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Shared By The Dragon Clan: Part Two

Page 3

by Rosette Bolter

  “Keep going.”

  “You know what the dragons are like. They’re going to bicker amongst themselves for a while. Chasing Zane will keep them busy in the meantime, but eventually they’ll fight it out to find their new leader. It could get very messy.”

  “What? They’re not going to listen to you?”

  “Oh, they’ll only listen to me for as long as I’m saying what they want to hear. Eventually they’ll figure out they don’t need me. I may be powerful enough to challenge one or two of them, but … with the island as busy as it is, I’ll be soon overpowered.”

  “Until the others get here.”

  The Mage stood up. He put his hands on the table. “If they find out that you let your brother pass through here, that you helped him in any way, the ramifications will be dire. We’ll get Zane eventually. He cannot run forever. Now if you were to help us, I would like you to come back to your position as Head Guard.”

  “I’m retired. I chose to leave.”

  “There is a strong chance, if you were to return now, that you could take over as King. The others might even allow you to stay on. Officially. Providing you have proven yourself. I don’t have to tell you, how much power, a king has.”

  Conrad stroked his upper lip. “That’s a very interesting offer.”

  “Do you decline or accept?”


  After crossing through many hills and backstreets, Stacey and Zane were finally out the front of Conrad Hunter’s estate, peering through the gates.

  “So your brother is rich then?” Stacey asked, eyeing the courtyard.

  “I’d say he lives rather modestly,” Zane remarked.

  “Do you guys get along?”

  “We’re brothers.”

  “But are you like the type of brothers that get along very well, or do you guys have your differences?”

  Zane shrugged. “We’re brothers.”

  A man in a white jacket and dark trousers was moving towards them.

  “Is that him?” Stacey asked.

  “No, that’s just a servant.”

  “Oh. Servants, huh?”

  “Come on. Behave yourself.”

  Stacey flashed a smile. “Sorry.”

  The servant approached the gate and unlocked it. He pushed it open so Zane and Stacey could enter.

  “You remember me, do you?” Zane asked the servant.

  “The Master knows you’re here,” the servant replied.

  “Does he?”

  “He saw you from the window.”

  Stacey looked up to the house and the top windows, where she could make out the dark outline of someone standing over the garden.

  “Well, we mustn’t keep him waiting,” Zane said. They headed up the courtyard making their way to the front door. At the foot of the stairs inside the house, the servant motioned for them to go up, but he remained behind.

  While she was perhaps a little dehydrated from the walk, the air, and the atmosphere inside the house made Stacey feel somewhat dizzy. She almost reached out to take Zane’s hand for comfort, but then remembered that would be something he didn’t want. She was supposed to remain as strong and adult as possible.

  The door to the study was open. Sitting alone behind his desk was a muscular man with colorful tattoos, wearing a sleeveless shirt. He seemed a bit older than Zane, maybe by about five years, but other than that their eyes and faces were similar.

  Zane motioned for me to sit on a chair against the wall, whilst he took the one opposite his brother.

  “Conrad,” Zane said awkwardly.

  “Zane,” Conrad shot back.

  “This is … Stacey,” Zane said after a moment’s pause.

  Did he just forget my name? Stacey’s mind charged.

  Conrad looked at her but didn’t offer any form of greeting.

  “Did you hear the news?” Zane asked.

  “I did, as a matter of fact,” Conrad nodded.

  “So as you can see, I’m in a spot of trouble.”


  “I thought you could be of some assistance to me. To … us.”

  Conrad half smiled. “You require a favor.”


  “And what might that favor be?”

  “I need access to the other realm.”

  Conrad’s mouth dropped. “What? Why do you want to go there?”

  “It’s the only way I’ll be able to clear my name.”

  “Are you saying you’re innocent then, that you didn’t kill the King?”

  “No. I did kill him. But it was a justified kill.”

  “I’m not following you. He was the King. There is no such thing.”

  “He wasn’t the King. He wasn’t Horatio Hurux.”


  The revelation left Conrad now standing in front of the desk, in deep bewilderment. Stacey was lost to the meaning of what Zane and his brother was talking about, yet she hung on their every word.

  “Do you really think that I would have been able to cut the head off a Hurux? In one clean blow?”

  “Well, if he wasn’t the king then I have two questions,” Conrad said. “One, who the fuck was that? And two, where is the real Horatio?”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to either of those questions. I can say that, the imposter was under someone’s spell. Perhaps the Mage’s. He did believe he was Horatio Hurux. But as to who he really was …”

  “No. This is garbage. It doesn’t make sense,” Conrad argued. “What proof do you have other than your belief that you wouldn’t be able to kill him?”

  “I don’t have proof. I’d suspected for some time now… But until we find the real Horatio Hurux, then…”

  “What if he’s already dead? If someone had put an imposter there, and kidnapped Horatio, wouldn’t they just kill him while they had the chance?”

  “I don’t know,” Zane said. “I was going to go about this investigation at some point … when I had further evidence … but …”

  “But what?”

  “He crossed the line. He wanted to mate with a woman I’d claimed.”

  “So? He’s the King.”

  “The true Horatio Hurux would not have done such a thing.”

  Conrad shook his head. “Maybe the King was under the Mage’s spell. Which explains his odd behavior. Maybe it even explains why he was able to be killed by you – I don’t know. But what if he was still the real king? Haven’t you thought about that?”

  “He didn’t shift…” Zane said somberly.


  “I never saw him shift. Not once. And when I challenged him to a duel in front of everyone –”

  “You what?”

  “I gave him the choice of by sword or by fire. He chose sword.”

  “So what? He’s the King.”

  Zane rose from his place. “What Dragon would choose a sword over fire?”

  Conrad shook his head. “I don’t know. What if you’re wrong?”

  “What if I’m right?”

  Conrad shrugged. “I’ll run a few errands in town for you. See if I can find someone who knows where the next portal is going to appear.”

  “I would appreciate that.”

  Zane extended his hand.

  Conrad reluctantly shook it.

  “Should we come with you into town?”

  “No,” Conrad said. “You’ve had a long journey here. You must be tired. I’ve have the servants prepare you some lunch. And then I’ll be back in a couple of hours. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect,” Zane said.

  The two men then proceeded to move towards the hallway. Stacey stood up to join them. But then all of a sudden Zane turned back.

  “What is that?” he asked.

  “What is what?” Conrad replied.

  “That smell…”

  He moved past Stacey towards her chair. He sniffed the air a moment, and then Stacey saw Zane’s eyes go green with rage.

  “He was her
e,” Zane cursed.

  “Who?” Conrad said innocently.

  “The Mage.”


  Zane grabbed hold of Conrad and shoved him so hard the study’s door snapped right off its hinges. He slammed back into wall outside, and slumped a little. Zane picked him up again for more confrontation, and Conrad wrestled against him.

  “Stop it!” Stacey cried shrilly.

  But there was little for her to do other than spectate.

  Somehow, Conrad had gotten the upper hand and they were plowing into the opposite wall, again and again and again. Zane then shook himself free and for a moment there was space between them.

  Stacey seized the opportunity and stepped between them.

  “Come on guys,” she said. “Let’s just work this out.”

  “Did you set me up?” Zane shouted at Conrad.

  “What?” Conrad mumbled.

  “Did you set me up? Answer the question.”

  “He was just here to see if you were here. Then when I said you weren’t he left.”

  “Then why didn’t you mention it?”

  “It never came up.”

  Zane shook his head. “Come on, Blossom. Let’s get out of here before the others are here.”

  He grabbed Stacey’s hand and led her back in the direction of the stairs.

  “Wait a second,” Conrad said, following. “You’re being ridiculous. I’m your brother! Don’t you trust me?”

  “Nope,” Zane called back.

  “Why would I betray you? For what reason would I do that?”

  “I don’t know. You were either blackmailed or bribed.”

  “I can … Put you in a room with him.”

  Zane slowed down. Then stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

  He and Stacey waited for Conrad to catch up.

  “Just the two of you, alone,” Conrad added.

  “The Human Mage?” Zane scoffed. “Why should I trust you now?”

  “All I did was not mention that he was here,” Conrad said. “Was it that big of a deal?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “It wasn’t.”

  Zane shook his head. “No. No – while that’s tempting. No. He might as well know where we are now, and there’s no reason to risk anymore time here.”

  “We don’t have to stay here,” Conrad countered. “I know a place the Mage won’t find you.”

  “No,” Zane said. “Here’s what will happen. We’re going to leave now, and if you still want to find out where the portal is for me, then I’ll phone you and you can tell me where it is. So do you want to help me or not?”

  “Alright then,” Conrad nodded. “Whatever you need.”

  They started towards the front door, and Stacey briefly looked back a moment before they set foot outside. For some peculiar reason, Conrad was looking at her funny. She could only imagine the thoughts running through his head…


  As Stacey and Zane walked back to the front gates she asked him: “So do you believe him or not?”

  “I’m not a hundred percent sure either way,” Zane confessed.

  “But if you had to guess?”

  “He’s not telling the truth. The Mage offered him something in return for my capture. Which means we have a very small window to get out of here.”

  “If he wasn’t telling the truth.”


  The servant was already ahead of them, opening the gates once more. They departed and began down the sweeping slopes along to town.

  “Where are we going?” Stacey asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. We’ll just find somewhere in the middle of nowhere to hide for today. But then tonight I’ll come back here and find out what Conrad has for me.”

  “You’ll come back? I thought you said you’ll phone him.”

  “It may not be as simple as that.”

  “But how will you know it’s safe?”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “And where will I be when this is going on?”

  “Far away. Hopefully.”

  They stopped in the middle of the road to cross it, waiting for a car to drive past.

  “This isn’t going to be easy,” Zane said. “On you. Or on me.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “I’ve decided I want to look further into clearing your name. How do you feel about that prospect?”

  Stacey couldn’t believe her ears. She moved in front of Zane’s path and wrapped her arms around him. He held her stiffly, caught off guard a little. Then she felt him getting aroused. Stacey didn’t mind.

  “Thank you, Zane,” she said.

  “Master,” Zane said, pushing her away. “Thank you, Master.”

  Stacey rolled her eyes. “Okay. Thank you, Master.”

  While he didn’t seem pleased with her sarcasm, he decided to let it go. “So where did this all happen?”

  “Where did what happen?”

  “Where did this so called murder take place?”

  “It was back at my apartment. The one Teresa and I shared.”

  “Well, I guess that’s where we’re going now then.”

  While Stacey was immensely excited by this news, she couldn’t help but feel nervous at the same time.

  “Someone might recognize me though,” she mumbled. “They might call the cops.”

  “If anyone comes near you,” Zane said, “I’ll kill them.”

  He meant business.


  The approach of Stacey’s home city sent an array of emotions through her body so varied, she didn’t know whether to smile with joy, push her head over the side of her dragon, about to be sick. They’d made it out of the town without incident which seemed to strengthen Zane’s trust in his brother, and then shortly taken to the skies soon after. Given the distance they had between them and their destination, Zane worked harder than before to travel them as quickly as possible. This still resulted in a journey that took nearly two hours off the day, but for Stacey, she barely noticed it at all. As difficult it was to accept that Zane and her were going to have anticipated problems when it came to making love, she was able to achieve the next best thing with him in these soft winded skies – a connection. As her legs wrapped firmly around his forever beautiful back, and her hands were given to touch his warm and impenetrable neck, she couldn’t help but imagine the two of them lying together. Naked in each other’s arms.

  She didn’t know exactly where Zane was going to take them. Stacey had doubts about returning to their apartment, as though there would be some missing piece of the puzzle there. The more she thought about what they were doing, the less sense it made. But at the same time, to know that Zane was fighting for her – that he was willing to stand up for her when no one else had… It gave her hope.

  Zane knew more about Stacey and her background than she would ever have thought was possible. When they landed on the roof of a tall building, Stacey looked below them, and didn’t immediately recognize where she was. It was only after she had properly dismounted and Zane had shifted back into his original form, that the plan was announced.

  “So are you going to show me where this all took place?” he asked.

  Stacey’s mouth fell open, amidst her surprise.

  “Hey,” Zane said. “Are you alright?”

  Stacey felt the tears in her eyes, which made her even more embarrassed.

  Zane put his arms round her for comfort. He pulled her into his chest.

  “What is it?”

  “No one’s ever been so nice to me,” she gushed. “I’ve had other boyfriends, but they would never –”

  “You’re worth it though, right?”

  He stepped back from her. Looked into her eyes.

  “I don’t know,” Stacey mumbled. “No.”

  Zane proceeded to kiss her. Long, hard, deep. She didn’t know what he was doing.

  Then she realized.

  He was making her feel wo
rth it.


  To be lost in his arms. To feel as though there was nothing in the world that could stand between them. Stacey had ridden Zane to and through the clouds, but as they stood upon this building now, she knew they’d never been higher before.

  Still interlocked, she laughed, and then watched her laughter light up his eyes. He then grabbed a hold of her hand and led her towards exit door.

  “You have a very nice laugh,” Zane said solemnly. “But out of respect for your friend –”

  “Right,” Stacey said. Except they weren’t exactly friends.

  Zane opened the door and the two of them entered the top floor and proceeded through another door which led them to stairs leading downward.

  “So you mentioned that your friend might have killed herself…”

  “Yes,” Stacey answered. “That’s my suspicion.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Right before she died she left this horrible Facebook message saying she was afraid I was going to kill her. We’d just got into this fight a day or so before about her borrowing my clothes and … taking my food without asking.”

  “She was stealing?”

  “I don’t know. I had food there in the pantry and it went missing. Nothing big, just a few tins. And of course she was the only one who could have taken them. But she denied it and … it got a bit ugly.”

  “That doesn’t sound that ugly. Not something one would kill herself over.”

  “Look, I … I don’t know if she did, or why she did or … I just know I didn’t do it.”

  They reached the next floor and moved through the passageway. “Which floor are you on?”

  “The one below this one.”

  They found the next set of stairs and continued downward.

  “We’re not going to find anything,” Stacey said. “Whatever would be there, the police would have found it. I don’t really…”


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