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The Secrets of Paradise Bay

Page 27

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  “Every last word of it,” he promised. “You just stay strong.”

  Ivana’s face lit up at the prospect that she might make it out of this alive and Trey would be there for her in spite of everything. Maybe I’m hoping for the impossible, but I want us to work out, no matter what happened before or what challenges may lie ahead.

  “That’s enough!” Willie yelled. “Okay, so now you know she’s alive and I’ve got her. The rest is up to you—”

  “You’ve got our attention,” Clyde stated tersely. “Where do you want us to go?”

  Willie grinned thoughtfully. “Let’s see . . . How ’bout your precious club,” he said. “The place where you had your goons throw me out on my flabby ass.”

  “Why don’t we meet somewhere more private?” Clyde asked uncomfortably.

  “Because I say we don’t!” retorted Willie. “You got half an hour to come—both of you. And no cops either, otherwise the Missus here will be the first to take a bullet . . . messing up real bad that pretty face of hers. Oh, and if you call the club and one of your brutes tries to stop me from comin’ in or sends other people out, I’ll take my hostage somewhere else and you’ll never see her again, ’cept on a slab.”

  Ivana felt her heart beating wildly. She wondered what devious plan he had in mind, and if there was any way out of this alive for any of them. The last thing she wanted was to die without being able to hold Trey in her arms one more time and tell how much she loved him. Would she ever get that chance?

  Chapter Forty-three

  Stefani sat in her dressing room practicing her songs for the night. She wasn’t exactly in a singing mood—not while Clyde was out there making himself a target for a man who wanted him dead. She had no doubt that was what Willie Munroe had in mind at the end of the day. He wanted to get back at Clyde for getting in his way so many years ago, costing him in more ways than one. Ivana was obviously just a pawn in his plans, but Stefani was pretty sure he was capable of hurting her. This meant everyone associated would be hurt, including herself.

  I have to think positive that everything will work out. Clyde has come too far along with Trey, only to have the likes of Willie Munroe destroy their lives out of a sick need for revenge.

  Stefani thought about calling Clyde again. She didn’t want to become more of an irritant than anything, which he didn’t need right now. She was certain that if something came up, he or Trey would let her know.

  “How are we doing in here, sweetheart?” Albert leaned his head in the doorway.

  Stefani’s eyes twinkled at her uncle. “Just getting ready to go out there and do my thing.”

  “I know you are, and the folks out there are ready for you.”

  She stood, drawing in a deep breath and convincing herself that everything would be fine. “Then I guess I can’t disappoint them, can I?”

  Albert wrapped his arms around her. “Look, I know that you’re worried about Clyde, Trey, and Ivana. We all are. But worrying only gives you wrinkles and doesn’t change the facts any. Willie Munroe has been like smoldering dynamite for a long time now, ready to explode. He’s looking for some attention, and he got it. In the end, he’ll only end up imploding on his own hatred; then Clyde can be free of him once and for all.”

  “You really think so?” Stefani gazed up at her uncle.

  “I know so. It was only a matter of time before this day came. Now that it has, Clyde will deal with it, along with Trey and the authorities. Willie doesn’t have a chance in hell to beat the strength in numbers.” Albert kissed the top of her head. “Now go out there and make Clyde and your uncle proud. Give the people their money’s worth.”

  Stefani flashed a smile at him, feeling better about things. She followed Albert out in anticipation of wooing the audience.

  She saw Raymond in the hallway.

  “Looking as gorgeous as ever,” he said. “If Clyde ever loses his mind and says bye-bye, I’m available.”

  Stefani smiled, aware that his flirtation was innocent. The last she’d heard, Raymond was seeing someone. Nevertheless, she told him, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  A grin creased his cheeks. “Now I can die a happy man.”

  She waved him off, amused. “Just make sure it’s not for another fifty years or so.”

  His cell phone rang. “Excuse me.”

  “Knock yourself out,” she said. “I’ve got a show to perform.”

  Stefani watched as Raymond waved and walked away from her. She couldn’t help but think it was nice that Clyde and he had formed a friendship under adverse circumstances that had sustained itself to the benefit of both.

  She stepped on stage and conferred with Winston on the song selections.

  “Excellent choices, as usual,” he said. “Let’s do it.”

  “Let’s.” Stefani moistened her lips and put on a cheery face while still having a sense of dread that something was wrong. Or not quite right.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Clyde told Raymond over the phone, with Trey listening in. They were both stunned at Willie’s demand of where to go in order to save Ivana. The jazz club had been the last place Clyde would have figured him to hold Ivana hostage. And apparently everyone else inside, including Stefani and Raymond.

  This left them little choice other than to comply with his demands. Or else risk him killing Ivana and possibly Stefani.

  “What’s the problem?” asked Raymond.

  “Willie Munroe,” Clyde replied stiffly. “He’s got Ivana and he’s bringing her to the club.”

  “I’ll send some of the guys out and—”

  “No!” Clyde’s voice raised an octave. “Let him through. Willie demanded that Trey and I meet him there. The man has gone off the deep end and no doubt has a gun. I don’t want anyone hurt, least of all Ivana or Stefani.”

  “So what do you want me to do?”

  Clyde thought about this long and hard. He and Trey had discussed the situation and decided not to bring the police in just yet. It wasn’t worth riling Willie and provoking into attacking Ivana or someone else. They suspected Willie must have been holding Ivana somewhere close to the club when he called, meaning that if they had a mass exodus, he’d see it and might do something crazy.

  “I—we—want you to quietly get as many people as you can to exit through the back door.”

  “What do I tell them without creating a panic situation?” Ramond asked.

  Clyde looked to Trey, who answered, “Tell them that it’s just a precautionary evacuation while the place is checked for excessive levels of carbon monoxide in the air—and that it shouldn’t take long and no one should be concerned.”

  “If you think that’ll work,” Raymond said.

  “It has to,” stated Trey.

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Clyde said. “Just try to keep things as normal as possible inside. Don’t have anyone attempt to confront Willie—you know what he looks like. We don’t need any heroes, especially not dead ones.”

  “Got it,” Raymond responded. “We’ll do it your way—or Trey’s—and hope we all live to get a good night’s sleep afterward.”

  Clyde echoed those feelings and hung up. He looked at Trey, who had to be stressed out hearing Ivana’s voice and knowing he was still powerless to take her from Willie right then and there. But at least they had a lead on where he was taking her.

  Clyde knew that his onetime friend was gunning for him and as many others as he could take with him, starting with Trey. He wasn’t about to let that happen. Not if he could help it. And what if he couldn’t?

  I can’t think that way. It would only be playing into Willie’s bloody hands and put us all in even more jeopardy.

  Trey hadn’t been comfortable with Willie’s crazy demands. But what choice did he really have but to comply? He didn’t quite know what they were in for, dealing with someone who wanted to see him and Clyde both dead. Doing as Willie had instructed could amount to suicide, while rejecting it could cost Ivana her life. Or make her w
ish she were dead.

  I can’t lose Ivana now. Not when we have the chance to right the ship before it sinks.

  He turned to Clyde behind the wheel, impressed that he had handled this so calmly while surely feeling the heat of the moment. Trey was seeing a whole new side to his brother and wished he had seen it earlier in their lives. The important thing now was that they were doing this together and trying to avert a disaster that put Ivana and Stefani in the line of fire.

  Clyde eyed him askew. “If you’re having second thoughts about contacting the police—maybe your friend on the force—it’s not too late to get them in on this.”

  Trey gritted his teeth. As much as he wanted to call Eric and request that they do it by the book, he feared it could leave Ivana seriously injured or dead. This would devastate Trey, for he couldn’t imagine living without her. Especially if she were taken from him by senseless violence at the hands of someone who should have been locked up years ago, instead of Clyde.

  “No police,” Trey said categorically. “We’ll do it his way and hope to God we don’t live to regret it.”

  Willie held Ivana’s arm in a viselike grip as they approached the club. “Don’t be stupid, bitch,” he warned. “I’ve still got the gun in my jacket and you’ll be the first one I use it on if you try and get away.”

  “I won’t,” Ivana said weakly. “I’m too tired and sore to run. Besides, I doubt I’d get very far before you shot me.

  “At least we understand each other.” Willie felt a sense of power and retribution at once. He could almost taste the blood he wanted spilled from Clyde, Trey, and anyone else he could take down.

  They went up to the door where a brawny bouncer looked them over. “You got some IDs?”

  Willie froze for a moment. Taking out his wallet would leave him vulnerable to attack and might allow Ivana to flee. Think.

  “Do you really think we’re underage?” he questioned.

  The bouncer gave them the once-over and backed off. “Naw, I guess not. Enjoy your evening.”

  Willie grinned. “We plan to.”

  Ivana noticed that the bouncer did not make eye contact with her, though she was trying to get his attention without Willie being the wiser. She suspected that, against Willie’s orders, Clyde had phoned the club to announce their arrival and the circumstances surrounding it. What Ivana didn’t know was how they planned to handle it. Was someone prepared to intervene on her behalf? Or had they been told not to make any moves that might endanger her life or any other lives? Given the type of person they were dealing with, Ivana feared that no one could prevent Willie from carrying out his sick act of vengeance.

  She didn’t want to die. Or see Trey, Clyde or anyone else hurt in the process of trying to save her. Especially when Ivana knew her husband and brother-in-law were walking into a deadly trap that they may not be able to escape any more than her.

  Ivana blamed herself for the predicament she and everyone else were in. I should never have gone to that tavern for all the wrong reasons. Had Willie followed her there? Planned the whole thing? And she’d fallen for it, caught up in her bitterness, self-pity, and effects of too much alcohol in her system.

  Willie was still clutching her arm as they walked through the club. The crowd was sparse, but there were still enough people to make a bloodbath should he start firing the gun in his pocket. Ivana cringed at the thought while looking for a way out of this nightmare without ending up in a coffin six feet under.

  Stefani’s voice was velvety strong as she piped out a stirring rendition of Antonio Carlos Jobim’s romantic jazzy tune, “Wave.”

  She watched her audience get to their feet in applause as she hit just the right note to finish the song.

  Stefani nodded with a big smile in appreciation for the support. I really am on my way, she thought. This club has been the perfect venue for displaying and honing my talents.

  Not to mention finding the love of an incredible man. No small feat after her less-than-successful previous relationship that nearly turned her off men for good.

  Gazing back at those in attendance, Stefani took note that it had dwindled by about one-third since she took the stage. She might have thought they were turned off by her, had she not seen Raymond and some others from the security team whispering to patrons, who then followed them toward the normally off-limits, employee-only area of the club.

  It was obvious something serious was going on that they were being careful to keep under wraps. Stefani considered putting a stop to the string of standards, but since her break was just two songs away, she decided to stick with it unless told otherwise.

  She mused about Clyde and Trey, sensing that progress had been made in their efforts to locate Ivana. But how much? And were they out of danger? Or running into it?

  Stefani swallowed and glanced at Winston for coordination on the next song.

  Trey and Clyde waded through patrons who were milling around outside the back of the club, assuring them that soon everything would be fine and drinks would be on the house. Clyde felt the rapid beat of his heart and knew there were no guarantees this would end like a fairy tale. Willie was a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. And he had Ivana and everyone else inside, including Stefani, to blow up with him.

  While wanting to take me out—and Trey—if given the chance.

  Clyde hoped that wasn’t the case. He counted on the element of surprise and quickness to thwart Willie’s murderous plans. At the door, he glanced at Trey and could see the doubt in his face as to whether they were going about things the right way.

  “We can do this, Trey,” Clyde tried to assure him, if not himself.

  Trey flashed a wary look. “Guess we really don’t have much of a choice at this point but to go after the man threatening Ivana,” he said soberly. “I’m ready.”

  “Then let’s take down the son of a bitch!” Clyde’s said.

  They went inside and were immediately met by Raymond.

  “Are they here?” Trey asked anxiously.

  “Yeah, they’re here.” Raymond towered over him. “Munroe’s got Ivana near the stage at an angle so he can see who’s coming and going. Ivana doesn’t seem to be hurt.”

  “I want to keep it that way.”

  “I hear you, man.” Raymond faced Clyde. “So what’s the plan?”

  “There is no plan,” he admitted truthfully.

  “We play it by ear and hope to hell Willie gets too caught up in himself to be able to carry out whatever he has planned before we can stop it.”

  Raymond produced a piece. “You may need this.”

  Clyde eyed the Glock. He had handled a gun before, but wasn’t particularly comfortable using one in this situation, even if justifiable. The last thing he wanted was to shoot someone—even Willie—and maybe end up back in prison himself. But he owed Trey and wanted to do right by rescuing Ivana from a man who took her to get back at him.

  Clyde was surprised when Trey grabbed the gun instead, doubting his straitlaced brother had ever used one before. But he knew that people found courage under adversity. Still, Clyde was concerned. He didn’t even want to think about Trey doing time for firing an unlicensed weapon.

  Clyde peered at his brother. “Maybe I should take the gun—”

  “I can handle it,” insisted Trey. “I’ll only use if I absolutely have to.”

  Clyde nodded. He preferred getting physical with Willie if he got the chance, but only if he could keep Ivana uninjured at the same time.

  “Whatever happens, I’ve got your backs,” Raymond told them both.

  Clyde eyed his friend and Trey directly. “Let’s end this now.”

  They went to confront Willie.

  Chapter Forty-four

  Ivana tried to will herself to stay calm. She knew Trey and Clyde were coming, just as Willie had demanded. But what then? She certainly didn’t want to see Willie kill Clyde and Trey, like he planned. And probably her too.

  What can I do to stop him without making th
ings worse for everyone?

  She winced from the pain of Willie gripping her arm tightly as they stood amid others who were apparently clueless to the danger while they watched the performance.

  Ivana gazed up at Stefani. She was singing beautifully, but seemed tense, as if she knew something was amiss.

  If we all survive the night, Ivana thought, I hope Stefani and Clyde keep their relationship going, since they both seem right for each other.

  As for her marriage, Ivana wanted nothing more than to have the opportunity to try to make it work again once she got herself cleaned up. She and Trey had been through so much. It couldn’t end for them. Not this way.

  Or could it? She knew there were no guarantees this would end without tragedy. “My feet are starting to hurt standing here,” she told Willie, if only for a reaction.

  “That’s too damned bad,” he said gruffly. “Guess you shouldn’t have worn them high heels. Now be cool. Shouldn’t be much longer now.”

  That was what Ivana hoped and feared most.

  Willie felt on edge, as if everyone in the club knew exactly who he and his pretty captive were, but were trying to pretend otherwise. Well, soon it wouldn’t matter. The moment he laid his eyes on Clyde and his made-of-money brother, the shooting gallery would begin—starting with Ivana Lancaster.

  “So something’s come up, huh,” the voice said snidely, catching Willie’s attention.

  He turned to his right and came face-to-face with Roselyn. She wore a venomous scowl and had one hand planted firmly on her hip.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” was all Willie could think to say.

  “I should be asking you the same thing.” She glared at Ivana. “Who is this?”

  Ivana regarded the woman, and was about to speak, when Willie squeezed her arm tighter and gave her a warning look.

  “She’s nobody,” he spat tersely.

  Roselyn narrowed her gaze at him. “Well, if that’s true, then why are you holding her like she’s your girl—instead of me?”


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