A Forest of Corpses

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A Forest of Corpses Page 23

by P. A. Brown

  A few more shadows fell away from his face. He sat down on the edge of the bed, careful not to jar any part of me or the tubes that ran out of various parts of my body. After a few brief words about innocuous things like the weather and local news, Jason got a distant look on his face.


  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown

  "You remember that dog we saw with those three hikers, the girl who said they were from Portland? The one we heard a couple of days later?"

  I didn't want to talk about that just yet. But I had to respond to him. "Yes. The second body I found was the boy's."

  "I figured that. Sheriff told me they found the two girls, too. They killed them all."

  "Except the dog," I said, wondering where he was going with this.

  "Except him. He followed me down the mountain and was following me back up. He attacked that one guy who was going to shoot me."

  My grip on his hand tightened. This was the first I'd heard of Jason being endangered and I didn't like it one bit. But something puzzled me. "He followed you? But he came to me.

  He stayed with me one night, when my fever started getting bad. Half the time I thought he was a hallucination." I hadn't spoken about those things to anyone. I didn't like the idea that my mind had been so frail and I had lost it so easily. But I could joke about it. "He was a nice figment. Why do you bring him up? He disappeared before you found me."

  "But he didn't, really. He was still around. He came back down when everybody left." He dropped his gaze and stared at our intertwined hands. "He was there when I went back for your truck. I brought him into town."

  I frowned. "Where is he now?"


  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown

  "In a kennel." He flushed and kept avoiding my eyes.

  "Camp Canine. I couldn't just dump him at the pound. He has no one left."

  I dislodged his hand and reached up to take his chin in my hand. I forced him to look at me. "What do you want to do, Jason? You can tell me, you know."

  He took a deep breath. "I want to keep him."

  I didn't speak. I studied his face, his cheeks still flushed, his eyes full of both pain and yearning. I knew if I said no, he would take the dog to the pound and would never talk about it again. But he would never forget him.

  It was funny, but I knew in that instant that I would, too.

  Somehow the dog had made a separate connection to both of us. I could deny it all I wanted, but it didn't change facts. He had kept me from feeling alone at my lowest moment, a moment I would never share with anyone, not even Jason.

  He'd certainly crawled under Jason's skin. So, could I tell Jason to forget it? Get rid of the dog? We didn't need it or want it.

  I tried to look fierce, knowing I was probably too sickly looking to pull it off. "Is he well behaved?"

  "Very. Probably better than me." He grinned. "A lot better.

  Though he doesn't do the dishes very well."

  "Hmm, neither do I." Which was true. Jason was a far better housekeeper than I was. I cupped my hand over the back of his neck and drew him down until his face was inches from mine. "Okay, go and pick him up. Take him home, and we'll see how it works out."


  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown

  His face alight, he closed the gap between us pressing his mouth over mine. Our tongues tangled. When we broke apart, he was flushed and breathing hard. My heart was thudding in my chest.

  "We shouldn't..."

  "We're not going to fuck, though I want to. But that doesn't mean we can't touch each other."

  "I guess," he murmured. A smile lit up his face, making him even more beautiful. "God, I hope so."

  "We can."

  His smile faltered. "I can't stay. I can come back once they move you out of here, but I have to leave now."

  "Yes, you have to go. Come back tomorrow after six. Bring some clothes with you, and a razor and deodorant. I can't shower yet, but I get sponge baths. Better than nothing."

  "I've already told you I like the way you smell."

  "Which is a good thing. Now go home, Jason. Get your dog and take him home. Get him settled in—don't even think about letting him in our bedroom. He's most definitely not welcomed there. You'll have to get him a bed."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "And food, I guess. That's all in your hands. I expect you to tend to everything."

  "Yes, Sir. Everything will be ready for you when you come home."

  I dropped my head back into the stiff pillow. "Bring me a robe too, and something comfortable to sleep in. These things," I indicated the hospital gown with distaste, "aren't fit for anyone."


  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown

  "I'll put everything together and bring it tomorrow. After six."

  "Good boy. I need to rest, now."

  "Goodnight, Sir." He leaned down and brushed my lips again. Then he was gone and I was left missing him. It wasn't long before a nurse came in and took care of the evening duties, tucking me in and giving me my pain medication. I hadn't intended to tell Jason, but all the while he had been here I had been in near constant agony. I wouldn't even let this nurse know.

  The next morning, the doctor checked in on me. He looked over the incisions and all my vitals. "Everything is looking very promising. I don't foresee any complications."

  "Good. When can I go home?"

  "A couple of more days. We'll see then."

  I nodded tersely. I'm going to make sure that happens. I was tired of this hospital and this doctor. I wanted my own bed and pillows. I wanted Jason.

  He came every night and stayed as long as I would let him. Which was never as long as I wanted, but I had to maintain some semblance of control, and that was damn hard to do from a hospital bed with tubes coming out of my dick.

  On the third day, Dr. Abena told me all their final tests showed the incisions were holding well and there was no leakage. He was releasing me. He had already called Jason who arrived less than half an hour after Abena signed me out.

  Getting dressed in street clothes was a nightmare. I was glad the only person who witnessed it was Jason. After that, I 283

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  by P. A. Brown

  suffered the indignity of having to sit in a wheelchair and be rolled out to my Toyota.

  But finally it was just Jason and me. I leaned my head back against the truck seat and took a deep breath. Jason drove carefully. We wound through the streets of Santa Barbara to the 101 and before long we pulled into our driveway, behind Jason's Honda. I studied the ancient vehicle critically. When Jason came around to my side to help me out, I shook his hand off.

  "I'm not crippled. When I need help, I'll ask for it." He stepped back and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. I walked steadily, taking care not to take long strides that would stretch my side muscles. I ran my hand along the trunk of his car. "I need to buy you a decent car. What do you think you might like?"

  "I never thought..." He stood staring at his car.

  "Something like this, I guess. Can we afford a hybrid?" His hands followed mine, coming to rest on top. His warmth gave me the familiar kick in the gut. I realized this was going to be more of a trial than I expected. Being in the same house, hell, the same bed with this man was going to be torture if I couldn't touch him.

  "We can afford anything you want." I ran my thumb over the back of his hand.

  He startled me that night by bringing a blanket and pillow out into the living room when the credits rolled on our evening movie, Sunset Boulevard. First he handed me my nightly meds and a glass of juice, then he tossed the bedclothes onto the couch beside me.


  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown

  "What are you doing?"

  The dog he had called Buddy, followed him and came to sit beside me, close enough for me to touch, but not demand
ing attention. Jason was right, he was well behaved. So far, a pleasure to have around. I didn't regret giving Jason permission to keep him.

  "You need to rest. You heard the doctor. We can't fuck."

  "We don't have to fuck. You think you're sleeping out here?"

  "Just for a few days—"

  "Forget it. Put those away," I said sternly. I popped the meds in my mouth, chasing them with the OJ. "I'm not putting up with this."

  He clutched the pillow to his chest. "I don't want to hurt you."

  I took it away from him and pulled him into my arms. "You won't. There are still things we can do." I planted my mouth on his neck and tasted him, feeling his pulse jump under my lips. I cupped his swelling cock in my hand. "We can still do this," I whispered.

  He gasped and closed his eyes. "Oh, sweet Jesus."

  I opened his fly and shoved his new jeans down around his ankles. Then I wrapped my fist around him and pumped hard.

  He moaned and thrust his cock into my hand, crying out when he came.

  I found his mouth and pushed my tongue down his throat.

  I broke away and gripped his shoulders, forcing him to look at me. "Now, no more talk about sleeping on the couch. Not 285

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  by P. A. Brown

  now, not ever again. Trust me, Jason. The good stuff will come soon enough."

  He smiled his adoration. "Yes, Sir."

  He followed me into our bedroom. We went to bed and held each other all night. I don't know about Jason, but I had no more bad dreams.

  * * * *

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  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown


  Dianne, my sister came to visit us four months after Alex came home from the hospital. She was our first visitor in all that time, except for our closest neighbors who had heard about our ordeal, and Nancy and her husband visited once.

  Dianne was the most welcome one. Thanksgiving was next week and my whole family would be in town. The prospect scared me as much as it excited me. It would be the first time my father and Alex met. It was the first time my father would come face to face with who his son really was.

  It had been Dianne's doing. She had initiated this dinner.

  Alex had been all for it, which surprised me at the time. But like he told me earlier today over breakfast, "I want to know your family. I don't have one. Besides," he said softly, brushing the hair off my face, "I know how much you've missed them."

  I swelled with pride when I thought of his words.

  Sometimes I think Alex knows me better than I know myself.

  It didn't make me any less nervous, but it did make me love him all the more.

  This weekend though, a late November day that had started out hot, but mellowed at the end into a beautiful evening, was for my sister. Next week we would all get together, a real family for the first time in years.

  I cooked up a sumptuous roast pork dinner with garlic mashed potatoes and green beans. Alex had worked hard to turn me into a gourmet cook. Me, who barely boiled water 287

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  by P. A. Brown

  before I met him. Now I had a chance to show off my new skills to someone besides my appreciative lover.

  Dianne came bearing gifts and a multitude of stories from her world travels. An exquisite crystal Limoges from Italy, and a striking red and yellow Phalaenopsis orchid my father, who had recently taken up cultivating the exotic plants, sent from Petaluma—Dianne was very careful to pronounce the species name correctly. Dad would bite both our heads off if we got that wrong. I had arranged everything as a centerpiece, throwing in a trio of tapered yellow candles to match the flowers that cast a soft glow over our table.

  We had a pleasant dinner, which Dianne praised so effusively I blushed and couldn't meet anyone's eyes. Alex lifted my chin and smiled.

  "Hey, she's right, you know," he said. "You're an incredible cook. If you ever want to open your own restaurant, I'll back you. Even if the science world would lose a brilliant mind."

  Now he really had me flushing hot. To cover my embarrassment I took a gulp of wine, then choked until Alex pounded on my back and I hiccupped into silence.

  "Thanks," I managed.

  "Let's finish dinner." Alex refilled my wine glass. "Dessert awaits."

  Since I knew I hadn't made any dessert, on his orders, I was puzzled. Then Alex left the table and returned with our absinthe. I was more than a little surprised—the absinthe ritual was one we normally reserved for private moments, but he left the room with a smile and wink towards me and returned moments later with the tools—spoon, bowl of sugar 288

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  by P. A. Brown

  cubes and the ice water. As always I performed the louching—pouring the icy water over the absinthe and sugar cube in the small crystal glass, turning the clear, thick liqueur milky. I handed the first glass to Dianne who eyed it apprehensively before sipping it. When she made a face, we both laughed. I remembered my first encounter with the stuff.

  "It's the wormwood that's so bitter," I said. "But it's worth it."

  "You say so." She didn't sound convinced. She flipped her shoulder-length flame-colored hair, that I have always envied, off her forehead. Gamely she finished the shot. I served Alex next. Finally I poured my own. Our eyes met as I poured the concoction down my throat, waiting for the warmth to spread, knowing what was going to follow, though we'd have to wait for Dianne to leave. Already my body hardened in anticipation, my cock pressing against my linen pants. I remembered other times when he poured the liquid over my body and lapped it up, leaving me helplessly writhing in my restraints until he would finally bring me to climax in his mouth. The familiar jolt of desire that happened whenever I'm in the same room as Alex swept through me. I only had to smell him and I grew aroused. Even after the months we'd been together. I'm thankful the tablecloth concealed my erection. I'd really be flushing if my sister got an eyeful of that.

  Finally, after coffee and more small talk about her latest adventures in Nepal, India and Sri Lanka where she worked on setting up micro-loans for small business ventures, she 289

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  by P. A. Brown

  took her leave. We knew we'd be together soon. I was still a little apprehensive and giddy about the prospect of my father meeting Alex next week. What if Dad didn't like him? What if Alex didn't like Dad? She must have seen that.

  I followed her to the front door and we hugged. She whispered for my ears only, "I like your man, little brother.

  So will Dad. Trust me. Be good to him."

  "I will."

  Alex slipped his arm around me and we stood in the opened doorway, listening to the night music from the fields around our tiny bungalow below Los Padres National Forest.

  Spread out below us, the lights of Goleta glittered in the late November night. I smiled at her, then looked up at him, knowing my adoration would be all over my face. I used to hide it from the world a long time ago. Not anymore. It had taken him longer, but he was no longer a cool stranger when others were around. The look on his face was so full of wonder it made my knees weak. Nearly losing each other had taught us that our time together was something to be savored, enjoyed and explored whenever possible. "I will," I said again, as much for him as for my sister.

  Buddy, the shepherd, stepped between us. I let my hand drop to his head, rubbing his ears. Alex's hand moved over mine and we both stroked the dog. The dog we acknowledged helped keep both of us alive in our wilderness ordeal. Dianne, who knew the story well, knelt down and gave him a hug.

  Then my sister left and I leaned back into Alex. We stood hip to groin in the doorway. His erection pressed into my pelvis. All around us the songs of the night cascaded over us.


  A Forest of Corpses

  by P. A. Brown

  He tightened his grip on me. At my feet, a cricket chirped.

Then another and another filled the night with their music. I peered into the shadows thrown by the hall light but there was no sight of anything living. They remained hidden, singing to us. After my sister's BMW vanished around the curve on her way back to the freeway and home, I sidestepped Alex to go back into the house. Laughing, Alex captured my hand and dragged me inside. The dog followed, then at Alex's command went to his bed in the back of the house. Alex led me into the bathroom and on his orders I stripped. While he readied his razor I showered, cleaning every orifice in anticipation. He vibrated with tension while he removed what little hair covered me and I didn't need to look at his swollen crotch to know he was rock hard and ready for me.

  After our return from Los Padres and his lengthy convalescence from his massive blood infection and the two harrowing surgeries that followed—where I enjoyed tending to him in more ways than one—Alex had grown serious about his fitness and embarked on a structured exercise program.

  The results had been on the far side of incredible. He had gone beyond the sexy, virile man I had met over a year ago.

  Along with an incredibly hot body he now had the stamina of a twenty-five-year-old. And the sex drive of an eighteen-year-old.

  "She likes you, you know," I told him, my voice shaking from my rising desire. I discarded the towel I had used to dry myself, folding it neatly over the rack. Then I followed him into our bedroom and stood in front of him. My thick, red dick 291

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  glistened with precum and jutted out of my hairless crotch.

  My hands trembled when I reached for him.

  "Does she?" He smiled, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. I caught his thumb between my lips and sucked gently, never taking my eyes of his. His pupils widened. He sucked in air but managed to say, "What's not to like?"

  He slipped on the ankle restraints, then bound my wrists to form an X in the middle of our bedroom and rose to meet my feverish gaze, pausing on the way to kiss the tip of my leaking, tattooed cock. I sighed and bucked my hips toward him.


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