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Man Candy

Page 103

by Tia Siren

  “Lay down,” Greg commanded, and Dana turned and sat on the end of the bed, and then she lay back while sliding upward so her head rested on the pillows. She stared down at the two men. They were looking at her, now nude except for the heels.

  “Spread your legs,” Homer said, and Dana did so without shame, revealing her wet pink pussy. “Finger yourself,” the young man added, and Dana reached down, trailing the tip of her index finger down her stomach and across her trimmed pubic hair until she was sliding along her slit and then pushing her finger into herself.

  The men watched her for some time, and she gave them quite the show, sliding in two fingers and then three. As she was coming, fingering herself with those three fingers while using the pad of her index finger on her other hand to rub her clit, Homer took his pants off, stepping out of them and his boxers, and began pulling on his own cock. He was large, not as big as Greg, but somehow even longer. He was uncut, something Dana had never experienced. Dana moaned and came, making eye contact with Greg as she did so.

  “Taste her,” Greg said, and Homer took his shirt off before climbing onto the bed and lowering his head between Dana’s legs. She had just come, but the young man’s tongue was like heaven between her legs, and he eagerly lapped up her expelled juices. She reached down and ran her fingers through the man's long blond hair.

  “Fuck her,” Greg said, and Dana opened her eyes and looked down. Greg was now nude and had moved to the chair beside the bed. His cock was hard, and he stroked it slowly while he watched Homer move up, positioning his pelvis between Dana’s spread legs. The man was gentle, somehow suppressing his urge as he slid into her wet pussy. He fucked her slowly, gently, their lips meeting in between moans and groans.

  The bed shook, and Dana looked over. Greg was kneeling beside her, his massive cock bobbing in the air above her lips. She opened her mouth, and he came forward so that his dick slid into her mouth. His hands went to her breasts as she rocked her head back and forth, sucking his cock as Homer continued to slide in and out of her pussy.

  This went on for some time, and then Homer pulled out of her. “I want to feel her tongue,” he said. Greg pulled back, his cock springing free from her lips, wet and slick and shining in the soft candlelight. They moved her then, roughly, where the sex had been gentle up until that point. Greg was not going to show the same constraint, and Homer fed off it. They positioned her on her hands and knees across the bed, and Homer knelt before her face. She opened her lips, and he reached down, placing one hand on her chin, gripping her there painfully as he shoved his cock down her throat.

  Greg took up position behind her, his hands on her hips, and he thrust his monster dick inside her. The men took no more concern for her pleasure, but still, within minutes, she was rocked by an orgasm for the second time that night. Greg couldn’t resist when her pussy contracted against his cock, and he thrust in once more and held there, his fingers tight on her hips as he came, his cock jumping inside her as he sprayed his semen deep within her.

  Homer moved her when her boyfriend was done. Greg left the room, going to shower as he always did after sex. Homer lay down, and Dana went to suck him again, but he took her and pulled her atop him. She straddled him, rocking back and forth as he groped and pawed at her large breasts, her hard nipples pressing against his strong palms.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as he came, and the second man that night let loose inside her. Afterward, she climbed off Homer’s wet cock and lay beside him. He kissed her, and then he got up and dressed. He left, and Dana was fairly confident she wouldn’t see him again.


  A month passed after the threesome, and then another, and Greg remained and their sex life was healthy. But he never invited anyone else into their bed. The relationship grew stronger, got more serious, and Greg began dropping hints that Dana should leave her small apartment and move in with him. For some reason, she refused.

  A part of it was her job. She still had never spoken with the mysterious buyer, instead communicating through a lawyer. She still wondered if it was Greg, and one night she decided to take matters into her own hands. She lay in bed that night, and he fucked her tits while she reached past him and used a vibrator on herself. She came and then he did, spraying thick globs of semen across her neck and chin. He got up to shower and asked her to join him, but she told him she wanted to take a bath afterward. He nodded and went to shower.

  She got up as soon as she heard the water turn on and found his cell phone still in the pocket of his pants, haphazardly strewn on the floor near the bottom of the bed. She strolled through texts but found nothing. Then she went through Greg’s contacts. He was there. The lawyer. There was the lawyer she had become so familiar with.

  Dana wanted to confront Greg, but she needed to wash off, so she went and had a bath first. She stewed there in the steamy water, and when she was done, she washed and dressed in a robe and stormed into Greg’s room.

  “You have a lawyer’s number in your phone That’s the man who contacts me when Mr. White has something to say,” she said. Greg was lying on the bed, reading a book. He set it aside.

  “I wanted to help you.”

  Dana ground her teeth together. She had expected him to lie, and she was glad he hadn’t, but she was still mad.

  “I didn’t want that help from you,” she said.

  “So what? Why does it matter? I have the money; I could help you.”

  “You control me here. In bed. Not out there.”

  “It’s not about control!” Greg said. “I just wanted to help.”

  “If the business can’t make money, then it dies!”

  “And then what would you do?” Greg asked.

  “Start a new one! Get a new job! I don’t know, but I don’t want you sinking money into a failed cause for me. I don’t want to owe you,” Dana snapped.

  “I’m just trying to help someone I care about. It’s not about owning you.”

  “I don’t want your help, and I don’t want this,” Dana said, and she stormed out, still in the bathrobe.

  Greg called her three times that night, and twice again the next day. And then he stopped. The few things that she had left at his place came by way of UPS the next week. She didn’t hear from him, and Dana felt sad.

  On a Monday, Dana was at the sex shop when the door opened and a large man in a cheap suit came in.

  “What can I help you with?” Dana asked.

  “You must be Dana,” the fat man said. He was bald with a thin mustache that looked ridiculously out of place on his bulbous face.

  “I am,” Dana said, unsure of who the man was.

  “I bought this store. I was told about you,” the man said, and then he introduced himself as Michael Weathers.

  “Oh,” Dana said, shaking his sweaty hand. She found herself surprised that Greg had sold the Treasure Chest. She supposed that meant the relationship really was over.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to change course,” the man went on. “This place is the perfect spot for a buffet. I’m a restaurant man, you see. I did want to offer you a job, though.”

  Dana respectfully declined, and that day was the last day in the shop. Michael stuck around, and on her way out, after waiting on a few customers and taking her last paycheck, she stopped in the center aisle and took a black strap on to the front, where the fat man stood waiting for the keys.

  “Mind if I take this?” Dana asked. “For old times’ sake.”

  Michael surely thought the request weird—his face showed that much—but he nodded and allowed it, and after she handed him the key, Dana went through the door for the last time.

  Within a few days, she had been hired at a small store that sold overpriced knickknacks to women stopping off of the highway, and life seemed as though it would get back to normal. That night, on her second day at the new store, though, Dana returned home to find Greg waiting for her in the parking lot.

  “What do you want?” she asked, and the man couldn’t help but smile.<
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  “I love you,” he said with a shrug as she stopped in front of him. They were standing next to his cherry red sports car.

  “Don’t,” Dana said, holding a hand up.

  “I wanted to tell you. I can’t stop thinking about you. The…duality you have, the…I’m just…”

  “Intrigued?” Dana finished for him.

  “In love,” he said instead. He reached out to take her hand, and the young woman let him.

  “Come live with me. I miss you. I love you.”

  “I told you not to buy my shop.”

  “I know.”

  “I wanted to do it all on my own.”

  “I wanted to help. I think I already knew I loved you.”

  “The worst part is I think I love you too,” Dana said. “Or at least I did, but now…I don’t know. I trusted you. I told you I didn’t want your help.”

  Greg sighed and held his hands up. “I sold the place, you know.”

  “I know. The guy came by a few days ago.”

  “You found a new job?” Greg asked her.

  “Yes,” Dana said.

  “You like it?”


  “What do you want to do?”

  “Open a new shop. Not a sex shop, but something.”

  Greg was nodding. “I could help you, if you wanted. Or not.”

  Dana sighed. “Why are you here?”

  “I want you to take me back,” Greg said.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “I sold your shop, to make it right.”

  “You shouldn’t have bought it in the first place,” Dana said. She was growing tired of the argument, but she found herself yearning to ask the man to come inside, yearning to pull him to her bed.

  “I gave all of the money to charity,” Greg said.

  “Which one?”

  Greg laughed. “A lot of them.”

  Dana couldn’t help it. She threw herself forward, into his arms, and he wrapped those arms around her. Their lips met, and he backpedaled. He opened his mouth to speak, but she held a finger to his lips.

  “Shut up,” she said. “Take me inside and fuck me. Oh, and I’m in charge this time.”

  Greg smiled. “Yes, ma'am,” he said.

  Dana gripped him by the hair and pulled roughly. “I said keep quiet,” she said again. And all through the night, he did.



  More Books by Tia Siren

  About the Author

  Other than my insatiable desire for chocolate, reading and writing steamy romances is my most guilty pleasure.

  I write about tough and sexy Bad Boys who, underneath that armor of muscles and tattoos (and sometimes suits), are more sensitive and wounded than they'd like to admit.

  I'm happily married to a really good guy, but, every now and again, I crave the forbidden excitement of falling for one of the bad boys in my stories.

  There really is a bad girl in me too!

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  I'm going to take her virginity - and then she's going to write about it.

  Stella Frisk:

  After years of worshipping my father, owner of a top fashion magazine, I now finally realize what a grade-A asshole he is. If he thinks he can fuck over my career and our family without any consequences, he has another thing coming, because I have a plan.

  Step one: Get my father’s nemesis, Gabriel Winter, to give me a job.

  Step two: Make my father regret he ever lost me by landing a cover story in his rival’s magazine, one that gives a detailed account of how his adoring, only daughter lost her virginity.

  The only thing is, when I pitch my story idea to my new boss, I don’t expect him to volunteer for the position I’m advertising. I’ll admit, it would be the cherry on top of my revenge cake, but can I really sleep with my boss just to screw over my father?

  Gabriel Winter:

  The moment I meet Stella, I know I have to have her. She’s one of the sexiest women I’ve seen in ages, and her intelligence and natural writing abilities just add to her appeal. So when she waltzes into my office one day with an intriguing story proposal, how can I not offer to help her achieve her journalistic dreams?

  But she does the unthinkable: She refuses my offer. I know I could give her something to write about. I just need to find a way to provide her a little taste of what she’s missing out on without getting HR involved . . .

  Turning down an opportunity to take Stella’s virginity will take every fiber of my being - I just hope I've got the self-restraint to do it.

  © Copyright 2017 by Tia Siren - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

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