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Man Candy

Page 100

by Tia Siren

  I knew I should stop, but my curiosity and intoxication led me forward still. I crept down the stairs while trying my best to keep an eye on the trio. Tom pointed them toward the pool and I continued to follow just a corridor behind them, trying my best to keep out of sight.

  The women, now naked, climbed into the pool, and Tom grabbed another drink from the decanter nearby. He looked down the hall, and I ducked behind a doorway. As I turned to look back into the pool room, my gaze was met by Tom, who was now standing right beside me.

  I was spellbound by his stare, and he had a drunken smile on his face. He gave me a look up and down.

  “Nia, are you aware that you’re naked?” he asked.

  You could probably have boiled water on my cheeks, I was so incredibly embarrassed. I did my best to cover myself up, but it wasn’t much of a relief.

  “If you want to go for a swim, the pool is open, and it’s apparently clothing optional,” he said while stripping off his shirt.

  I didn’t have any response; I just wanted to be back in bed and forget this had happened.

  “Okay, I can see I’ve embarrassed you. Let’s just say that I’m too drunk to remember anything and you can head off to bed. Does that sound okay?” he said.

  I nodded and started backing away down the hall. His eyes never left me, nor my body, and I wanted to slap him for staring, but at the same time, it was my mistake.

  I nearly lost my footing on the carpet and caught myself with my hands, giving him another eyeful. While I was incredibly embarrassed, I did feel at least a little flattered that he wanted to stare at me instead of the women in the other room. So I slowed my pace and let him stare as I walked off with the sexiest walk I could muster.

  I heard his footsteps follow me for a moment before stopping as I made my way upstairs. I felt a little flush when I closed the door to my room; I felt like being naughty.

  The alcohol was catching up with me, and I sprawled out in bed. The silk sheets I had grown accustomed to would be my only comfort of the night. Still, I felt much better about myself.


  I dressed sensibly the next morning, throwing my wet things over the shower in my bathroom and feeling much better after the rest. I journeyed through the halls toward the kitchen downstairs, but it felt oddly empty this morning.

  The chef was nowhere to be found, and neither were Brent nor Magda, the maid. I hunted through the house to see where everyone was and found only Tom sitting in a deck chair in the pool room. The room was empty save for him. The girls who had been here last night had left no trace.

  “Tom?” I said.

  He lifted his head and squinted his eyes. “Ah, it’s just you, Nia,” he said, laying his head back down. “I gave everyone the day off. Clear my schedule for the afternoon, if you don’t mind.”

  I started looking over his schedule for the day on my phone and found it was to be a light work day anyway. I sent a few e-mails and texts to make sure his staff was abreast of the matter.

  He stood up and stretched his muscles a bit. “What would you say to dinner?”

  I looked at my watch, wondering if I was up late.

  “It’s barely eight. Why are you asking me to dinner?” I replied curiously.

  “It takes about seven hours to get to Paris from here, Nia,” he said as he casually strolled closer.

  “Paris?” I asked in astonishment. “You want to fly to Paris for dinner?”

  “Isn’t that generally what you do when you have a personal jet and a day off?” he replied.

  I couldn’t find fault in his logic, and it helped that I didn’t want to find fault in his logic.

  “I would be happy to join you, if that’s what you wish,” I said.

  He clapped his hands in a cheer and gave me a hug.

  “I own a restaurant that’ll open a table up for me tonight. Have my tuxedo pressed, and take the car out and buy something dressy. If you’re going to be holding onto my arm, you need to look the part.”

  I tried my hardest to hold in my excitement. Not only would I get to go to Paris, but I’d also get to play dress up and feel rich for the evening.

  “I’ve arranged a limousine for you today since Brent has the day off. Flight leaves in two hours, so don’t take long.” Tom poured himself a drink from the whiskey stored nearby and sat back down in the deck chair.

  I lingered a moment, trying to understand his motivation. He could have done anything on his day off, but he was taking me to Paris. I had to think this had something to do with last night.

  No matter. I could use the day off. I left him to his vices and joined the driver who waited outside by the limo. A few minutes later I was being shown some of the most beautiful and incredibly expensive dresses I had seen—and I wanted them all. I settled for a skin-tight black dress that ended just above the knee. The low back and deep neckline accentuated my curves, and I looked amazing. Twenty-five thousand dollars later, I had my dress for the evening.

  It wasn’t long before Tom and I were sitting a few thousand feet above sea level in his private jet, sipping on wine. He kept glancing at meet from the corner of his eye. I pretended not to notice.

  “Nia, I hope my attitude last night wasn’t off-putting,” he said.

  “Off-putting in what way?” I asked.

  He swiveled his chair toward me and kicked a leg over his knee.

  “I might enjoy the company of many women, but I didn’t mean to do so in front of you. I would prefer to stay professional when possible.”

  I swept the hair out of my eyes and gave him a big smile. “I’m not put off by sex, Tom.”

  “That may be so, but watching your boss have sex must be strange.”

  “The only reason I would’ve been watching is if you hadn’t noticed me. I didn’t see anything except two young trollops showing what god gave them,” I said.

  Tom gave me another insightful look. “Don’t you mean three?”

  I blushed a little, thinking about it, and crossed my arms, trying to cover myself more than I already was. “You didn’t have to stare, you know.”

  “And you didn’t have to walk that slowly and sensually, but you did.”

  I suppose someone as perceptive as him would notice something like that.

  “Okay, okay. I was out drinking, and my best friend told me in no uncertain terms to pursue you as more than just a boss. But, I stand by my professional work. I’m not interested in being arm candy to some rich man.”

  Tom sat back in his chair, partially pleased with himself. “I didn’t do anything with them last night, and you can blame yourself for that.”

  “What did you do?” I asked.

  “I called Brent and told him to take them home,” he said. “They didn’t seem that interesting anymore after I caught you.”

  I was feeling a bit lightheaded as the blood rushed to my face. I couldn’t tell if it was a compliment or an insult, so I prodded further.

  “You gave up a night with two beautiful women because you saw my bare ass? Am I that much of a turnoff?” I asked.

  “Just the opposite,” Tom said. “It’s like living in a world full of cabbage. You eat it and it’s familiar; it keeps you full and satiated and happy. But, then you have your first taste of cake.”

  “So you’re saying that I’m cake now?” I asked.

  “No. I’m saying you’re a beautiful woman who deserves more praise than you’re probably afforded.”

  I gushed with pride when he said that. I felt as light as air, and that felt a bit ironic since we were in a jet. I could see something was holding him back from saying anything else.

  “Is that all you wanted to say?” I asked.

  His face twisted as though he had something to say but didn’t know how to say it. I had a feeling I knew what he was attempting to vocalize.

  “You’re afraid I’ll call a lawyer and claim you’re sexually harassing me. Something along those lines?” I asked.

  He nodded and sighed, taking another l
arge sip from his glass. I slipped a piece of paper from a nearby notepad and, with the pen from my purse, wrote a quick note. On it I absolved him of all sexual misconduct that may happen aboard this plane. Adding my signature to the bottom, I handed it to him for perusal.

  He took it and read over it quickly. “You know this isn’t legally binding,” he said. But before he had finished, I’d already slunk into his chair.

  He tossed the note over his shoulder and gripped my back with his soft hands, taking me into a deep kiss. My knees weakened while he petted along my curves. I shuddered in anticipation while hooking my arm under his shirt and feeling his chest.

  He stood up and lifted my top from my chest. I did the same to him, and as it came off, I kissed his chest. He threw the garment behind him and reached around to unhook my bra.

  My breath grew heavier as he pulled it from me. I pulled him in close for another kiss, and he obliged. Feeling a little naughty, I shoved him back into the chair.

  I looked around for a moment and found the remote for the stereo; I clicked it on and turned it to music I could dance to. I started to dance for him, letting him stare all he wanted as I swayed back and forth to the music.

  His eyes lit up like a hungry dog staring at a freshly cooked steak. I liked feeling his stare on my topless body. The music bellowed deeply, with a steady beat, and my hips gyrated as I undid the pants I wore. I turned around and let him watch as I inched them down my legs, giving him a full view of my dark skin.

  I threw the pants aside and felt my panties getting soaked as I continued to dance. I could see the bulge in his pants bursting to get out, and I wanted to help it, but not yet.

  I lowered myself into his chair and rubbed my swollen pussy up and around his throbbing member. Dancing and swaying to the music, it felt like he was near ready to burst.

  I faced and straddled him and then undid his pants. He grabbed my hips as I continued to grind. I stood back up and pulled what remained of his clothing off him.

  I lowered my own underwear down my legs and let him admire my sex from behind while continuing my dance. I backed toward him again. Once again I grinded in his lap, letting him feel me with his skin. I could feel his penis pushing against me, and it drove me wild.

  I couldn’t wait any longer; I straightened my back and allowed him to penetrate me. I moaned as he entered, inching farther and farther in as I sat down.

  He grabbed my hips and held me down, and I could feel him deep inside, throbbing. He was bigger than I’d thought he would be, and it felt good as he continued to swell.

  He worked me up and down with his hands, and I tried to catch my breath as we continued. He became more ravenous with each thrust, pounding deeper and deeper. I lost my mind in the sexual music we made.

  I lifted myself off and turned around so that I could kiss him, and as I did, I lowered myself back onto him. I hugged him around his neck, and he continued to work me up and down along his shaft. My wetness ran down to the rich leather of the chair, and he didn’t seem to mind.

  I gave myself over to the ecstasy of the moment and felt the familiar tickle of an orgasm beginning to crest. And it felt like he wasn’t far behind.

  I arched my back, and he had to hold me as I clenched my muscles for the orgasm that kept wracking my body. I could feel him pumping his fluid deep inside me, and I accepted it readily.

  It was then that I noticed the flight crew peeking out of the cabin, and with a bashful smile, I threw the radio remote at them.


  It took a while before we finally managed to pry ourselves off one another. I had to lock the cabin door shut so the crew would stop their attempts at sneaking a peek.

  After we had landed, there was a limousine waiting for us that I had arranged prior to liftoff. Tom wore his pressed suit and I wore my wonderful new dress. Unfortunately, I hadn’t brought a change of underwear, which didn’t really bother me as much as I had thought it would.

  We drove through the narrow streets of Paris, and I took in the sights. The Eifel Tower’s million lights twinkled like stars. I imagined being here, but not like this. I imagined coming here as a successful businesswoman, running my own company, not as an escort.

  I couldn’t drive the thought out of my head. Had he hired me with this as his end goal? Or had this just been an incidental byproduct of working in such close proximity to a womanizer?

  The car pulled up to a small restaurant that overlooked a fountained courtyard. The scene was picturesque and soulful at the same time. Inside, the restaurant was a simple scene, almost as though it hadn’t been changed for more than a hundred years.

  The night flowed on and our conversation was light and fun. I hadn’t really spent time getting to know Tom that well until now. I had always seen him as my boss, and that had suited me just fine.

  But I still felt unsettled, and I needed to address it.

  “Tom, this experience is something I’ve never had, but I still wonder if I’m just another woman you throw away once you’re finished with her.”

  He played with the cork from the wine and leaned back in his seat. “Why would I throw you away?”

  “I’m supposed to be your personal assistant. There are supposed to be boundaries between us, and it feels like we’re tearing them down needlessly.”

  “Are you trying to say that you want to go back to being boss and assistant? I don’t know if I can do that,” he replied.

  “I’m saying I want more. This last month has inspired me, Tom. I’ve seen you making million-dollar deals before breakfast and coming home with more conquests at night.

  “I don’t want to be the prize you unwrap. I want to be the equal that you make deals with. Give me some time to build up my resume and my capital so I can see you as an equal before considering the possibility of continuing this.”

  My heart ached as the words came from my mouth, but I really did want to be something more than an assistant in his eyes, and I needed him to know that. I certainly did not wish to be just another one of his conquests. I had to make him prove himself.

  “All right. We’ll go back to being boss and assistant again. The best things in life are worth waiting for.”

  He raised his glass and I mine, and we toasted the agreement.


  On Monday, I went back to work as though nothing had happened. Tom had changed. His passion toward work overtook him and his nightlife faded considerably.

  A few months passed and he hadn’t been with anyone in a while. He seemed to distance himself from many of the women who had thrown themselves at him in the past, as if a part of him had died. I felt sorry for him.

  He started spending a lot of time with his brother’s family. Before our trip to Paris, he barely would see him once a year, but now it seemed to be once a week. Tom would show me photos of him giving new toys to his brother’s children and of how happy they were.

  In those few months I had learned something else.

  I was pregnant.

  I had a strong feeling it was his, and I didn’t want to burden him further with the responsibility of being a parent.

  “Tom,” I said one day after a meeting, “I think it’s time I move on. I’ve been working toward a few projects of my own with the money you helped me raise, and I think I have some good prospects.”

  He flashed me his smile again, but I was struck by how sad his eyes looked. He embraced me, and my feelings were swept away. I kept myself straight-faced, which was the hardest thing I’d ever done.

  “Don’t make me wait” was all he said.

  I pushed myself away, knowing that if I stayed any longer, I would become a mess.

  “I’ll have my things packed and be out of the house before the day’s end. Thank you again, Mr. Ellis,” I said.

  I turned and left, leaving him standing there sullenly.

  As I exited, I wondered if I’d gone too far, if there was something else I could’ve done to know if he wanted me for my business savvy or my looks.
But I couldn’t decipher anything at the moment.

  At the mansion, I began to pack everything I had, which I realized was not much. Then I heard a knock on the door.

  “Hey, Nia.” It was Brent. “I know we don’t talk much, but can we have a chat?”

  I cracked the door and let him wander in.

  “This place is way better than the shack I’m livin’ in. You must be one smart cookie,” he said, admiring my living space.

  “Did you come here to talk or to admire the scenery?” I asked rudely.

  “Whoa, calm down,” he said while stepping back toward the door. “I just have one thing to say, so I’ll say it. You got Mr. Ellis twisted up good. I never seen him like this in the last ten years I been workin’ for him.”

  “Are you referring to how he doesn’t seem to sleep around as much?” I asked.

  “No. I’m referring to how he keeps askin’ me what you’re up to. He wants to know if you’re seein’ anybody or if you are feelin’ taken care of.”

  “He asks about me when I’m not around?”

  “He does. I’ve never seen him like that for anyone.”

  I finished packing my bag and zipped it closed. I took a moment to take the sight of this palatial bedroom and then let out a deep sigh.

  “Let’s go, Brent,” I said.

  I made for the door, but Brent wouldn’t let me carry my own bags. Like a gentleman, he took the bags and followed me down the front stairs.

  I had him take me to a hotel downtown for the evening and scheduled time with a real estate agent while on the way. My excessive funds from working with Mr. Ellis had grown into a small fortune over the past few months.

  I said my final farewells to Brent and entered the lobby. It was completely empty save for the one attendant at the front desk who was waiting patiently for business.

  He looked at me, smiled, and handed me a room key. I found it rather odd, as I hadn’t called ahead.

  “Is this for me?” I asked.

  “Of course it is,” he replied. “Room 1506. The elevator is around the corner.” Another on-hand attendant swooped in to relieve me of my luggage and led me to the elevator.


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