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Finders Keepers

Page 13

by N. R. Walker

  He slumped back on the bed, taking me with him. I was still inside him and I wondered if I should pull out, but he wrapped his long legs around and murmured, “Your turn.”

  He was so utterly spent and boneless, I sunk deeper inside him. I cradled his head and shoulders. I kissed down his neck and across his jaw until I found his mouth. I rolled my hips thrusting deep inside him and he sucked on my tongue.

  And white fire tore painlessly through my body, a pleasure so intense, light danced behind my eyes. The orgasm barrelled me, consumed me, and something changed inside me. My senses returned slowly to the feeling of fingers running through my hair and warm kisses on my neck and shoulder.

  “Holy shit.”

  Griffin croaked out a laugh. “That was incredible for you too, right?”

  I pulled back so I could see his face, and it took me a second to focus. “More than that.”

  The corner of his mouth curled up and he put his hand to my face. “I don’t want to ever move.”

  I took a quick account of my body. “I’m not sure I can.”

  He chuckled and I slowly pulled out of him, then I wrapped him up in my arms and rolled us onto our sides so I didn’t crush him. He ran his hand through my hair and stared into my eyes. Neither of us spoke, just stared, for the longest time. And I’m pretty sure if, years from now, someone were to ask me the moment I knew I was falling in love with Griffin Burke, it was right then.

  I woke up to the feel of Griffin peeling himself away from me, then a soft kiss to my temple as he got out of bed, and I smiled as I rolled over. I heard Griffin open the door and let Wicket outside, talking to him as they both went downstairs. I checked my phone; it was seven forty. As much as I hated waking up, I had to admit, waking up with him was pretty damn cool.

  I smiled at the ceiling for a few minutes, then rolled out of bed to make us some coffee. By the time they came back inside, I handed him a cup.

  “Morning,” he said. “Wasn’t expecting you to be up yet.”

  “Someone woke me,” I replied with a smile.

  He nodded toward Wicket. “Someone needed to pee.”

  I went to the living room and sat on the sofa with my coffee. Wicket followed, and I got happy kisses from him until Griffin sat beside me, then Wicket thanked him for taking him outside.

  “Did you have anything you wanted to do this morning?” he asked.


  He grinned at me. “You struggle in the mornings, don’t you?”

  I made a pouty face. “I’m up and made you coffee.”

  He sipped it. “And it’s good coffee, too.”

  “I just usually take a little while to come to grips with the world.” I sipped my coffee. “What about a walk to the park or something?”

  “Sounds great.” Wicket plonked himself down next to me, put his head on my thigh, and closed his eyes. Griffin gave him a gentle pat and rested his head on the back of the sofa and smiled at me. “But this is kinda great too.”

  Eventually we did take that walk, just a slow stroll to the park where we sat on a bench seat and watched Wicket explore while we chatted and enjoyed the sunshine. Griffin wore shorts and a singlet top with thongs and sunnies, and he looked so relaxed and handsome, I had trouble looking away. He caught me staring and gave me a shy smile. “See something you like?” he asked.

  I didn’t look away. “Yep.”

  He just grinned, took my hand, and looked out over the park. “I have to say, moving here was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  He squeezed my hand. “So, what have you got planned for this afternoon?”

  “Laundry, which is very exciting. And possibly a nap on the couch.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “What about you?”

  “Much of the same. And groceries, if I plan to eat this week.”

  “Oh, yeah, I need to do that too.” I sighed. “We’re such party animals.”

  He chuckled. “Laundry, groceries, and a nap. I’m pretty sure Bernice and K have a better social life than us. She mentioned a music festival that’s on at Kings Beach in a few weeks. I can just picture them sitting on a picnic blanket, beers and hash brownies in hand.”

  That made me laugh. “We could go too, if you want? That’s in Caloundra. We could stay at my parents’ place.” Then I realised that I just mentioned meeting the parents… “If you want to, that is. Or we could stay somewhere else. It’s no big deal.”

  He squeezed my hand, then threaded our fingers properly. He seemed to think about his next words and I almost apologised before he said, “I’m down with meeting your folks. And I love music festivals.”

  Relief poured over me like a bucket of water and I barked out a laugh. “Jesus, I didn’t really think about how that sounded,” I said, letting out a deep breath. “And I know this is all moving really fast, but I’m completely okay with that.”

  He leaned in and kissed me softly. “I’m completely okay with that too.”

  My heart knocked against my ribs, and I smiled like an idiot as Griffin got up to chase after Wicket with his leash. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not running away again.” He caught him easily and they both came back smiling. “Ready to go back?”

  I really wasn’t ready at all. I wanted this moment to last forever. “If I have to.”

  We walked back to his place, and after some more making out, on the couch this time—so Wicket got used to us lying together, Griffin had said—I couldn’t put off reality any longer and eventually had to go home.

  I had Wicket and my overnight bag and stood at his door, trying to find the will to leave. “When will I see you next?” Griffin asked with his big puppy-dog eyes.

  “Well, we’re both busy with work all week, and Thursday the store is open later, so maybe Friday night?”

  Griffin sighed. “That’s so far away.”

  I pulled his chin down so I could kiss him. “It’ll go fast.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “I could drive down on Friday after work, and we could get takeout? Or you could cook for me,” he suggested with a smile.

  “Mmm, I don’t know,” I pretended to have to think about it. “Will you be staying the night?”

  He cradled my face in his hand and slowly covered my mouth with his, tilting his head and kissing me so slow and thoroughly, I dropped my bag and melted into him. My God, he could kiss… When he pulled away, it took me a second to focus. I was breathless, my head was swimming, and my dick certainly liked where that kiss was leading.

  “I think that’s a yes,” he whispered. “Now you better go, or we’ll end up back in bed and no one’ll be doing laundry.”

  I think I groaned. Fuck. I gave my dick a squeeze. “Yeah, Friday’s a great idea.”

  He picked up my bag and handed it to me, then scooped up Wicket and carried him down the stairs. He kissed me at my car again and smiled as he felt my hard-on against his hip. “Save that for Friday,” he murmured.

  “God, you’re gonna kill me.”

  His grin was victorious as he walked away, and I drove home, willing my erection away, while grinning like an idiot.

  Later that night, he texted me. Get everything done?

  Yeah. You?

  Yep. What are you doing right now?

  Watching TV. Julia Roberts is just about to do the ‘I’m just a girl’ speech to Hugh Grant.

  Oh, I love that movie. Which channel?


  Love the next part in the press conference. Totally cheesy and awesome.

  It is

  Didn’t know you loved rom-coms…

  Don’t tell anyone but I love them.

  We can watch one on Friday night.

  I’d prefer to do something else ;) but if you insist on watching television…

  I’m so up for that.

  What do you want me to cook for dinner on Friday? I do a mean grilled chicken salad.

  Sounds great.

ket says thanks for the great weekend.

  Just him?

  Me too.

  Can’t wait for Friday. And this weekend you can show me around Maroochydore.


  Goodnight, Dane.


  I wanted to hug my phone but didn’t. Instead I smiled at the TV until the credits for Notting Hill were finished.

  I had every intention of texting Griffin on Wednesday after work, but I had to walk Wicket, so I called him instead. “Hey, you.”

  “Hey, you too.”

  God, his voice sent a thrill through me. “How was your day?”

  “Pretty good. How was yours?”

  “Yeah, okay. I’m just out taking his royal highness for a walk.”

  He snorted. “I won’t tell him you called him that.”

  “I’m pretty sure he’d approve.”

  “Does he expect people to stand on the side of the road and wave?”

  “I’m sure if you suggested it…”

  “Oh my God, at work today we had this couple who expected the royal treatment…” He proceeded to tell me about his day and I told him about mine.

  “Li, wanted to know if my good mood had anything to do with the tall, handsome guy who came into the store on Friday to give me his address.”

  He laughed. “What did you tell her?”

  “I said it sure did. I refused to give her details though.”

  “Probably a good idea not to,” he said happily.

  On Thursday night, he called me. “Hey,” he greeted me warmly. Then, “Oh, where are you?”

  “At the supermarket. Just grabbing some fresh chicken and stuff for a salad for tomorrow night.”

  “Ah. Do I need to bring anything? Drinks? Condoms? Lube?”

  I laughed so hard in line at the deli that people turned to stare. “No, I’ll grab some while I’m here.”

  He chuckled, warm and throaty in my ear. Then he said, “Just so you know, I prefer silicone based lubes, glycerine-free.”

  “Duly noted.”

  I could tell he was smiling by the tone in his voice. “What’s the matter? Sound a little flustered.”

  “Um, I’m in the line at the deli.”

  He laughed. “Then I better let you go. Just remember, silicone, extra slippery. You can pick your favourite brand of condoms. It’ll feel good for me whichever brand you choose.”

  I made a high-pitched whine just as it was my turn to be served. “Yes, can I please have two full chicken breasts, thank you.”

  Griffin laughed in my ear. “Boy, I bet that was awkward.”

  “I’m going now,” I mumbled, and he was still laughing when I ended the call.

  I took my chicken, grabbed all the salad stuff, picked two bottles of lube—silicone, glycerine-free, thank you, Griffin—and two twelve-packs of condoms, and went home. I was definitely going to have to jerk off before tomorrow night or I’d come as soon as he kissed me.

  Friday dragged. Like, really dragged. I think everyone in Maroochydore chose that as their “I’m going into the Telstra store to make someone’s life miserable” day. By the time I had the shop shut down, I was dying to leave, and I was also late.

  Griffin was leaning against his car outside the front of my house, and when I pulled into my driveway, he walked over to meet me. He was still wearing his work uniform, looking sharp as hell with his suit and perfectly up-styled hair. “Thought I had the wrong house.”

  “Sorry. Shit day. Thought it would never end.”

  He frowned and leaned in close. “Then we better get inside so I can make it better for you.”

  My dick started to harden. Oh yeah. If I hadn’t jerked off last night, I wouldn’t have even made it inside without embarrassing myself.

  I fumbled with the key to get in and was met by a tail-wagging Wicket doing his whole body-wiggle, twice over when he saw Griffin follow me in.

  Griffin put an overnight bag on the dining table and a grocery bag on the kitchen bench. “Nice place.”

  “Oh, thanks.” I ignored the stifling sexual tension and showed him my house. It wasn’t huge, with just one open-plan living area, combined kitchen and dining, and two bedrooms. But it was neat and tidy. Although just a rental, it was, for all intents and purposes, home. “My room, spare room. Bathroom’s in here.” I took him back to the kitchen. “And there’s an outside undercover area.”

  Griffin looked at my face, then at the bulge in my pants. He met my eyes again and smirked, then went to the grocery bag. “I bought a few things for breakfast. Figured if you were doing dinner, it was the least I could do. And I bought this.” He pulled out a chew stick for Wicket. “Thought it might keep him busy for a while.”

  He unwrapped it, not taking his eyes off me, and held it down for Wicket to take. “Be a good boy and run along. Daddy needs some personal time.”

  Wicket took it and ran out through his doggy door, and Griffin led me to the couch. He pushed me so I sat down, then he knelt between my legs. “If you’re going to make me come twice tonight, and I’m pretty sure you will…,” he purred. He unzipped my fly, left my button done up, but pulled out my cock through the opening. “Then it’s only fair if you do too.”

  I pushed my arse forward a little and widened my knees, and he fisted my shaft and slipped his lips over the head. “Oh God, Griffin.” Then he proceeded to suck me into oblivion, pumping and licking and swallowing around me, until I came down his throat.

  We did manage to cook and eat dinner, give Wicket a short walk around the block, then we cozied up on the sofa for a bit until Griffin decided it was his turn. Then he led me to my room and stripped off his clothes like he was putting on a show. He was so sexual and so damn cheeky. I loved it.

  He positioned himself in the middle of my bed and began to stroke himself. He smirked at me. “Remember, before and during.”

  “How could I forget,” I murmured, following him onto the bed.

  He was right about that, though. If I was going to come twice that night, then it was only fair he did too.

  And he did. I wrung that second orgasm out of him until he was shaking and moaning, writhing and begging, until we both collapsed in each other’s arms and didn’t move until morning.

  Griffin made me breakfast, and with a promise to see me on Sunday night and a kiss goodbye, we left for work. I was on cloud nine all damn day, not even the shittiest of customers could deflate my mood. I still wouldn’t give Li any more details, much to her annoyance, but then my mum called when I was driving home.

  “How’ve you been? Haven’t heard from you in a few days.”

  “Sorry, been busy.”

  “Well, your father’s knee’s much better. He’s allowed to drive again this week.”

  “That’s good,” I said. I knew how much it’d been driving him insane. “You know he’ll want to do everything now and overdo it.”

  “Oh yes. I’ve told him that.”

  “Mum, can I ask you something?”

  “Yes, of course, love.”

  “How did you know?”

  “How did I know what?”

  “When you met Dad. How did you know he was the one you were going to marry?”

  Silence for a beat. “Oh my… Who is he, and when do we get to meet him?”

  Chapter Thirteen


  * * *

  I arrived at Dane’s place on Sunday night a little after six. The roller door was up so I could see his car in the garage. I’d been looking forward to seeing him since I left his place yesterday morning. I couldn’t get enough of him, in and out of the bedroom.

  He told me he recognised we were moving pretty fast but he liked it, and I told him I agreed. Wholeheartedly. Literally.

  As in, with my whole heart. Sure, I’d had infatuations before and relationships my young heart had thought were love. That was love, to me, at the time.

  But this was different. This was butterfly-inducing, blood-warming, heart-skipping. This was the beginning
of something very special.

  Was it love? Was I ready to call it that? Was I ready to hand over my heart to a guy I’d only known for a few weeks?

  Or maybe the better question was, did I even have a choice?

  I wasn’t going to question it, though, that was for sure. I was going to enjoy every second, and from the way Dane looked at me, the way he held me, the way he made love to me, told me he felt the same.

  He wanted me to meet his parents, for fuck’s sake. Well, he kind of said it all wrong, but he didn’t retract it when he had the chance. And I didn’t lie when I said I was happy to meet his folks.

  I mean, if we were really moving fast—dating, boyfriends—then why not? Wasn’t that what boyfriends did? And anyway, the music festival was a few weeks away yet, so there was plenty of time to get used to the idea.

  I knocked on the front door, expecting a gorgeous Dane and a warm hug and a deep kiss, but was met with… a man who had to be Dane’s father.

  Holy shit. So much for a few weeks. “Um, hi,” I said, aiming for happy, hoping like hell he didn’t think the overnight bag meant… well, what an overnight bag meant. “Is Dane in?”

  “Yes, yes,” he said, opening the door. “Come on in.” He opened the door, and it was then I realised he had a walking stick and a long purple scar down his knee. “He’s out the back. You must be Griffin.”

  So, Dane had told them about me…

  I put my bag down near the door. “Yes, Griffin Burke,” I said, shaking his hand.

  “Terry Hughes,” he said. Then he nodded toward the backyard. “Just so you know, Dane told his mum all about you, and well, she had to meet you. I’m pretty sure he’s horrified, but she wouldn’t be swayed.”

  I laughed at that. “If my parents lived closer, I’m sure my mum would’ve done the same.” Which would be true, if I’d told them about him. Which I hadn’t. Not in great detail, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. I’d told Mum I’d met someone but didn’t want to jinx anything by spilling details, but I hadn’t mentioned him since.


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