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The Visitor_New York 1871_1873

Page 4

by Barbara Svetlick

“All of you should know I don’t like to be ignored especially when I have been left alone for four days in a city with old men who creep around like bony vultures. Seriously, at what point did manners become obsolete in New York?”

  “You find Jack to be old?”

  She looked at Dominic. “Isn’t he?”

  “Well, I think he’s the same age as me.” Mirisa mentally compared the two disagreeing completely.

  “There’s a difference between an age and an attitude of entitlement or even how you approach a woman when you might think life entitles you to something.”

  “What is your point Mirisa?” Dominic had not pushed her in a while but for some reason her attitude irritated him or maybe he didn’t like being referred to as a vulture.

  “My point Dominic is that this is not the first time the four of you have left at the drop of a hat when some thrilling adventure knocked on the door without providing me with any type of protection. And this isn’t the first time that your thoughtlessness has exposed me and the children to danger. It is nice that none of you have any fear or even concern because you obviously are all very good at what you do since you are all still alive but what good are any of you to me when I am always some afterthought with inadequate protection.” She put down her napkin and politely excused herself as they all watched her walk out of the restaurant.

  Matthew started to get up and Meeks told him to finish his lunch as he picked up her jacket and walked out finding her sitting on the bench as the snow was falling softly around her.

  James ordered another round. “That was an extremely delayed reaction. I thought we had a tight detail on her.”

  “We did and that means we have a bigger problem that none of us took into consideration after finding out Jack had gained access to her bedroom.”

  “She’s wrong.”

  Dominic looked at Matthew. “What do you mean she’s wrong?”

  “She is as fearless and intuitive as the mountain lion.”

  Garnett studied Matthew as he talked because his comprehension was far beyond his age and all three children learned almost through osmosis. “You never talk about your mother.”

  “I don’t need to. She is our mother, she is the center of our world and we all know that what she wants is to give us the right to live without question.” Matthew sat back as they placed his lunch in front of him.

  Meeks came back in and told them to enjoy lunch but he believed he needed to spend some time alone with Mirisa. He asked James to check with the detective agency to find out why the hell security was not in place while they were gone since he was paying a lot of money.

  Meeks took Mirisa for a slow ride through the park before they stopped and had a late lunch.

  “I am sorry that I haven’t apologized for what happened. My anger shouldn’t be focused on Jack who is just a bumbling idiot but at the fact that I haven’t taken the time to make sure you have the confidence and tools necessary to handle life.” Meeks sat back and lit a cigar. “Even though I think you do well when up against the wall, there are so many unexpected dangers that you will never encounter but because of who I am and my wealth you will be exposed to more incidents than you should be. I believe the protection team was bribed which is far more disturbing.”

  Mirisa sipped on her tea but her lunch was barely touched. “I think I must share the blame since I hesitate to talk to you when something happens because I think I am just over-reacting and you may get tired of hearing me complain.”

  Meeks laughed. “Actually, it is the little things that are important because I am better at either dealing with them or dismissing them as what you consider over-reacting. I can’t protect you from all the grizzly bears in the world but I can teach you to assess a situation and when you need to shoot to kill. Though I should thank you for not killing my brother-in-law because it would be hard to explain it to his children.”

  “Thank you for never yelling at me or making me feel like I am too emotional.”

  “Well, Dominic is right that it is always a surprise when you react to something but I think it is because you delay a response to the point that it is hard to tell what bothers you. I have figured out that Dominic is very good at knowing how to get a reaction from you.”

  “When I first met him I thought Dominic was old and dangerous, very dangerous. I was so afraid of being alone with him and yet so attracted to him that it confused me.” Mirisa looked up at her husband. “I’m still afraid of him because he always seems to be judging my behavior and I don’t take well to the criticism. I don’t think happiness can live when you shrink back from who you are to avoid being admonished.”

  “I find you delightful when you are the least restrained and totally improper.” Meeks picked up her hand and kissed it.

  Matthew brought down a jigsaw puzzle he got for Christmas and Mirisa turned it over on the floor in front of the living room fire and they both laid down on their stomachs working on it. James came over and sat down next to her leaning over and massaged her lower back.

  Garnett came in and sat on the couch watching them before he moved over next to Matt as he tried fitting the pieces. Meeks watched the four of them as he kicked back on the couch with Dominic who was reading the paper. Garnett realized that Mirisa was singing in French and Matt was occasionally singing with her. Neither of them seemed to be aware that they were doing it but everyone else was listening. It was one of the nursery rhymes that she used to sing to Matthew when he was first born. Mirisa had a very soft pretty voice when she sang in French but they had never heard her sing anything unless it was in French. Garnett was glad they were going out tonight because he really wanted to dance with her.

  Mirisa got up on her knees to reach across the puzzle for a piece and James raised his eyebrows. Even when she wasn’t trying, Mirisa always had James tied up in knots. She sat back and looked at the piece before she tried it in a spot but it wouldn’t fit. Mirisa reached back over and put it down and picked up another as James ran his finger along the bottom of her foot.

  “James stop it!”

  Mirisa tried to get away from him but he was relentless though he kept her from falling on the puzzle. Matthew gave him a dirty look because he had been working so hard to get so little done. James finally pulled her up on his lap and she caught her breath. Mirisa leaned back over and gave the piece to her son who put it in place. James kissed the back of her neck and whispered in her ear. She told James to save it for the dance floor. He pulled her back and she slipped down between his legs and relaxed. When the maid came in and told Mirisa they were taking dinner up to the nursery, she put her hands on James knees and lifted herself up. Mirisa asked her son if he wanted to pick up the puzzle or leave it on the floor for tomorrow. He said he would leave it if they promised not to work on it while he was gone.

  Mirisa went up to the nursery and after they ate she curled up with all three and had Matthew read a new book before tucking them in. She drew a bath pouring in the new lotus blossom oil that Charisse had given her for Christmas.

  James took out a paper and handed it to Meeks. “They said they were unaware that the security detail was not watching the house while we were gone. I told him that I was close to advising others of their incompetence and if something had happened they would be held liable.”

  “Did you fire them?”

  “No. I’m waiting for a complete report on the individual who was assigned to her because I think there is something going on other then he was derelict in doing his job. The daily reports indicate she went to the park with Matthew but there was no mention of the solicitor or your brother in law and Mirisa said the security was not a hundred feet away. If he was paid to look the other way, it is a definite problem but I am also concerned because Jack told Mirisa that you were in Philadelphia. That was information that was only given to the head of the security and should not have ever been shared with an employee or anyone else.”

  The New Year’s Gala was a formal black tie event that was very
opulent and the invitations were highly sought after by the who’s who of the power brokers which meant the women attending would be young and beautiful.

  “You know I find you absolutely irresistibly beautiful when you are in a tux.” Mirisa was still in her dressing gown but had finished her hair which was held back at her neck in black pearls and fell down her back in layers of golden curls. Meeks had no idea what Mirisa was wearing but watching her come down the stairs was the highlight of loving her. He kissed her cheek and went downstairs carrying his jacket.

  They were all sitting in the living room talking when Mirisa came down the stairs. She was wearing a dark slate grey silk dress. It went straight to the floor and flared only slightly after her hips and was gathered at one hip with a black pearl pin. The back was low cut with folds of cloth coming to a point at the center of her back before flowing to the floor. The sleeves were off the shoulder and full to her wrists in the same grey but translucent ending in pearl encrusted cuffs. She had a triple strand of black pearls around her neck and hanging from her ears.

  They all stood and not a one of them said a word. She stopped waiting for a response but they were literally speechless. They had no idea when she bought the dress but none of them would have approved of it if they had been with her though they would have all paid for it.

  “None of you like it?”

  They all looked up at her face; Mirisa smiled and handed the matching cape to her husband. Meeks took it and held it out putting it around her before buttoning the black pearl button. Unlike most of her capes, it was cut shorter had slits for her arms and had a stand up ruffled collar so that it actually disguised the impact of the dress itself. Meeks didn’t remember getting a bill for this and he knew if it had been put on his account it would have stood out. She looked up at him, closed her eyes and kissed him seductively.


  “Darling, it’s designed to make sure your eyes don’t wander tonight especially when the clock strikes midnight.”

  “Trust me, it is working and you haven’t been in the room thirty seconds.”

  James shook his head. “I would say it would make it easier for me since all the husbands will be watching you but frankly I think tonight you are going to need a full protection detail.”

  “Hopefully it is a better detail than the last one you hired.”

  The gala was hosted at a large country estate on the upper side of town. The house was decadently impressive, the lawn was filled with topiaries and fountains and the portal was large and imposing. The foyer was lined with Chinese dragons embossed on deep blue vases, gold gilded mirrors hung on the walls that reflected the hundreds of ivory candlesticks and bowls of orchids. The entire house appeared to be oriental.

  Mirisa found it enchanting as they walked through the doors which were held open by two oriental doormen dressed in black. They bowed as they held open the door. A beautiful oriental woman dressed in a brocade gold gown bowed and took Meeks hat and gloves before Meeks unbuttoned her cape and draped it over the woman’s arm as a second one took James hat and gloves.

  Garnett looked at the two women and smiled as James tried hard not to acknowledge they were the New Year’s entertainment Dominic had brought into Colorado but it now made sense why they had not crossed paths since coming to New York. Dominic stopped and talked to them as they bowed graciously and he slipped them his card before walking away.

  Mirisa didn’t know if this was a man with money or if this was a man who wore his money for the world to know he had money but his taste was elegant. Mirisa knew the rumors that were whispered during her many social lunches with Charisse was that Louis Sampson had been married and divorced five times, supposedly had an ex-wife and family in Europe and kept a brothel in China frequently staffing his house with young oriental men and women. It was also rumored that he frequently served opium at his smaller soirées where he influenced business deals with outrageous treats.

  Louis was the most sought after man in New York who generally found his future wives at his New Year’s gala but so far nothing had caught his interest until his eyes fell on Mirisa. Meeks introduced her and Louis picked up her hand slowly while taking in every inch of her before he kissed her fingers.

  Mirisa was the only woman in the room not wearing formal gloves but he could see why since her hands were so beautiful. He loved the way she carried herself, the way she was understated and the way she smelled faintly like lotus blossoms. Louis had heard many rumors about Mirisa but couldn’t understand why anyone would find it unusual with these four men. Never had a woman taken him as instantly as this one did.

  “I hope you enjoy the evening and will indulge me with a dance.” Louis released Mirisa’s hand reluctantly and all of them saw the look in his eyes. Mirisa bowed slightly and they walked into the ballroom which was already in full motion. They finally came face to face with Charisse and Jack. Meeks shook Jack’s hand and smiled when he saw the bruise on his chin and scab on his ear. Meeks talked to his sister for a moment before Charisse turned to Mirisa. Charisse told Mirisa that the dress looked as beautiful on her as they thought it would and that she had found a great little oriental dress shop that they should visit. Jack wondered how much time they spent together.

  Garnett put down his drink, handed Mirisa’s glass to her husband and took Mirisa’s arm leading her out onto the dance floor. A beautiful slow waltz started and he very slowly moved her around the floor. Garnett was holding her close with his hand on the small of her back. Mirisa leaned in closer talking to him. When the dance ended he twirled her bringing her up close and kissed her before James took her hand.

  James much preferred the faster dances and he twirled her a lot as they laughed. He kept her out on the floor for two dances before Meeks took her in his arms and you could feel the passion when they touched. Every man in the room knew that the rumors were not rumors at all. A woman doesn’t respond to a man like she did to each of them unless there was ongoing intimacy involved. Mirisa’s father walked over and stood next to Dominic.

  “She’s gotten far bolder as she’s gotten older.”

  “She’s a lot wiser now than she was eight years ago but I am afraid that we have been an extremely bad influence on her.”

  “Who dressed her tonight?”

  “That is solely her doing. I don’t think a single one of us would have agreed to her looking that good in a room of tremendously wealthy international men. Louis has already made a play for her but she didn’t realize it.”

  “Well, if money moved her than I would say there would be a problem but this child has never been moved by anything except passion and her own imagination. That was always her downfall. She always believed in the hero who saved her from the world. Is she happy?”

  “Extremely. It’s hard sometimes to be around her but I can’t fault her for wanting more out of life but I do miss being married to her.”

  “Hindsight has a nasty sting. I think I’m going to dance with my daughter.” He walked out onto the floor and Meeks surrendered Mirisa to her father. “You look absolutely stunning tonight. Is this what you do with my money?”

  “Do you find it to be too much?”

  “For New Year’s Eve, I find it to be perfect. I shall warn you though that you are like a bitch in heat in a room filled with very experienced dogs.” She laughed and kissed his cheek.

  “I love you.” She rounded the room with him and enjoyed every second of it.

  Mr. Sampson walked out onto the floor and took her hand from her father as the dance ended. The band played a very slow romantic song and almost everyone left the dance floor as he waltzed her around the room. It was obvious that he was making a very bold move for a married woman. They talked continuously during the dance and she never broke eye contact with him. Meeks was leaning up against the mantel smoking a cigar and talking with James and Dominic. Despite their relaxed stance, all three were sizing up the situation. Dominic excused himself and walked out onto the dance floor and took
her as the song ended. Mr. Sampson thanked her and smiled at Dominic.

  There was no one in New York who could outbid this man if he set his sights on any woman including any married woman and there was no woman in the room who wouldn’t entertain accepting his offer for the riches were abundant in the short time in which you had to belong to him. His last wife had fallen in love with Japan during a buying trip and refused to return with him causing a quiet divorce or at least that was the way the story was told. Charisse said there were rumors that he had plied her with opiates losing her to the drugs.

  Dominic held Mirisa with such love whenever he danced with her. She slipped slowly back in time and he watched her face as she did it. They both knew that if they could erase every mistake they could spend the rest of their lives together. Watching them said more about Mirisa than anything that could or would be said. First love was always more intense just because of the dreams that always wrap around the heart refusing to ever let in the light of reality.

  “I don’t think you have any idea how beautiful you are tonight.”

  “You always made me feel beautiful when holding me.”

  Dominic pulled her in closer knowing even when he let his guard down he somehow hurt her.

  Meeks watched as Mr. Sampson left the room and went into his library with two businessmen. Meeks turned and walked out onto the floor, thanked Dominic and took his wife in his arms. Meeks complimented Mirisa perfectly as he put his hand on her waist holding her naturally. The music stopped for a moment and she looked up into his eyes when the piano music slowly filled the room with the sound of the Moon Concerto.

  Meeks heart was beating so deeply that Mirisa could feel it. He slowly started moving her around the floor in measured and sweeping circles and she was losing herself into the music. The world disappeared and Meeks was conscious only of Mirisa. If they knew just one thing in life, they knew that Mirisa would always respond to them no matter where they were or what they were doing once the music started. It was the dance that would be talked about for a long time for it fulfilled every fantasy of every pair of eyes following them.


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