to down it and clench his thirst.

  “You need to get this drinking under control,” Toby said, gravely. “You’re going to kill yourself going this direction. You’re lucky your father’s friends are a bit too drunk themselves to notice this shit.”

  “I know,” Luke said, and he opened his eyes to focus on Toby. “No more for the night. Just let me drink this water with Paige for a few minutes. I’ll be down there as soon as it gets better.”

  Toby glanced over at Paige. “You okay with him here?”

  “I’ll be fine,” Paige said, nodding. “Maybe we can figure out the endless drinking part.”

  “Let me know what you find,” Toby replied, and he walked away to leave them alone in the hallway with the echo of their dinner guests’ chattering.

  Swallowing another blast of icy water, Luke looked over at Paige with a surge of gratefulness. He reached out to gently clasp her hand in his own. Much to his relief, she didn’t pull away from his touch this time.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Who’d think someone like me is a prick?”

  Her lips curved up at the sarcastic question. “You’re not if you don’t drink. You’re normal when you’re sober.”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been sober,” he said, snorting harshly. “It’s always been one hazy blur for me.”

  “You can change that. It’s your life.”

  “You’re always so positive,” he murmured with a shake of his head. “I got lucky when Shannon told me about you.”

  Paige tensed. “I don’t want to talk about that, Luke. I’m still angry about all of it.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, and he was. “It was fucked up. I know it was, but wouldn’t you agree that we both benefit from the situation now?”

  “Benefit how?” Her eyes narrowed. “My life is complicated right now because I agreed to this. I changed my life to fit yours. And how is this benefiting you?”

  Anger crashed over Luke as he returned her intense gaze. “It certainly isn’t because the only thing I’m getting out of you is a few damn kisses that drive me crazy. I’m going crazy.”

  “Poor Luke,” she said, and stood up from the bench with an angry huff. “Someone is making you responsible for once. If you didn’t agree with my vows, then why did you ask me to do this?”

  “I didn’t have a choice,” Luke said, rising from the bench as well. Thankfully, the world didn’t sway beneath his feet. “You were my only option at the time. I didn’t know what exactly I wanted then.”

  “And what the hell do you want now?” she snapped. “What do you want? You want your money? You want me? What is it that you want exactly?”

  Chapter Nine


  “What the hell do you want then? What do you want? You want your money? You want me? What is it that you want exactly?” Her words echoed in her head as silence surrounded them.

  Luke stood motionlessly on the other side of the hallway while the party inside the dining room continued. She watched the conflict in his eyes before something else entirely covered them.

  Desire. Lust. It made the cerulean color of his eyes go dark and stormy. It made him dangerous, and she instantly realized she was trapped. Run. What are you doing? RUN.

  “I want you to stay,” he said, his voice a low husky timbre. He stalked toward her with casual grace. “I want to kiss you again, badly.”

  Her heart pounded hard. Her back collided with one of the wooden pillars, and before she could slip away, Luke’s arms circled her, trapping her between him and the pillar. Her eyes widened in fright, but also from the desire she felt sparking inside her.

  “I want to kiss you,” Luke repeated, one hand reaching out to cup her jaw in his hand. “I just want to feel you underneath me, squirming in pleasure. That’s what I want right now.”

  “Th-that wasn’t what we agreed upon with your lawyer,” Paige said, her voice wobbly from his proximity. He smelled fresh too, like he had just jogged through the cool air outside. “Remember? We agreed that there wouldn’t be any physical contact unless—”

  “Fuck that contract. I’m going to kiss you, P
aige, and I know you want to kiss me too.”

  His lips crushed against hers. This kiss wasn’t like the one they had exchanged that day in the garden. It wasn’t a brush, a peck on the lips. Luke kissed her greedily and coaxed her lips open to sweep his tongue into her mouth. The taste of him overwhelmed every bit of her senses as his hands smoothed down the sides of her body to grip her hips.

  And Paige responded to the passion sparking inside her. Wrapping her arms around those broad shoulders, she kissed him just as fervently, letting out her pent-up frustration and tension. She poured herself into that kiss and took the opportunity to feel the strong muscles coiled under the fabric of his shirt.

  A low groan rumbled in Luke’s chest as he tore his lips away to trail down the column of Paige’s neck. She tilted her out of instinct, giving him better access while letting out a shaky moan.

  It wasn’t until Luke’s hand slid up the front of her torso to cup her right breast that Paige felt alarm shoot through her. What am I doing? She yanked herself out of Luke’s strong grasp to stumble away into the cold air of the hallway.

  Luke shook his head as frustration filled his eyes. “Paige—”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, shaking her head. “I-I-I can’t do this. I have to go.”

  “You can’t go,” Luke said, the picture of calm. “Look outside, dear. There’s snow coming down. My drivers have been drinking as well. You are stuck here with me whether you like it or not.”

  She glanced out the window with a sinking realization that Luke was right. It was snowing heavily, the first snow of the season, and no one was sober enough to drive her far into the night. She was utterly stuck with the one person who could undo her within a matter of seconds. And judging from his calculating expression, Luke had every intention of figuring out how to get her into his bed.


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