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The Secrets of Paradise Bay

Page 16

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  “Do you?”

  “I don’t mean to be a bitch sometimes,” she said, trying to take the high road. “Clyde is your brother and does need to do something with his life to keep from falling back into the cracks. If this is the answer, I won’t try to mess it up for him or you.”

  “Thank you,” Trey told her, offering a smile.

  Ivana tasted wine while wondering if Clyde’s continued presence in their lives was bound to cause more trouble that either of them needed.

  “So it’s really gonna happen?” Raymond asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, count on it,” Clyde assured him over the phone, knowing his time behind bars was drawing to an end. He was short on specifics, not wanting to get Raymond’s hopes up too much, just in case things fell through. “With any luck, I’ll have something solid on the table by the time you get out.” At least that was the plan. But plans did not always work out. For all he knew Trey might change his mind and decide to keep the supper club for himself.

  “Glad to hear it. I’m looking forward to doing somethin’ real with my life that don’t include being on the wrong side of the law.”

  “You and me too,” Clyde said.

  “Who would’ve thought the financing for our dream would come from your brother, of all people—a dude you once despised almost as much as that Willie dude.”

  “I think it was more the other way around.” Or so Clyde had come to believe over the years as a reason why he never got along with Trey. Maybe it was just that sibling rivalry thing. Or firstborn versus second born.

  “Guess he’s developed a soft spot for you as his next of kin.”

  “Maybe we have for each other,” conceded Clyde, knowing Trey was the only brother he was ever going to have, like it or not. It was time that they stopped behaving as though enemies, even if often over the years it felt like they were. Right now that seemed like ancient history, as for once he and Trey had a common goal that could only bring them closer together.

  “Are you bopping anyone yet, man?” Raymond’s voice cracked. “And don’t tell me you’re still saving yourself for that special lady.”

  Clyde thought about Ivana and how well he’d gotten to know her intimately one special night. He could still smell her sweet body and taste her orgasm. Yet Clyde wished to hell he had stayed away from her, in spite of Ivana making him feel like a man again.

  “I had a little something,” he said unenthusiastically. “No big deal.” Not anymore.

  “That bad, huh?”

  I only wish it were. Just the opposite. “Yeah, man, that bad.”

  “Well, maybe the next one will be better,” suggested Raymond.


  “And if you happen to run into someone right for me—nice on the eyes, big tits, bigger ass, full lips made for kissing mine—put in a good word for me, will ya?” Clyde grinned. “I’ll do that.” A knock on the door startled him. “I’ve got to run. See you soon.”

  “Yeah, later.” Clyde set the cell phone down and went to the door. He imagined, for some reason, Willie Munroe on the other side with a gun, ready to blow his head off the moment he opened the door.

  Get a grip! He’s got no idea where I’m staying. Not to mention he probably learned his lesson after our last meeting. Nevertheless, Clyde was leery.

  “Who’s there?”

  “It’s Ivana . . .”

  It took every bit of courage and several martinis for Ivana to show up at Clyde’s motel room, having gotten the location from Trey’s appointment book.

  “What are you doing here, Ivana?” Clyde looked her up and down.

  “I came to talk.” She noted he was shirtless and looking as hot as ever.

  “Not a good idea.”

  “Probably not,” she conceded, “but I’m here.”

  “You’ve been drinking,” Clyde spoke in an accusing tone.

  “So maybe I have,” Ivana hissed. “That never seemed to be a problem for you before.”

  “My mistake.” He stared at her. “Does Trey know you’re here?”

  “He thinks I went to see a movie.”

  “Did you tell him anything?” Clyde asked uncomfortably.

  “What do you think?” She gave him a moment to consider it. “Why would I do that and ruin both our lives? Besides we agreed not to.”

  Clyde sighed. “Yeah, we did.”

  Ivana looked up at his eyes impatiently as they stood at his door. “Well, can I come inside?”

  He hesitated. “What if Trey followed you?”

  “He didn’t,” she stated emphatically.

  After a moment, Clyde stepped aside. She brushed against him when passing by, causing her body to react. She waited ’til he shut the door before moseying over to him.

  “So I understand congratulations are in order?”

  “You mean the club?”

  “Yes, Trey told me all about your partnership.”

  “It was his idea,” Clyde said uneasily.

  “You don’t have to convince me,” Ivana told him. “Trey’s always coming up with something.”

  “We’ll be in this together.” Clyde gazed down at her. “But I’ll be running the club without Trey looking over my shoulder or pulling rank.”

  She wondered if Trey could truly have that type of willpower to back off and allow Clyde to run the show. “I’m sure you will, and you’ll be very successful.”

  Feeling tipsy, all Ivana could think of in that moment was being kissed by him passionately, the way he had that night. She wondered if the same thing was going through his head.

  “You shouldn’t have come here,” Clyde reiterated, but still remained close to her.

  Her eyes lifted to his. “There’s a lot of things we shouldn’t do, but we do them anyway.”

  “This can’t happen again,” he told her succinctly, taking a step backward.

  Caught in a fog of alcohol and lustful thoughts, Ivana ignored him and her better judgment, wanting to give in to her sexual impulses that he had ignited. She moved right up to him so she could breathe in his manly scent, feel his warm breath on her cheek.

  “Why can’t it?” she asked boldly. “I know you want me.”

  Clyde’s face creased. “No, I don’t want you and you don’t want me! Not really. We can’t do this anymore, only to end up hurting Trey.”

  Ivana’s mouth became a straight line. “He can’t possibly hurt as much as he hurt me.”

  “Oh, I think he can hurt a hell of a lot more—especially if you keep this up.”

  “Keep what up?” she demanded.

  “Throwing yourself at men.”

  She felt irritation at the insult. “How dare you. I’ve only cheated on Trey with one man—you!”

  “And we both have to live with that,” Clyde said flatly. “Let’s not make things any worse.”

  “Why not? Trey never has to find out.” Ivana tiptoed and put her arms around his neck, forcing his face down to kiss her. She knew this was wrong and hated herself for succumbing to this sexual magnetism between them, yet couldn’t help but want him again.

  Clyde pried their lips apart. “Stop it, Ivana!” he said with a snap. “Go home to your husband and leave me alone. Don’t mess things up for either of us. Please—”

  Ivana was stung by the snub and ashamed for ever having come there. She fixed him with narrowed eyes. “I think it’s a little late for that, wouldn’t you say?”

  He took a breath. “So why make it worse?”

  She stepped closer. “Because I can’t stop thinking about you—us . . . what we did—”

  “Can’t you see, there isn’t any us,” he stated unequivocally. “And there never has been. We had a moment . . . now it’s passed and we have to get on with our lives. Don’t throw yours away over one stupid mistake. I sure as hell don’t intend to.”

  Ivana got the message loud and clear, even if it was painful to hear. He was just like so many other men—got what he wanted from a woman, then turned his attention elsewhere
. What did she ever see in him in the first place? Why didn’t she steer clear of the ex-con when she knew instinctively that he was very bad news?

  “Go to hell!” Ivana hurled at him, turned, and got out of there as fast as she could.

  Disregarding the part of him that wanted to quit while ahead, Clyde went after Ivana, not wanting things to end like that. But he stopped at the door, realizing this was precisely how things should end. If Ivana got him out of her system for good, then maybe she could refocus on Trey and making their relationship work.

  If not, I’m screwed. Especially if she becomes vengeful and tells Trey about us.

  Clyde did not even want to think about that and what it could mean to their future partnership. Or relationship as brothers. He hated that, to a large degree, his hopes and dreams rested on Ivana keeping her mouth shut. But he had brought this upon himself. She was simply too much to resist for someone fresh out of the pen, whose judgment was clouded by beauty and physical needs. With Ivana’s reckless drinking and continuing issues with Trey and him, Clyde feared it was only a matter of time before he had to face up to one night of passion and regrets.

  Ivana quietly entered Trey’s room. She could see his silhouette through the darkness, lying in bed atop the jacquard quilted comforter. He was snoring lightly and wearing only boxers. Ivana stared at her husband for a moment, having mixed emotions about being there. In the end, she knew it was something she had to do.

  Ivana slid the silk charmeuse wrap off her shoulders, dropping it to the floor. She was completely naked. She climbed onto the bed and moved between Trey’s legs, slightly parted as though waiting for her. Opening his boxers, Ivana bent down and put his penis in her mouth. Within moments, it had gone from flaccid to fully erect. She took him to the base of her throat and felt Trey’s body tense.

  “Baby . . .” Trey gasped.

  Ivana made a moaning sound of understanding, his erection filling her mouth. Before he could climax, she lowered herself onto Trey, feeling him impale her deeply and tightly. She began to move slowly up and down him, running her long fingernails across his chest. Ivana wanted him to feel good, even as she tried to distance herself from past sins and pleasures.

  Trey gripped her breasts, putting the nipples between his fingers and caressing them expertly. Ivana quivered from the sensations, along with those from her clitoris rubbing against him. She felt herself constricting around his penis. She bent down and began to kiss him feverishly. Trey gave back as much, putting his tongue in her mouth.

  Ivana pressed her thighs tightly against Trey’s body, feeling her orgasm coming. Her mind meandered between Trey and Clyde, as if making love to two men at once. She ultimately settled on her husband and one true love as he gripped her buttocks, raising and lowering her onto him with a needy passion. She felt his throbbing climax and listened to Trey’s quickening breath, matching her own.

  Ivana allowed Trey to suck her nipples and hold her tightly as she came. The surge ripped through her body, slick with perspiration, leaving her exhausted and satiated.

  “Oh . . . Trey,” she murmured as his hard erection continued to fill her with wonderful sensations.

  “I’m right here,” he promised.

  Ivana took that to heart as they clung to each other for a few moments of silent intimacy before she lifted off his body. She kissed Trey’s mouth. “I’m going to my room now.”

  “Stay the night, Ivana. Please?” begged Trey. “I just want to keep holding you.”

  She thought about it, but wasn’t ready. Too many issues swam through Ivana’s head about love, infidelity, miscarriage, and definitely shame.

  “I can’t—not tonight.”

  “I understand.” Trey kissed her hand. “Take all the time you need. I love you.”

  Ivana looked at him sadly. She wished she could turn back the hands of time and take away any memory of being with Clyde. Would Trey ever be able to forgive her?

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered and added with meaning to soften the blow, “Love you too.”

  Ivana moved away from Trey and off the bed. She picked up her wrap and quickly left the room. The abashment of giving herself to Clyde for all the wrong reasons settled in like a thick haze. What have I done?

  Tears filled her eyes, and Ivana allowed them to flow down her cheeks as she reached the relative comfort of her bedroom. She had fallen into a trap of her own doing in hoping to maybe punish Trey, along with misguided lust for the wrong man. Now she felt cheap, humiliated, and bewildered. She couldn’t look at Trey without seeing Clyde. And vice versa. How would she get past this, so her life with Trey would not suffer?

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Willie sat in a coffee shop eating blueberry pancakes and sausage links. He watched as Roselyn brought plates to another table, flirting with a man though his woman was sitting there, and began to walk toward him.

  “Hi, baby.” She gave him a bright smile.

  “You lookin’ to replace me with that asshole or what?”

  Roselyn glanced over her shoulder. “You mean him?”

  “Yeah, I do,” Willie grumbled, feeling sorrier for himself than usual and a little jealous, even if she had given him no real reason to be.

  “Get real. The man’s old enough to be my daddy. Besides, you’re more than enough man for me, Willie.”

  He blushed. “That’s good to know.” I’ll decide when it’s time to go our separate ways.

  She flashed her teeth. “Want a second helping? It’s on the house.”

  Willie finished off the last stack of pancakes and found his stomach still had room for more. “Yeah, why not?”

  “Coming right up, along with more coffee,” she told him.

  “Wait,” he said, grabbing her hand. “What time you gettin’ off?”

  “About two hours. Why?”

  He eyed her breasts through a tight uniform. “Thought we could have some fun.”

  She giggled. “Sounds good to me. Pick me up and we can have as much fun at your place as you like.”

  “How about your place?” Willie gazed up sharply.

  Roselyn frowned. “We’ve already been over this, baby. There’s too much friction between you and Gail. I’d rather not deal with you two coming face-to-face and maybe to blows right now, if I can help it.”

  That bitch. Keeps sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Maybe I’ll break it for her trouble. Or worse.

  “Yeah, well, whatever,” he muttered. “Wouldn’t want to come between you and her.”

  Roselyn smiled. “Thanks for understanding and being so sweet about it.” She leaned down and kissed him on the mouth. “Let me go place your order. You’ll get dessert tonight.” She winked at him.

  “Can hardly wait.” Willie envisioned getting her naked and having his way.

  Ten minutes later, Willie was enjoying more pancakes when Luther joined him.

  “Got your message,” he said, sitting on the opposite side of the booth.

  “Hungry?” Willie asked. “I can get my lady to fix you up.”

  Luther grinned. “Sure, why don’t you.”

  First things first. “I need you to do something for me, man.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?” Luther grabbed an empty cup on the table and turned it over in preparation for coffee.

  Willie leaned forward and said in a conspiratorial undertone, “I need a piece, man.”

  Luther’s eyes expanded. “What happened to the one you had?”

  “I tossed it. Too hot to handle.” Willie didn’t mention that he’d used the gun in a solo store robbery and didn’t want it traced back to him.

  “You got the money for it?”

  “I’m workin’ on it,” Willie said, and thought about his sex date with Roselyn tonight. He’d sweet-talk her into giving him what he needed in hard cash.

  A crease dented Luther’s forehead. “I’ll need a few bills.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just line up the piece and you’ll get your money.”

  Luther paused. “All right. I’ll see what I can do.”

  Willie flashed a half smile. “Good.”

  “So what you got goin’ on?” Luther asked curiously.

  Willie pondered that. He planned to use the gun to go after Clyde when the time was right. But no need to let Luther in on the details just yet, particularly since Willie was short on particulars while long on intent.

  “Always pays to be prepared . . . just in case.”

  “For what?”

  Willie tasted cold coffee. “You never know when a war might break out. If it does, I want to be sure I get the first shot.” And the last.

  Luther leaned forward. “Are we talkin’ about going after Clyde Lancaster . . . and maybe his rich-ass brother?”

  Willie paused and said noncommittally, “Let me put it to you this way: I always pay my debts. And I also like to see to it that I collect what’s owed me with interest—no matter what it takes.”

  He spotted Roselyn and signaled her to come over.

  Trey arranged a meeting with Blake Lewis at the Violet Supper Club, hoping to be able to entice him into an earlier retirement. The club was the ideal place to take over, with the least amount of cash influx needed for renovations. But Trey had already lined up some other properties to look at should this one fall through. He really wanted to give Clyde this opportunity to make something of his life, along with allowing them another chance to work together as business partners and brothers.

  “Thanks for meeting with us, Blake.” Trey shook his hand, followed by Clyde.

  “I have to admit, your offer was intriguing and more than generous,” Blake said. “Let’s sit down.”

  Trey watched Clyde take a seat on the other side of Blake. Though seeming composed, he imagined his little brother had butterflies, in taking maybe the biggest step in his life on the right side of the law. Trey was only too happy to guide him through the process.

  “We think we can carry on your legacy with this place and make you a generous offer to sell it,” Trey told Blake, while holding a glass of Pinot Noir.

  He cast his eyes on Trey. “I’m listening . . .”

  At the last moment Trey decided to defer this part to Clyde, since he would be running the club, wanting him to feel like the front man. “Why don’t you tell Blake your plans for the club, Clyde?”


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