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If I Fall...: Will You Forgive Me? (Angelore Saga Book 2)

Page 14

by Jennifer Christy

  JD stepped aside, absently winding the red ribbon around her hands. When the last of the attendees had entered the building, Rick stepped over to her and gave her a tight hug. She took in a deep breath, marveling that only yesterday she had almost died. She was grateful for Raphael’s administrations, and she wondered how she could ever repay the boy.

  “Fantastic work, JD.” Rick said.

  “Thanks Rick,” she said without the enthusiasm she had thought she would have when this day arrived. Just then the bell began ringing. Rick and JD stepped away from the building far enough so they could see the bell.

  “That reminds me,” Rick said as he rubbed his chin, “wasn’t that supposed to be a bronze bell?”

  The bell swung back and forth, glinting silver in the sunlight. JD smiled and shrugged. “It was,” she replied, just as confused as Rick looked. Rick shrugged it off and then looked at her contemplatively.

  “You did exceptionally well on your first job, JD. Won’t you reconsider? I’ve got another project coming up this fall−another conversion,” he said.

  “I need a break, Rick. I’ve already made arrangements with Mrs. Blackwell,” she said apologetically.

  “Managing a Bed and Breakfast, then. For how long? I really need you back at the office, partner.” Rick looked unhappy.

  “You can do just fine without me. Torrey has kind of grown on me,” she replied with a smile.

  Rick accepted it begrudgingly. “Well, you know that if you ever change your mind, you have a nice corner office waiting for you.”

  “I know,” she said.

  “Well, let’s go have some cake then,” he said and turned to go, but when JD didn’t follow, he turned back.

  “Go ahead,” she said. “I’ll join you in a bit.” Rick turned and jogged into the schoolhouse. JD stared at the silver bell as it swung in the tower, wondering how it became silver.

  “So, you sure I can’t change your mind about returning to L.A.?” said a voice behind her. She turned with a smile, looking up into Nathan’s crystal blue eyes.

  JD shook her head. “Not a chance.” They looked at each other for a moment longer before they stepped into each other’s embrace.

  “Did you have anything to do with that bell being silver?” JD asked with her cheek against his chest.

  Nathan angled his head to look at the bell tower. He shook his head slowly. “No. but I think your new guardian angel did though.” He cracked a grin as JD pulled back, realization lighting across her face. She turned and looked at the bell, still swinging and clanging. Although, she could not yet see with her other eyes, she knew her grandfather was sitting up there, clearly delighted with his conversion of the bell and waving at her. She laughed as a sweet, peaceful warmth filled her.

  JD took Nathan’s hand. “I have something for you, that I’ve been meaning to give you for a while.” She smiled up at him.


  She reached in her pocket and withdrew a ring. A silver ring with a moonstone encircled with wings. She held it up to him and he took it from her fingers. “What’s this for?” he asked.

  “I bought it when I was in Salt Lake City right after Thanksgiving. And then, later that day, I figured out what you were,” she said. “I wanted to give it to you to thank you for saving me. Not once, but several times and helping me figure out who I am, even though I still really don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. But, thank you. I consider you a really good friend.”

  A slow smile came to his face as he slipped the ring onto his right ring finger. It fit perfectly. “Thanks Julia. It’s been kind of a crazy chaotic year for us both. We definitely have a been through a lot.” JD searched his eyes, but he looked away and let go of her hand.

  “And now?” she asked.

  Nathan gave her a look that revealed his concern. “With Matthew in confinement, awaiting Judgement, I need to find the False One,” he paused, then took her left hand and lifted it to look at the mark on the back of her hand. He touched the mark and scowled. “I need to figure out how to get this off you, and…” he paused again before meeting her gaze.

  “And?” she prompted after a stretch of silence.

  “Wait for you to remember everything,” he said slowly, searching her eyes. She returned his searching gaze, “I’m trying,” she whispered. Nathan took her hand and laid it on his chest, over his heart. It gave her a thrill to have him let her touch him in such an intimate way. He gave her hand a tender squeeze. He was silent for a long time as JD watched him struggle with something inside.

  “My heart is broken,” he confessed. “Part of me doesn’t want you to remember anything, but then the other part of me needs you to. I have fallen in love with you.”

  JD felt her heart leap at his words and she opened her mouth to respond with her own words of sentiment, but Nathan shook his head and placed a finger over her lips. “Just please,” he said, “When you do remember, know that it was a long time ago.” He released her and backed away, but she stepped with him, keeping her hand on his heart.

  “I think I love you too,” she said softly.

  “I know,” he said and hung his head, drawing her closer.

  After a long moment, he pulled away, their fingertips brushing against each other.

  “I have to go,” he said.

  “I’ll wait for you,” she said quietly.

  He looked pained for a second. “It’s not that easy, Julia. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “I don’t care. We have time to figure it out,” she said hopefully.

  “No,” he said shaking his head. “We don’t.” With a look of consternation, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, and then he vanished.

  To Be Continued in Book 3

  If I Fall…Will You Remember Me?




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